Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY they are the rightful property of Rooster Teeth.

Italics are thoughts

Bold and Italics are flashbacks

Italics and underline are summons talking

**Communications through scrolls and other devices

Chapter 40 Destiny part 1

(Location: Medical Bay The Vault underground of Beacon Academy Vale Sonus continent Kingdom of Vale Remnant)

The room was dead silent. The only thing that can be heard was the machine showing Summer's pulse. The beeping was the only sound. A silence so deep and long that it seems time has stood still. Was this even real, was this really happening. Summer was so happy when she woke up from her coma. Seven years for crying out loud. Her daughters have grown and they're already huntresses in training, her apprentice has become stronger and leader of the team that her daughters are part of. So many things she has missed, except Vytal Festival. She woke up right on time to see them fight. And she was proud, how far the Arc has gone since she last took him under her wing. How they took down that team from Haven and then Jaune and Yang beating those two second year students. And he made it to the singles match, going to the final round. It was going to be a fight to remember.

But nothing compared to what has recently happened. The silver eyed huntress well, everyone present and those watching around the four kingdoms has just witnessed the most horrifying sight. What was supposed to be an amazing ans exciting match, turned into a nightmare. The three were still staring in pure shock. Summer, Qrow and Goodwitch at the hologram screen. It was first showing the incoming final match. When it has suddenly changed into a new screen. The view of the city of Vale. It was strange at first but then, everything went to hell. That beautiful view was forever shattered as it was caught in enormous and constant explosions. Everyone was so shocked that all they did was stared in dead silence. Hoping, it wasn't real, that it was a trick being played in their minds. Or some kind of sick joke. But they stood there, and waited. It didn't get any more real than this.

Vale has been a victim of a terrorist attack and the destruction was severe. The screen continued to show so many buildings, houses, stores in burning rubble. Were the people alive, or were they all. Summer, finally snapped out and figure the situation. This was a catastrophe. This was the first time that the city has suffered such an attack, of this magnitude. Who knows how big is the number of casualties from both humans and faunus. This could only be the work of that woman, Cinder. The White Fang were obviously involved too. Yet, this wasn't the worse. Because the worse was yet to come. A thought emerged from the huntress. Did this attack was done just so they can get to Amber. Silver eyes narrowed as she gazed around. It was time to act, she started stirring wanting to get out of the bed. This was caught by Qrow and Goodwitch as they were finally snapped from their trance from the horrible incident.

"What do you think you're doing?!" said the blond teacher.

"We don't have time. We must act now, before it gets worse."

"How worse…?" the Branwen paused not wanting to finish his sentence.

"Are you crazy? You just awaken from a seven year coma. You're still in no condition to be active in combat. You can't expect to get up and leave. Ozpin won't allow it."

"Glynda" the silver eyed woman was so serious" we know what's going to happen next. How long until an army of Grimm will come knocking on the kingdom's border, an hour, less? We know the wall and the army won't be able to hold out an incredible amount of Grimm. It's only a matter of time. Time, we can't waste. Our priority now is to evacuate the people of the arena and get them far away from here. Second, we need to check for any survivors as fast as we can."

"Getting them far away from Vale is a good idea. We have to assume that the shelters were destroyed too with most of the city" followed the scythe master.

"There may not be enough time to do all of those things…." the blond huntress shook her head.

"That's why we must hurry. Time's not on our side!"

Qrow's scroll rang, he picked it up knowing who will be" we know, Oz. We saw it too."

*Winter has already took off with her men to the city. They'll be aiding the Police and Fire Department in search for survivors. She has ordered for the soldiers at the arena to evacuate the people. I advice you go all go to the city.*

"And Amber?" added Summer.

*I will stay in the school and keep an eye on her. We haven't forgotten that the enemy's main goal is to get her Maiden Powers.*

"Ozpin I'm coming too!" said the silver eyed woman.

*I had a feeling you would. Very well, you may go. But please do be careful. You're still in recovery* he ended the call.

"They did this, just to try and get to her…." Goodwitch was shocked at the revelation.

"Where are my clothes?!" the silver eyed huntress was looking everywhere, she resumed with removing her white gown.

"Summer!" the blond teacher scolded her as the woman was half naked.

Qrow turned his gaze away, as it got red" can you wait until I go? Not that I don't mind the free show."

"Get my clothes and Rosa, now!"

The Branwen didn't argued as he left immediately to get her things and weapon. The silver eyed huntress was already out of the gown.

