Steam Versus Myth

The Mythos/Steam Force Special

Disclaimer: While I don't own Power Rangers, I own both Mythos and Steam Force, If you haven't seen them, go give em a read, otherwise you're gonna be pretty lost.

Part 3: Rangers Unite

The thirteen rangers stood side by side, Ophyoc sized them up and saw he was perhaps outmatched but definitely outnumbered.

"Let's show this creep who we are!" Aaron called and the others nodded in response.

"Power of Atlantis! Mythos Blue!" Percy called.

"Cold and refreshing, water in the tank, Steam Force Blue!" TJ announced.

"Power of Asgard! Mythos Yellow!" Tyson said, punching the air with his fist.

"Putting on the golden touch, Steam Force Yellow!" Ayana followed on.

"Power of Babylon! Mythos Pink!" Lexa said, jumping up in the air.

"The glorious verdant carriage, Steam Force Green!" Lucas shouted.

"Power of Astral! Mythos Black!" Ben said, hand on the bottom of his hemet.

"Powering ahead with industrial fuel, Steam Force Black!" Mia exclaimed.

"Power of Elysium! Mythos White!" Emlie called, hand on her hip.

"Pure colour, rising high to the sky, Steam Force White!" Alex said, raising an open hand to the sky and then closing it.

"Power of Albion! Templar Ranger!" Aaron said, drawing his longsword.

"Red hot just like an engine, Steam Force Red!" Lloyd called, drawing his Pipeblade in similar fashion to the Templar ranger.

"Thunder from above, Sky Strike Ranger!" Welkin wrapped up as each of the rangers drew their weapons.

"Mythic Warriors!" The Mythos rangers called. "Guardians of Steam!" The Steam rangers called. "Defender of the Skies!" Welkin exclaimed. "Power Rangers Unite!" They called in unison as a large explosion went off behind them.

Ophyoc looked at the sight of the many rangers lined up and ready to fight. "Come at me with everything rangers!" He called as a platoon of drones flew down from the sky.

The thirteen of them ran into the group and began a spectacular fight with the minions. Ben and Mia clashed their blades against the Terrasoid footsoldiers and knocked a small group of them down. The two of them dug deeper into the enemy line, slashing as they did. The Mythos black ranger then took ahold of his counterparts arm and slung her around as a group of drones closed in on them, slashing the minions and causing them to retreat as they did.

Ayana and Tyson had formed a defense-offense team up. Whilst Tyson moved in on the drones and got close enough to strike them with his Mythic blade, Ayana provided cover fire. When they were in close quarters, Tyson became the defender of the other yellow ranger and parried back the drones so she could hit them with her Steam blaster.

Though their colours didn't match, it did not affect the synergy between the two rangers as Lexa used quick sweeping blows to knock back the drones and Lucas finished the fly-like creatures using crushing blows with his Pipeblade when they were wounded by the pink ranger.

Near to them, the two blue rangers were making short work of their opponents, they were stood back to back. TJ wielded his Pipeblade whilst Percy wielded his Mythic blade. Any time a drone would get close to the two blue rangers, they'd get knocked back by a barrage of strikes from the two, any drone willing to get back up would be taken down permanently by the synchronised attacks of the two blues.

To the far end of the battlefield, the white rangers were managing to keep the fight going, sadly they kept getting in each other's way. As Alex was about to let off a shot at a group of three drones, the white Mythos ranger stood in the way and cut down Alex's targets. Then when Emlie charged at another group of the minions, Alex put her foot out and tripped the white ranger to the ground before blasting the targets to the ground. When the white rangers had finished fighting the other drones, and fighting each other, they began to bicker.

"Hey what was that for!" "Get out of my way!" And "Really? You wanna be immature, I'll show you immature!" Were some of the highlights of their petty squabble.

Up front, the final three rangers were making short work of the final group of minions as the other rangers around them finished the Terrasoid footsoldiers. Aaron cut down the drones in his path while Lloyd blasted down any escaping drones as the rangers regrouped, having defeated all of the footsoldiers. To everyone's surprise, Welkin had been stood spinning his pistol for the duration of the battle.

"What? Beating up the minions is boring! I'm waiting for the real fight." He excused himself as the others shook their heads in response. "Fine, let's just get this guy." He said as they all summoned melee weapons and he holstered his pistol, favouring his wingblades in the coming fight.

