So this was a little drabble I wrote at least a year ago, probably a little more then that. I came across it again and decided now would be a good time to give it an ending and finally post it up. Enjoy!

Finally our teacher dismissed us to a ten minute break. Practice was getting exhausting, and I think all of us were praying for the break. As I set my equipment down, I had no more than stood up when I saw Eddy wordlessly motion for me to follow him. I left directly behind him, following him to the drama staircase (named after the classroom it leads up too) under the small enclosure whose roof made up part of the second floor. He swung around the corner of the concrete walls before turning to me enraged.

"Can I please just punch Kevin in the dick?"

I inwardly sighed. The rivalry between him and Kevin was hard to describe. I get along alright with him, but his lack of loyalty is a bit concerning, and he certainly can't keep his mouth shut. But I still don't understand why Eddy despises him so much. I mean I know there are definitely reasons, probably because he hangs around Nazz so often, and Kevin's never been particularly kind to Eddy, and I could probably infer a few other reasons, but that's not important right now.


"I'm serious! I just cant stand him Double D! And he even acts like were sort of friends! Can I just punch him in the fucking dick?!"

"Punch that." I pointed to the staircase. It took him a minute before he realized the not so nice word that someone had written on the staircase. Then he actually punched the part of the staircase where the word was written. He turned around and started walking towards the other wall. I put my arm on his shoulder like an arm rest. I know he hates it but oh well.

"It hurt?"

"Yeah." I giggled as he went over to the wall to pout.

"I just seriously want to punch him in the fucking staircase!" I just shook my head.

"Eddy, so much anger is unhealthy." I went over to hug him, but as I did he began to spin around, probably in attempt to get me off of him. I started giggling at him before finally letting him go.

"Seriously! I just want to punch him in the fucking STAIRCASE!"

As he spoke we turned around and saw Rolf staring at us through the concrete hallways.

"Hi Rolf." Rolf left quickly, seeming pretty afraid. I cant really blame him, we've been up here screaming at the top of our lungs for the past 5 minutes.

"I think we scared him." Eddy was laughing at the whole spectacle, and I couldn't help but join him.

"His face Double D his face! Did you see it? It was priceless!"

"It was quite humorous Eddy." I looked at my wrist watch for the time.

"Oh my gosh! We have one minute left, come on Eddy we have to get back!"

"Alright, alright, I'm coming. Race ya!"

"Eddy! You know I can't beat you in a race!" But he was already too far ahead of me to hear. I sighed to myself. Only Eddy.

This was based off of one time when me and my friend were on break from band practice, and it was so hilarious I just had to write it down. I know its short and a bit pointless but I hope you like it anyway!