"For crying out loud Summer, cover yourself until Qrow returns!"

"Then help me already. I'll go out there naked if I have to!"

"At least everyone at the arena is safe, for the time being" the blond teacher gave a sigh.

Summer stood in thought thinking of her daughters, Jaune, Pyrrha and everyone else. Amity arena was the only place that didn't got hit by an explosion. Cinder probably didn't targeted it for a reason. The destruction of Vale is more than enough to make the people and the viewers go crazy with panic.

"They'll be fine. They can look after themselves and they will do their part. That's why we have to do ours."

"We will."

The dead silence in the arena was still there. Even with so many people in their seats, it was quiet. Like dead air, not a single sound was heard. Their eyes were still on the hologram screen of the city of Vale destroyed to flames and rubble, after those explosions. Jaune was more shocked than anyone else. This wasn't supposed to happen. He never thought Cinder will be capable of doing this. She was evil to the core but this, was going overboard. Her heart was truly dark. She actually did this. The White Fang obviously helped. Then he finally realized those security footage of those trucks being driven by the faunus group. They were going all over the city because they were placing the explosives in different areas. No one noticed, it was done so silent and with perfect timing. During the tournament no one would ever suspect such thing. Not even the Police.

Taking a moment to looked next to him. Penny, his supposed opponent in this final match. She was shocked too. Proof that she was more than a machine. Her emotions were as real as any person. Time stood still for the blond knight to react. Looking at the entrance to the ring he saw his teammates. They were at a loss for words watching the destruction of Vale. It was bad, it was worse. This was a catastrophe. The Arc knew the meaning of this. The people here and those that are still watching the live broadcast. Everyone was going to lose it, fear and panic will overwhelm them. So many negative emotions will be build up that the Grimm will come. Who knows how many of the creatures will attract. Considering Mt Glenn was the closest to the kingdom border. Dozens of them, hundred, maybe thousands. Either way, this situation has gone straight to hell.

Then, time went back to normal. The silence was broken, by the thousands cries of the people. Losing panic as they got running away. The Atlas soldiers present did their best to calm them down. They have received orders from Winter to evacuate them all to safety. Jaune knew what to do, as Penny also acted leaving. She was heading to aid the soldiers. Team DLTA were doing the same thing along Port and Oobleck. His sister was very busy. It was time he gets busy too. Jaune left the ring going to the entrance, meeting his team. He told them what they needed to do. They understood as more teams arrived. Team SSSN, NDGO, ABRN, BRNZ, CFVY, Flynt Coal and Neon Katt. The blond leader nodded to them as they have a duty to fulfill. Then, he spotted Six and Rix. Looks like the siblings were willing to help too. He smiled at them. Not another word they left to aid the soldiers calm and evacuate the people from the arena.

Mercury stood near the exits of the arena. The gray haired teen stood hiding as he watched so many Atlas soldiers getting the people out of the place. There was a huge line, impossible to cross over. But he managed to slip by and keep himself hidden. If anyone from Jaune's team or someone else sees him, he will be done for. Obviously he watched the whole thing. He had no idea honestly, he did knew Cinder was out of her freaking mind. Place explosives all over Vale hit the insanity trait dead on. She just destroyed an entire city, in order to get what she wants. This, was her master plan. Now that it's been done, there was no point in staying. Six, Rix and Neo have already hightailed out of here. It was his turn to get his hide away too. This place has become a dead zone when those explosives were activated. Soon, it will be a Grimm graveyard. The gray haired teen took another route.

"Time to beat it. I'm not sticking around for things to get even worse."

But he hasn't forgotten his other mission. He still had his scroll active and all available cameras at the arena were still recording. The four kingdoms were still watching the tragedy that has just unfolded. Allowing the panic and fear to take over so the Grimm can come. But it didn't mattered if the dark creatures don't come. They just landed a huge hit on the kingdom of Vale. It will be very hard to recover after this. The plan will resume. Now, the rest was in Cinder's hands as she has already made her move. That is why it was no longer safe to stay here any longer. The sooner the better. Time to make his escape without anyone noticing.


Eyes widened as he saw Emerald running to him. He was shocked not expecting to see her here. She shouldn't even be here to begin with.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be hiding. You're going against Cinder's orders."

"That's the thing I…." she was tearing up.

"What's wrong?" he was worried, this was the first time he was seeing her crying.

"Cinder...She thinks I'm the mole…."

"What? That's crazy. You would never be one."

