AN: This is a Twilight fan fiction, in my version of this wonderful world created by Stephanie Meyers, things are slightly different. Bella never fell in love with Edward or dated him. Bella isn't human, she's a shapeshifter that's 80 years old, Charlie is actually her great nephew who knows her secret and plays along as her father as she protects Forks and LaPush by pretending to be 17 and go to Forks High. This will be a very VERY mature story both in context and sexual nature. (This is also a girl on girl fic) If you don't like any of this, DON'T READ AND DON'T COMPLAIN! You have been warned. (*Side note; for those of you reading my Trace Black story, I haven't given up on it, I'm just struggling with that at the moment because all I can think about writing is this story, I will get back to it soon! I promise!*)


I took a deep breath as I gazed out over the cliff edge and into the setting sun. The Cullen's were back in town, that meant that the boys on the res would start to shift again soon. Maybe it would actually be a good thing to have some company again, I mean I've been alone for nearly 50 years now. Some company might actually do me some good. The council already knew about me, the information had been passed down from father to son and so forth for years. I was the alpha back when the Cullen's first arrived here and made the treaty with them, when others join me again I will still be alpha as it is in fact my birth right. I sighed and shook my head. Carlisle had requested I meet with him tonight to make sure that the treaty was still going to be intact. I sighed again. Lately I've had this overwhelming feeling deep in my chest, I briefly wondered if that meant I would actually find my imprint soon. It would be nice, seeing as I've only been looking for them for 65 years.

Taking one last look at the setting sun I sighed once more before turning around to make my way to the treaty line to meet the Cullen's. You would think I would be unnerved to meet 7 vampires alone, but I wasn't. They weren't the only ones to have 'gifts' I wasn't JUST a shapeshifter that turned into a giant wolf. I had a couple tricks up my sleeve that I had for a 'just in case' situations, I never let ANYONE know the extent of my powers unless I've had to use them either on them or around them. Thankful everyone who knew about them had long ago passed away. So my secrets were safe.

Within a couple of minutes, I had reached the border, I sniffed the air quickly, they were all here. I stepped out of the woods and quickly made my way to Carlisle. I extended my hand to Carlisle who grasped it firmly and shook my hand. "Carlisle, nice to see you are still doing well. It's been a long time." He smiled at me warmly. Before he could respond to me I quickly spoke once more. "I see you have two new additions to your family." I had already known of that, no need to let him know that though. "Bella! It's good to see you, although I'm slightly surprised you choose to continue to shift. I'm sure its because you haven't found your mate yet?" I smiled at him, now normally I wouldn't take kindly to someone sticking their noes into my personal life. But with Carlisle I knew he meant well and was only curious and concerned for me. I chuckled a little bit. "No, not yet. I'm not sure I ever will find my mate, seeing as I'm gay and all. Imprinting is meant to be a means of better breading if you will. At least that's what the legends say about it."

Carlisle smiled a sad understanding smile at me. I was just about to ask about the two new vampires again when he spoke. "As to your previous question, this is Jasper and his mate Alice, they found us about 40 years ago. I promise you we didn't change them." Carlisle looked frightened I would do something I'm sure. I don't really blame him, the people that were in my pack before were hot headed, cruel, hateful and not in anyway understanding. And one of those people was my brother. And I still stand by what I just stated. I wasn't them though. I didn't think of the Cullen's as the enemy in anyway what-so-ever. I knew they were great people. Yes, I said people. Because to me, that's what they are. I know humans who are more monsters then some of the most horrid vampires I've come across in my 80 years. Am I rambling? I have a tendency to do that, sorry about that.

I cleared my throat and cleared those thoughts from my mind for the time being. "I believe you whole heartedly Carlisle. Breathe easy, I won't declare war or attack your family. If you remember, I was nothing like the other people in my pack." Carlisle's face relaxed and he chuckled lightly. "I haven't forgotten Isabella; I still can't help but worry sometimes. This is my family were talking about." I nodded in understanding. "So, lets get down to it shall we?" Carlisle nodded so I continued. "Now if I had it my way, there wouldn't be any treaty or territories to protect. But the council won't allow me to make those decisions on my own, even though I'm the alpha." I got angry for a couple of moments at that. I took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself. "I will be changing that, that much is certain! I am currently living in Forks myself with Carlie Swan, my great nephew. I would like to continue to live with him and keep my story. If that's okay with you." Carlisle smiled at me and nodded. Before he could answer back I quickly spoke once more. "And, I will be the only wolf for a while I believe. So between us. I don't care if you cross the line, and when others join me. I will be molding them to think like I do of your family so that we can hopefully live in peace."

Carlisle looked as though he could cry out of happiness. Well if vampires could cry anyway. "Thank you Isabella, thank you. You don't understand how happy this truly makes me." He smiled at me warmly. "Please feel free to continue to live in Forks. We have no problem with that. I look forward to living in peace. It will be a nice change." I nodded my head in silent agreement. "Well I think we will go, we have some unpacking and cleaning to do. And I'm sure you have things to do yourself. Until we meet again Isabella." I extended my hand again but he ignored it. Instead he took my arm and pulled me across the line and gave me a great big loving hug. It took me a moment but I eventually hugged him back. After a moment or too we broke away and went our separate ways for the evening.

