Hello! So...I know I should be updating Fairy Heart, but I was stuck with this idea in my head for far too long to ignore it any longer, so I wrote a test chapter if anyone would be interested.
The summary would be that the Dragneel brothers never separated even after Natsu becoming E.N.D. and meeting Igneel, therefore never meeting Makarov Dreyar and never joining Fairy Tail. Same for Zeref, never leaving Natsu, never being so dangerous with his curse as both he and Natsu were watching out for it, still teaching Mavis and her friends magic tho since that would change too much of the plot if it wasnt there xD Something I imagined would happen for example to Lucy if it wasnt for Natsu and how would he meet the Fairy Tail members, and if he would ever join the Fairy Tail that arose without Natsu in there.
Still, Im not gonna change the main pairing, since as much of a fan of Zervis as I am, I wanted to test out Zeretsu pairing since its very cute too, or at least I imagine it to be :D And I also wanted to know if Im the only one who ships it or not :D
So please, tell me if you want me to continue this story or not, and if you got some idea for some side pairing, Im willing to listen :)
Well, Enjoy reading!
The sun lighted up the green forest below, letting the leaves half absorb and half reflect the warm light, with the wind carrying softly across the whole place those, which have fallen. Birds sang a melodic song followed by the calming sound of a river, that cut the forest in half. This few kilometers big gathering of trees lies near a town in middle of nowhere, under a steep reef where the town stands.
Despite the beauty of the scenery, rich water sources and tempting seclusion, no one from the town dared to visit the area.
Why, you might ask?
The reason was simple. Because of the exotic setting.
Trees with enormous roots that almost created a labyrinth, plants no one could recognize with their veins filled with poison, ready to strike anyone who came in their range. Wild animals that lived only in that one place, scary with their almost armed-like appearance and hostility.
There were tries from the city to annihilate every single one of the beasts, so they could get access to the pure water and tree crowns as shields from the cruel sun that shone on the devastated desert surrounding them. True, the water flowed through the town, towards the reef and creating an enchanting waterfall, which continued as simple river once reaching the forests ground. However, the surface it occupied in the town was too small for every citizen, and everyday there were struggles for drinkable water and available food, as not much of those were present in withered wasteland, making the poor townspeople be on the edge of extinction every day. Few brave individuals in desperation for resources to survive tried to overcome the place's challenges, but each failed, and no one who entered ever came back.
The place became known as cursed, and none man or woman ever came near to this day, unaware that two little boys found their home in the forest after countless tragedies, which brought them there. The doomed area provided them with safety from the outside world, and they both believed that they will be left alone there in peace for eternity.
Until the day they were proved wrong.
A raven haired man laid on grass, in front of a humble cottage, letting the soft wind caress his hair. The serene expression on his face hinted that he was asleep, even though he was more aware of his surroundings than anyone could ever guess.
He sensed the heat of the sunlight, followed by the chill of the wind, and the silky, cold greenish carpet made from grass under him. These ethereal surroundings were all it took for the young man to feel at complete peace, forgetting about everything else….
"Napping outside again? You will catch a cold that way, ya know" …including his sibling, who went to gather something for lunch earlier. He cracked one of his eyes open and glanced at the wooden basket in the other's hands, filled with all kind of colorful fruits and one already skinned animal they were probably gonna grill later on.
Then he realized he still didn't answer his little brother, noticing his look of suspicion and quickly thought up some excuse. "It's not healthy to stay inside all the time, people should get out on the sun once in a while too." He heard a chuckle once he finished his sentence, and now fully looked at his sibling confusedly.
"You stay under a roof only at night to sleep because you are afraid of wolf packs that roam around, if not for them, you are outside all the time."
He blushed at the accusation, yet he knew he couldn't deny the fact that it was true, but it's not like he was afraid of wolves, he just didn't like the possibility of facing them when they were hungry.
Which was mostly at night, since that was their time to hunt for prey.
And he didn't want to be marked as a prey, that's all it was.
He ignored the way Natsu was staring at him and shifted his attention elsewhere. He heard a sigh from somewhere above him, and noticed the quiet steps around his head that aimed towards the little house behind him.
"I'm gonna prepare some food, try to not die out of laziness!" his brother shouted while retreating deeper into their home, and Zeref just grumbled in acknowledgment, putting his hands under his head and closing his eyes, getting ready for yet another nap.
"Come back here you little bitch!" someone shouted in middle of the street, getting lots of attention from the present people witnessing the event, however that didn't bother the young girl, who just pushed through all of them and ran forward as fast as she could, not minding the stinging in her lungs or the protests of her bounded legs.
She was followed by plenty of armed men clothed in metal armor that glittered under the light, but she paid no mind and continued pressing forward through the waves of people. She didn't dare to look behind her, because she knew that if she did that, it would probably be her end.
Her name was Lucy, and she was a slave to one of the royals here, since she was tricked by wizard who called himself Salamander and sold to slavery. Once, she was a wizard too, a celestial mage to be exact, however her keys were confiscated by the horrible man and thrown mercilessly into the deep ocean, few meters away from the port of Hargeon, where she was captured.
