-Yorda's Battles-
By Julie Danskin (Invader Jed)

Epilogue - Yorda's Peasant -

Author's note: Last chapter! Oh my God, this has been so cool to write! See author's note at the end, but I'm just gonna get on with it for now. SOB!

This conclusion is set six months after Keoden's downfall. Ico and Yorda are now married and the people of Furwha have been released and cities are growing. The Spirit threat is no more.

* * * Yorda gazed out of the castle window from her and Ico's room, watching him ride away on Riia to collect Siania from her new city Cassas (much nearer Ara P'Way than Furwha), for a rather sad occasion. It was the half-year memorial service being held for Biocha since he died. He was seen as a hero, someone who had given his life to try and save Yorda's. His family and friends dearly missed him, the funeral had been mostly of peasants but all were weeping.

It was a sad and happy day, for later that evening they would be remembering Biocha's life, but it was also the day Yorda had decided to tell Ico about her pregnancy. She had been with child for two months now and was luckily not showing terribly for she chose this night especially. She wanted to call the child Biocha but knew really that she wouldn't when it came down to it.

She went from the room and walked down the staircase, the couple of people ascending it bowing their heads respectfully. Yorda smiled and escaped the door, still expecting it to be watched by Biocha, even after all this time.

Outside was precious to her, it seemed so much more unrestricted, she could wander outside the city gates if she wished, she would be able to go for picnics in the meadow or the forest with Ico, which she had been doing for the past few months they had been together and finally married.

It had caused some scandal, her marrying Ico after her husband had only just died, but when the true story broke out, many people were sympathetic and touched, and were only too happy to give their blessing. Everyone was invited to the wedding outside the city walls, and though people were untrusting and cautious, they slowly got used to the fact there was no Spirit danger and slowly moved apart into other parts of the island, some even sailed to other islands.

Yorda hadn't really changed the way things were for herself, it had been Ico. He had defeated the Queen, he had defeated Keoden and the Spirits, and finally they were free and together at last.

They had to be.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Riding with Siania on the horse's back reminded Ico of old times, when he had taken her to and from Ara P'Way. Then they had had to run from the Spirits, but now they were gone at last and they could relax, there was no danger now. Keoden was dead, Giannias was dead, the Queen was dead, all by his hand and all to benefit Yorda, but it also benefited her - their - kingdom, didn't it?

Everyone was happy. Everyone was free.

There was not so much prejudice now they had a king who had once been a peasant. He would always be one at heart and wasn't going to let the politics and leadership take over his love of the wild, but he had to support Yorda too, it wasn't fair if she did all the work and he did as he pleased.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

After the service, Ico led Siania away by the hand to the castle where she would spend the night as a treat.

"Why did Biocha have to die?" she asked, and Ico should have known this conversation would arise again.

"He was trying to save Yorda, Sai. He died to save her, it's really the best way to go, knowing he perhaps helped her in some way." Ico tried.

"But he didn't, did he? You did."

"Biocha held them off."

Siania shook her head and stormed off to her room. Losing her friend, however brief their friendship had been, had built a wall between Siania and Yorda, causing one between Siania and Ico too, as he and Yorda were one. Siania had the notion that it was Yorda's fault, and Yorda had got it into her head it was her fault, but there was nothing that she could really have done about it.

He met her in their room and they shared a brief kiss, before pulling away and smiling at each other. Yorda noticed a sadness in Ico's eyes and she tilted her head slightly, then clucked her teeth.

"Siania?" she guessed, and Ico nodded. "She'll come round."

"I hope so," Ico sighed, "I really do."

Yorda nodded and they sat on the edge of the bed together, Ico holding Yorda in his arms. She found comfort and nuzzled into his shoulder.

Ico smiled slightly to himself. This was all that mattered. He was with Yorda, his Princess . . . Queen of Light and Shadow. No danger would ever befall her again.

"Ico," she murmured sleepily.

"Mmm?" he urged, not really paying attention.

"I'm pregnant."

Ico opened his eyes.

** ** ** ** **

"The island bathes in the sun's bright rays,

Distant hills wear a shroud of grey,

The lonely breeze whispers in the trees -

Sole key to this mystery . . . "

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Final Note : First of all, thanks to all of you who reviewed while writing this story and to all others who will hopefully review after this.

Next, thanks to Rozzie, who supported me while writing this and telling me to keep going, thanks Rozzie. I've decided this story is dedicated to her, so Rozzie, this is for you.

Thanks to Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for making the game and characters, because I wouldn't be able to write the fanfic if it never existed, would I? Thanks to Yorda, thanks to my English teacher, thanks to everyone who supported this.

Now, here's the bit you might have wanted to know : WILL THERE BE A SEQUEL TO YORDA'S BATTLES?

I don't know, I've had a few ideas, but I still haven't quite decided. If I get 20 or more reviews on this story then I definitely will in time, but I need to know you WANT a sequel!

Cos its all about the fans.

I'm currently planning a fic that will follow Ico and Yorda through the game, so will probably be from an Ico perspective, but I haven't decided yet, so watch this space. Well, not this actual space here, but the little space in the Ico page, ah forget it!

Hopefully the game fic could be used as a little walkthrough for people who are stuck on the game but want to find out how to do it a little differently (without having to figure out how to do it themselves of course!) but that should be quite good to write to.

So, it's not the end from me, I have a few ideas up my little sleevey things.

For the last time from this story, I will say:
