Different Plans

"As long as you're here."

"Sakura-chan! Wanna dance?" Minato bit back the growl the threatened to erupt from his throat when he saw a certain raven haired brat ask the well known and very pretty pinkette.

'Why does my students do this to me? Where did I go wrong?' Minato sighed in frustration, forgetting that he wasn't alone.

"Are you alright, Minato-kun?" Said blonde glanced back to his 'partner' for the Cherry Blossom festival of Konoha. Minato sometimes hates it when his good nature wins against his wants.

"I'm fine." Although Minato wanted to sound like it was alright, he was pretty sure he sounded like a moping child who didn't get his toy. And it irritated him that the pinkette could, unknowingly, reduce a shinobi of his calibre and soon-to-be Hokage to a mere jealous brat.

Minato was so done with hormones years ago.

"Do you want to dance?" The cobalt blue eyed man didn't know what encouraged him exactly when he grabbed the pale green eyed woman and pull her near the large bonfire where couples alike dance together in various ways. Minato remembers faintly that this brown haired spoiled brat was a daughter of a relative of the Daimyo but ignores it.

"You're so strong, Minato-kun!" The girl gasped beside him as he let go of her hand while staring at a certain pink and raven haired couple with freezing cobalt orbs.

"Hm." Minato felt more than saw the brunette take his hand and go with the dance. For a moment, Minato thought that another pair of green eyes, brighter and deeper than anyone else's, glanced at him from the corner of his eyes.

"So, Minato-kun, tell me about your shinobi career." The blonde felt sick when he immediately compared the lusty, pale green eyes against his favourite bright and childish viridian orbs that he found himself staring at unconsciously more than once a day.

"C'mon, Sakura-chan. I'm already seventeen! I assure you I could do this." Minato couldn't help but feel his smile at the brunette grew tighter on his face.

"Obito, don't even think about it." The light laugh of hers made the blonde soon-to-be Hokage feel his skin crawl.

"There's nothing much I could tell you." After a momentary silence, to which Minato just realized that the woman asked him to do something, the blonde answered when he found the brunette's lips dip into a light frown.

"Why? I'm the Daimyo's favourite niece. I assure you," Minato inwardly gagged when the brunette pushed her chest against him but instead his eyes averted themselves from the not so pleasant view in his humble opinion. "I'm quite trustworthy."

"Classified information." Minato racked his mind for the woman's name he has forgotten the moment he saw a certain pinkette. "Sorry, Mudahana-san."

When the woman just pursed her lips, Minato found himself thinking about the plump, pouty lips of a pink haired person of his affections. The blonde was brought back down to reality when the brunette started smirking in a smug way and Minato cursed himself for ever agreeing to the old man Sarutobi to tour this brat around the village during her supposedly short one month visit.

"It's fine. You could apologize to me in another way." Minato felt perspiration already forming on the back of his neck and his mind isn't in the mood to think some way out of the situation he placed himself in because all he could really think about was Sakura and how beautiful she was tonight in her elegant and traditional white kimono with green embroidery.

"I don't-"

"Hey, sensei!" Minato nearly forgave the raven haired idiot for annoying him severely tonight by getting all the attention of his pinkette but Minato knew himself better than that. He knew he will hold a long, most likely, grudge against the Uchiha brat.

"Obito," Minato felt his heart skip a beat and cursed himself for having such an obvious weakness. "-and Sakura."

"How's the festival?" Minato smoothly asked while ignoring the tightening grip the brunette has on his traditional dark yukata with blue embroidery at the sight of the other female.

'I should have never accepted the old man's request.' The blonde found himself thinking once again in regret.

"It's amazing, Minato-sensei!" Obviously, Obito was enjoying his time in his dark navy blue yukata that was a bit too open to show his muscular chest. Minato inwardly rolled his eyes at the young brunette beside him that ceased her glaring and started ogling his past student.

Vain flower indeed.

"It's wonderful, Minato. The preparations are spectacular and the paper lanterns are made with amazing details." Minato couldn't help the genuine smile that bloomed on his face when he saw Sakura gaze around with wonder at the different and unique paper lanterns with different shapes of animals and other creatures. She still looked a lot like the kid he met long ago but, Minato flushed a bit, with such curves Minato was sure even A, the Raikage, would think about begging just to see them.

Not that Minato would even allow that anyways.

"Excuse us, we have some business to attend to." The blonde nearly blanched at the obviously irritated and sultry tone the female behind her had but the narrowing of his favourite greengreensoprettygreen orbs made him want to laugh at the offended look Sakura was sporting.