"That's what I said too. I tried to convince her but she didn't listened. She really thinks I'm a traitor. I didn't had a choice but to escape."

"You ditched her?" the gray haired teen was shocked again" that was a bad move Em. Now Cinder will think she was right."

"I don't know what to do. I need your help."

"I don't think I'll be able to convince her after what you pulled off. Damn, you really got yourself into a bad situation."

"It's because she saw text messages on my scroll of Jaune Arc. She believes I was the one speaking to him. But I know why those texts were placed there. It's because the mole got ahead of me. That traitor wanted Cinder to think I'm the mole. It's all part of its plan."

"But why would the mole do that to you?" Mercury was still trying to comprehend all the information she just told him.

"Because I found out who the mole is. I was doing an investigation and I succeeded."

"You know who's the traitor?"

"I didn't got the chance to tell Cinder that's why I need your help. We expose the real traitor and she will immediately have me back."

"Fine, I'll help you. Who is the mole?"

The screams of people that were nearby hit their ears. They were coming here.

"It can wait. We have to get out of here now!"

"Where are the others?"

"They hightailed it out of here a while back. We have to do the same."

Emerald nodded happy that Mercury understood her and was willing to help her. They left heading to their get away ship. Her eyes narrowed, the mole will be revealed. Things weren't going to stay like this. With Cinder thinking she was the traitor. It was because of her she has a life and a purpose. She will never betray her trust.

Junior has seen some crazy things during his times. Even when he was a kid, not an easy childhood. Lots of crime and violence it hasn't change for this side of the city. The rotten side of Vale. And he has witnessed all kinds of weird and insane shit. But today, this, was on a whole new level. He saw it on his screen at his club and he still couldn't believe it. Half of the city has been taken out by dozens of explosions. A freaking terrorist attack. This area however, was the only one that was spared. The irony that not even him gave a chuckle. His men were all shocked and silent. They have left the dance club to check things out. They could see so much smoke and fire. This was the worse thing they have ever seen. There hasn't a single broadcast since the attack happened. Chances were high that news station was taken out. Obviously, his men were panicking ready to run for their lives.

"Hey! Where the hell do you all think you're going?!"

"Sir, you saw it. It's over, we're done for!"

"I'm still standing and so are all of you. So stop acting like wussies. Be grateful that were still breathing!"

"We won't be for long" spoke another" all of this chaos will eventually bring Grimm and that's when things will go for the worse. If there's anyone alive, they won't be for long."

"What do you suggest we do?" asked the bar keeper and owner" that we run? You think running away is going to save our asses from how many Grimm will be rushing here?"

The men with red shades stood silent, they were all scared not knowing what to do.

"I'm still your boss if you haven't forgotten. But I know you're all afraid and you're ready to crap your pants right now. I understand, many of you might have families and you would die to go check on them. I won't make any of you to stay. If you want to leave, then leave. If you want to stay, then stay."

"You're not leaving sir?"

"This is my club and I will stay no matter what. I built this place from the ground up. If it goes down, then I will go down with it. Like I said, none of you are obligated to stay. Feel free to go if you wish."

"I hope those two are all right" he was worried sick for Melanie and Miltia.

He suddenly got a text, immediately opening his scroll. It was from Melanie making him smiled. She and her sister are okay, thank goodness. They were still at Amity Arena. They will be aiding the military to evacuate the people away from the city. That was a good idea, this place was no longer safe. And soon it was going to become a war zone. The girl in white also mentioned to find survivors and take them to the Klub, using it as a shelter. It was a pretty good idea, Melanie was also the quick thinker of the two. Junior texted her back saying he was fine and the Klub was still standing. He will do what she says. Now, it wasn't the time to be thinking of the past. He might have done some bad and shady things. But today, he will do what is right. Closing the scroll he gazed at his men who were all still before him. This surprised knowing they were cowards, were they too scared to even move.

"Why are you still here? I said you can go if you want to."

"Sir...I'm staying."

"Me too."

"Me too!"

"We're all staying. Is there anything we can do?"

"I'm glad you asked" he grinned" we have a big job. I hope you idiots can handle it."

