Prologue – A Darkening Shadow
You're just a kid on a questTo be the best of the bestSomeday you're destined for power and gloryYou know you're up to the testThere's only one way to tell this story…
Be a Hero!All the power is at your commandFace your fears and show you're a heroThe future of the world is in your hand…
A darkening shadow falls across the world of Pokémon. Unrest has broken out in the Pokémon Nation. With support from the mysterious Ghetsis, leader of Team Plasma, a number is separatists rebel groups such as a new Team Magma in Hoenn and the Phobos Battalion in Trozie have declared a rebellion against the government. With constant attacks from Team's Draconian, Rocket and Plasma itself, this is straining the ability of Law enforcement and military to maintain peace and security within the nation.
In wake of this alarming series of event, the National Parliament is considering a controversial bill that would grant emergency powers to the Prime Minister to constrict strong trainers and their Pokémon to help support it's overwhelmed soldiers. Worse still but unknown to everyone in the mountains of Dragnor, the evil warlord Nobunaga is constructing a second ultimate weapon to use against to wage war against Pokémon Nation and to destroy his enemy Bakura in Aurora.
As all this turmoil unfolds, the Kalos region prepares to hold it's annual Pokémon league. Here trainers who have defeated the 8 Kalosian gym leaders and earned 8 badges will compete against each other to win the honor of a place in the champion's league. Here Ash and Pikachu and their friend rivals Cameron and Lucario, after months of hard work and training will finally get to see if either has what it takes to become the champion.
But now Ash, along with his Pokémon Oshawott and his kit Ashachu and Cameron and Luario's pup Hunter, lies in a coma in a hospital in Anistar City. His partner Pikachu and his other Pokémon worry for him desperately. Oshawott, Ashachu and Hunter were injured in after a fight with the legendary Pokémon Entei, but nobody knows why Ash fainted as well. With only days to go until the League begins Ash and Cameron still need to win their eight badge in order to enter the competition…