By the time, Jim and sat through all the reports, the captain was exhausted. Worse yet, he knew he couldn't go sleep. It had been a long day, but there was still much to do. He'd have to pay Uhura not to change his reports as well. He intended to keep this embarrassing incident confined to the ship. No one would be eager to tell headquarters of this embarrassment and he intended to blame majority of the casualties on the rebel confrontation at the home planet.

Chekov, being the only survivor of the firefight in the shuttle bay, relayed what had happened. He said that he had noticed a virus that shut down the alarms of the ship that alerted them to opening shuttle bay doors.

Jim didn't ask why did Chekov had not alert security if he thought it was a problem. He had an idea that Chekov had something to do with the rebels getting onto his ship, but he had no proof. He had only worked with Chekov briefly and even he knew the kid did things based on whether he'd get a kick out of it or not. He had no loyalties.

Sulu on the other hand was in a hotter spot. A lot of the traitors involved with assisting the rebels were his people. Those caught assisting were executed on the spot. Sulu however, while freed from his cell by a rebel, had used his freedom to get a message to security about what was going on. Furthermore, there was no evidence he had even associated with his people during the whole incident. By technicality, the only crime he had been guilty of, was staging a coup against Spock, the same crime Jim was guilty of.

The look on Sulu's face however was priceless when the man spotted Spock standing behind the seated captain in his regulation blacks. Spock stared at him the entire time, and Sulu became increasingly uncomfortable. Jim purposely took his time responding just to drag out the meeting to watch Sulu squirm. It was fucking hilarious. Jim could even see the question burning in Sulu's eyes, wanting to ask Jim why Spock was there, but he never asked.

"Alright, Mr. Sulu, wait in the brig, and I'll let you know what I decide tomorrow morning."

Sulu's eyes dashed over to Spock, muttering a, "yes sir," before leaving.

"It is more than likely Mr. Chekov and Mr. Sulu are the cause of the current events," Spock said, the moment the door closed behind the salty Sulu.

"Really? Cause I am about 100 percent sure that it was them."

Spock raised an eyebrow at Jim, looking down at the seated captain. "Then why not sentence them for interrogation?"

"Even traitors have their uses as long as the benefits outweigh the risks. As long as they think they can get one over me, they won't feel the need to be smarter about their movements."

"Logical," Spock said nodding his head with approval. He then handed a PADD to Jim. "Here is the updated list of traitors and executions so far."

Jim read over the list quickly. 57 casualties and 12 being held and questioned as possible traitors. That was a sizable chunk of his crew. He'd have to request a few transfers.

"I am surprised you are fulfilling the captain's role with little difficulty," Spock said, taking the PADD away once he had finished.

"Serik had been giving me a crash course," at Serik's name, the air around Spock turned sour, though outwardly there wasn't even a muscle twitch. "Will you be speaking with him before I sentence him?"

Spock was quiet for a long time, fiddling with the PADD in his hands instead. "If you would allow me, I would be in your debt."

So, talking to Serik meant that much to him. Well, he had figured as much. "Someone from Starfleet is supposed to come and officially make me captain or something. I guess I could give you time to see him then."

"How gracious of you," Spock answered dryly.

"Now is that anyway to talk to your captain?" Jim grinned at Spock's barely restrained eye roll. The Vulcan was probably regretting his decision to follow him about now.

Standing, Jim stretched, feeling his spine crack as he did. "I guess I could forgive your tone, just this once."

Again, he could feel Spock's concealed exasperation as he flaunted his new status in front of Spock. He couldn't help the rush that went to his head. The adrenaline from the fact his master was now his subordinate was rushing through his body, and he wanted to abuse that power a bit more.

He walked up to Spock, placing a hand under Spock's chin, tilting the Vulcan's proud gaze down to meet his eyes. Spock was tensing from the contact in front of the other guards, but Spock was unable to do anything as he was the captain. Just a little more misuse of power. "However, I expect compensation in return for my generosity," he nearly purred. "A fair deal isn't it, for insubordination?"

Spock, gave his trademark eyebrow raise with a hint of condescension to go with it. "Shall credits do?" he said flatly.

Chuckling, Jim released him and turned it away. "I suppose." Spock knew what he was really hinting at, but leave it to Spock to deflect him by pretending ignorance while keeping his pride in front of the crew. Well there was plenty of time to establish to the crew that Spock was his toy that no one else was allowed to touch. It just might take a bit longer with Spock's interference. Stubborn Vulcan.

