Ok, I know I am an utter asshole for not updating for soooooo long but I am finally rewriting this story and updating it. I hope you all enjoy this story! (The updates may take longer for the rewrite compared to my first time writing because I'm more busy these days.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight.

Vampires, the creatures of the night that prowl in our world. Deadly roses that are beautiful on the outside and poisonous within. Things that look and act like humans but cannot feel the emotions that humans can. They prey on humans, and in turn the humans kill them. It's a bloody cycle over and over again but yet I don't fit in it anywhere. A hunter, who is meant to be a human, yet is a vampire. In turn, I hate myself even more than those disgusting bloodsuckers. Where do I truly belong?


" ZERO! WAKE UP!" Yuki Cross, the adopted daughter of the headmaster at Cross Academy screamed at her slumbering surrogate brother, causing him to jolt up with a start and tumble off the bed that he was previously lying on.

" Damn, what the hell Yuki?" The bleary silver haired man grumbled, rubbing his aching head.

Giggling slightly, Yuki said with an amused tone: " Well, you need to wake up because we have class, and if you miss another one, you'll be suspended from your duties for a while."

" Yeah, yeah." The lilac-eyed male waved off the remark distractedly as he began to pull out his uniform from his closet.

" Don't wave me off like that!" Yuki puffed out her cheeks angrily.

Not seeing fit to respond, Zero began to pull off his night shirt, exposing his pale torso. Blushing at the sight, Yuki ran out of the hunter's room, slamming the wooden door behind her with a small shriek.

Zero let out a sigh; now that Yuki was out he could finally have some peace. It wasn't that he disliked the small girl, oh no, he adored her, but she could be ever so annoying and a chatterbox on occasions, especially when he sought peace and quiet. Pulling on the usual Cross Academy day student attire, he noted that for some reason, the waist seemed looser but the hip part felt tighter. Shrugging off his confusion, he walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth. After finishing with brushing his teeth and washing his face, the hunter walked out of his dorm room and headed towards Kaien Cross's office.

" Good morning Zero!" Cross giddily greeted his adopted son, a bright smile on his face. Zero grunted noncommittally in response.

" Good morning Zero." Yuki greeted cheerfully from where she stood next to Cross's antique desk.

Nodding at the brunette, Zero turned towards Cross: " I'll get going then."

Before Cross could respond, Yuki quickly intercepted: " Zero you haven't had breakfast yet."

" I can get it later."

" No you need to eat now Zero! Nutrition is part of staying strong!" Shoving the taller away from the door, Yuki proceeded to attempt to force Zero into a seat.

" Alright alright, I'll sit." Zero caved in and sat down, but not before commenting " You wouldn't have been able to force me to sit otherwise."

" You're such a jerk!" Yuki exclaimed, irritated but still happy that Zero had complied with her wishes (read orders).

Yuki then ran to the kitchen, before coming back with a croissant, glass of milk and an apple. "Eat up!"

Sighing in relief that he didn't need to have Cross's food, Zero ate the croissant and drank the milk.

" Aren't you going to eat the apple?" Yuki asked.

" Not at the moment, I'm taking it with me."

" Alright." Satisfied with Zero's answer, Yuki grabbed her bag and headed towards the doorway.

" Come on Zero! We're gonna be late!"

" Coming."

The day proceeded without a hitch for both Yuki and Zero, each completing their classwork and managing to not fall asleep or doze off.

Soon the last bell of the day had rung, signaling the end of school. Some students began to head back to their dormitories while others opted to go with friends to the library or the little town nearby. A huge group of girls, however, were waiting at the crossover destination for the Night Class, eager to see their beloved senpais.

As soon as the bell had rung, Zero had left class immediately. Disregarding the fact that it was his duty to maintain the crossover, he headed towards the secluded area of the academy where the barn was.

When he pushed open the wooden doors that led to the horse stables, he was greeted with a friendly whinny from White Lily, his pet of sorts.

Zero let out a soft sigh, happy that he was finally able to relax and enjoy spending some alone time. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the apple Yuki had given him that morning.

