Marinette was extremely nervous. She was just a short distance away from Hogwarts and her sorting ceremony. For generations, her family had been Hufflepuffs and she felt anxious to carry on with the tradition. Some part of her knew that deep down, she was not Hufflepuff material but the other part of her insisted that she would become a Hufflepuff like her parents. To be honest Marinette would be slightly disappointed with the Hufflepuff house but she would not make a big fuss. After all, the Sorting Hat knew best!

A jolt in the train alerted Marinette of her surroundings again. Her stomach fluttered with nervous butterflies. She was sure she would be fine. Eventually. Hopefully. She stared out of the window, trying to calm down. Another jolt jerked her back.

"Hey." A voice said in English. Marinette looked at the girl in the doorway. The girl waved sheepishly. "Can I sit in here?" The girl added, her French accent strong. Marinette sighed.

"Yes." She replied in French. The girl looked relieved.

"Phew! I was beginning to think no one would." The girl smiled. "I'm Alya."

"I'm Marinette. "

"Awesome! So, what house do you think you'll be in?"

"Hufflepuff most likely..." Marinette said glumly.

"I'm sure Hufflepuff isn't too bad! Besides, it's better than being in Slytherin, right?" Marinette brightened.

"Yeah, I guess so. Who knows? I might not be a Hufflepuff!"

Alya grinned. "That's the spirit!" A croak came from inside their apartment. The girls jumped in surprise. They looked at each other.

"Was that your toad?" Alya asked warily.

"No. I don't have a pet with me. Was it yours?" Alya shook her head. Suddenly, a toad jumped upon the table. It croaked again. A rather round and chubby boy burst in to the compartment. His face lit up with joy and he swooped up the frog. "TREVOR!" He exclaimed, weeping slightly. The boy turned to Alya and Marinette. "Thank you for finding Trevor!"

"No worries!" Alya beamed back at the boy. Another girl strolled in after him.

"I see you found Neville's toad. Well done. " The girl began to eye their robes up and down in a scrutinising manner. "I see you've changed in to your Hogwarts robes. That's good. We'll be there soon." There was another pause before the girl spoke again. "Come along Neville. Goodbye and thank you for finding Trevor." The girl walked away, quickening her pace with each step she took. Neville thanked Marinette and Alya again before hurrying after his companion, holding Trevor closely to his chest.


The train puffed proudly onward, nearing Hogwarts and Chloe Bourgeois could not have been happier. For one thing, she was going to the greatest wizarding school that Europe had to offer. It was so much better Beauxbaton Academy, the one her cousin Maria was going to. Chloe knew she would be the better witch. After all, she was a Bourgeois, how could she not be a great witch? It was a known fact that she came from a long line of brilliant Bourgeois witches and wizards so naturally Chloe had talent. Finally, it was Chloe's chance to show the Wizarding world that she was a Bourgeois and she would be - no she was- the best the Bourgeois family had to offer.

Chloe already had her school year planned out entirely. She would be sorted in to Slytherin, which was the only house for purebloods of her status, where she would assert her control to the other students. From there, she would excel in every subject and do her house and family name proud. Her Adrikins was an added bonus!

They would be together, naturally, one way or another. In fact, Chloe knew she and Adrian would be together. Their precious bond, forged from childhood, was too strong to break apart and no matter what happened, she would have Adrian at her side.

In her compartment, Chloe eyed up the 'competition'. In her opinion, she had nothing to fret about. The witches near her did not look imposing or threatening in the slightest. They were definitely not much to look at. One was garbed in pink (which totally contrasted with her blonde hair) whilst her friend was hiding behind a long veil of black hair. The third one sat a good length away from the other two, curling in to herself and shyly looking around. Her teal eyes appeared to be welling up behind her glasses ; a pathetic sight in Chloe's eyes.

Chloe rolled her eyes. Why had she ever been worried? No one could ever hope to size up to her for Adrian's affections. No one would compare to her. She was simply that amazing! Yet, some scrap of her mind still nagged its doubts. Adrian and Chloe had changed since their childhood their relationship really as close as she made it out to be? If it ever had been then had they drifted from each other?

Chloe shook off such absurd thoughts. She was a Bourgeois. She was the best of the best. She had nothing and no one to worry about especially when it came to her Adrian.

So why did she still feel the need to cling to him? Why did she clutch at every word he ever said as if it were the last words he would ever breathe to her? Why did she doubt everything she knew? Why?


The train pulled up quicker than Nathaniel would have liked. He had been vacantly absorbed in his drawing, lost in his creation. He sighed as he erased the jagged scar of pencil markings caused by the train's abrupt halt. To be perfectly honest, Nathaniel did not view his artwork with any high value. There were nothing more than pathetic doodles, right?

Still, he continued with them regardless of his self-esteem. He hoped he could learn to love his art. Maybe. He hurriedly packed his supplies away and exited his compartment , not wanting to be late. In his hurry, his notebook tumbled from his arms and slid down the corridor. He cried out in embarrassment as a girl picked it up, curious. She started to look around for its owner. His head snapped down as he attempted to hide behind his orange locks.

A petite hand delicately graced his own and his head snapped up immediately in shock. The girl was before him. Up close, Nathaniel could not help but notice how pretty she was with her mesmerizing sapphire eyes and freckles that were perfectly dotted along her nose. His flushed. "Is this yours?" She asked, holding his notebook. He meekly nodded.
She beamed.

"You're really good at art. Your drawings are awesome!" Another girl called her name from the front of the corridor.


"I have to go. Hope to see you around!" Marinette (Nathaniel thought her name was perfect) waved as she ran out of the train skittishly. Grinning from ear to ear, Nathaniel followed.

For once, things were looking up.

Sorry for the late chapter, folks! I'll make the next one quicker!