Steam Versus Myth

The Mythos/Steam Force Special

Disclaimer: While I don't own Power Rangers, I own both Mythos and Steam Force, If you haven't seen them, go give em a read, otherwise you're gonna be pretty lost.

Part 1: The Ancient Terrasoid

After the battle with morgana, and the Mythos rangers gaining their new powers, which they would have to master quickly in order to defeat the demon forces, Morgana also needed to learn how her new powers worked. To this, the sorceress was sat inside the ritual chamber, a magical circle around her, ready to summon a creature sealed away. Whilst a demon would surely defeat them indefinitely, their means of summoning the armies of another realm was regaining its strength after the arrival of Fleruty.

Then, as the sorceress inside the young woman chanted a few words, a small stone tablet lit up and obscured everything in the room with a bright light. When it had subsided, a large creature stood before her.

It was humanoid, white and orange in colour, with a fungal appearance to it. It had mushroom pads at every joint and a large one atop its head. a small mouth with serrated teeth sat just before the monster's body.

"I am finally free!" He triumphed. "The great Ophyoc is no longer a prisoner to that witch!" The fungal warrior known as Ophyoc triumphed.

"Oh, maybe you are and maybe you aren't. I'll let you truly go as soon as you take care of a little problem for me. And don't try your spores. They didn't work thousands of years ago, they won't work now." Morgana explained to him.

"I understand. What do you have in mind?" He asked, frustrated he was still a prisoner.

"Wreak havoc in the town near by, then when its protectors come, deal with them in any way you like." She smirked as Ophyoc nodded.


outside the command center, the six rangers were learning to control their new powers.

A large fireball flew past Ben's head. He looked over to see that his teammate had lost control and his hand was on fire but this time it hurt him. The ranger was running around with his hand on fire as the others watched, also giving up on progressing today.

Minutes later, after removing their amulets, Jamie ran out in a hurry. "I know today was supposed to be about training, but, we have a little monster problem. The good news is, he doesn't seem to be a demon, the bad news is you haven't faced a monster like this before, meaning whatever he can do, you guys might be ill equipped for it." He explained.

Aaron adjusted his glasses and stood up off of a rock he was leaning on. "I hope we can beat this thing, it's been bugging me that we've kept losing on our own for our last few battles now. We need a win." He told them.

"Yeah,let's get rid of this string of bad luck already!" Percy agreed, clasping his fist with his hand.


The rangers arrived on scene with their morphers in hand, they were in Castelan's park and observed the fungal monster before stepping up.

"Hey ugly, we're the power rangers! I think you know what that means." Aaron called out at the Terrasoid creature who stood there and laughed.

"You'll go down all the same, and when I have you in my hands, it'll be all the better." Ophyoc smirked.

"Okay, talk won't work, how about we morph already?" Lexa complained.

"Mythos Ignite!" "Templar Power, Activate!" They called, transforming into the Mythos rangers and the Templar ranger.

Aaron stood with his Templar blade pointed towards the monster while the other five stood either side, their mythic blades raised. Ophyoc ripped a fungal shoulder pad off, then another grew in its place. From the removed shoulder pad grew a long column of fungus, creating a staff-like weapon.

Tyson charged in and plowed into Ophyoc, even without his amulet, it was still strong enough to stagger his opponent. Ophyoc used the round end to knock Tyson into the other rangers. Emlie, Percy and Aaron rolled out of the way before Tyson was knocked back into the remaining black and pink rangers.

Percy and Aaron slammed their melee weapons against the fungal staff and struggled against it, while Emlie ran in from the side and was about to lunge into Ophyoc when the bottom of the staff came around and winded her, knocking her to floor and causing her to demorph in the process.

Percy and Aaron lost concentration, allowing Ophyoc to use his staff against them both, knocking them to the floor and causing them to demorph. Ophyoc placed his foot on the templar ranger's chest and jabbed his staff into the young man's neck.

"So weak, so frail. I never knew how your race could thrive, let alone survive." He gloated over the grounded ranger.

"It's because we work together, as a team." Aaron said in short breaths.

As he did, Lexa and Ben attacked Ophyoc from the side, sending him staggering back before Tyson returned to battle and landed a heavy blow.

"Hmm… Interesting point ranger. I was going to kill you all. But you'd make fine warriors in my master's army." He said, as he did so, small organic tendrils, tube-like, came out from his body and started to spray out a noxious gas.

The unmorphed rangers were the first to lose consciousness and collapse to the floor. Then the three remaining rangers demorphed, coughing as they did, and eventually succumbed to the same fate.

"That was surprisingly easy. Human's were a lot tougher in my time." Ophyoc laughed as the six rose up after a minute or two of being unconscious.