" Want it?" Zero offered to the horse above him, who gently grasped the apple between her teeth.

" Good girl." Reaching a slender arm up, the hunter stroked the fur on White Lily's neck.

As he leaned back to rest his head upon a haystack, the barn doors burst open, and an irritated Yuki came in.

" Ha! I found you Zero!" The brunette gave a triumphant shout and marched towards her surrogate brother, but was quickly deterred by the murderous gleam in White Lily's eyes.

" We have crossover." Opting to talk instead of getting trampled by a horse, Yuki leaned against the barn wall, eyes filled with impatience. " Don't tell me you forgot?"

" I didn't forget, I just don't care." Zero let out a groan as he pushed himself up from the ground.

" You can't just abandon your job like that Zero! Father trusted us with keeping the balance in this academy!" Yuki protested.

" And that's why I'm getting up." Zero replied, raising a silver eyebrow before walking towards the door. " You coming?"

Giving an exasperated noise, Yuki followed Zero towards the crossover place.

The mass of girls out in front of the night class dorms resembled the huge horde of wildebeests in the Lion King. Voices bounced off of trees and cobbled roads before fading in a ringing tone in empty air.

Zero watched with an amused look on his face as Yuki desperately tried to force the girls back, she looked quite like Mufasa in the one scene.

" Zero, stop smirking and come help me!" Yuki cried out as she was once again forced back by the onslaught of rabid fangirls. " Help me before the- "

She was cut off as the iron gates behind her swung open and the Night Class appeared from the shadows, igniting a round of squeals and shrieks from the Day Class girls.

" Gates open." Yuki finished her sentence in defeat, her head drooping slightly. Within seconds she bounced back and began her daily routine of shouting at the Day Class students and blowing a whistle.

As the Night Class students proceeded down the stone street that lead to where they took classes, one member separated from the rest of the group, causing the rest of the Night Class to stop and wait as he walked up behind the unsuspecting brunette girl.

" Good job Yuki." The soft lilting voice halted both Yuki and Zero's movements as one's face colored and the other's eyes rolled in annoyance and hatred.

Garnet eyes glimmered as they looked down at Yuki, her petite frame easily dwarfed by the other's muscular one.

" Ah, th-thank you Kaname-sama." Yuki stuttered, her face flushed red.

" It's always a pleasure to compliment you." Kaname bent slightly down to kiss Yuki's hand.

Within a second's notice, Zero was standing at her side, snatching away Yuki's hand from the vampire's grasp. His lilac eyes burned with hatred.

" Keep your filthy hands off of her." Zero hissed.

" Zero!" Yuki gasped before yanking her hand out of his grasp and turning to Kaname: " I'm very sorry for his behavior."

" It's no problem." Kaname waved her apology off.

" Kiryu is just like that, aren't you?" Kaname proceeded to direct his question to Zero.

The hunter merely glowered in response.

" Well, it was lovely to see you Yuki, but I'm afraid I must be going." Kaname said before turning around and going back to the cluster of Night Class students watching them.

" Bye Kaname-sama." Yuki murmured.

" I'll see you tonight Zero." Kaname whispered softly as he brushed past Zero, their arms slightly touching.

Immediately Zero jolted out of reach before responding: " Fuck off."

A soft chuckle came out of chiseled lips, but Kaname didn't say anything else as he left.

Zero could feel the angered glares of the Night Class, particularly Aido and Ruka that burned into his back, but he pushed aside the feelings and turned towards Yuki.

As soon as the Night Class was out of reach, Yuki began to punch Zero in his shoulder, making him wince. Those tiny fists of those hurt when she constantly hit the same place over and over again.

" You." punch " Utter." punch " Jerk!" punch.

" Ow, ow Yuki stop!" Zero grabbed hold of her head firmly and pushed her out of his reach. " Why are you hitting me?"

" You were so rude to Kaname-sama!"

" In case you haven't forgotten, he drinks blood and kills humans. He's a vampire!"

" He's different!"

" How so?"

" He doesn't drink blood from humans! And he's kind!"