"Back to the matters at hand. Sybok still has not been found. It is possible he has escaped the ship."

"And whose fault do you think that is?"

Spock didn't answer.

Humming, Jim thought a bit more. "Well I should blame someone for it. . . send Kevin what's his name. . . Riley. Send Ensign Riley to the booth."

"Yes, sir," the guard left amused, leaving Spock and him alone in the room.

"Think you can come up with some reason it was his fault?"

Spock smiled, just a crack that made Jim's heart stop. "I am confident that I will be able to create a few possibilities."

Clearing his throat and feeling a bit embarrassed, he asked, "While you're at it, can help me with these reports too? I still suck at understanding them."

Spock went to his side and answered with a fond, "Of Course, Captain."

Their guest from Starfleet arrived two days later. During that time, 10 of the 12 that had been held for interrogation had been executed. Spock had headed the interrogations, insuring that there was nothing that was left unturned. The resulting paperwork had Jim constantly working and seeking help on how to write them. Including the casualties from the firefight near the rebel planet, that put the total casualty list to just over 100.

Considering that Starfleet expected Jim to fail, Spock was confident that the complaint over the number was to find some fault in how Jim handled the situation, but the backlash was not as bad as it could have been.

Once their guest's shuttle was in range, Jim gave him permission to leave. A part of Spock wanted to stay by his side, so he could hear what Starfleet was thinking. They would probably try to get one over the new captain. His demotion back to Commander was preferred to Spock. He wouldn't miss the captain's seat. He just hoped the demotion was accepted and the admirals would find something else to do with their time rather than determine other ways to harass him.

Still, this was most likely his last chance. When Spock entered the brig, only Serik remained. Sulu had been returned to his post the day before and Sovik was recovering in his room for the last day before he was to return to duties. It was just Spock, Serik, and two guards. The familiarity of the situation was not lost on Spock. Sovik had been in this same situation just months before.

Serik wasn't meditating as Sovik had been, instead seated on the cot with his hands folded, appearing deep in thought.

"So, he is really t'hy'la," Serik asked, mindful of the guards in the room.

Spock turned to the guards and motioned for them to leave. They looked at one another before following his orders. He'd follow up with Kirk to see if they contacted him as they should.

The moment they left, he responded, "Yes. I completed the bond."

"So you have made your choice. Is he aware of it?"

Spock was quiet a second longer than he should have been. "No. Knowing him, he'd react negatively to knowing he was trapped."

"And when your time comes, do you still plan to stay silent?"

"I will consider my options when the time comes, but I have made the decision to take the bond seriously and treat him as my bond mate whether he is aware or not." Spock took a step towards the barrier. "I did not come here to talk about the bond with Kirk. Give me your thoughts, Serik. Why did you betray me?"

"I never betrayed you, nu'ri-trensu. I believed I was helping you."

"You believed betraying Vulcan would benefit us?"

Serik looked up at him with sad eyes before he closed them to conceal his emotions once again. "Sovik and I raised you. I watched both Vulcan and the Empire mistreat you and undermine your abilities and worth. Banning you without planet or home. Still, amongst adversity, you rose up the ranks, gaining power and resources to help Vulcan, sending them money, directing the empire's ire away from them. And then there is Kirk.

"Without mercy, he took you from the captain's seat. He kept you hidden from the crew. I could only imagine what he had planned for you. He has shown that he is merciless. I could only assume he had you hidden to cause you harm away from where I could easily observe you. I was unsure of what would become of you or if I could help. Sybok offered an alternative. We could not run without support. Sybok was offering to be that support. If we went with him, then the three of us would no longer be tied to the obligations that have been our shackles for the past 25 years."

Serik opened his eyes once again, looking over Spock. "I took a calculated risk. I lost."

"Indeed you did…. Should I send Sovik for your katra?"

"No. It would be best for my katra to be lost. My atonement for my crimes. It was an honor to serve you Spock."

Spock took off his glove and raised his hand, giving him a ta'al. "The honor was mine, sa-mehk."

Serik returned the ta'al.

Spock left the brig, ordering the guards back to inside. Sovik was waiting outside as well.

Sovik no doubt knew what Serik had decided, and there was no comfort Spock could give.