All of the rangers surrounded Ophyoc and began thrashing the fungal Terrasoid with a volley of attacks from every angle until he couldn't withstand their blows any more. Lloyd, Welkin and Aaron stood side by side.

"Give it your best shot rangers!" He taunted as he raised his staff in a defensive form.

Aaron pointed his longsword at the monster, Lloyd did the same with his Pipeblade whilst Stross clenched his fists and took a fighting stance, levelling the wingblades at the monster in the process. Simultaneously, the three of them attacked and connected with the staff and caused a shockwave that knocked the other rangers off balance and sent the three back. When they regained their footing, a crack lay in the middle of his staff as it began to deteriorate into ash.

Ophyoc fell to his knees in defeat. The six Mythos rangers lined up, their weapons in hand which began to glow with a golden aura. Next to them the six Steam Force rangers stood.

"We better call upon our weapon of choice too." Lloyd said as they keyed in for their finisher weapon.

0-3-4 … Shipping … Rail Cannon … Arriving

The six Steam rangers stood in their usual positions, holding the Rail Cannon.

On the other side of the Mythos rangers stood Welkin by himself. He un holstered his pistol and twirled it around once before aiming it. "Sky Striker Pistol!" He span the barrel around to charge up a finishing shot.

The Steam rangers began the process of arming their weapon.

"Loading Compression Shell!"

"Aiming Rail Cannon!"

"Locked and Loaded!"

"Firing Rail Cannon!" The Steam rangers called, pulling the trigger of the weapon, sending a powerful multi-coloured blast at Ophyoc.

"Unity!" The Mythos rangers called, levelling their blades at Ophyoc and sending the golden aura at the Terrasoid in a beam of golden energy.

"Sky Strike Overcharge!" Welkin yelled, pulling the trigger of his revolver and sending the overcharged blast from his weapon at the monster.

Before striking, all three beams joined and became one unified white beam that blasted straight into Ophyoc. The white beam became more intense,blinding all while it persisted and Ophyoc exploded.

Once it had died down, the Mythos rangers gave a sigh of relief as he was ended. Yet the Steam rangers were still tense as another set of spores scattered on the ground.

The ground shook as the spores reanimated Ophyoc and he grew to tremendous size, startling the Mythos rangers.

"Looks like it isn't just titan's that grow big." Aaron commented as they viewed the giant Terrasoid.

"Then we all better get to work." Lloyd replied as the Steam rangers dialled their zords.

As Welkin gave a whistle to call on his zord, the Mythos rangers, excluding Aaron stood together and raised their hands to the sky. "Mythic Guardians, Awaken!" They called as from various environments, a group of zords came together.

Aaron raised his hand to the sky. "Lion Guardian, Awaken!" He called as from a bleak cave emerged a silver and red zord in the form of a lion.

From the storage depot, the rail riders had now grouped together.

"Red express rider engaged!"

"White mono rider engaged!"

"Blue speed rider engaged!"

"Green tram rider engaged!"

"Yellow bus rider engaged!"

"Black passenger rider engaged!"

"Coupling zords!" They all called as their zords took position and formed into the megazord. "Steam Titan Megazord Engaged!" They called as the head emerged from the body.

"Wing Straffer zord ready!" Stross confirmed as he swooped overhead in his sleek and shiny bomber zord.

A large animalistic megazord stood by the Steam Titan. It's arms were a blue swordfish and a yellow eagle whilst its feet were a white wolf and a pink panther, the body was what seemed to be a black mechanical ape, while the head resembled a greek warrior. "Mythic Guardian Megazord, Awakened!" They called.

Beside it was the silver lion. "So am I invited to your little megazord party or am I just gonna relax while you deal with this?" Aaron joked.

"Get in here already, otherwise you're gonna miss out on the fun." Percy replied with a smirk under his helmet.

Aaron drew his longsword from the pedestal and leveled it out, around him, he could hear the mechanics of the zord begin to shift. Slowly the bestial form transformed into that of a knightly megazord with the mane of the lion surrounding the head, wielding an equally powerful looking longsword as it's pilot. "Lionheart Megazord, Ready!" He confirmed as the knightly megazord stood beside the warrior of a megazord and the steampunk megazord. Overhead soared the Straffer zord.