Since the day she was brought here she tried to escape, and failed many times, each followed by cruel punishment of her owner, but that didn't break her iron will, and she believed that even if many fails were yet to come, from every single one of them she would learn and one day, she will success.
And she believed the day was now and kept running until she was out of town.
However, she was just a slave, locked up in the royal's home, and so she was unaware of how the town surroundings looked like, since despite her many tries she never got this far. Lucy haven't got a place to hide in the empty desert, and she already saw the end of the river that lead to the rumored forest filled with death and despair.
"We've got her now!" someone from behind her shouted, and she stopped at the edge of the reef, facing two fears no one dared to face, getting a choice to choose the less horrible one. The men were coming closer, shortening her time for decision and in panic she thought "Should I jump and try my luck, or stay there for the rest of my life?" A fast shaking of her head as she changed her view of the armed men towards the cursed forest, and while taking a deep breath, she jumped down where the waterfall ended and switched back to river, feeling someone's hands brushing past her hair, yet unable to catch her and she realized how close she was to another punishment as she fell, observing how she was closer and closer to the surface of the river while wondering why does it feel like eternity when her fall should be pretty fast.
The second she was almost touching the river with her feet she took another deep breath, closer her eyes and waited for the impact. As she felt she was underwater she quickly started kicking her legs and using her hands in order to swim up. She didn't count on the strong stream the river had near the waterfall and was being carried further and further against her will, and at one point, everything grew black as she couldn't defy the flow anymore.
Meanwhile at the steep reef…
"So she escaped?" a man who sat on some small version of throne that was being carried by various half naked men asked his personal guards, disappointment clearly written all over his face.
The guards just nodded, stiffing as they heard deep growl their master released.
"Go and find her! Now!" he ordered, aware of the forest's past of killing everyone who dared to enter, but not risking any chances of her possibly leaking the information about the slavery trade to the outside world.
He allowed his small army to go back to the palace and get some better equipment for what they were to face in there, along with horses since they had to bypass the reef, which would take around two days minimally.
He sighed, silently hoping the girl met her terrifying end in the doomed place, so he could be assured that their business was safe.
He was woken by someone calling him while shaking with his body unnecessarily roughly, and he opened his eyes in annoyance, looking straight at his younger brother who shared the same expression.
"What is it? Is the food prepared yet?" he asked begrudgingly, sitting up and rubbing the sleep off of his eyes with his arm.
"No, and that's why I'm waking you up, I need you to watch out for it for a while, since I forgot to bring water, can you stay awake long enough for me to return?" the other teased, aware of the silent curses Zeref was probably chanting in his mind right about now.
"Yeah yeah, go on" he encouraged half-heartedly, getting up on his feet and walking towards the cottage while muttering what were undoubtedly ways how to punish his little brother for disturbing his sleep.
Natsu smiled fondly while watching him go inside, he grabbed the empty barrel and put it on his shoulder, walking towards the river.
He and his brother were from village far away from here, but were casted away once the villagers found out Natsu was a demon, and they ran away the moment the people attempted to kill them both. Zeref was already teenager when it happened, while Natsu small kid, barely 7 years old. At first, the distance between them was about 6 years, but their parents including Natsu died when both of them were still very young, and his older brother just refused to accept the reality.
He brought Natsu back, getting himself a curse that took forever for them to lift, and now they were both around 17 or 18 of human age. Zeref was aging normally, and since Natsu still had his original human body, it was the same for him. Even though demons were supposed to live for thousands of years, once Natsu's body grew old and would not be able to contain his power anymore, he will die just as any human would.
There was still the fact that since he was brought back between living by his brother's magic, the second that magic vanishes -or simply said, Zeref dies- Natsu will vanish as well.
But none of them minded it too much, they were content with what they got, as they were not supposed to spend even all of these years together since Natsu should have been dead a long time ago.
Along their path, they met a red dragon named Igneel, who taught young Natsu a fire dragon slayer magic which helped him to use his original fire magic to wider extent.
He smiled as he started gathering water into the barrel while reminiscing the old memories of their little adventure, but stopped abruptly as he noticed flash of gold color in pure blue. He put the barrel on the ground and searched for the source, only to find a blonde girl almost drowning on the other side of the river bank.
Hastily, he jumped into the river, grumbling about getting his clothes wet, and swam towards her, carefully hoisting her up over his shoulder and bringing her to lie next to the barrel to examine her state.
She was covered in bruises everywhere he could see without the tattered rag -which was probably supposed to be clothing- getting in the way. On her legs were two metal shackles bound by a chain together. Same on her hands, only with the difference that the chain was broken.
Unsure of what to do, he took on one shoulder barrel filled with water and on the other the woman and began to head back to his older brother, hoping he would know what to do with her.
So, so, what did you think? Good idea/bad?
Leaving it up to you guys!
Alaeriiis! :)