Sovik beat Spock to it extending the invitation, "Do you have time for a game of chess, Commander? And perhaps a cup of Vulcan tea?"

Spock found his shoulders sagging a fraction of a centimeter. "I find the idea…most agreeable."

The person Starfleet had sent was not who Jim expected. Sitting across from him was Hades, otherwise known as Prince Leopold. Why he would come all the way out here for something so insignificant was beyond Jim, yet here he was, sitting across from him waiting for Jim to sip from his cup of coffee.

"You seemed to have settled into your role of captain well," Leo commented, looking over the reports. "Though I can recognize a Vulcan's influence when I see it."

Jim's lips thinned with annoyance, taking the comment as a slight against him.

"Do not be offended Mr. Kirk. You have done exceptionally well even without factoring in your background. If you did not need help, I would have been rather suspicious."

"If you don't mind me asking, Leo, why are you here? It's a long way to come just to come congratulate me on becoming captain." Jim leaned forward, staring the man across from him down. "In fact, it was you who sent those missions on the rebels. All three of them in fact, which somehow, I was involved with. Now, I'd normally chalk that up to coincidence, but seeing you here makes me think otherwise."

The prince looked slightly amused. "Very perceptive of you, Mr. Kirk. Though I was not the one who put you on those away teams. That was Former Captain Spock."

"I don't know how you did it, but I'm sure it was you."

"I had no way of knowing if Mr. Spock would put you on those missions. After all, that would mean I would have to be able to see into the future, right?" A small smile tugged on the man's lips.

Unfortunately, Leo was right of course, so there was no way Jim could push the argument. Jim leaned forward, moving a pawn.

It was Leo's suggestion to play of course, just as it had been his suggestion for Jim to learn. He seemed pleased by his progress. Despite Leo's rather friendly nature towards Jim, Jim couldn't become completely comfortable around him. He still gave off an aura of something not quite human as if he was too regal or too refined somehow. Never once did that composure fade even when it should have. He never ate or drank the entire time Jim entertained him, and Jim wondered whether he really was human. There was no indication he wasn't, just a feeling.

"You have made Mr. Spock your first officer I see," Leo said as he multitasked between playing chess and reading over the reports.

"Is that a problem?" Jim asked, watching every muscle twitch to get an inkling of what he was thinking.

"Not at all. Commander Spock was very efficient when he was under Pike. Combine his abilities with yours, well, I expect great things to come. I am willing to take you both under my wing, of course in return I ask that you continue to do me some favors."

"Really?" Jim frowned. "And you think we need your help?"

"It seems your father's blood does run through your veins. Your father was named a traitor for aiding the Vulcan escape ships when his orders were to leave them to their fate. From the reports I read, you tend to have the same habit." Hades eyes had only glanced up from the board to him, but the intensity was like black holes. They made you fear of being sucked in and unable to escape, making you instinctively want to back away from them. "Not everyone in Starfleet will find that trait of yours charming, especially when you put a Vulcan prince one seat away from power yet again. Being in my favor will reap you benefits and extra protection."

"And cost us our souls apparently," Jim said bitterly.

"Hades has and always will remain neutral to the affairs of man," he said standing. "But it does not mean that he does not need help keeping the balance." He moved his King, checkmating Kirk. "Do not think of it as a leash, but an opportunity. For now, you are captain and no one, not even the emperor can contest that fact."

Jim stood as well. "Shall I see you out?"

"That is not needed, someone has already arrived to accompany me back."

The door opened as if on cue. A tall, porcelain skinned man stood in the doorway with long, dark green hair that cascaded down his back in waves. His lavender eyes landed on Kirk, and he smiled at him. There was something familiar about that childish smile and eyes that seemed too old for the man who owned them. "Prince Leopold, are you prepared for departure?"

"You know very well that I am." The prince turned to Kirk on last time. "I wish you luck on your endeavors, Mr. Kirk. You have a long road ahead of you."

"Yeah," was all Jim could say, still distracted by the appearance of the new man, unable to place a finger on where he had seen him.

The man bowed as Leo passed only straightening his back when he had passed fully by. Smiling at Kirk again, he said, "I wish you and your telsu a long life." Before Kirk could even respond, the man had turned and left to follow the prince.

Normally, the rude behavior would grate on Jim's nerves but this time he was just left in a state of confusion. His Vulcan was still weak but he knew telsu meant bonded, whatever that meant. Lover maybe? It was the only thing he could think of that might be the equivalent in standard.

