Reviews for My Bodguard
Diane Rukmini Bongiorni chapter 30 . 7/14
I loved this. Usually the Mirrorverse makes me too nervous, but I loved this one. Thanks.
pftt chapter 30 . 7/11/2018
Not bad! Although all the sex did make me roll my eyes sometimes.
spiritedghost chapter 1 . 4/23/2018
Very nice! (Arches his left eyebrow)
Arkangel26 chapter 30 . 4/13/2018
I really enjoyed this story. I believe you captured the charecters of spock and kirk so well. I literally stayed up the past two nights just to finish this :) your amazing
Guest chapter 30 . 10/27/2017
Great story-thank you.
sherryfanfic1999 chapter 30 . 10/24/2017
I sure hope that Vulcan is Serik. If Sulu and Chekov get off from their treason, Serik had good cause for his. His reasoning was way more sound then any other traders'. Spock is like his son, and Serik didn't want him to die. I know Spock knows that, but Jim is his bonded, and if he did anything to help Serik that might hurt his progress with Jim. But I don't get it. Why didn't Spock take Jim's help to excuse Serik? Did he think he would owe Jim a favor? Jim sincerely wanted Spock to ask, didn't he? Don't matter. Jim seems to want to help Serik himself, regardless if Spock approved it or not. I like that Jim has really matured. Was that because of Spock's influence on him, or maybe the bond? I hope so. The Prince is right, when Spock and Jim work together they will be a force to reckon with. The fact that they are bonded makes them even stronger together. He probably wanted to make sure he was on their good side! TuT I really enjoyed your fic. I am so sorry it ended. But please don't stop. You have a talent for Spirk and I so hope you continue to entertain us with you creativity in the art. Thanks for the reads! I look forward to more masterpieces.
orjiaugustina chapter 30 . 10/24/2017
We need an epilogue
Guest chapter 30 . 10/24/2017
Thank you. I love this fanfic and I could go on and on reading it. If you feel that this is the end I respect that. Thank you very much for sharing.
Karlina101 chapter 30 . 10/23/2017
Oh this aughta be good. I admire the way you leave a hook at the end it always makes me eager for the next chapter.
Karlina101 chapter 29 . 10/8/2017
Look at the beggining part until Jim wakes up again, it doesn't flow as smoothly as the rest of it. After that it's good.
Guest chapter 29 . 10/8/2017
Great chapter!
sherryfanfic1999 chapter 29 . 10/8/2017
FINALLY! the duo is together. Jim is so cute. He wasn't giving up the captain seat! Spock is so in love it didn't matter anymore. He only has eyes for his Jim. Starfleet could have burned at the moment! I know this my be weird, but the part where Sulu and Chekov, and other haters of the crew is what I am looking for in the future chapter. It's not like any of them can lie. They gonna get a Spock on that ass! With just one chapter left, at least I hope it gets in there somewhere! Please make it a very long one!?This is so good I sure many of us don't want it to end. Is there going to be a continuation of this fic? Or are you going to be writing another Spirk fic?*starry eyes* I hope so. One of my favorite pair. Thanks for the update. XD
SerpensPrincess chapter 29 . 10/8/2017
orjiaugustina chapter 29 . 10/8/2017
Amazing chapter
sherryfanfic1999 chapter 28 . 9/25/2017
I hope Jim gets to Spock before Sybok does. If he doesn't, Sybok will find out about Jim and Spock, or even help Spock get rid of the bond with Jim. But I don;t think that's possible. Spock doesn't trust Sybok at all and would probably want to team up with Jim just to get rid of the man. I really like Vo and hope you didn't kill him off. He would fit right in with Bones and Scotty. I hope their alright? Shouldn't Jim be headed back to his room where that killing machine is? He can help Spock better there than anywhere else. Plus they won't be able to find him in there behind that mirror. Looking forward to seeing how Sybok and the traders get their asses handed to them by the best duo team in history! I still can't believe it! Little Chekov! Sulu has always been an ass! Uhura is a never-ending bitch and I hope she lives to see Spock happy with Jim! THEN put them ALL in the brig. Who will be the captain though? XI
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