Finally, the new version is out. If you don't see it right away, be patient, fics take time to load up.
Anyway, be warned that the first chapter is a rethread of this fic's first chapter. That said, I made some changes not only to Akito's appearance like making him more averange sized, but will also change some of his motivations and way of acting.
Please don't throw a fit, I have good reasons to do so: showing Izuku growing with his training. In this fic I just kinda showed the training, but not how it changed him or any sign of improvement, so I added those details to make it feel a bit more, well, authentic.
Another change is Izuku's fighting method, while this fic has him using anime samurai fighting skills, I'll try to ground the rebooted version's swordplay better. Really, I was very inconsistent with that style and forced some exposition.
Also, stuff with my other OCs like Lao and his gang will be heavily toned down so they don't steal the spotlight. If I show them, I want to keep true to what I said and use them to make the canon characters shine more with good battles.
Last but not least, don't worry, I'll keep the Izuyu (Izuku x Tsuyu) ship because it's so darn cute.