A/N:So, seeing as I am completely broke and desperately need money, I stopped putting off signing up for and started uploading things there.

I'll be uploading a long, multi-chapter Doctor Who Original Character fanfic which will involve both Classic Who and the Revival Series, as well as various One-Shots, some Aesthetics that I make and Gallifrayan Writing I do for fun.

I will start by uploading two chapters each month, but will pick up the pace the more patrons I have. Remember - it's not about how much you give. Any amount will help me at this point…

This is the first chapter of the story, available for everyone to see. You have to become my patron to see the rest for now, though I might start uploading them free in a couple of weeks.

"Finally!" Evangeline Miller called, looking at the clock. "2pm! I'm out of here!"

"Have a nice weekend," Valerie, one of her co-workers, said with a smile.

"Trust me, I will," Evangeline said with a smirk.

"Oh," Valerie said, smirking as well. "Got a date?"

"A very special date," Evangeline replied. "I got no homework for the weekend so I'm doing a Doctor Who marathon."

Valerie rolled her eyes. "Why not go to a bar tonight?" she asked. "Meet a nice boy – or girl. Have some fun."

"I will have some fun," Evangeline retorted as she put on her earphones and grabbed her bag. "Just me, my computer, and my lovely Doctor."

"If you say so," Valerie shrugged, turning away to help a costumer.

Most of Eva's co-workers didn't like the early shift on Saturday morning, saying that it ruined the weekend to wake up so early. Evangeline disagreed with them. In her opinion, it was a good way to close the week with the feeling of doing something, so she was a regular, much to her boss' pleasure.

She smiled at the costumer before going to the back room and logging off the system. She then headed outside, knowing that she had about fifteen minutes before her bus arrived. She took out a cigarette and smoked it to pass the time while checking her mailbox to make sure no last minutes assignments were added by any of her professors to ruin her weekend plans.

By the time the bus arrived, she was smiling with the satisfaction of knowing that there wasn't anything to disturb her weekend. She entered the bus, greeting Jeffery, the regular driver, and sat towards the back of it, Fall Out Boy blaring into her ears.

Less than half an hour later, Evangeline was home, and after checking what was for lunch, she headed towards her sister's room.

"Hi," she said. "How's it going?"

"They're fighting again," Nyssa said, nodding her head upstairs without taking her eyes off her cellphone.

"Nothing new, then?" Evangeline asked, earning herself half a smile from the younger girl. "Where's Mike?"

"Out," Nyssa said.

"Lucky him," Evangeline muttered before turning away and walking up to her room.

She paused as she passed her parents' room, trying to figure out what the fight was about this time but eventually moving on with the knowledge that it didn't really matter. Even if the cause of the fight miraculously solved itself, they'd just find something else to fight about later today – and if not today, then tomorrow.

She threw her bag on her bed and headed back downstairs, grabbing a plate with chips from the oven to take with her outside and eat while she smoked. By the time she finished, her mother was downstairs, acting as if she hadn't just screamed her throat hoarse.

"You smoke too much," she said.

"So do you," Eva retorted, not sparing her mum a second glance as she went back to her room and closed the door behind her.

She debated for a moment before deciding to start the marathon with the Eleventh Doctor, the first one she ever saw. Inserting a CD into her computer, she leaned back and sunk into a world where she knew no fight will last and the good will always win.

If only real life were ever that simple.


Evangeline didn't know when it was that she closed her eyes, other than the fact that it was around the beginning of series seven. She must have fallen asleep at one point, since she heard voices around her, pulling her back into consciousness.

"How did you get aboard?" a male voice asked. "Transmat? Who sent you?"

"Doctor," a second male voice said. "That's my dad."

There was a short pause before, "Well, frankly, that's outrageous."

"Doctor?" a new voice, female this time, said.

"What?" the male voice asked.

"You think you can bring your dad along without asking?" the Doctor asked, beginning to sound outraged. "I'm not a taxi service!"

"Doctor!" the female voice called again.

"You materialised around us!" the male voice called out.

"Oh," the Doctor said, clearly surprised. "Well, that's fine then, my mistake."

"Doctor!" the female voice called, shocking them all into silence. "Eva's here."

Evangeline slowly opened her eyes, seeing the Eleventh Doctor, Amy, Rory, and Rory's dad, Brian, crouching around her.

"So that's when I fell asleep," she muttered. "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship."

"What?" the Doctor asked.

"Oh, sorry," Evangeline said. "Not there yet, are we? Give it a couple of minutes."

The Doctor smiled softly and reached out, helping her to her feet and kissing her forehead before turning around, her hand tightly grasped in his.

