The Mistake

**This is my first Boy Meets World fic. It has a few changes so let me put them:

-This takes place during when Shawn was staying with Turner.

-Joshua (The baby born in the last season) is in the story and he's one- years-old.

-Shawn's dad has never called since the day Turner got Shawn.

Please review if you like and give constructive criticism if you don't:) Although I do enjoy flames. I don't know their middle names, so I'm making them up.**

Alan and Amy Matthews grinned at eachother. It was their twentieth anniversery. What was there not to be happy about? They had four wonderful kids. Eric, Cory and Joshua Michael. Morgan Leigh. It was almost surreal. After Eric and Cory were born, Alan wanted no more children, however Amy wanted at least one more. Joshua was at first thought of as a mistake, however they both treasure their children.

They also loved Shawn. Shawn Hunter, had been Eric's best friend since meeting one day when they were four. Although it didn't go exactly as Cory had once imagined it, it was a chance meeting. They were so glad both Cory and Shawn had gotten off with good teachers. Feeny and Turner were like friends rather than just teachers. In fact, right at that moment, since Eric was out and Cory wasn't quite ready to take care of a five-year-old and a one-year-old by himself, Turner was there with Shawn.

They sang alone to "My Girl" by the Temptations. The first song they had heard together. They didn't see it coming. When they saw the bright lights, Alan struggled to swerve. "Amy..Hold on," were his last words...

(Later that night, Matthews residence)

Cory and Shawn laughed hysterically at the Taz and Bugs Bunny cartoons. Turner shook his head. He didn't get it. Then he heard Joshua crying and at the same time the door bell ring. "Great. They must've lost their key or somethin'," he remarked then added, "Matthews, go get your brother."

Cory look one last look at the colorful TV and ran upstairs and Shawn went into the kitchen to get a soda. Turner strolled to the door, taking his time. The night had been long and restless. He knew they probably wouldnt approve of Shawn and Cory eating popcorn on the white couches and at one AM, but...What could he say? Morgan had convinced him, as long as Cory promised to play house later.

Turner opened the door, and instead of seeing an ectastic couple, he saw a couple alright. A couple of police officers, with their hats drawn, their balding heads showing. "Can I help you?" Turner asked. "Is this the Matthews residence? Home to Amy and Alan Matthews?" Turner swallowed and nodded., no, no, no, no.

"I'm terribly sorry to have to report this, but Mr. and Mrs. Matthews were killed in a car accident earlier this evening, around 8 on I-365 in Philadelphia."

Turner tried to comprehend this. "But..They-they have four kids..." he trailed off, shaking his head in disbelief. "What am I gonna tell them-"

Shawn walked out, balancing a spoon on his nose. "I'm talented-Jon?" Shawn asked. "I didn't do it this time. Is it Eric? Did he try to jack a car again?"

Turner turned around and looked at Shawn. Shawn looked at the expression on Turner's face. It was of grief, and bewilderment. "Jon? What is it man?" he asked, serious this time, pulling off the spoon. Turner would've grinned at the red, oval mark on Shawn's face. But not this time.

"Shawn...Go-go get Eric and Cory. And Morgan if she's awake. ...Bring the baby." Shawn looked from TUrner to the officers then ran up the stairs.

Cory came down, not completely understanding what Shawn meant by 'important, I think' because that usually meant that they had brought home Frostee's or something. He still had the same whacky grin in and was cooing to Joshua. Morgan followed, sucking her thumb and clutching a blue blanket.

The officers left and Turner was about to talk when Eric showed up. "That's it-I am never typing in random numbers again. I got a date with someone from the nursing home again! Well, at least this one was a woman." he said, chewing on a granola bar.

Then he saw the look on Turner's face. "What's up?" he asked. "I'm about to tell you." Turner mumbled.

He turned back to the majority of the room, the four younger kids, and Eric joined them. "I..I don't know how to tell you this but...Your parents. They were killed in acar wreck..."

**Please Review**