Full Summary: The Null Dimension is not like the others. In this world, Duel Monsters didn't become popular, and the holographic technology that would have enhanced the game was seized by the military for reasons unknown. That wouldn't have been a problem, except for the fact that now the residents of another dimension are attacking them with monsters made real by Solid Vision, and the only ones capable of fighting back are the resistance group Infinitas, led by a young woman named Scarlett and her trusted circle of friends. But as they're sucked into an inter-dimensional war that exceeds anyone's expectations, will they find a way to protect those they cherish most? Or will they shatter under the pressure, and succumb to Academia's might?
A/N: Welcome, one and all, to my Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V fanfiction! Honestly, this fic just sort of jumped me from behind one day. There I was, just innocently scrolling through tumblr and tvtropes, catching up on episode recaps, when suddenly the plot bunnies ambushed me and clubbed me over the head. Terrible, vicious bunnies. ;) In all seriousness, though, the idea for this story just sort of came to me very strongly and I decided to go for it because a) why not? and b) there aren't really enough fanfiction stories for Arc-V, period. There are like, only 600? 600, that's it?! I object! XD
Anyway, this first chapter is really short; it's more of an introduction to the main OC than anything; I'll be posting the next chapter immediately after posting this one, though, so you can all get a better feel for the story in general. :)
Chapter 1: Dual Identity
It was raining in Summerland City. Not quite a full thunderstorm, but stronger than the usual misting drizzle that had previously been the only rain the residents of the city were accustomed to. Summerland City had been, after all, a nice place with a temperate climate. Not too hot, not too cold, almost always sunny with a slight breeze. A few spring showers here and there, and occasionally a mild drought in the summer season, but otherwise every day that came was much like the one before.
But after the invasion, that, like so much else, had drastically changed.
A few of the more scientific types had theorized that it had something to do with ripping holes in the dimensions, that by invading this realm those Academia freaks had also destabilized the very fabric of their world, creating unusual weather patterns and other unpredictable phenomenon.
Of course, most of those scientists were now dead, carded, or missing, so there was no way to find out if there was any merit to their claims or not.
So Scarlett wondered, but didn't waste too much time worrying about the higher implications of it all. Not yet, anyway; she had too much to focus on already.
As the founding member of Infinitas, a militia-esque resistance group that fought against Academia and its soldiers, she wasn't dedicated to finding out what, exactly, was happening to their world...she was dedicated to protecting those who lived in it and kicking the asses of those who had invaded it. The big issues of why they'd come and what they wanted were on her to-do list, but her top priorities revolved around things like rescuing as many people as she could and evacuating them to what few safe zones there were left, and finding enough food and other supplies to keep her fellow rebels and the refugees staying at her boarding house fed and clothed.
And every day it was getting harder. She was having to go farther to find food, having to be more careful when she snuck around, or be more fierce when she was found by Academia soldiers.
She'd needed to be extra careful in the last couple months, after the wanted posters had gone up, with a vague sketch of her and a hefty reward for whoever gave up information on the "elusive leader of Infinitas". The sketch wasn't a good one, but the coloring was right; her short red hair and her freakish red eyes.
She'd been prepared for that eventuality, though, and had taken precautions. She'd been wearing a carefully thought-out disguise since the start; a long dark wig she'd found in an abandoned thrift store, blue contact lenses she'd bartered a case of canned beans for, a handful of eyebrow pencils for darkening her eyebrows, and some baggy and faded clothing that disguised her physique and made her look like just any other invasion victim. And as that person, as Skylar, she was so different from her Scarlett persona, she doubted that anyone who wasn't already privy to her dual identities would be able to guess the truth. As Skylar, she ran the Summerland boarding house, a motel that had been abandoned by its original owners that Skylar had found and turned into a place where people who needed somewhere to stay could come for a hot meal and a roof over their heads until they could move on to something better. As Scarlett, she lead the Infinitas and fought against those who had invaded their world and wrecked their lives.
Thus far, only her immediate circle of friends knew of her hidden identity as Scarlett; Irina, Yukito, Miruna, and Giovanni...they were the only ones she trusted enough with the secret. And it may have been paranoid, but with how desperate Academia was to find her and get rid of her, she felt justified in her caution. She'd seen too many others killed or carded; she was not going to fall victim to the same fate.
And she wasn't going to let it happen to anyone else either, not if she could stop it. She couldn't save everyone, but she was damn well going to try.
A/N: Okay, so this chapter was really short; sorry. Like I said before, it's more of an intro for Scarlett/Skylar than anything. I mostly just wanted to set up the premise and establish the fact that Skylar and Scarlett are really the same person. It's important that I get that set in stone right away, because throughout the various chapters, the name used might bounce back and forth. Anyway, in most chapters, I'll be calling her Skylar, since that's her original birth name and Scarlett is a secondary identity she adopted when she formed Infinitas, even though her natural appearance is that of Scarlett (with the red hair). Since she's trying to keep a low profile, she'll only refer to herself as Scarlett when she's acting as Scarlett, i.e. not wearing her disguise and doing resistance stuff. Anyway, there will be some other OCs introduced in upcoming chapters, but worry not! The canon characters will be joining the story soon, some sooner than others. ;) We just need to get some Null Dimension stuff established first and whatnot. XD
In any case, the next chapter be posted right away after this one is posted, so go forth and read more! I promise, the next chapter is much, MUCH longer than this one. And it has an actual Duel! :D
See you around!