Chapter 13

A week went by with no change.

Two-week mark was edging closer every day and it brought along the disturbingly truth that if Jack didn't wake soon he never would.

Phryne had only returned to the house and few times in the past couple of weeks to bath and collect more clothing; never gone more than an hour. She refused to leave his side any other time, she wouldn't leave until he opened his eyes.

Everyday went by in the same fashion: Mr. and Mrs. Robinson or as they insisted Shelia and Henry came by in the morning and didn't leave until visiting hours were over; Jane now nearly fully recovered came by after-school for a few hours since Phryne insist she returned to school last week; Mr B arrived 3 times a day making sure they all had proper food inside of them and sometimes assisting Henry is cleaning Jack and even Aunt Prudence came to visit a few times to check in on her niece and the Inspectors condition.

Jack himself was looking better with the bruises on his face having gone down now and some of the lesser cuts were just thin scabs now on his face and thankfully his fever broke a few days back. Phryne didn't know what his chest looked like still not bringing herself to look but Mac had informed her that they were beginning to heal up some but the sickly greyness to Jack's skin didn't comfort any of their thoughts.

This is how Phryne found herself sat next to Shelia as Henry went back to Phryne's house -which she insisted they stayed in until Jack recovered- to collect a few things for Phryne herself. Phryne had found herself getting close to Shelia over their time together and quickly learnt she was the talker of the couple and that Phryne was fully accepted into their family if Jack was happy; they didn't care they were unmarried and acknowledged Jane as a grandchild after explaining that Jack letters to them for the past 6 months always spoke of her and Jane and when they arrived confirmed it for them.

"Guessing he doesn't speak much of his family, does he?" Shelia asked with a smile.

"No, he doesn't. I know he has a sister as well?" Phryne asked slightly unsure of herself.

"Yes Anne. She has two boys and little girl all on her own. Such an independent young woman," she praised, "You would like Anne, you two get along very well."

"I hope to meet her one day."

"Well you must come to Sydney once Jack has recovered, we'll have a little get together."

Phryne thoughts quickly sobered up and her throat closed slightly, "once Jack has recovered."

Shelia smiled timidly at the women next to her and she could see the pain swimming in her eyes as she watched Jack intently.

"He'll be okay, Phryne. Our Jack is strong. He can fight this."

"It's been 13 days now," Phryne whispered, "How long are we supposed to have hope for?"

"Never give up hope, Phryne. Hope is a very powerful thing indeed. If we have hope Jack will wake up, he will wake up."

"I hope you're right," Phryne smiled at the older women gripping her hand slightly in thanks, "Anyway I didn't give him permission to leave."

Shelia couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips and soon Phryne let one out of her own. Shelia smiled at the women, yes, she was exactly as Jack described her to be in letters and she could see why her son had fallen so madly and deeply in love with her. The pair continued to share stories of Jack they had but soon Henry returned informing them that visiting hours were over and he and Shelia had to leave. The couple said goodbye to Jack before bidding Phryne goodnight as well with the promise to return in the morning with breakfast and Henry informed her that Mr B would come over later after he made dinner for them and Jane.

Phryne smiled at them as they left before walking back over to her Jack and gently kissing his cracked lips before sitting down in a chair beside him.

"You really need to wake up soon Jack. You're missing all the fun I'm having with you mother, I can't wait to tease you about certain childhood stories I have been informed about," she chuckled stroking his cheek, "You're probably getting tired of hearing my voice everyday but guess what? You'll have to wake me up to stop. Come on Jack wake up, you know you want to give me that warning tone with 'Miss Fisher'. Please Jack you have to wake. For me."

She let her head fall to lay on his arm gently as she continued to plead for him to wake up until sleep pulled her into the darkness.

Phryne felt something move beneath her head pulling her from her sleep and she looked around the room with confusion to work out what had woken her from her sleep before she felt something move beneath her hand again.

Gasping, she quickly turned back towards Jack and smiled widely as she watched him sift slightly in the bed and his eyelids flicker.

"Jack!" she exclaimed happily, reaching over the bed placing her hand on his cheek, "Jack? Darling open your eyes. You're okay, I'm here. Come on open your eyes for me."

Jack blinked his deep hazel eyes open a few times trying to clear the blur and confusion he was seeing and as his vision clear he could hear a familiar voice calling out to him and the form of this beautiful Phryne in front of him, smiling and crying as their eyes meet.


"Jack," she smiled before she leant her forehead against his, "you're awake."

"I'm here, I'm okay," he crocked out lifting his hand slowly and painfully to her cheek, "how long have I been out?"

"13 days," she wept not realising her tears were falling onto his cheeks. "I should get Mac."

Jack nodded stiffly as he felt the pain consume his body again but nothing like he felt when it first happened and clumsily wiped away her tears with his thumb. Phryne quickly moved to the door calling out for Rebecca, the nurse who had been working personally on Jack's recovery before rushing back over to Jack to the same position as before.