Oh if only you knew sweet Yuki. Zero thought bitterly. His weekly feedings with Kaname had slowly escalated until the other had also drunk from him, needing to replenish his own blood after giving to Zero.

" I just like him okay? And I truly think he's different, in a good way." Yuki said softly, eyes sad.

Seeing Yuki sad cooled Zero's anger and softened his stone cold demeanor. " Alright, I'll attempt to be civilized."

" Thank you Zero!" Yuki immediately perked up, bouncing up and down.

" Yeah yeah." Zero grumbled, a slight blush dusting his cheeks.

" Aww your so cute!" Yuki squealed, leaning up to pinch the boy's cheeks.

Zero's blush deepened before he pushed away Yuki's hands. " No. Bad."

" Alright. Well, time to go see Cross." Yuki shrugged and then grabbed Zero's hand to pull him.

Zero nodded absentmindedly before allowing Yuki to drag him away.

Up above them on a tree, hiding behind a leaf covered branch, was a silver-haired girl. Seiren, Kaname's personal assistant, waited until the two she was spying off were out of her range of sight before leaping off the tree, landing silently on her feet.

She quickly ran towards where the Night Class's classes were being held, a small camera in hand.

" Alright, alright we are done here and we are going to patrol." Zero stressed the word patrol as he yanked Yuki out of Cross's embrace and pulled her out of the office, slamming the large door behind him.

" I swear to god he probably took a college course on how to waste time." Zero groaned, " Anyway, let's get going."

Yuki nodded in agreement to Zero's second sentence, though she didn't say anything. Yuki never voiced anything bad against Cross. She considered him her father after all, unlike Zero, who thought of Cross more so as an annoying uncle (Though he'd never admit to thinking that Cross was family. That went against his "be-an-asshole-and-stone-statue aesthetic.).

The cold night air chilled both Yuki and Zero as they stepped out of the warmth the Academy building provided. Nodding to each other, they both went their separate routes for patrolling.

As soon as Yuki had gone far enough that Zero could no longer sense her, he rushed to the entrance of the Night Class dormitory. The Night Class should be back by now, meaning Kaname was also back.

He hadn't even knocked on the doors did they slowly open, before Takuma peeked his head out.

" Ah Zero, Kaname has been expecting you."

Without waiting for a response, he grabbed Zero's slender hand, pulling him in before closing the doors behind him.

As Takuma and Zero walked down the halls, a low growl was heard. Lilac eyes focused in on the owner of the sound, and to his (not) surprise, it was Aido.

The blonde haired vampire's turquoise eyes glistened with hatred and disgust, and his pink lips curled back to reveal sharp fangs in a threatening act.

Glaring back at Aido, Zero gave a small smirk as if to say " Jealous that I get your beloved Kaname-sama?"

Aido's legs tensed as if he was about to leap at Zero before a large, tan hand came to rest on his thigh, preventing his movement.

Looking up through blonde lashes, Aido's eyes met with the tawny one's of Kain, his cousin.

Shaking his head slightly, the taller glanced firmly down at Aido. Responding with a reluctant sigh, Aido slumped back against the sofa.

Glad to be done with his non-verbal encounter with Aido, Zero rounded the corner after Takuma, before stopping in front of a pair of doors.

Stopping, Takuma gestured towards the door. " Kaname-sama is in there."

Zero gave no inclination that he heard the words as he pushed open the doors and walked in.

" Ah Zero, you're finally here. It took you long enough." Kaname's low voice echoed through the room. The man himself was reclined on a large bed, satin sheets and pillows strewn over it.

The scene reminded Zero of a sexual endeavor rather than a non-friendly exchange of blood.

" Well I'm here, let's just get this over with." Zero muttered as he strolled over to Kaname before coming to a stop in front of him.

" Come closer than." Kaname tilted his head, exposing the pale skin on his neck. Scratching a thin line across the skin, he smiled as blood slowly dripped from the wound.

At the scent of the pureblood's blood, Zero's usual lilac eyes flashed scarlet red and he jumped at Kaname, pushing him onto the bed before straddling him and leaning down to lap at the wound.

