Hello and welcome to my second story. This is another story I come up after sometime and needed before my first story reach certain chapter so there will be no question later. Anyway, enjoy reading!

After previous event with Rei Ryghts (from Hyperdimension), Gamindustri in both Hyperdimension and Ultradimension come into peaceful again. Seven Sages under UD Rei Ryghts reformed as the peacekeeper of Gamindustri along with UD CPU's.

Aside from that, what Rei do now? Of course, after series event happen before, the first things she was do is—

"I should have come home regularly, now it becomes dusty..."

Come to her house, her real house aside from place she uses to sleep when in Seven Sages base. After quite some time... actually, it was really long time, she was deciding to come to her house at least. When she's enter her house, as she expected, dust and spider web already on anywhere she can see.

"Hah... Now I need to clean up all of this. I can't complain to anyone because it basically my own fault. Hah..."

After her second sigh, she was begun to clean her house. It takes a lot of time to clean her house that even though not big but at least able to hold up four persons there. After the all rooms were clean up, she's continued to clean the attic, where she found also found very disastrous by dust, spider web and... some leftover from anything that leave that thing.

"Uh~~~ need more time to finish clean up..."

And she begins to clean up again. She was exhaust, but if she leaves this out, there's chance that she will not able to clean her attic later. When she was in middle of cleaning, she's distracted by large very dusty cupboard where she's very familiar with it.

"Is this..."

She's clean it a little before open it. Inside of it, she can see lot of stuffs.

"It's very nostalgic, is it...?"

Those stuffs, was stuff from her nation Tari before it downfall due herself. When she was destroy Tari by her own power, as reminder of her past and wrongdoing she's try to collect as much as possible any survived stuff from her nation. She's take one by one those stuffs, where only make her remember her bad past as CPU of Tari, except for one thing—

—a single old photo.

"There's lot of bad stuff I do in past... but only this was the most happiest moment I have before I become CPU..."

On that old photo image, there are Rei when she's still at least called young woman... and a young man beside her. That young man has black hair and good figure. His attire consist a simple white shirt and black parka jacket and black trouser with simple brown boots. That image show her and that young man smiling, like it was a very happy moment for both of them.

"I was very pathetic before. Everyone always bully me, tease me or harass me for what I doing, but not him. No matter what pathetic things I do, he always kind to me..."

She's remembering her past with that young man. Her days before with him were her happiest moments she has. Where everyone is looks down to her, he always seen her in good way. When she's something wrong, he's never angry to her, only tell her to try to not do it again. When she was disappoint him, he's also not mad and just let it pass like it was something that will happen anyway.

It was something good happen in her pathetic life before. But as she remembers it more, she doesn't notice that her tears were flowing down.

"But he's gone..."

It happens really fast that time. They're always promise each other to meet on certain place, but one day, he's not coming. She thinks he's just late so she was waiting for him. Day becomes dark, so she decides to go back because she thinks maybe he was really busy so he can't go to meet her. Day after day, she's waiting, but he's never come. She's become worry and suspect that he was go for another girl, but she decline that thought because she knows, that he will not disappoint her, even though she was disappoint him pretty much. Her worry becomes fear as time goes fly, so she decides to search for him.

As pathetic as she is, she is able to get trace of the young man she search for. One trace to another, she finally able to get his track, where she only found something very horrible to be saw.

In the end of track, lead her on some abandoned old temple. She doesn't know why he was going there and decide to see what inside that old temple. Even it was hard, she able to trace where he was going inside the temple, lead her to some large room. And there, she was found something that makes her very shock.

Inside that room, in middle of it, there's a trace... a blood trace spread out from middle to everywhere. To pillars, to walls, to everywhere. A very disgusting view that she can seen. But what make her shock was right in middle of room where the center of blood traces where.

A single necklace, a very familiar necklace to her. It was a necklace she gives to him as celebration for their 1 year relationship. She is fall to her knee as she reaches that necklace. She grab that necklace with her hands that trembling non-stop due her shock. She's put that necklace close to her chest as her tears begin to falling down. And that time, only her cry that can be heard inside that place.

"He was a good man. So good that I can tell that I don't even deserve to him, yet he's choose me. But... he was ended like that..."

After that, she was tried to found out what really happen to him. Most of what she found from people was before; he was going together with bands of treasure hunter and located that temple. No one knows what happen inside, except a giant pillar of light suddenly erupts from that temple and after that, no one seen get out from there. No matter she asked, she always get a same answer. As the time flow, she begins to accept that he was gone and can't come back, forever.

"...There's no time to crying for past. I must see forward to future... for his sake too."

She's put that photo on her pocket and continued her cleaning up again, where still far from done.

Unknown to her, a figure was looking toward her house for quite times. After that, the figure muttered, "I'm sorry, Rei..." before disappear when the moon light not shine upon him.