"Hello, Brian, how are you?" he asked, shaking the man's hand with his free one. "Nice to meet you. Welcome, welcome! This is the gang," he said, marking around them. "I've got a gang – yes! Come on then, everyone!"

"Tell him something, quick," Amy told Rory as she ran after the Doctor and Evangeline. "All right, where are we?" She looked up at a loud thudding noise. "And what is that noise? And hello!" she added. "Ten months!"

"Orbiting Earth," the Doctor said. "Well, I say orbiting, more like pre-crashing on a spaceship. Don't know, and hello, Pond," he said with a smile, letting go of Eva for just long enough to pull Amy into a hug before holding her hand again. "Ten months, time flies." He frowned. "Never really understood that phrase. This is Neffy, this is Riddell," he added, marking at Queen Nefertiti and John Riddell. "They're with me."

"With you?" Amy repeated. "They're with you, are they the new us? Is that why we haven't seen you?"

"No, they're just... people," the Doctor replied. "They're not Ponds! I thought we might need a gang, not really had a gang before, it's new."

The group paused, looking at the lift descending and Evangeline smiled, knowing what's coming next.

"It's coming down," the Doctor said.

"What is it?" Riddell asked.

"No idea," the Doctor replied. "I'm pretty sure Eva knows, though."

"Don't ruin the fun," Evangeline whispered, watching with the rest of them as the lift doors opened.

"Not possible!" Brian called.

"Run!" the Doctor said, though he didn't move an inch.

"Doctor!" Amy called.

"I know!" he replied, looking at Evangeline as she started pulling him back. "Dinosaurs! On a spaceship!"

"In here!" Neffy called, running into a side passage with the rest following behind.

The Doctor pushed Evangeline in before joining them, breathing heavily.

"I could take one of them," Riddell said. "Short blow, up into the throat."

"Or not," the Doctor said. "We've just found dinosaurs, in space. We need to preserve them."

"And who's going to preserve us?" Riddell questioned.

"Shhh!" Eva whispered as the dinosaurs passed by, unaware to the group hiding from them.

"Okay, so, how?" Rory asked. "And whose ship?"

"There's so much to discover," the Doctor said. "Think how much wiser we'll be by the end of all this."

"Sorry," Brian said. "Sorry. Are you saying dinosaurs are flying a spaceship?"

"Brian, please!" the Doctor said, rolling his eyes. "That would be ridiculous. They're probably just passengers. Did I mention missiles?"


"Didn't want to worry you," the Doctor said. "Anyway, six hours is a lifetime."

"Not literally a lifetime," Eva said, making the Doctor smile at her. "That's what we're trying to avoid."

"Well, we're all really clever!" the Doctor said. "Let's see what we can find out. Come on."

He pulled Evangeline towards a computer nearby, wiping the spider cobs off it.

"How many dinosaurs do you think are on here?" Amy mused.

"Oh, well done, whoever you are," the Doctor said, ignoring her as he let go of Eva's hand once more, pointing his sonic screwdriver at the screen. "Looking for engines. Thank you, computer. Look at that," he marked at the screen."Different sections have different engines, but these look like the primary clusters. Where are we now, computer? We need to get down to these engines –"

Eva smiled as he disappeared, knowing he was now down at the engines room with Rory and Brian.

"What happened?" Neffy asked.

"Teleportation," Eva said with a smile.

"Oh, great!" Amy called out, stomping away with the other three following in toe.

"There are clearly more than just two of those creatures," Neffy said as Riddell took out a flask.

"Hey, put that away," Amy said, taking it away from him. "I need you sober – Hey!" she called as Eva took the flask away from her.

"What?" Eva asked. "It's not like I can get drunk or anything."

"What do you mean you can't get drunk?" Amy asked, and Eva was about to answer her when Riddell spoke.

"It's medicinal," he said. "And I don't take orders from females."

"Then learn," Neffy said. "Any man who speaks to me that way, I execute."

"You're very welcome to try," Riddell said.

"Sorry, what was your name again?" Amy asked.

"Lady of the Two Lands," Neffy said. "Wife of the Great King Amenhotep."

"Queen Nefertiti of Egypt," Evangeline completed with a small bow.

"I'll be damned," Riddell muttered.

"Oh, my God!" Amy said. "Queen Nefertiti! I learned all about you at school. You're awesome! Big fan, high-five!"

"Yeah," Eva said, smirking. "A bit behind on that."

"You're really famous," Amy went on.

"Shhh!" Riddell said. "Listen."

The four of them stopped, listening to the sound of rumbling snorts.

