Title The Betrothal Situation
Rating M
Chapter 14 – Fast Forward 18 Years
Warnings This story contains some mild language and violence throughout, Dumbledore, Molly and Ron bashing, scenes of sexual activity and several character deaths. Some of the characters may appear OOC. Contains some scenes which may be upsetting to readers, reader discretion is advised.
-The Betrothal Situation-
Platform 9 ¾ at London Kings Cross Station, London, England
1st September 2015
The morning of the first of September was crisp and golden as an apple, and as the combined Potter/Black/Carrow family bobbed across the rumbling road towards the great sooty station, the fumes of car exhausts and the breath of pedestrians sparkled like cobwebs in the cold air. A redheaded girl trailed tearfully behind her brothers and sisters, clutching her father's arm.
"It won't be long now, and you'll be going too," Harry told her. "You know the rules Amelia, even Professor Sprout can't bend them and she is the Headmistress!"
"But it means I have to wait until next year!" sniffed Amelia Hermione Potter, the youngest daughter of Harry and Susan. "I want to go now!"
The day-trippers who were walking around Kings Cross stared curiously at the owls as the family wove its way towards the barrier between platforms nine and ten when suddenly one of the children started shouting.
"Get lost Remus. You know I don't want to go to Slytherin!" the second youngest child, Alecto, the daughter of Harry and Hestia, shouted at her older half-brother.
Harry looked at his wives and knew instantly something was wrong with his children. As Susan took Amelia and James, Flora taking her twins Sirius and Cassie and Hestia taking her son Harry Junior to the Platform, Harry managed to get his daughter alone.
"Alecto Amelia Carrow," Harry said quietly, so that nobody could hear him talking to his daughter. "You were named for two people who were influences on my life in one way or another and one of them was a Slytherin."
"But just say—"
"—then Slytherin House will have gained an excellent student, just like your mom, won't it? It doesn't matter to us as we will still love you. But if it matters to you, you'll be able to choose Gryffindor over Slytherin. The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account."
"It did for me," said Harry. He had never told any of his children that before, and he saw the wonder in Alecto's face when he said it. Running through the barrier, Alecto and Harry met up with the rest of the family, alongside Defence Against Dark Arts Professor Ginny Longbottom and her husband, Herbology Professor Neville Longbottom.
As Harry saw the couple, he hugged Neville and Ginny. He was forced away, however, as Amelia wanted to hug her "Uncle Neville."
"Typical. I greet my cousin and get sent away by my daughter!" Harry said, smiling at the Herbology professor. "Parked all right, then?"
"Nah, no need to have parked. We took the Knight Bus as Ginny gets sick in the car when she is like this." Neville said, rubbing his wife's stomach.
"Bloody hell Nev! Number 5 already!" Harry said, smiling. "You two are getting as bad as I am!"
"At least you have three wives to split the load compared to me." Neville replied, punching Harry in the shoulder. "Hell, I remember you saying that Hestia wanted to make you get the snip after Alecto's birth."
"Yeah, but I had to explain to her that it wouldn't work to magicals, especially after Poppy Pomfrey gets her hands on you in the Hospital Wing!" Harry said, shuddering at the memories of being charged rent for the time that he had spent in the Hogwarts Hospital Wing under the care of Madam Pomfrey.
Remus had reappeared; he had divested himself of his trunk, owl, and trolley, and was evidently bursting with news.
"Teddy's back there," he said breathlessly, pointing back over his shoulder into the billowing clouds of steam. "Just seen him! And guess what he's doing? Snogging the daughter of the Quidditch referee!"
Teddy Lupin was the son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks, a werewolf and a metamorphmagus who, following the celebration of winning the Battle of Hogwarts managed to admit their feelings for each other. Remus Potter gazed up at the adults, evidently disappointed by the lack of reaction.
"Our Teddy! Teddy Lupin! Snogging Sophie Spinet, the daughter of our Quidditch referee! When I asked Teddy what he was doing—"
"You interrupted them?" said Ginny. "They are entitled to snog on the platform and Express. Now if it was at school, I would be knocking points off our Head Students!"
"—and he said he'd come to see her off! And then he told me to go away! He's snogging her!" James added as though worried he had not made himself clear.
"Oh, it would be lovely if they got married," whispered Susan, smiling at her children. "We need a wedding to go to, especially after your Uncle George married your Aunt Angie a few years after skirting around each other!"
He checked the watch he had found in his family vault that belonged to his grandfather, Fleamont Potter, he looked at his children, ready to usher them to where they needed to be to get to Hogwarts. "It's nearly eleven kids so you'd better get on board."
As the all the children bar Amelia boarded the Express, Harry had a moment to think. Turning to Neville, he started to tear up. "I really wished that Hermione was here as, even though I am married to Susan, my first and true love, our son would have been boarding for his last year at Hogwarts."
"I know Harry." Neville said. "You, me, Susan, Ginny and Hermione made a good team sorting out the Defence Association into an Army, one which defeated You-Know-Who. Hermione would be proud of how you have managed to push through the reforms for our world."
As Chief Warlock of the British Wizengamot, a duty given to him by the International Confederation of Wizards and ratified by the Wizengamot, thanks to the defeat of not one, but two Dark Lords, Harry knew that his position in life would be great in the end, as for him, Susan, Flora and Hestia, all would be well.
-The Betrothal Situation-
A/N – And that's the end of The Betrothal Situation. For all of those who have read the story, I thank you very much. For those who have reviewed and given their opinions, I have appreciated them VERY much.
It has been a tearful two hours as I write this, but I am glad that I have brought this to people's devices, be it mobile, tablet or PC. Thank you for sticking with me.
Disclaimer I don't own the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling, and are not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only. Any text used from the Harry Potter series is used under the fair use allowances of various copyright acts
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Reviews Please remember to review this story as it helps improve the stories that I write for you guys. It's the only payment, along with adding to community's and favourites that I get for writing these, and I admit I enjoy that payment.
Type Multi Chapter
Status Complete
Distribution FFN, AO3, HP FanFicArchive, GryffindorTom Online
Story ID 075
Publish Date 17/12/2016