He was still thinking about it when he caught Spock waiting for him in the corridor, and Jim couldn't help but smile at him. "Why Commander, you seem to have a lot of time on your hands if you're just waiting in the hallway for me, or are you plotting something already?"

"I had concluded my business, so I came to deliver my report."

Jim knew there was no report, so Jim tilted his head down the hall, "Let's go over this report in your room then."

Spock had never been one to outwardly show his emotions, but Spock had definitely taken his pent-up emotions on Jim's body. The moment the door closed behind them, Spock had practically thrown him on the bed, kissing him aggressively and refusing to take off his gloves.

As closed off as he was, he was still vulnerable. While Jim knew taking off his gloves meant Spock was being vulnerable emotionally in front of him, keeping them on was if Spock was saying that at that moment he needed a resemblance of control over his emotions, and Jim knew the reason why.

The craving to see Spock's hands hadn't subsided even after they laid together in the dark of Spock's quarters, under the covers. Jim traced the back of the leather with his fingers, wishing he could feel Spock's hands on him, but neither him nor Spock was ready for that level of commitment that would mean.

Seeing the time, Jim sat up, rubbing the back of his head. He needed to get back to his room. It was getting late.

"Are you leaving?" Spock asked even though they both new the answer.

"It's a bit too early to trust each other to that extent don't you think?" Jim pulled on his pants. He would take a shower in his own quarters.

As he went to pick up his phaser from the nightstand, Spock grabbed his wrist. "Jim, I wish to clear up a misconception before you leave. While I had gone with the intention of engaging in coitus with her, I never succeeded. I had wanted to prove Serik wrong, that I had not grown attached to you. After your interference, I realized that I indeed had attachment, and I had no wish to engage in anything sexual with Miss Kalomi."

Jim had never wanted to hear that woman's name again, and hearing it from Spock's lips made his mood turn extremely sour. The only reason he wasn't heading straight to the Tantalus Field and eliminating her was the sole fact Spock never went through with it. "I see," was all Jim could come up with to say.

"Shall I call Farrell to retrieve you?"

Turning on his heel, Jim looked down at Spock, naked and hair a mess with scratches from Jim's nails on his skin. "If your upset about Serik, you could ask me to spare him."

"Serik has no right to be shown mercy for his acts of treason. He knew of the consequences."

And there was that stubborn pride again. If Spock had conflicting emotions about sleeping with the man who would execute his father figure, he showed no sign of it. Only resignation that it would come and he had accepted it. He was being logical about everything as usual. Jim ended up leaving after that.

But he should have stayed, Jim thought as he traveled down the corridor to his own quarters. Spock was too prideful to admit his feelings. Even his insecurities about Serik's upcoming execution.

Life was full of insecurities and uncertainties. Jim wasn't sure where they would be tomorrow let alone a year from now. Whether he would ever trust Spock enough to spend the night together. Whether he would one day take Spock's life or Spock would take his. Whether the gambles he took to leave Sulu and Chekov alive would come back to bite him.

Spock deserved better than him. Even Jim knew that. He had left knowing Spock needed comfort. He didn't know how to give it, so he saw no reason to stay. Yet Spock still wanted to ensure he traveled back safely. He didn't know if he could ever afford to ever show the affection Spock needed.

He spotted Bones talking to Scotty in the hall, both pausing long enough to wave at him before continuing their conversation. Uhura was giving a lecture in the rec room he had passed to the new communication recruits that had just transferred, glaring at him but not pausing in her speech at all. The poker room where he and the security had played cards was nearly empty. His life on board this ship had changed him. He had grown soft towards some, merciless towards others.

And for the first time Jim realized something that almost made him stubble back from the shock. Even if they may one day try to kill him, he wasn't alone anymore.

He smiled a bit, entering the captain's cabin he had finally moved into yesterday and turned on the comm. Guess he had to test out Leo's word sooner or later. "Giotto," he said leaning against the wall, smiling even wider. He may not have been able to predict what was to come, but he sure as hell could throw in a few surprises along the way. "Prepare a shuttle."


"A certain Vulcan is going to need it."

So that's the end. I may or may not put an epilogue. I kind of like that uncertainty this end brings as this world in itself is imperfect and uncertain. Thanks for reading.