Jaune and his team were helping the civilians from the arena to board the evacuation ships. They were making sure they don't lose panic as they have all managed to make them form a long line. Everyone will get their turn to board the ship. The Atlas military and all of the teams were doing their part. Their priority was to get them out of here. It was impossible not to think of all the people back in the city. How many lives were probably lost by those explosions. They were able to see the large smoke from the distance. Vale has been destroyed and what it seems that it will never recover. The kingdom was lost forever. The Arc kept back to the task at hand. He saw WNRB doing their hardest like other teams. CMRM and the rest from other schools including his sister's team. Their eyes were so focused. They were all trying to keep calm and just do what they have to do. Still trying to ignore what just happened, what they just witnessed back at the arena.

Blake was probably the one feeling worse than everyone else. Knowing the White Fang was responsible for this horrifying terrorists attack. The same group she used to belong to. And that wasn't all, members of her group the Shadow Fang were all down there. She was worried sick for all of them, as well as regular faunus and humans. This was something that couldn't be ignored. Adam has gone too far. He hated humans but not to the point he will do this. Just who knows how many innocent people have been killed, men, women, children and elderly. But the cat faunus remained calm resuming to help her teammates with evacuating the people. There were enough ship to get everyone and in a couple of hours almost everyone has boarded. They people will be taken to Vacuo for the time being and they will have food and shelter until things calm down. Which it was very difficult to say now.

It was finally done, they were all on the ships as they left the arena. There were a couple left that should be reserve for the military and the students. Jaune gave a sigh of relief, that was one problem out of the way. Suddenly one of the Atlas soldiers called out to everyone to gathered. He was holding his scroll. He has put it on speaker for everyone to hear.

"This is urgent! Specialist Schnee would like to have a word with all of you!"

*Students of Beacon, Haven, Atlas and Shade I thank you all for your support and aid with the evacuation of the arena civilians. As you all know, they will be taken to Vacuo until the situation has been...Resolved. The available ships should be use wisely….*

There was a small pause from Winter as everyone was still listening.

*I know you all must be scared. I admit, the circumstances are worse than you believe. We still have no confirmation of number of casualties or survivors, for the matter. I'm afraid it will get even worse in the coming hours. Myself and my men will handle things here. We will search for survivors and take them to safety. That is our number one priority as the military of Atlas puts the safety of the people above all. As for the rest of you. You have two choices. You can board the ships and leave to join the civilians, or you can stay and continuing supporting us. I will not oblige anyone to choose because it is not under my power. This is something only you can decide. You have all trained so hard to become Huntsmen and Huntresses but there is no shame in wanting to back down. We weren't expecting this tragedy to befall upon us. No matter what choice you made, we will respect it. After all you're still first year students. You have already made your school and teachers proud. Made your choice future Huntsmen and Huntresses.*

"Winter…." Weiss lowered her gaze thinking deep of her sister's words.

"Leave or fight" muttered Jaune.

"Fight or flight" followed Cardin.

The call ended while all of the teams stood in deep thought. A small silence fell between while the soldiers were making preparations to join their superior in the city. Oobleck and Port knew what to do as they went up ahead joining the soldiers. They were needed to help in this crisis. Jaune's eyes narrowed this is why his wish came true and went back to the past. For this exact day, even if the turn of events in this new time line were worse than in the original. He wasn't planning to go anywhere, he needed to help all those survivors and find Cinder.

"I've heard enough."

Everyone turned to the Schnee heiress and younger sister of the Specialist.

"I don't know about any of you but I came to Beacon to be a Huntress not a coward. I have made my choice and I'm sure my team will agree when I say we're staying."

"Same goes for me" said the Arc and his team nodded.

"Same with me. Like I'm letting you take all the credit" the Winchester grinned at the blond.

"This was the reason we came to the Festival. All kinds of emergencies and this one doesn't get any graver than this. I'm with my little brother" Dana smiled, her team were more than ready.

"We're staying too" Sun smiled along with his team.

"We're in too" followed Arslan the leader of Team ABRN.

"Same here" said Nebula leader of the all girl Team NDGO.

"We want to help too" said Brawnz leader of Team BRNZ

"You can count on us too" said Flynt while Neon cheered.

"Don't leave us behind" Coco smiled, of course her team will be helping too.

"Don't forget about us!" said Penny while Ciel nodded.

"Then it's decided" smiled Jaune" we're all going with the military. Let's find and save as many lives as we can!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Winter has always been calm and cool headed. Born into the Schnee family she was always that protective figure over her younger sister Weiss. Never agreeing with the way her father treated her and how her younger brother will act as "the perfect son". When Jacquess offered the position of heiress to his dust company she immediately declined. He was furious, she didn't care, she was a rebel. She wanted to live her life freely away from the family business. Her mother has given a long time ago drowning her sorrows in alcohol. Weiss was the only person who still had a chance to live a better life. When she entered military school she was taught discipline, patience and morals. She became the perfect model of a soldier of Atlas. Even she caught the attention of General Ironwood. And became the person she is today. Knowing to never lose her cool and always be positive, looking forward.