When they opened their eyes, there was one distinct feature that set them apart from their usual selves. Their eyes had a glowing purple tint to them. However this soon faded as Ophyoc exerted his will upon them.

"Now then, onward rangers, to the Terrasoid hive!" He ordered and they began their long march behind their puppeteer, no emotion in their faces as they did so.


In a quiet suburban neighborhood in outer Castelan, the suave German pilot Welkin Stross was about to knock on the door to a house when His phone went off and he answered it.

"Hello?" He asked as quick words came through the other end, unintelligible to anyone but him. "Really? They were beat and then that happened to them? Where are they headed?" He asked as the person on the other end relayed one word after his last question. "Meet me at the airfield as soon as possible, we've got to get there quickly, Vicdon isn't too far away. By now, they're already there." He finished, ending the call, that was when the door opened. Standing in the doorway was none other than Vala Stross, Welkin's cousin.

"Welkin! I heard you'd be visiting soon. Everything okay, you don't look like your usual self." She asked, seeing that his usual demeanor had a worried look to it.

"Sorry Vala, I'll come back in a few days. There's a few friends that got into some trouble and I need to go help. I'll see you soon." He told her, running off to his plane and the people he had been contacted by.


At the Terrasoid hive, Queen Nyllia sat upon her throne, Stinger at the base of the structure. Then came a commotion and then the Queen and her servant saw a group of drones get slammed from the corridor before the throne room into the room itself.

Then Ophyoc stepped into the throne room. He observed what had become of the hive with a frown.

"For thousands of years this hive has stood, and upon my return it is a complete mess!" Ophyoc yelled in outrage, to which Stinger advanced, stopping at the fungal Terrasoid.

"Who are you and why do you insult this throne room and our Queen with your words?" The wasp-like Terrasoid asked.

"I demand to see the king, the one I have served for so long!" He yelled, to which Nyllia arose and walked down.

"So, you were one of the king's commanders were you? I've heard of the ancient Terrasoids, some of them being less of an insectoid than those of today. I am Queen Nyllia, daughter of the king you mentioned, and current ruler of the Terrasoids." She informed Ophyoc. "My father is no more, I have taken his throne and I plan to lead the Terrasoids to rule the surface world!" She explained to him.

"From what I have seen, these humans have grown weak in the time since my imprisonment. So I shall aid you in your goal, Queen Nyllia. What do you ask?" He asked, kneeling before her.

"Go to the city of Vicdon, close by and defeat the Steam Force rangers, then we can begin on the rest of the world." She smirked.

Ophyoc arose and motioned with his hand for someone to come closer, from the hallway of the throne room. When he did, the six Mythos rangers stepped out of the shadows and behind their leader. "These six are power rangers that I recently defeated. They are now under my control. I am sure that your little problem will go away quickly once I pit them against my new servants!" Ophyoc assured.

Nyllia gave a smirk. "I see why my father liked you, Ophyoc. I have heard of your legend before, now seeing how resourceful you are, I'm sure that you can defeat the rangers that have been a thorn in my side for far too long." With that said, Ophyoc and the corrupted rangers departed to face off against the Steam rangers.


At the operations station, the ranger base of the Steam rangers, the six teens were doing their own things as per usual when the alarm went off and they assembled inside their control room.

General Lohan pressed a button to bring up a feed of downtown Vicdon. A squad of drones were destroying everything in sight while Ophyoc stood laughing as civilians fled the area.

"This one looks different than normal, should we be worried here?" Ayana asked as the screen zoomed in on Ophyoc.

"Regardless, we should wrap this up quick, I was just about to break into a box of components I was gonna make something with." Alex inputted.

"Let's get to it then." Lloyd agreed as the six of them left to fight Ophyoc.

After a few moments a phone call came for Lohan and he answered.

"Lohan, I'll explain everything later, but you haven't seen a monster that looks like a fungus have you?" The voice of Ethan Blake came from his phone.

"Ethan! So good to talk to you. But the rangers just went to fight him. Is something the matter?" The general asked as the younger mentor sighed.

"My rangers are under his control, some kind of spore that's affecting their minds somehow. Tell your rangers to not underestimate that thing. And watch out for my team, they'll not be very friendly if they meet." He explained. "I'm heading to you now with Welkin Stross and Jamie, I can explain it better when we arrive.

"Got it, I'll warn them to keep their guard up, Lohan out." He finished, ending the call.


The six Steam rangers had now made it to downtown Vicdon and were fighting the drones before them, yet they hadn't morphed. Lloyd kicked a Drone back, while TJ roundhouse kicked one to the floor and finished off the red ranger's opponent with a hammer fist to the head.

Lucas gave Ayana a jump boost, she landed on and kicked a drone to the floor before giving another of the minions a sucker-punch to the head and defeated it.

"Is it me or are these things becoming a lot easier to deal with?" Ayana asked as Alex tripped one up.