"Actually," Minato couldn't take it anymore. He didn't train for days, months, and years on end during his younger ages to babysit some spoiled aristocratic brat. "I think we're done here."

Two sets of green eyes stared at him in shock for a moment before the brunette narrowed her pale green eyes at him.

"What?" Minato bit back the snort that threatened to come out of his nose at the unbelieving look the brunette beside him has and also at the smug look his pink haired friend adopted.

"My mission in being your aid," Minato didn't hide the disdain in his words much to the amusement of his student and pink haired crush. "-for the whole month of your stay here is done. My mission indicates that after tonight, I am free to leave." The brunette seemed so shock at his words that Minato almost felt guilty if it weren't for the fact she screamed at him after his logical explanation.

"But the night isn't even over yet! I'm going to tell the Hokage, if you don't-"

"Tell my Hokage what exactly? It is already after midnight and the Cherry Blossom festival is one of the only festivals where shinobi in the village could take a leave for the night."

Minato smiled, politely and tightly, when the brunette spluttered with her words.

"Do you want me escort you back to your temporary quarters?" Even though Minato was sick of the woman, he needs to be on his best behaviour. At least if the brunette gets violent at him there were witnesses around.

"Like I would walk home with you!" The brown haired woman harrumphed before striding towards the exit of the festival lands in a quick pace.

"That was mean, Minato-sensei," Obito piped in a cheery tone and Minato rolled his eyes at the boy. "-thank god you finally had the brain to do it."

"What?" The blonde wanted to smack the raven but alas, it seems their training is going better and Minato doesn't want to destroy the beautiful lanterns around them.

"Nothing!" Minato glared at the younger raven's grin before his face dissolved into a smiling one.

"I don't know about you two," Minato pointedly ignored how their hands were intertwined, it was making shots of pain on his body. "-but I think I'm going to call it a night." The blonde failed to notice the pinkette's suddenly down aura and slightly frowning face.

"That's too bad, sensei, I was going to ask you if you could accompany Sakura-chan for the rest of the festival." It took a few more seconds before the words finally registered to the blonde's combusting brain.

"Why? What's wrong, Obito?" 'Don't you dare mess with me, brat.' Minato thought.

"Nothing much, a mission to Kumo for the alliance. It's an ANBU thing so I couldn't really tell. Kakashi and Rin are coming with." On one hand, Minato was elated to finally have the rest of the night- err morning, while the other hand, the more rational hand, is worry for his old students' mission.

"I see."

"I told you, Obito, that you didn't need to do this." The pinkette finally said something with a tight smile that made Minato frown for a moment.

"But, Sakura-chan, I-"

"It's fine. I could," Minato flashed the pinkette a charming smile, which grew fractionally wider at the pinkette's imminent blush. "-spend a few more hours."

"Thanks, sensei, you're the best!" The blonde ruffled the raven's hair, earning a glare to which Minato smirked at.

"Of course, I am." The pinkette rolled her beautiful viridian orbs at his statement and Minato never felt happier than before.

"See ya, Sakura-chan, sensei." With one more wave and grin, the raven disappeared from the pinkette's hands. Minato couldn't exactly describe the suffocating feeling when Sakura looked at her empty hand sourly.

So instead, he took the pinkette's hands and pulled her towards him. He still doesn't have that dance.

"Minato." The blonde grinned at the pinkette's threatening tone which didn't work that much when said pinkette was pushed against his chest and their vast height difference. Minato felt more than heard the pinkette's sweet, sweet chuckles because of the vibrations on his chest.

After a few seconds, the pinkette finally understood that Minato wanted to dance so she placed her hands on the blonde's shoulder and her other one at the blonde's hand. The cobalt eyes shinobi felt his cheeks slightly burn but held it down.

"You were so bullshitting her." For the first few minutes of silently dancing, the pinkette finally spoke and Minato smiled wryly at her.

"Yes I was." Minato could see the light of the bonfire play across the pinkette's smooth and pale face as the pinkette frowned at him like a chiding mother.

"She wasn't a very nice lady."

"No, she wasn't." Minato chuckled at the pinkette's observation and to his guilty pleasure, Sakura blushed even more.

"I forbid you to date her." Sakura said with fake haughtiness and Minato leaned down to the pinkette with his forehead pressed against hers. With his cobalt blue eyes so near to her viridian ones, Minato felt that he was staring at a deep, deep forest.

"It's a good thing I have different plans then."

And even though the pinkette punched him hard at his shoulder, maybe dislocating it, that night the kiss that came before it was so worth it.

She healed him and kissed again in the end anyways.