And yet, she was doing everything in her power to keep herself calm and collected. Winter was traveling in a military vehicle following other vehicles, along with many Paladins and robot soldiers. She just received word that the Fire Department was destroyed by the explosions, along with the Vale Police Force Department. There haven't been any survivors confirmed so far. The worse part was the Hospital. It was also destroyed, not a single piece of good news. Those that are supposed to be with the military helping them search for survivors were probably all gone. Decreasing their chances of finding anyone left alive in the city. Indeed it was worse than she thought and she didn't even dared to tell these horrible news to the students. The military were traveling through the demolished city like it was the apocalypse. How could one of the four kingdoms of Remnant have fallen like this.

The older Schnee has already split her men to search different areas of the city. She got started with her own search but it was hard to tell if there was anyone alive from a simple glance. So many buildings destroyed. The men accompanying her were now removing the rubble to clear it out along with robotic units and a few Paladins. Hoping to see any life beneath all of these destruction. Things got better as Summer, Goodwitch and Qrow arrived to help the Specialist. She was relief to see them here. They will need so many people, her army won't be enough. The white haired young woman unsheathed her saber as she summoned many glyph. She has unleashed an army of ice Grimm to aid them removing the ruble. The Branwen was sure impressed by the display of her semblance. But he knew this wasn't the time to try and flirt with her. Everyone went to work.

With enough people and summon creatures they were able to removed a lot of ruble, in a few hours. The results weren't in their favor as they have found casualties. They were all killed during the explosions. It was very unfortunate, they have to passed away in such a horrible way. That's all they have found so far on their end. Winter could only glared at the sight. What kind of heartless person would do this. It wasn't easy for Goodiwtch, Summer and Qrow. To see so much destruction and death and they were unable to do anything. If Ozpin were here, he would probably be heartbroken. Good thing he stayed behind at the school watching over Amber. The minutes went by as they kept going, still no sign of life. It felt like it was meaningless, like everyone was dead. And there was no need to do this at all. Suddenly, more soldiers arrived along with a few surprises that shocked the Specialist and Huntsman and Huntresses present.

Summer and Qrow smiled while Goodwitch didn't looked happy. Winter stood taken back seeing all of the students from the arena. What were they doing here. They should have gone with the civilians on their way to Vacuo.

"You gave us two choices. And we chose. What do we do?" Jaune smiled.

"Having more people will help a lot" replied Summer smiling.

"The more the merrier" followed the Branwen.

"Very well, you can all help. You are aware of the level of this crisis. We need to remove as much ruble as we can in order to find survivors" said the older Schnee.

Weiss was shocked that her sister can summoned so many ice Grimm. And she still hasn't master summoning yet. But she needed to do her best in her presence. She was still the leader of her team. All of the teams started doing their part. Jaune and Dana had a better idea to speed things up. Both siblings have summoned their Behemoth. Behemoth and King and Dead Eye. Their strength is more than enough to remove so much ruble. Other teams have left to help the other soldiers. Leaving JPRY, WNRB, DLTA, Penny and Ciel helping Winter, her small group of men, her ice Grimm army, the blond teacher, the scythe Huntsman and the silver eyed Huntress. They have the number now to remove more ruble than usual. Most of the findings, it was too late for them as it was horrible for the first year students to see. They kept doing their work not losing hope. This was their biggest challenge yet.

"I found one, he's alive!" shouted Dana.

Everyone's features were relief as Team DLTA kept removing ruble along with Dead Eye. Team JPRY and WNRB went to them to help. As more ruble was removed there were more people, they were obviously wounded but alive. The more they took, the more people were being shown. Human and faunus, men, women, even children. Yhe tide has suddenly changed for the better. Still seeing so many people hurt was very shocking for the young teams. Jaune has immediately summoned Palutena to heal all the wounded they have found so far. Ten became twenty, twenty became forty until passing eighty. Jaune made sure Palutena healed everyone since they were all in critical condition. So many people hurt and they didn't wanted to think how many didn't made it. This was beyond a tragedy that no one thought will happened. It was an understatement if Cinder went too far.