"Look down," Eva offered, averting her eyes from the other three to see a dinosaur sleeping on the floor.

"Okay," Amy said. "At a guess, T-Rex. Not yet full size. We're in the middle of a dinosaur nest."

"I propose a retreat," Riddell said, starting to move back to where they came from before stopping at the sound of more dinosaurs. "Or perhaps forwards."

"Agreed," Amy said. "Just don't wake the baby." She looked at Evangeline as Riddell did his best to pass above the dinosaur without waking him. "Couldn't you warn us sooner?" she asked.

"Where would be the fun in that?" Eva questioned with a smile, and Amy huffed.

"Who are you, anyway?" she asked Riddell.

"John Riddell," he replied. "Big game hunter on the African plains. I'm sure you've heard of me, too."

"No," Amy replied shortly.

"You clearly have some alarming gaps in your education," Riddell said.

"Or men who hunt defenceless creatures just don't impact on history," Amy said. "Face it, she's way cooler than you."

"They're both equally hot, though," Eva said, causing them to pause and look at her. "What? I'm not lying."

Riddell smile and Neffy rolled her eyes as they resumed their walking.

"And you, Amy, Evangeline?" Neffy asked. "Are you also queens?"

"Yes," Amy said, nudging Eva at the side as the two women smiled at each other. "Yes, we are."


"Bit of weed killer wouldn't go amiss in here," Amy said as they entered a new room.

"Whoever was running this vessel left in a hurry," Riddell said.

"Maybe a plague came and took them," Neffy theorised.

"No, there'd be corpses and bones," Riddell replied.

"Unless the animals ate them," Neffy retorted.

"Whoa, Chuckle Brothers," Amy huffed as Evangeline neared one of the keyboards. "Lighten up, would you?"

Just as she said that, Evangeline pressed a button and the computer hummed into life, turning on the lights as it did.

"How did you know how to do that?" Neffy asked.

"Spend enough time with the Doctor and you know whenever you enter somewhere new, press buttons," Amy replied.

"What else have you learned from him?" Neffy questioned as Amy took a white orb and pushed it into the machine.

"Don't stop at button-pressing," she replied.

"One hundred and seventeen years," the computer said.

"Data records," Amy said.

"Ship's owners?" Riddell asked.

"Could be," Amy replied. "Come on, help us out..."

"...Will remain cryogenic... space sleep... I will continue to work..."

"How about a picture?" Amy asked. "Come on, for me!"

"...far beyond our mapping..."

Amy hit the machine, making the picture slowly appear.

"Look!" Neffy said. "It's beautiful."

"I can't tell how far we have come," the creature who appeared on screen said. "Far enough to avoid the destructive impact forecast for our planet. Far enough for me to feel a profound sense of loss."

"What is that?" Riddell asked.

"Silurian," Amy replied, her voice low and grave.

"Of the 50 species loaded, only one has had any difficulty in surviving," the Silurian went on. "All the others are thriving and we expect them to be able to repopulate."

"We're on an ark," Amy said. "A Silurian ark."

"Lizard people herding dinosaurs on to a space ark?!" Riddell asked. "Absolute Tommy-Rot."

"Only an idiot denies the evidence of their own eyes," Neffy told him.

"Egyptian queen or not, I shall put you across my knee and spank you," Riddell retorted.

"Oh, Lord," Amy muttered in despair, but Eva couldn't help but smile.

"Try and I'll snap your neck in a heartbeat," Neffy replied.

"Well, they certainly bred firecrackers in your time," Riddell said.

"Aw, no, no, no," Amy called. "Please, don't start flirting. I will not have flirting companions!"

"You can flirt with me," Eva said, looking between the two of them.

"No!" Amy called. "What are you doing?"

"If the Doctor trusts Amy, so do I," Neffy said. "Stop doubting her."

"If this ship was built by..." Riddell started.

"Silurians," Eva provided.

"Where are they?" Riddell questioned.

Amy looked up. "Surprisingly good question," she said, before looking back at the screen. "Display life signs for homo reptilian," she ordered, the computer coming back with nothing. "But where have they gone?"

"Perhaps they found another world, left the ship," Neffy offered.

"Why are the dinosaurs still on board?" Amy questioned. "And why is the ship coming back to Earth? It doesn't make sense." She eyed Evangeline. "I don't suppose you'll help?"

"Nope," Eva said.

"What's changed between then and now?" Amy said, huffing as she looked back at the screen. "Wait - computer, show me the ship at launch with all life signals." She looked at the picture for a second before adding, "Now show me the ship today with all life signals. Thousands less. But why? Show me both images, then and now, side by side."