The Steam Titan stomped towards Ophyoc and swung a punch with its left hand which the Terrasoid caught and began to laugh as he exerted pressure on the megazord arm.

"Foolish humans, you may have overwhelmed me on the ground, but here I shall not be defeated!" Ophyoc rejoiced as he was ready tear off the arm of the megazord.

Then, the monster noticed the Straffer zord flying overhead, about to drop bombs on him, unfortunately for Stross, Ophyoc slung the Steam ranger's megazord into his zord and the two metal constructs fell from the sky to the ground upon collision.

Aaron and the rest of the Mythos rangers looked back from their cockpits to the fallen zords. "You guys go keep Ophyoc busy, I'll help out the others." The Templar ranger ordered. From their cockpit, the other five nodded and attacked the creature with the blade of the swordfish arm.

Soon enough, the Lionheart megazord had grasped a hold of, and hoisted up the Steam Titan, in turn freeing the Straffer which returned to the skies.

"Thanks for the save." Lloyd told Aaron as the Steam rangers got ready to fight once more.

"Any time, now I think we should go help my team out." Aaron replied, the Steam rangers gave a nod and the two megazords headed for Ophyoc.

The terrasoid grasped the blade of the Mythic Guardian and had twisted it to an awkward position before kneeing the megazord in the stomach.

"You rangers have to make things hard for me, I wanted you all to finish each other off so that my path victory would be clear. Yet instead you free yourselves and force me to fight you all, while I don't like fighting myself, it's something I'm gonna have to do!" Ophyoc yelled, giving an uppercut to the Mythic Guardian megazord and knocking it back, causing it to stagger in the process.

The Mythos rangers were hanging on, barely, as Ophyoc came up for another go at the megazord. "You might be tough, but you're pretty blind when you're in a rage." Emlie pointed out as Ophyoc grabbed onto the megazord again.

"What's that supposed to mean ranger?" He asked, turning to see the shine of the Lionheart's longsword bear down on him and strike hard, sending Ophyoc flying to the ground.

When he arose, the three Megazords were aligned. "Let's end this!" They all called.

The Steam Titan megazord took a few paces back and charged towards Ophyoc, flying into the sky as it reached terminal velocity, holding its arms out ready to punch Ophyoc. "Max Speed! Collision Strike!" The fists of the megazord collided with Ophyoc before the megazord landed and stood behind the monster.

The eagle arm of the Mythic Guardian megazord, which was in the form of a shield, transformed into that of a blade and the two blade arms began to glow with a golden aura, the megazord crossed the blades as it charged its attack. "Power of Legends! Spirit Strike!" The megazord slashed the crossed blades towards Ophyoc and a slash of each colours energy hit the Terrasoid before a final one composed of each of the five's colour hit.

Inside the cockpit of the Lionheart Megazord, Aaron's longsword was glowing orange as he let of a slash for the megazord to copy. Outside, the megazord's blade ignited with orange flames. "Heartfire Strike!" Aaron called as the sunlight behind the megazord became intense and the Lionheart megazord performed a series of attacks from different angles that tore apart Ophyoc. The Terrasoid was down on one knee now, holding his side.

"It's over now Ophyoc!" Lloyd called from the Steam Titan megazord.

"You're not gonna harm anyone else!" Emlie declared from the Mythic guardian Megazord.

"Welkin, if you'd do the honours!" Aaron told the German pilot who flew over with the recuperated wing Straffer zord.

"Gladly." He confirmed, excitement in his voice. The hatch doors of the zord opened and Welkin yelled at the top of his voice. "Time for you to feel the force!" As the bombs dropped from the Straffer zord and landed upon Ophyoc.

"I shall never fall rangers!" Were the last word of the ancient Terrasoids as he was lit up with high powered explosives.

"Myth Busted!" The Mythos rangers and Templar ranger called.

The Steam rangers remained silent on the matter, uncertain what they would say after defeating an enemy.


Finally free of the menace of Ophyoc, the now unmorphed rangers returned to the Operations Station for debriefing and to rest and relax. The thirteen of them entered the control room looking rather worn out. After a brief reunion between the Mythos rangers and their mentor and a recount of the battle, the rangers entered the main room of the ranger base to rest up after the battle.

Lucas was reluctantly half listening to Lexa as she talked on end, the green ranger didn't even know if she could shut up when she wasn't fighting against monsters.