Blake was doing her best not to break down and cry. So many bodies, human and faunus. Worse, most of the faunus she knew them. They were members of the Shadow Fang who lived in hiding by bringing her information. Her hatred for Adam grew twice. How could he something like this, so cruel, so inhuman. This goes beyond hatred for humans. Not even Sienna Khan would approve of this madness. The commander of the White Fang has fallen to low to the point he won't how many lives have to be taken, from both sides. More people were emerging from the ruble, so many wounded and death. The sight of children and elderly brought the cat faunus to tears. If they find out the ones responsible for this genocide is the White Fang, the humans hatred for the faunus will grow in tremendous size. She hope they don't say anything to them. But she was thankful they were founding more survivors.

Dana and her team were graduates from Shade Academy. They have more experience than any of the teams present. They've done plenty of missions of protecting villages, saving people, eliminating Grimm. But, this was the first the older Arc was seeing such a tragic sight. An entire city destroyed with dozens of casualties and wounded. Worse, how long until an army of Grimm will come to sweep this now barren wasteland. It will eventually become a zone for the dark creatures. Thanks to Dead Eye, they were able to removed ten times the ruble and find more survivors. Some were already gone, dying in the explosions. Guess the Grimm aren't the worse evil in this world. The veteran leader was still in shock that one of the four kingdoms was able to fall like this. Her priorities were straight, get as many people out of here before the worse comes. Thank goodness her brother was doing a good job healing everyone with his summon Palutena. She wished she had a similar summon to aid him further.

Thanks to the efforts of Jaune, the survivors were healed from any fatal wounds. Winter has contacted her fleet to send ships to pick them up. It looks like everyone was doing a good job too. The older Schnee smiled feeling proud for them, specially her younger sister. The more lives they save, the better. But if this keeps up, there might be a complication. The Specialist was hoping it doesn't come to that. They were already in a bad situation that will turn out worse. Making things more worse was the last thing they needed. At least her communicator was still working as she called for backup when the incident occurred. She was hoping they will be here within the hour. Unfortunately, scrolls were useless since the CCT Tower was destroyed along with the rest of the city. This was some progress they were making, it was all good if they can keep this up for as long as they could.

"Gathered everyone in lines! Small ships will be arriving shortly to pick them up and send them to my fleet!" said the Specialist.

"I just hope there's enough space for everyone."

Team SSSN and NDGO went to another direction with some soldiers. They were doing their job in removing any ruble in the way to find survivors. Both teams have obviously put their differences behind after their match. This was more important and they knew their responsibility as Huntsman and Huntresses. They were actually doing a pretty good job, being quite the team. Dew was able to removed so much ruble using the wind dust from her weapon. The small whirlwinds blew all of that away. And they were successful finding people. They were all in critical condition while some were gone a while back. They called for the soldiers to bring help, to get them out of here and to a safer place. The soldiers already got the orders from their superior to bring as many as they can to the sky fleet. But before that, they will be healed as Jaune sent Palutena to fly over the destroyed city and heal anyone.

Sun's expression had a mixture of emotions. First he was angry. This was the first time in his life to see so many people hurt and dead. Human and faunus. It was horrible to witnessing these sort of thing when you were just a first year. Even if he likes to joke around the monkey faunus knew how hard being a Huntsman is. The kinds of dangers he will be facing. The team leader called for his teammates to help him get more people out of harm. Team NDGO aided them. No questions asked from the all girl team. They were shocked but keeping their emotions in check. This disaster was something they never expected to see. The four girls were hoping not to ever see something like this to happened to their home of Vacuo. Soon Palutena arrived using her healing magic on all the innocent people. Jaune has charged her up with his aura so she can stay longer. On this side, they were doing some progress.

"Come on. We're not done here!"

Neptune turned to Scarlet and Sage. Their leader sure sounded different. Who wouldn't after seeing all of this. The small ships arrived to picked up the healed people as SSSN and NDGO resumed removing ruble from all over the area. They have noticed the change in behavior over the monkey faunus. They actually felt bad for him. Vale wasn't their home but this was something not to ignored. Many wounded and many were far too gone to do anything about it. They felt useless for not saving them and all they can do is saved those that still have a chance at living. This was going to be an experience they will never forget for as long as they live. The ships arrived as the Atlas soldiers were helping the people to get on board, making them to form a line. The first years resumed their work, hoping to find more survivors and not corpses. The sight of men, women, children and old people dead was not a pretty sight for teenagers.

