Here we are! This is a project I've been working on for years, and while I couldn't do absolutely EVERYTHING I wanted (who can?) I'm incredibly satisfied with what I created with my team. I hope you enjoyed this ride, and it's time to dole out the big thanks.

Ames, who created this world with me in a very fun role-playing session!

Cici, who designed the fashion, looks and style of both worlds!

Palooka and Boxlunches, who gave me the emotional support to keep going!

Chllstarr, who (albeit unknowingly) helped me build Mortimer's backstory and motivations!

Drucilla and BlueShifted, the most AMAZING editors anyone could ask for!

And of course, THANK YOU TO ALL OF MY READERS! As much as we writers would like to say we do this just to write, we THRIVE on comments! So for every like, reblog, share, what-have-you, thanks so much, and thanks to those who took the time to share their thoughts!

Six Months Later

"I'm not wearing this thing." Mickey tossed the gigantic white hat to the side. "And you can't make me." He knew that today was special and he should look his best, but he had his limits. Plus, he was sure the special person of the day wasn't going to mind. "We're gunna be late if you keep this up!" The sun hadn't risen yet, but everyone in the Sun Kingdom was already awake and ready for the day.

Horace grunted as he picked up the discarded hat. "Forgive me for trying to make you look presentable! It's a wedding. Everyone's expecting you to be formal."

"Nobody's going to be looking at me, I promise you that." He smoothed down his white achkan. A long time ago, he didn't like wearing white, but now he enjoyed how it looked. An idea came to him as he began to head out. "Why don't you wear the hat? I bet it'll look better on you anyway."

Horace halted, giving this some thought before putting the hat on. "Hm. You may be right! And it fits better too."

It was amazing what could be accomplished with actual communication instead of constant bickering. Mickey offered his tutor a thumbs up before making a run for it – Horace shouted after him. "Don't run, you'll dirty your clothes!" - which made Mickey slow down before leaving the Sun palace. He didn't think he'd ever get used to the sight of his Kingdom with missing and destroyed buildings due to the flood. Recovery was a steady process, but aid from the Moon Kingdom was helping by leaps and bounds. They had even brought over new material to build homes with, though it was taking the Suns a while to master them.

Now as Mickey went through his Kingdom, he didn't run through it while jumping to and fro. He took his time to appreciate what he had, smiling and waving to his people who had taken a break from reconstruction. A wedding wasn't a day for work, although there were exceptions. For Pete's part in things, he had been banished from the Moon Kingdom and sentenced to a year of hard labor in the Sun Kingdom for every finger the Queen lost – it had turned out to be six. Peg had been put in charge to make sure he never slacked off, but also to make sure he would rest when he had to. Despite the occasional thanks he received, he still grumbled and growled with every heavy lift. It was a strange process for Pete, feeling both frustrated at the labor yet satisfied at what could accomplished with his own two hands. Besides, it was better than the Beagles, who were only let out of the dungeons to clean up the stables and by now, they'd never be rid of the smell.

Panchito's bar – now a mismanaged chapel of sorts – would host the happy occasion, but Mickey wasn't heading there right away. He had to pick up some extra guests at the Forbidden Forest, now simply called the forest.

The flood had knocked over many trees, but it'd also given the Kingdoms the idea to create a paved pathway between the two lands. Mickey smoothed down his clothes again, wanting to look nice for his little lady. He couldn't wait to see how she dressed up for this momentous day. As he stood in front of the forest, he saw that he was right on time – a purple horse drawn carriage began to slow, and Donald, the driver, waved before slowing the horses down. Mickey eagerly opened the door, and that's when his father fell on top of him with a loud THUD.

"Pa!" Mickey yelled, trying to push off his father without further ruining his clothes. "What do you think you're - Don't tell me you did the dying bit on the way here!"

Solaris sat up, the hood on his brown robe falling off as he did so, revealing a large bump on the head. "I tell you, the Queen has no mercy for those on their death beds. Or death carriages."

Despite having lost many of her fingers, Queen Lune could still give a good thwack on the head if needed. She was next to exit the carriage, the Moon Talisman now a hanging pendant around her neck. "I warned him what would happen if he pulled that for a third time. At least he didn't do it during our negotiations."

"I'm not meant to die during such things," Solaris said as he stood up. "That would be far too boring!"

Mickey was ready to apologize a thousand times for his father's...everything, when Minnie stepped out of the carriage. Even though Mickey was expecting her to be a knock-out, he was still predictably floored by her silky violet dress and the way it curved around her ankles. Her jewelry and make-up were impeccable, but it was one thing above all else that floored him. "Y-You cut your hair!"

"Do you like it?" Minnie's long locks of white now graced her shoulders, and nothing more. Little by little, she had made decisions for her life without caring what others thought of them- especially if it didn't really affect them. The first of these decisions was to get rid of the hair that often weighed her down or got in the way. She had hoped Mickey would like it, but would also be satisfied if he didn't. She didn't need to make everyone happy and she liked how it looked. "It makes my whole morning routine so much easier!"

"Can you really call this morning, when the sun isn't up?" The Queen was fighting back a yawn. "Must Sun weddings be so ridiculously early?"

"If you want to make peace with us, you have to keep up with our traditions," the King quipped. "We have the Sun be the first witness in a wedded union."

"Very well, then let us be off." The Queen began to walk on ahead, but made sure to glance behind her first. "By the way...if you are thinking of having grandbabies, you must name one after your dearly departed father."

Solaris laughed so hard that Mickey and Minnie's embarrassed apologies to each other couldn't be heard. Once the parents were far enough away, Mickey exhaled deeply. "If your Ma starts pretending to die, I give up."

"At least they're getting along," Minnie countered, taking Mickey's hand. "And you should put on a happy face, considering we're going to your best friend's wedding. I know Goofy and Millie will be very happy together."

At this, Mickey brightened and their hands swung together as they walked. "Of course they will be. He's gunna smile so much that he'll be too exhausted to do it when our big day comes."

"There's still plenty of time before that." While it had been deliciously tempting to join the wedding bandwagon, they were first and foremost a prince and princess. There was still lots of work to do between the two different kingdoms and a magical fairytale wedding wasn't going to solve broken homes, broken promises, and years of distrust. So the two of them decided to hold off on their own wedding until they were officially crowned King and Queen by their parents, though that would be years in the future.

"Plenty of time to get to know each other too," Mickey quipped, squeezing Minnie's hand. "There's still stuff I don't know about you and your Kingdom. Funny, huh?" He leaned in for an affectionate nose nuzzle. "Feels like we've known each other forever, but there's so much left to learn."

"And I don't mind taking our time." Minnie touched her neck where her new necklace hung. Hers was half of the Sun, which matched the empty half of the Moon hanging off of Mickey's neck. "You still haven't told me how to dance the samba!"

"Well, maybe when the dancing floor is open and your Ma ain't lookin', I can show you." He wiggled his eyebrows before daring to go in for a kiss. Minnie giggled, but she was the one to insist on walking again so they wouldn't lose their parents.

While the war itself was over, prejudices against those that were different would never truly die out. The nature of people was complicated and to have a widespread acceptance wasn't something easily done. In the future, there would be fights and battles again, but there would also be peace and unity again. History would be full of good times and bad. Time would move on.

As the wedding began, Queen Lune managed to suppress any further yawns, King Solaris prepared his long speech for the happy couple, and a new day began for everyone.

Mickey and Minnie prepared themselves to take more steps toward the future they created with their own hands, their necklaces swaying back and forth, glinting at each other as dawn broke.

The End