Percy was wit TJ explaining just how his team came to be and the crazy ordeals they've been in. "And then Aaron awakened the lion guardian that became the Lionheart megazord, he fought strongly against Exodius and slew him with the powerful attack that you saw in the battle." He recounted.

"Nice. Looks like your team's been through quite some adventures, wish I could say the same for mine, we fight each other just about every other day as well as fighting the monsters, it's a bit hectic right now." TJ explained the situation they were in to the other blue ranger.

"You'll be a strong team in no time, don't worry about it." Percy reassured as he went back to telling TJ some of their other adventures.

The two black rangers quietly chatted in the back of the room while Alex was fixing another contraption with an annoyed look on her face, that was when Emlie sat beside her.

"Listen, I get a little aggressive in fights, I work well with my team so it's not a problem with them. I've never fought with you before in a fight and got in the way, in turn you got in my way and we fought each other as much as we did those minions. I just want to say I'm sorry for my actions and I hope we can be friends." Emlie apologised to Alex, who stopped what she was doing.

"I was getting a little angry and impatient so it was partially my fault. So I'm sorry too I guess, next time we'll fight better." Alex smiled to the other white ranger. The two shook hands and Alex began to explain to Emlie what the device she was fixing was and how it worked, Emlie made comparisons to Alex's expertise with machines to Jamie's, which the white Steam ranger wasn't too fond of but knew it was in good fun.

Over on the practice mats, Tyson was showing Ayana a few fighting moves. While most of it was directed for fast attacks which he wasn't very good at, Ayana picked it up quickly and managed to use them effectively against Tyson, taking the bulky teen to the floor a few times.

"Great job, that one should come in handy if you ever have to fight me again." The yellow Mythos ranger joked as Ayana helped him up.

The two leaders, Lloyd and Aaron, were sat down talking, then the Templar ranger put on a serious tone as he shifted the subject to more important matters.

"Listen, my team's been some pretty tough stuff, some of it was rather dangerous, you guys need to watch yourself when there could be more of these Terrasoids like Ophyoc out there. And if you ever need any of us, for any reason, just ask. We're always ready to aid a ranger in need." He informed the red Steam ranger.

"I see, I hope we don't need it, and we appreciate the support." Lloyd replied

Welkin watched as Ayana floored Tyson again before his face went smug, indicating he was about to do either something stupid or amazing.

"Hey Ayana!" He called, to which the yellow Steam ranger approached. "I'm about to hit the shower, if you wanna head in there..." He chuckled. Yet Ayana was not amused and slapped the smug ranger as hard as she could across the face which was sure to leave a mark.

"There's my answer." She said and smirked as she walked off. The other rangers couldn't help but burst out in laughter at what had happened to the self proclaimed 'Great Welkin Stross' and the rejection he had just received.


Through the halls of the Terrasoid hive floated a lone spore. It reached a dark and dreary area that looked to be made of actual stone and had the appearance of a catacombs.

The spore floated through the ruins and finally settled upon the skeletal corpse of a kingly figure, then a whisper came.

"All I need to survive is one single spore…"

|Steam Versus Myth|

That is part 3 and the last part, I did say I was gonna add another part but I returned to the original plan and compressed the two into one. So Ophyoc is defeated, for the most part, if you can guess what comes next, good for you. And I decided that Welkin isn't as glorious as he says he is and got Ayana to give him a painful slap on the face and a more painful hit to the Ego. That's all for now and here's the sneak previews for Mythos and Steam Force's next chapters.

Next Time on Power Rangers: Mythos: Rangers Never Say Die

Synopsis: In a goonies inspired episode, the rangers receive a letter from Dr. Mack Hartford who wants them to follow a map to a fabled treasure where a special artefact is rumored to be. Yet Abaddon's demons are hot on their tail, can they reach the artefact in time, or will the Demons succeed in finding this treasure before the rangers do? Find out in the first chapter of Act 2 of Power Rangers: Mythos

Next Time on Power Rangers: Steam Force: Broken Spirit

Synopsis: In the penultimate character focus, we explore the tragic past of Mia. In this we learn the reason for her general quietness and her distance from the other rangers. Can they help their ranger friend or will a new Terrasoid exploit this, and Kivo comes ever closer to being ready for his destiny. All ext Time on Power Rangers: Steam Force