It's nearing midnight and sleep is hard to come by, maybe it's all the sleeping I did through the day, we may never know. It's a huge mystery. I flip onto my side and pluck my phone from the nightstand, temporarily blinded by the brightness I carefully go through my notifications, there's only one that matters though.

Meet me in the tree house... T. x

It was sent fifteen minutes ago, maybe he's still there.

Be there in five. B. X

I'm quick to get up and change into the appropriate clothing which would entail sweats and a sweater. Also a blanket wouldn't hurt. As I open my bedroom door, I notice everyone has gone to bed, a soft stream of light comes from Mia's room, I can hear Dads soft snores coming up the stairs.

I slowly walk down the stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible. I should never consider having a career in spying because I'm bad at being quiet, the floorboard I step on next creaks something terrible. It echos through the house and I'm sure I'm caught as the snores stop abruptly and Daisy appears at the foot of the stairs. I stand stock still and listen for any other movement, Daisy whines softly after a while, soon after the snores resume.

I manage to get outside mostly undetected, Daisy follows close behind, of course.

The tree house is tucked in right at the edge of the forest, I'm a bit hesitant to walk into the pitch dark but I know I'll be with Tony soon.

I look up at the shaky and shitty treehouse and make my way up the splintered filled steps. Daisy cries as she's not able to follow me up. Tony is leaning on the far end wall, his long legs stretched out in front of him.

"Hey," I greet quietly, I crawl over to him and he automatically opens his arm to me, his cologne will always bring me comfort, he presses a light kiss to the top of my head, and we just remain in this position for a while.

"I'm sorry," Tony breaks the silence and he sounds broken, "I haven't been completely honest with you; firstly, I got upset with you when you wouldn't tell me what was bothering you but the whole time I was hiding how I was feeling even though I had promised otherwise. Secondly, I need help, I'll admit that. But I'm scared, that's why I-," he tightens his arms around me and sighs, "there shouldn't be a reason as to why I did it and it's not an excuse. I was just trying to escape."

I'm not going to cry.

I'm not going to cry.

Dammit! I'm crying.

"I don't want you to seriously hurt yourself, Tony," I sniffle pathetically, "I need you. I need you to stay with me for as long as possible. I want you to be happy. I need you to one day get engaged and married so I can be your maid of honor. I need you to have children so I can become their godmother and spoil them rotten. I want to one day sit on the porch of one of homes when we're both old and wrinkly, maybe slightly senile, and I want to us to look back at our lives and laugh and not regret anything."

Tony chuckles through his own tears, "What about your future marriage and kids? Don't I get any godchildren to spoil?"

"You already have them," I state, "Daisy and Cj."

"I love them but they don't count."

"Do to."

"Do not."



I glare at him with not heat before snuggling back into his chest. He takes a deep breath.

"Anyway, lastly, I felt guilty over what happened, correction I feel guilty."

I sigh exasperatedly, "It wasn't your fault. Mike is a Class A dumbass and asshole, he was trying to get you to fight him, he was provoking you."

"Let's say you're right-."

"I'm always right."

"Let's say you're right, in that case I should've just walked away or something. But no, I continued to goad at him."

"Can we just drop it? I don't want to think about Mike or just the situation in general."

"Fine," he concurs, "moving on. How are you feeling? Do you need to take from me?"

I shake my head before replying, "I'm meant to heal in a week, anything faster than that would be suspicious, besides it's relatively small. For the most part I'm alright although I have been sleeping more."

Tony scoffs, "Small my ass, I was terrified when I saw the amount of blood coming out of your head. I think I might've even asked you to take whatever you needed to get better I just needed you to open your eyes and have you be- you know less limp. I think I might've even said it in front of the new kids."

I hum thoughtfully, they could interpret that in many ways, for all they know I only had my powers as a child. But that's something to think about later. Tony rubs my back and holds me close.

After a couple moments of silence Tony speaks up, "Are we good, Bella?"

"Of course, Tony."


Morning came quickly but I don't move from my bed, I probably won't be allowed to get out of bed if Mom has any say in. Also my head feels as if it might explode.

Tony and I managed to sneak back in undetected, Tony refused to get into my bed because he was wearing dirty clothing, so he claimed my rocking chair and pulled it closer to my bed.

Speaking of, Tony is lightly snoring with CJ, laying paws up on his lap. With Daisy curled up at the edge of my bed.

I check the time and if I don't wake up Tony soon he'll be late for school.

"Tony?" I whisper-yell, he shifts but doesn't wake up, "Tony! Wake up, you're gonna be late for school."

He groans loudly before stretching, a startled dog jumps off his lap and yelps at his feet, "Do I have to go? It's gonna be hell without ya."

He's quiet for a minute before groaning loudly, "Oh god! The gossip!"

I giggle as I lean down to snatch CJ off the floor and into my arms, "It'll be fine. You can come back after school and tell me all about the drama."

He hums thoughtfully as he gets up, he leans down and kisses my head, "Don't have too much fun without me, I'll see you later." He winks on his way out the door.

Mom comes to check on me minutes later, she's all gentle hands and voice, she helps me eat the warm soup she brought in before giving me pain medicine.

Not surprisingly, I spend most of the day sleeping but for a change of scenery I move to the living room. Also, this makes it easier for Mom to give me the medication at the adequate time.




Dread runs cold in my veins as I approach school, I can still turn around and spend the day with Bella, but that probably wouldn't sit well with her.

I can feel the heavy atmosphere the second my car rolls into the school parking lot. I had purposely ditched yesterday, maybe I should've stayed away.

It's gonna be a long day, I think as I step out of my car.

Almost instantaneously, Lauren is breathing down my neck, she walks besides me matching my stride, "You've been missing the last couple of days."

"And?" I reply dryly.

"Where have you been?" Nosy much?

"It's none of your business." Why am I even entertaining her? I should just continue walking and pretend she's not here.

Oh, what's that? I don't know, but it sounds annoying and petty, something I really don't feel like dealing with now... or ever.

But I guess my desire to have her shut the fuck up won't be accomplished today.

"But it is. As a couple-."

Fuck this. I stop dead in my tracks effectively cutting her off, "Listen carefully Lauren, you and I? We're not dating. Never have and very likely never will. I'm tired of telling you this. You sound delusional!"

She looks angry, that's if her red chest is anything to go by because it'd be nearly impossible to see anything past the cake of makeup she wears.

"This isn't fair. What does she have that I don't?"

"Jesus Christ! Do you hear yourself? You sound insane, please, please I beg you, please get the idea of us ever dating out of your head."

She huffs angrily, "You've never even given me a chance, Tony."

"Lauren, move on." I groan, "It's too damn early for this shit."

I notice the small crowd that has gathered around, because, of course nothing can remain private.

I lower my voice before I continue, "Stop with this. It's not healthy, move on."

Lauren doesn't say anything, simply glares. Oh well, I tried. Nodding, I walk away with the crowd opening immediately.

Like I said, it's gonna be a long and stressful day.