Hey, what's up? It's Artemis. This is my first ever Alex Rider fanfic! (This is the part where you start to applaud). As I say in every other fanfic I write, please give me good criticism. I always love to improve to make the story come alive for all you amazing readers! So, without further ado, please read!
The door shut close with a soft click. Mrs. Jones turned to her superior, a man with a blank face. Alan Blunt. There was many a time she had wondered if it was truly his real name. The said man opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a stack of papers. He began to sort them. Mrs. Jones bit her lip. "Do you think that Alex will ever come back?" Alan Blunt didn't even spare her a glance.
"Come to become an agent? I highly doubt it. But, I suppose if there is ever a new threat I don't doubt he will."
Mrs. Jones nodded. It made sense. Alex was that type of person that wouldn't stand back and let others deal with it. Then she frowned.
"Alan. You were saying yourself that SCORPIA never forgives or forgets. I am personally worried about Alex, I mean it w-"
It was this time that Mrs. Jones got such a feeling of dread that the emotion cut her off mid-sentence. She shivered slightly, despite the luke-warm temperature of the room. That was when it happened. It was a memory that would stay with her forever. CRACK! The sound of a bullet slicing through the air filled the room. Both MI6 agents stiffened. Mrs. Jones went wide-eyed. "Alex," she whispered, before racing out of the room.
She saw him. He looked like he was sleeping. Only, it was in the middle of a sidewalk, twenty minutes from his normal house. And he had a blossoming red stain seeping across his shirt, pooling around him. She saw the passerby staring at him. One lady screamed. But, when she looked at Alex, all she saw was pure bliss. It looked as though he was staring at something no one else could see, looking at a sunset that would never come. Then, this moment would haunt her nightmares for years to come; he closed his eyes, and breathed his last.
Many years later, Tulip Jones would reflect on this moment. It was one that had broken her heart. But, at the same time, it had made her happy. Alex Rider, son to John and Helen Rider, was finally now with them, eternally happy, in a place where they would never, ever be separated again.