I eventually made it home into the wee hours of the morning, I didn't even bother to get out of my clothes, I just fell onto my bed fully clothed and instantly fell asleep. Dreams of a me and a mystery girl I couldn't see the face of was all I had been able to dream about for over a year now. I was okay with that.

It was a couple of months before Sam Uley shifted and joined me, he was dating a young girl by the name of Leah Clearwater. I forbid him from telling her what we were or seeing her. He wasn't calm or trained enough for that yet. I was able to show him things and mold him into to thinking the right kind of things about the Cullen's before it was to late and he started to hate and resent the Cullen's for being what we were. Sam cheated of course, he still saw Leah. He loved her, so I didn't really care all that much. I was honestly only trying to protect Leah. When Sam first saw her and looked her in the eyes, he didn't imprint on her. She wasn't his soulmate. Sam was stubborn and believed that Leah was his forever, nothing could change that.

How utterly wrong he was… It was only a couple weeks later when Leah's cousin Emily came for a visit that Sam imprinted on Emily. He tried to fight it but in the end he couldn't, Emily paid the price of that with her face. I observed Leah from afar, she seemed upset, yeah. But not as torn up as I was expecting her to be. Maybe she didn't love Sam as much as he thought she did. I decided to worry about that later. I had other things to worry and focus about. I had two other boys phase, Paul and Jared. Sam helped me with training and molding them. Paul was a little tougher to mold in the beginning but he eventually got the picture.

Time seemed to pass by in a flash for me, I was sitting at lunch with my 'friends' lost in thought about the increased dreams I had been having about this mystery girl, normally in my dreams we would hold hands, hug. Maybe share a kiss. But lately? They were getting more R rated if you will.

*Bella's Dream*

I looked into her eyes, I could get enough of looking into her eyes. They were endless pools of a beautiful golden brown; I could get lost in them for days. She stopped my staring by kissing me so fiercely it felt like I was set on fire from the intensity. I loved every moment of it. Things quickly got more heated, if that was even possible. Soon enough kissing wasn't enough, I needed to feel her naked flesh against mine. And now. I wasted no time ripping her shirt off her along with her bra. I just stared at her beautiful full breasts in awe, they were perfect in every way possible. I quickly leaned down and captured her right nipple in my mouth, slowly I swirled my tongue over the sensitive nub until I was satisfied with the result and did the same to the other. The mystery girl was withering and moaning deliciously below me, the noises headed straight to my loins.

The mystery girl apparently had enough of me controlling things, she quickly flipped us over putting her on top of me. I felt more than saw my shirt and bra suddenly disappear from my body. The mystery girl did to my boobs what I had done to hers. I couldn't take the teasing anymore I was reduced to begging. "please, I can't take it anymore! I need to feel you." I moaned loudly as she bit my nipple rather hard. "I need to feel you deep inside me." She growled at me and literally ripped my pants and panties off of me. I moaned in utter need.

Slowly she made her way down my body kissing and nipping at my flesh, she paused at my belly button and dipped her tongue in it making me squirm in pleasure. She smiled against my skin and slowly made her way to were I needed her most. Slowly her tongue swept out and grazed my clit. I let out a loud moan arching my back trying to get more of the amazing feeling. She chuckled before latching her mouth on my clit and sucking and licking it like it was the most delectable fruit she had ever tasted. I was moaning louder and louder. I was getting closer to the edge by the second. She could sense it, because she stopped. Just stopped. I was just about to start swearing when she kissed me to silence me.

While she was kissing me, her hand slowly creeped its was to in between my thigh's. Without warning she quickly thrust her two fingers deep inside me. I broke the kiss with a gasp. She gave me the most sinful look, my eyes rolled back in my head in utter pleasure. She pushed her fingers in deeper and harder, grazing my g-spot just right. I screamed out it pure pleasure. In a mere matter of minutes I cummed harder than I ever had in my life, clutching onto her for dear life breathing heavily. I leaned up to kiss her. As our lips touched I slowly…

"Hello! Earth to Bella! Are you there?" I was snapped out of my very inappropriate thoughts to an extremely annoying Jessica waving her hand in front of my face and snapping her fingers. I rolled my eyes at her. "Yes! God, can't someone think to themselves anymore?" Jess gave me an annoyed look. "Oh please! You were basically drooling! What were you thinking about anyways?" I huffed in annoyance. "I wasn't drooling thank you! And that's none of your business!" Jess just clicked her tongue in annoyance at me. "Whatever, so anyways! A whole bunch of us are going down to LaPush on Saturday, would you like to join us Bella?" I smiled a small smile. "Yeah, that sounds like fun. I'm in." Jess seemed satisfied with that and went back to her gossiping. I just shook my head and went back to my thoughts.

I wish I could see the mystery girls face in my dreams, her face is always blurred, and I can never hear her voice. The only thing that was ever clear were her eyes. I know just from my dreams that who ever those eyes belonged to, they were my imprints. I just hope that I will get to meet her soon. I sighed at myself for thinking such things, I've been dreaming about this mystery girl for 19 years now, I don't think I will ever find her. I've given up looking people in the eyes. If I'm meant to find her I will. Why bother trying?