"What are you looking for?" Riddell asked.

"OK, two images," Amy said. "Spot the difference. What changed? What happened to the Silurians?"

"The centre," Neffy said.

"Computer, zoom in to the centre," Amy ordered. "Oh, no."

"What is it?" Riddell asked.

"Another spacecraft," Evangeline replied with a smile. "This ship's been boarded before."

Amy rolled her eyes. "You're enjoying this way too much," she said.

"I'm enjoying this just the right amount," Eva replied.

"An adventurer," Riddell said, smirking. "I like it."

"No," Amy ordered, looking at Eva. "Stop it. What is it with you today?"

"Never mind that," Eva said. "The Doctor already met the Pterodactyls, the Triceratops and the rude-friendly robots who took him to Solomon." She smiled. "Time for you to call the husband."

"So," Riddell said as Amy stepped aside to call Rory. "I don't think I got your name."

"Evangeline Miller," Eva said.

"And where are you from?" Riddell asked, kissing the back of her hand.

"Earth," Eva said. "2015."

"Stop flirting," Amy scolded, putting the phone back in her pocket. "The Doctor's on his way."

"Now these are what we need," Riddell said, grabbing three rifles. "Dinosaur protection."

"No weapons!" Amy called as Riddell pushed one into her hands and gave another to Eva before handing them a cartridge each.

"Anaesthetic," Eva said. "These are stun guns."

"You're almost clever," Amy told Riddell.

"Enough to make a dinosaur take a nap," Riddell replied. "Even the Doctor couldn't object to that."

"You and the Doctor," Neffy told Amy. "Are you his queen?"

"No, no," Amy said quickly. "I'm Rory's queen. Wife," she quickly corrected. "I'm his wife." She looked at Evangeline. "Please don't tell him I said I was his queen - I'll never hear the end of it."

"You are so his queen," Eva said, smirking.

"And the Doctor," Neffy went on. "Does he have a queen?"

"I thought you had a husband," Amy said, sending a quick glance at Eva's direction.

"A male equivalent of a sleeping potion," Neffy replied.

"You clearly need a man of action and excitement," Riddell said as he charged his gun. "One with a very large weapon."

"So, human sleeping potion or walking innuendo," Amy said. "Take your pick."

"Walking innuendo," Eva said. "Any day."

"Stop!" Amy said. "What is it with you?"

"That's very bad indeed," a voice said from behind them and the four turned to see the Doctor, Rory and Brian appearing on one of the screens. "Completely unhelpful."

"Doesn't this ship have any defence systems installed?" Rory asked.

"Good thinking, Rory!" the Doctor said, pulling Rory into a kiss. "Computer, show us weapons and defence systems." He frowned as the computer showed no results. "Well, that was a waste of time, wasn't it? Getting my hopes up like that."

"What ship doesn't have weapons?" Rory asked.

"The ancient species, Rory," the Doctor said. "Still full of hope."

"What about the control deck?" Brian asked. "You said we should go to the control deck next."

"It's too late," the Doctor said. "It won't make any difference."

"We could at least try!"

"It won't work, Rory," the Doctor said. "The missiles are locked on."

"So, what?" Rory questioned. "We're just giving up?"

"I don't know," the Doctor said. "I don't know."

"You were telling the truth, Doctor," Solomon said, appearing in front of him. "Earth has launched missiles. This vessel is too clumsy to outrun them, but I have my own ship."

"You won't get your precious cargo on board, though," the Doctor said. "It'll just be you and your metal tantrum machines."

"We do not have tantrums!" one of the robots said.

"Shut up!" the other added.

"You're right, Doctor," Solomon said. "I can't keep the dinosaurs and live myself. But I had the IV system scan the entire ship and it found something even more valuable. Utterly unique."

"What's he talking about?" Neffy asked.

"Wait for it," Eva said, starting to get excited.

"I don't know where you found it," Solomon went on. "Or how you got it here, but I want it."

"I don't know what you're talking about," the Doctor said.

"Don't you?" Solomon asked. "The Omniscient."

"What?" Eva asked with a frown, feeling Amy stiffen next to her. "That's not how it should go."

"Omniscient?" the Doctor asked, feigning ignorance. "Doesn't ring a bell."

"Oh, I think it does," Solomon said. "I know she's here. Evangeline Miller."

Eva's eyes widened as she stared at the screen, oblivious to the three people who turned to look at her.

"What?" she asked.

A/N#2: So, I hope you liked it! The link to me on is / user ? u = 2742465 (Add this after the homepage address and delete the spaces). I am there under the name Mayalr96. And again, thank you for taking the time to read it!