Twilight and Kiddy Grade

By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter)

"Well whatever. I guess telling you about them won't hurt nothing, especially since I already told ya'll bout Lumi." Bella said shrugging her shoulders as she sat down on the ground, instantly surrounded and cuddled close to by three purring blonds and one almost purring red head.

"Yay story time!" Emmett said grinning as he bounced over, pulling Rosalie with him, and dropped onto the ground in front of Bella. He sat cross-legged and Rosalie gave a startled laugh when he pulled her down to sit in his lap. Alice giggled as she danced over, dragging Jasper along, and then pushed him down so she could sit in his lap.

"Yeah I'll be giving you the characters and background info, like in one of your video games Em…which reminds me! I bet I can whoop your ass in Call of Duty and any other fighting or war game now that I got my memories back!" Bella said grinning challengingly at the tall muscle man who grinned back.

"You're on!" Emmett said grinning widely and making Bella snort.

"I enjoy being on some people but you ain't one of them Emmy. I'm quite comfy here thank you." Bella said smirking as she motioned to the three blonds around her cuddling close and purring like cats on catnip.

"I bet." Emmett said snickering.

"So about your family?" Marcus prompted amused and causing Éclair to hum thoughtfully.

"Guess I can start with Eclipse, she's around the same age as me and Lumi and is the third of our trio. First time me and Lumi met her she went by the code name of 'Quant' which is short for her abilities name Quantum. Pretty much she can teleport and help transport our souls from one body to another if ours is too damaged." Bella began with a small grin causing everyone to look at her.

"You just had a hole in your head, how much more damaged than that do you need to be to change bodies?" Carlisle asked in disbelief and causing Bella to blink for a minute as she thought about it.

"Well usually it's just when our bodies are missing some limbs or organs, cause then it makes our jobs much harder and puts more lives at risk. Cesario had some shrapnel in his back for about a week before he healed up and Tweedle Dee took a bullet pretty close to the heart and was in critical condition for a while but they didn't need to change bodies…but Viola took a couple of bullets to the back and needed a body change…wait she's smaller than the rest of us though….I guess the level of damage needed depends on the person." Bella said after frowning as she thought about it for a little while.

"I managed to take several bullets to the head, chest, and stomach and walked it off but for some of the others like Dvergr and Viola and Lumi they needed body changes for that. Then again my healing ability is the most advanced out of all of ours…" Bella trailed off as she thought about it a little longer before shrugging slightly.


"Well Eclipse eventually joined me and Lumi full time and we three became sisters. Lumi the baby sis but most elegant and grown up amongst us, Eclipse that sister that tends to act more like a mom, and me who was probably the oldest yet I was the most childish and reckless of us." Bella said grinning slightly as she shrugged her shoulders again.

"I know that feeling. Tan is motherly as hell towards me and Rina, but she's the oldest so it makes sense for us. Rina is the youngest but damn if she ain't the most 'grown up', and I'm the middle sister but childish as all hell." Kate said grinning as she pointed to each of her sisters.

"Nice. Now I know who to do stupid things with!" Bella said laughing as she threw an arm around Kate's neck, causing the blond to purr happily and snuggle close to Bella.

"Truth." Maggie giggled.

"Let's see. If we're going in order from oldest to youngest then next would be Dvergr, she joined us about two hundred years after Eclipse did and bought Alv with her. Now Eclipse might have been that one sister that tends to act like a mom, but Dvergr's the one who acted like she was everyone's mom all the time. She didn't care that we were hundreds of years older than her, her motherly instincts from having Alv were running on high and they never faded. Even as our group grew, she loved us all. We all understood that she was closest to Alv though, being her birth mother and having had trained her in using her ability." Bella said smiling as she stared at nothing and everything at once.


"Alv was just a baby when she and Dvergr met us. Her father tried to kill Alv when he saw her use her ability, 'Absorb' by accident once, and Dvergr killed him and then had to take Alv and run. We found her stealing from anyone who walked by her on the street and using the money to make sure Alv was warm and safe and feed, even going without food herself for a while. Eclipse was interested in them and wanted to help, Lumiere wanted to keep walking since she was in a bit of a mood back then,… I however was drawn to them much like I had been Lumiere." Bella continued while most of the vampires scowled or at least frowned when she spoke about Alv's father trying to kill her.

"Truth." Maggie hissed, angry at what Alv's father had tried to do.

"Eclipse's way of helping them was leaving a basket of food, a few blankets, and a couple of hundred dollars one night when they were sleeping in a cardboard house. When Dvergr woke up and saw that she freaked. She grabbed Alv and bolted from that alley and town, moving to a different one without grabbing any of the stuff. Honestly Eclipse was a bit spoiled so she didn't understand why Dvergr did that but I understood and so did Lumiere. There's no way to tell if the stuff was left as a genuine present for them to help, a set up to frame them for something and get them arrested, or if it was tampered with in some way so it was best not to risk it." Bella explained seeing that some of the vampires, particularly the younger ones, didn't understand why she would forsake the gifts.


"I don't understand something though. You mentioned that Eclipse was spoiled, but you found Lumiere living on the streets. If you and Lumiere both understood this Dvergr woman's reason for not taking the gifts…then doesn't that mean that you…"Esme trailed off sadly as Bella nodded.

