Reviews for Green and Blue Meet
Guest chapter 10 . 7/4
I think you should know... less is more.
I see many repetitions of descriptions for characters rather than simply saying Sakura or he, she.
What I see this as... not fully developed writing style... by using the pinkette, the viridian eyed, the petite, the emerald get the picture.
Once or twice wouldn’t be a big deal, but it seems like almost every paragraph this happens.
I must say, it continually takes the reader out of the story. Would you want to read something like that?
I think that’s a good rule of thumb in writing.
If you wouldn’t read in another story what you put in your own, then it needs more thoughtful time and attention.
I do have to say that the pairing is one that not a lot pay attention to, so this is nice in that regard.
However... again... what may be supposedly cute in fiction may in reality be alarming and unhealthy in a real life relationship.
Healthy Love. It’s important. Not obsession and angered highs and lows. I feel in many instances the bare bones ideas for different stories here are full of potential, but it doesn’t follow through. I don’t say this to discourage you or to make you feel terrible about your writing, but to truly take a step back, get some more opinions on these pieces and then maybe make needed changes, you might be surprised how it can improve and broaden your writing skills.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/4
older men alike?! What’s wrong with you, writer? This context is creepy, don’t normalize... I can’t even.
ERZA DREYAR chapter 3 . 6/15
plss make a part 2
ERZA DREYAR chapter 2 . 8/12/2019
pls make more minasaku fluff
ERZA DREYAR chapter 14 . 8/12/2019
pls update some more
Guest chapter 14 . 6/8/2019
I’m the later chapters Minatos easily angered thing is getting old and you’re making him out to be kind of an ass. You can do better as he deserves a better portrayal.
Guest chapter 5 . 6/8/2019
You must be one of my platonic soulmates to write all my dreams realized :)
Guest chapter 3 . 6/8/2019
I’m so very very glad that you are among the few of us o has a great love for this pairing. Why can’t more write for them? I absolutely love the idea and time travel is always my absolute favorite .
Guest chapter 2 . 1/14/2019
I can forgive the unhealthy relationship because children are jealous and possessive, but this bullshit can’t keep going as they grow up.
Guest chapter 12 . 1/14/2019
He’s an abusive asshole. Period.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/14/2019
Lots of grammar errors, seriously, fix them please.
Guest chapter 2 . 1/14/2019
Adorable, though I suggest some spellchecking because there are some grammar errors concerning verbs and tenses.
liasora chapter 2 . 12/8/2018
I have my feel of so much laughing
Guest chapter 2 . 1/15/2018
Can you pleaseeeeee make a story about the Of All Eras oneshot? I've already read it 100! I want more of the cute Minasaku
Guest chapter 1 . 1/1/2018
I love this fanfic! I love Minasaku! I love the way you make minato so possessive! Please please please make more Minasaku fanfics
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