Rebecca quickly ran into the room with another nurse and upon seeing Jack awake quickly ordered the other nurse to fetch Dr. Macmillan straight away. Rebecca walked over to Jack on the other side to Phryne.

"Inspector, I'm glad you are awoken," Rebecca smiled at him, "how are you feeling? Are you in pain?"

Jack nodded his head slightly because he was in pain but he didn't want to be knocked out again. Phryne pulled away from him slightly and sat on the edge of the bed clasping his hands in hers.

"Can you ring the house for me?" Phryne asked Rebecca who she had given the number to last week for whenever he woke up. Rebecca nodded before rushing to make the phone call just as Mac walked into the room.

"Well hello, Inspector. Looks like you're still kicking, aren't you?" Mac smiled as she walked over to him.

"Hello, Dr. Macmillan," Jack crocked out his throat still rather dry even after Phryne helped him drink some water.

"How are you feeling?"


"Meaning he is in pain," Phryne replied straight after, glaring slightly at Jack.

"I'd be worried if you weren't," Mac told him looking into his eyes to check his response, "You had a rather tough time of late. You have 3 broken ribs and several deep cuts from varies knives covering your chest and few cuts on your face which of all are mostly healed. You had also all very worried, you were deeply infected and feverish but you awake is a very good sign and your fever is gone so I believe you will have a textbook recovery from this point."

"Sorry to be an in convince," he whispered.

"No in convince but now you are awoken maybe you can inform our girl here to go home and have a proper night sleep for once," Mac said glaring at her friend before turning back to Jack, "I'll go get you some pain relief."

Mac left the room as quickly as she had entered and Jack turned back to Phryne worried look as Phryne stared at his hand intently not wanting to look up at him suddenly.

"Phryne…how long have you been here with me?" he inquired tugging at her hand.

"13 days," she mumbled still looking at his hand.

"Oh Miss Fisher," he sighed, "you shouldn't have been staying here."

"I love you!" she exclaimed suddenly, her eyes darting to his, "I couldn't leave you here alone. This was all my fault and I couldn't leave! If anything had happened to you and I wasn't here with you, it would have killed me."

"Miss Fisher," he interrupted but she carried on rambling, "Phryne!" That shut her up. "Just shut up and kiss me."

Phryne pulled back shocked for a second before smiling and leaning down to press her lips to his chapped ones. It didn't last long, just a short sweet kiss to ensure her that he was her.

"This isn't your fault Phryne," Jack strained to say, "I love you Phryne."

Phryne sighed in contentment placing her forehead on his, "I love you too Jack."

"Phryne, where's our daughter?"

"She's at home," she smiled at his choice of words, "she misses her father."

"I missed her as well."

Mac returned a few seconds later with more pain relief for him to help him fall back to sleep, "Give it 15 minutes to kick in fully."

"Thank you, Mac," Phryne smiled as she watched Jack relax in the pillow more as the edge of the pain was taken off.

"Your parents are here, Inspector," Mac said as Jack adjusted himself slightly.

"My Parents?"

Just as the words left his mouth as noise could be heard coming down the hallway and Shelia rushed into the room.

"Jack?" she whispered when her son's tired and pained eyes turned to her and he smiled slightly at her.

"Mom," he whispered.

Shelia quickly rushed to his side where Mac was standing and reached down to stroke his cheek gently, "you're okay!"

"I'm okay."

Shelia smiled down at him and kissed his forehead motheringly.

Phryne smiled at the pair, "Where is Henry, Shelia?"

Jack raised a weak eyebrow at her 'first names with my parents?'

'They like me' she said with her eyes.

'Of course, they do'

"Henry is coming," Shelia interrupted their eyes conversation, "Along with-"

"JACK!" A young voice called from door.

Everyone turned their eyes to see Jane stood there in cloths she just had thrown on after being woken up by Shelia since her hair still was loose down her back. Behind her Henry stood, a man of very little words and he smiled.

Jack's eyes soften instantly when they landed on Jane and smiled to see her skin clear of bruises unlike like last time he saw her which is nearly 3 weeks ago.


Jane didn't hesitate to run over to him and gently lean down to hug him which was returned weekly bringing his good arm up to the back of her head, after a few seconds she whispered, "You kept your promise."

"I always keep my promises," he whispered as he struggles to keep his eyes open but he manages to catch Phryne's and he look they share would speak volumes.

Henry walked over to his wife and the pair shared a look and they both knew their son had found a home and a family; the look Phryne and Jack shared was a look of love and love for their daughter.

Phryne could see Jack struggle to keep his eyes open, and she placed a gentle hand on Jane's back indicating for her to pull away and sit down which she did and she wasn't surprise that she chose to sit next to Shelia instead of herself.

Phryne leaned forward in her chair and cupped Jacks cheek, "Get some rest Jack."

Jack gave into the weight of his eyes but managed to mumble back, "Yes Miss Fisher."

His response caused the other people in room to laugh slightly but Phryne just smiled in contentment and leaned in to kiss his forehead before relaxing back into her chair knowing everything would be okay now.

Everything is okay with Jack Robinson around.