Team ABRN and BRNZ with Flynt and Neon were having it rough. Probably worse than the others. Aiding other Atlas soldiers and mechanical units. They immediately were met not just by the sight of destruction, but the sight of death too. They were the unfortunate to see the streets filled with bodies. Everywhere they turned, there were only corpses. These were the people they were walking by, while spending time with their families, or a love interest while watching the tournament from their scrolls. None saw this tragedy happening. Before they realized it, it was too late. So many human and faunus dead. It was a holocaust. Neither of the two team said a word, but they're expressions said it all. They were shocked, filled with dread. Probably because this was their first time seeing so much blood, so much death. It's to be expected coming from first year students. It really felt hopeless how they will find any survivors.

And just when they thought hope was lost. Atlas soldiers have found survivors. Members of the Vale Police Force, Firefighters and medical team from the hospital who are obviously wounded. The Paladins and robot soldiers were removing the large amount of ruble. Both teams got it together. If they managed to find some people then they can find more. The leaders motivated their teams to help the military and try to forget the horrible sight they have witnessed. They didn't came here to be a burden or filled space. Moments later, they found more wounded people. Relief washed over their faces. It made them try harder, there was hope after all. If they can save as many lives as they can then, it will be worth it. Palutena shortly arrived to heal all the wounded, the angel summon has been flying all over the areas that were destroyed. Then she flew off in search for survivors that needs healing.

Team CFVY, CMRM with Port and Oobleck have done their part more than others. Between them and the military they have found hundreds if not, thousands of wounded survivors. Much less to say the teams were in better spirits that they were making progress. Still, they have shared of seeing so many casualties. Cardin was at loss for words, to think this was reality. Death from both sides. He wasn't fond of faunus but seeing so many corpses of the species. Even he acknowledges they didn't deserved this. Turning to Russel the mohawk teen was paled at the sight, and he couldn't blame him. Melanie and Miltia were holding any tears. This was beyond terrible. It was the same for CFVY. Though they were second years it was their first time seeing so many deaths and wounded. Most of their missions were protecting someone, a village or eliminating Grimm. This was all new for them and it has to be the worse experience since they became a team.

Velvet was in tears as Yatsuhashi was trying to comfort her. Fox stood silent while Coco just tried to ignore the sight. It was just that, but the smell too. Burned flesh and blood. There will be time to mourn later, they just needed to focus at the task at hand. Palutena arrived to heal all of the wounded, just in time. Afterwards, the summon flew off just as the small ships arrived to pick up the survivors. Winter has ordered to bring them all to her ship. Their priority was get all of them to safety. The military, the teachers and the two teams arrived at the only part of the city that wasn't demolished by the explosions. The region where Junior's club stood. The most common place where crime was active frequently. The irony of things. They were in for a surprise seeing the owner and bar keeper helping people along with his men. Melanie and Miltia smiled as both rushed to hugged the man, catching him off guard.

"What the-?! What are you two doing here?!"

"Doing the same thing you're doing" Melanie smiled while her sister nodded.

"You two shouldn't be here. It's bound to get worse."

"We know pops, we're doing this because we want to" replied Cardin.

"Excuse me!" said one of the Atlas soldiers approaching the Klub owner" are the you the one they call Junior?"

"That's right?"

"My superior wishes to speak with you" the soldier removed his ear piece communication handing it over to the man, he already knew how to put it on.

"This is Junior."

*This is Specialist Winter Schnee of the Atlas military. We're currently facing a problem. It is as I feared, there isn't enough space on my ship to take all the survivors. One of the students mentioned you're plan of using your club as a shelter. Is this true?*

"Yep. I will take as many as I can and so far there's plenty of people that needs a shelter."

*How big is your club?*

"Big. It can hold five hundred plus people."

*Good. Take any survivors gathered and proceed with your plan. I have already called for backup. They'll be arriving within the hour. Time is definitely of the essence.*

Junior nodded handing back to the communication device" we're bringing everyone to the Klub as originally planned! Women and children first! Once we're done, barricade all doors and windows with any materials we have!"

"Thanks Junior" said Miltia.

"Everyone, this way!" said Coco.

The soldiers, teachers, teams, thugs were all helping the survivors to get in the Klub not that far from their location. It will hold enough people. So everything was hanging in the balance until Winter's backup gets here. That's when they'll be able to get everyone out of Vale. The many roars halted them in their steps, along with gun fire and an alarm. It echoes throughout the far distance. Everyone was shocked, knowing this was bound to happened. Junior hurried his men to get moving. Time was really not on their side. They were just hoping they haven't missed any survivors or they will be done for. The two teachers and Huntsman stood gazing in the distance where the roars could still be heard. It sounded like thousands. Just as they thought. The worse, is yet to come.