The rich taste of Kaname's blood entered Zero's mouth. Spicy and musky, it tasted of dominance and power. Giving a low moan, Zero released his own fangs before sinking them into Kaname's neck.

Grasping the silver hair on the hunter's head, Kaname pushed Zero closer to his own body, watching transfixed as the hunter drank from him.

After a while of feeding, Zero's eyes returned to their lilac hue and his fangs retracted back into his mouth.

" Now it's my turn." And that was all the warning Zero got before their positions were switched and he was roughly shoved back onto the bed, his head hitting the pillows with a small oomph.

" Wait- K-Kaname!"

Ignoring Zero's startled cry, Kaname sunk his fangs into the hunter's pale neck.

" Ahhhh!"

As soon as Kaname's fangs sank into his neck, Zero let out a low moan. Vampire bites could cause both pain and/or pleasure, and purebloods' could control that ability to a certain extent. In this case, waves of pleasure coursed through his body and Zero's bones gave out as he gave up his struggle and fell back on the bed, whimpering as his blood was slowly sucked out.

Kaname relished the moans the usually stoic Zero made, he reveled that he was able to unravel Zero like that. Then again, Zero was as sensitive as they come, even the slightest touch in an erogenous zone could send him crying and reeling in pleasure. Kaname wondered if it was because Zero had hardened his body to pain, so to balance it out, the pleasure he experienced became extreme.

After a few minutes of Zero writhing beneath Kaname, the pureblood finally retracted his fangs, panting heavily as his lust filled eyes glanced down at the male beneath him.

A few more minutes passed before Zero finally gained enough strength to get up from his position, shoving Kaname away as he did so. As he advanced to the window, preparing to leap out and leave, Kaname caught his wrist.

Zero started to turn back to yell at Kaname but as soon as he turned he was met with a feathery light sensation on his lip before he saw Kaname's smirk and garnet eyes that glowed with smugness.

" I'll see you soon Zero."

" Don't count on it Kuran."

With that Zero leaped out of the window and landed softly on the ground, before bounding away towards another part of the campus.

A few hours later…

" Kaname-sama? May I come in?" Seiren asked after knocking on the oak doors that led to the pureblood's " office" or study room.

" Yes." A voice echoed clearly from the cracks between the door and the wall.

Seiren opened the door and stepped into the dimly lit room, squinting slightly to adjust to the difference of lighting. She then walked over to the large writing desk seated before the window. A figure sat in the plush throne with his back turned to the door.

" What is it Seiren?"

" I did as you told to spy on Yuki and Kiryu."

" So?"

" He is completing the job you gave him, though not purposely for you I'd say."

" Obviously, Kiryu has such a fiery personality that he'd never do anything for me by his own will. It's what makes him so fun to toy with."

" I see."

" So was anything different?"

" No Kaname-sama. He acts like he always has."

" So normal then."

" Kaname-sama, may I ask you a question?"

" Why not."

" Why do you choose to feed and feed from Kiryu? Even if you do love Yuki as much as you do, it doesn't make sense as to why such a high-level vampire like you would feed from a turned, Level D vampire."

" I have my own reasons Seiren. Let's just say that Zero Kiryu has many secrets, and one as conflicted as he, makes the most excellent treat for me. Does that satisfy your curiosity?"

" Yes, Kaname-sama."

" Good. Now be off."

Seiren gave a small nod and left, the door shutting quietly behind her.

" Zero. Even the name is conflict within itself. Is it the end or the beginning? Nothing or everything? And what is Zero himself? Hunter or Vampire? (Me: Gay or Straight? Or any other category of the LGBT+ community?)

And with that thought, Kaname drifted off into a daydream that involved Zero.

Back in the hunter's room, Zero suddenly felt a chill run through him and he sneezed. Shivering slightly he pulled the blankets closer to him.

And that concludes the first updated chapter! Please give some reviews so I know what to improve on, though you don't have to if you don't want to. And while I do enjoy criticism on how to improve, please refrain from flames.