"Grew up on the streets from the age of five. My parents wanted a boy, not a girl, and it didn't help that before my abilities awoke my body was incredibly frail. So one day they got tired of me and how I bought down their social standing and left me in a completely different state in a garbage can. They probably expected me to die but I was adaptable and resourceful even as a kid and before my abilities activated so I survived and thrived. Still a street rat through and through though." Bella said shrugging her shoulders uncaringly at this and even grinning at the end and causing Tanya to nod in understanding.

"I can understand. After my parents abandoned me in the wilderness as a child simply for a birth defect, I was a street or forest rat myself. Sometimes it was safer in the forest than on the streets back in those days." Tanya said nodding her head in understanding.

"Yeah the streets are really a safe place for anyone, especially a young mother trying to make it with her daughter or a mostly defenseless kid, whether they're a boy or girl." Éclair said nodding her agreement while the vampires around her were either shocked or horrified at the implications.

"Truth." Maggie whispered quietly.

"Anyways she had just gotten settled into the new town and made a new cardboard house for herself and Alv, when I started helping her in a more subtle way. I would take two or three hundred dollars and put it in my wallet just before walking past her on the street, and then let her take my wallet. Even though I could tell the instant she reached for it, I never stopped her, and she was always able to feed both Alv and herself whenever I did that so I didn't mind. One day though…a group of the most despicable people at the time came across her and Alv and were about to…force Dvergr to have 'fun' with them unless she wanted Alv to be killed. Well like hell was I going to let that happen to anyone." Bella said scowling and earning growls from the vampires when they realized what she was referring to when she said 'fun'.

"Truth." Maggie growled.

"I got there faster than any human, and most machines, could have and managed to kill all of the men before they could do anything more than take a step towards either Dvergr or Alv. Dvergr was a cocktail of emotions, I could tell by her eyes despite the fact that she has the best damn mask on her face that I've ever seen. She was happy, grateful, scared, shocked, angry, and she had recognized me. She was pissed and embarrassed when I told her how I knew she was the one stealing peoples wallets just so she could eat, and how I let her steal my wallet on purpose more than once." Bella said chuckling and making most vampires look confused but Tanya snickered.

"I don't doubt it. I always preferred to have earned what I stole, instead of someone just letting me take it." Tanya said snickering and making Bella nod in agreement with a grin on her face.


"Yeah she wasn't too happy with me for a while for that. However that's around the time that Alv accidentally used her Ability again and Dvergr panicked. She had grabbed Alv and was ready to kill me and run, or just run, before I was able to calm her down. I ended up showing her my ability and she relaxed a bit when she saw that she and Alv weren't the only ones with strange gifts. After telling her a bit about my past and then demonstrating my abilities for her, I heard several police men coming." Bella said frowning slightly now.

"See during that time it was considered illegal for anyone to have any special gifts like my Power or Dvergr and Alv's Absorb. If the police had caught us, especially if we were caught in an alley surrounded by dead normal humans, if that filth could be considered such, we would have been executed on the spot. Even Alv, and she was only a few months old!" Bella said causing most to all of the females in the room to snarl, hiss, or roar in anger at this.

"Truth." Maggie spat out angrily.

"I'll admit it wasn't my finest moment but I had to hurry and had no time to waste with them getting closer to finding, and killing, all three of us." Bella said looking a bit sheepish but not guilty as she scratched the back of her neck.

"What did you do?" Irina asked sighing almost fondly as she looked at the girl who was much older than them…but acted much younger.

"I grabbed Dvergr, threw her over my shoulder, grabbed Alv and held her in my arms before jumping onto a nearby roof and taking off faster than any human could go back to my apartment where I broke in by kicking open the door. Then I threw Dvergr on my bed, handed her Alv, told her to stay there while I lead them away, and to help herself to the food and bathroom, before leaving the apartment while fixing the door on my way out and putting it in lock down mode so no one could get in or out…and I forgot to tell her it was my apartment." Bella said grinning sheepishly and causing everyone to stare for a moment before Tanya busted out laughing.

"Oh man! That's horrible! If that happened to me I would have freaked out and tried to kill you when or if you came back!" Tanya said laughing loudly and causing a few others to snicker while Bella blushed slightly.

"Truth." Maggie giggled.

"Like I said it wasn't my finest moment! I didn't have a lot of time though! I had to lure the cops away from their trail and then meet up with Lumi and Eclipse to get the information I needed for a hit!" Bella said defensively while Tanya continued to laugh before calming down and leaning into her, kissing her cheek in apology.

"A hit?" Rosalie questioned amused at the interactions between her 'cousins' and Bella.

"I was a freelancer back then, an assassin for hire. No one would have expected a girl assassin so I was perfect for getting in, killing the target, and getting out without suspicion. That's not even counting my gifts either!" Bella said shrugging at that, it wasn't important to her.

"Yes! Another former assassin!" Kate said happily, high fiving Bella who grinned at her.

"Is there anything you aren't Clair? A former assassin, government worker, military woman, pizza delivery girl, waitress, nun…and that's just the ones I know of!" Alice asked amused and causing Bella to nod solemnly.

"There is one thing I'm not that most of my family have wished I was at one point in time or another." Bella said solemnly and causing everyone to frown and lean in as they looked almost worried. What could her family have wanted her to be so badly?

"What's that?" Irina asked worriedly as she idly played with Bella's hair. Here Bella gave them all a sad look.

"Sane. I am not sane and most people I know wish I was, including my family." Bella said pouting and causing more than one vampire to stumble or face fault in disbelief. They were in even more disbelief when Maggie spoke up with a small giggle.