"My word…."

"It is as you said Bart. This tragedy has already been written in the history books" said Port.

"And so as the coming battle Pete."

"Who would think we'll be fighting again under such circumstances."

"Better call Ozpin. Let him know the storm is coming."

"I believe he already knows."

The sound of heavy fire was heard throughout the destroyed city. The military guarding the border wall of the kingdom were firing their powerful artillery. Over five hundred soldiers were currently on attack as they were constantly Grimm after Grimm. Ever since they saw the coming horde from a distance they sounded the alarm. But after those explosions, they doubted anyone would hear it. Still they will fulfill their duty until their last breath. It wasn't ground forces but aerial too. Every single man was changing the ammo clip reloading with a new one. It was never ending fire. There were too many of the creatures. They might have killed thousands by now. But it was no good. Soldiers were getting killed by Griffith and Nevermore's. Flying all around them and what's worse, they were running low on dust ammunition. The blood was everywhere as they were still fighting the Grimm from passing through the wall.

Then thousands of Goliath were charging hitting the concrete wall. They kept on hitting it and it was hard not to ignore it. There were simply too many Grimm to focus on one group. The elephant types kept on charging until they were able to make cracks and eventually, they broke through a large hole. It was the end when they ran out of ammo. More men were killed as a larger man took cover reaching for his communicator. His pride was hurt but nothing compared to the pain of seeing his own men dying before him.

"This is General Gray of the Vale Military! If anyone's listening, we've been compromised I repeat we've been compromised! The Grimm has breached the border of the kingdom and they're entering the city, almost all of my men have been wiped out! There are millions of them! Save yourselves!"

The dark storm has arrived in Vale.

To be continued

-This chapter was more like the calm before the storm or the worse is yet to come thing. Still it is darker than in canon showing details of the dead people and everyone's reaction to it.

-I'd say everyone is pretty much screw. So many people dead and not enough to fight the biggest horde of Grimm in history.

-Things will get complicated as the action will escalate and a few surprises I have in mind.

-Replying to reviews:

*R-king93- thank yourself

*NinjaFang1331- yep that's right it's going to get very heated in the coming chapters.

*GoldenAngel06- that's a nice idea but I think it will be too OP. I still like it. I'm thinking of giving status boost to the summons with the more aura he gives them.

*Grand Duke of Luzon- lol

*Captain Kapitan- I know grammar is bad and the first chapters aren't that good. I've been thinking of doing a rewrite in the future, probably.

*Josh Spicer- I wish RT could do a better job with Jaune's character. But since they can't write a decent story I will never see that happening. And I don't know what you mean about Coeur are you talking about the author?

*Guest- if the story doesn't meet your expectations then I'm sorry. But you can't win them all. Were you expecting the battle of Beacon not happening? Sorry but that will be too boring for me. It's been shown throughout the story that if you mess with time, time will mess with you. The new time line Jaune has created it's obviously worse than the original one.

*16daarellano- sorry if you're dropping the story but Jaune wasn't going to keep the secret forever. He will eventually have to tell someone and he chose to tell Summer because he trusts her.

*Fate-RWBY ODST- only 3 summons left and the third strongest will be reveal in the next chapter. Just gave you a small spoiler.

*Guest- I will eventually rewrite the story. In the mean time if you don't like it then don't read it. Thank you for at least taking your time to read it.

*HelpingHand- yeah I guess Yang was being hypocritical in the Beacon chapter.

*Voltrasin- I'm pretty sure you have watched v6. Because he's not immortal but he will continue to reincarnate and I believe he has grown weaker throughout the years. But he has a lot of knowledge and fighting experience so it should be obvious he was able to fend off Fall Maiden Cinder. And no I seriously doubt Ozpin would be able to beat Qrow, not against his semblance.

*adbelvd- thank you.

*Z-ro- you bring a valid point but that's all. I'm feeling lazy so I won't write anymore.

*Superherofan- thank you for liking the story.

*shelwyn- thank yourself

*Nexxoz Highdraco- thank your

*Epicweaver- read the story to find out.

*harashien- I know but this is an alternate time line.

-As always thank you very much for all the favs, follows and reviews I really appreciate it.

Next time: Destiny part 2