TJ slammed his fist into a drone's gut and knocked it to the floor. "They sure are." He confirmed as Mia struck the last remaining drone in the face with her knee after bringing its head low.

The six of them regrouped as the last of the drones was finished off, lining up side by side. Lloyd spoke up. "It's over creep! You might as well give up now!" He called.

Ophyoc simply laughed. "I have won countless battles in my time, and while who I serve may have changed, the way I fight, and win, hasn't."

"This must be what Lohan said to be careful about. We should get ready to face him." TJ told them, they nodded and revealed their wrist morphers, ready to don their ranger suits when several figures appeared from the shadows and from behind their wreckage and turned to face them.

The six good rangers froze in place when they saw the six teens in front of them. "You see, my ability allows me to dominate the human psyche. I intended for them to serve my King, but now they serve the new ruler, the Queen. Since she wants you six ended, I thought I would pit some of your allies against you, But, unless you defeat them, you shall never fight me." He elaborated on the situation. "Now, my rangers, deal with these fools!" Ophyoc barked and the six evil rangers nodded, the purple tint returning to their eyes.

Then, in a gust of wind, Ophyoc dematerialised and spores scattered to the winds. The six evil rangers drew their morphers. "Mythos Ignite!" "Templar Power, Activate!" They called as they morphed and transformed into the Mythos rangers, brandishing their weapons.

"Looks like this isn't open for negotiation." Mia said to her teammates.

"Then let's get to it already!" Alex exclaimed, readying her morpher.

"Watch it, we don't know how to handle this. Lloyd what do you think?" TJ asked, looking at the red ranger.

"Let's morph and take it from there." He told them as they all readied their morphers.

"Full Steam Ahead!" They all called, morphing into the Steam Force rangers, the male rangers dialed for their Pipeblades while the female rangers dialed for their Steam Blasters.

1-0-1 … Shipping … Pipeblade … Arriving

0-7-3 … Shipping … Steam Blaster … Arriving

When the Steam rangers received their weapons, the Mythos rangers charged in with a battle cry and soon split the different rangers up.

TJ was fending off Percy, their weapons locked. Percy proceeded to sweep the rival blue ranger's legs from underneath him, taking him to the floor. TJ managed to roll out of the way as the evil ranger's mythic blade clashed against the ground.

Lucas was finding difficulty keeping up with the vicious slashes that kept coming from Lexa. Even without her amulet, she was just as fast as ever. The green ranger managed to block a blow, only for the pink ranger to bring her free hand around as a fist and connect with the green steam ranger's head.

Ayana was also finding it rather difficult as the rival yellow ranger knocked away any defense she attempted to mount with his brute strength. Her only tactic that seemed to work was rolling around and avoiding his attacks as she couldn't really attack him. Then Tyson drove his foot into the opposing yellow ranger and knocked her to the ground.

Near by, the two black rangers were in a stalemate. While it was wearing down Mia slowly with each time she had to retreat and aim at the opposing black ranger who was using his mythic blade to strike at her. It was not looking good.

Alex shot Emlie to the ground with her blaster. Emlie growled and got up. "You're gonna pay for that you prissy little ranger!" She said in anger.

The white ranger span her blade around a couple of times and charged at her white clad opponent. With one powerful slash, Emlie knocked Alex to the ground, demorphing the white Steam ranger in the process. emlie smirked underneath her helmet as Alex struggled to get up.

Finally, Lloyd and Aaron were locked in a vicious melee, exchanging blow for blow. The Templar ranger locked his sword with the red Steam ranger's Pipeblade. Lloyd looked over at the fallen white ranger and hesitated for a second, noticing that the rest of his team were being systematically taken down by the evil Mythos rangers. Then he turned his attention back to Aaron, who was now leaned in close.

"You know the difference between us and you? The way we are now, we don't care about each other the way you do. We're better fighters than you, We don't have to show compassion, or hold back. That's why you've lost." He told the red ranger and proceeded to knock Lloyd back.

With a power attack, Aaron defeated the red Steam ranger, who fell to the ground and demorphed alongside his fellow rangers.

The six evil rangers lined up either side of the Templar ranger, their blades pointed to the Steam rangers on the ground. "Let's end them." Aaron ordered as the Steam rangers struggled to rise.

As the six evil Mythos rangers charged their blades with energy, blaster fire interrupted them as the silver clad Welkin Stross came to the aid of the six fallen rangers at the last second. Now under fire and out gunned by the powerful revolver blaster wielded by the ranger, the six evil rangers retreated to recuperate from the encounter.

As soon as he was sure that they were safe from the opposing ranger team, Stross demorphed and helped the rangers to their feet.

"Thanks Welkin, they're pretty tough. If you hadn't come in at the last second, we wouldn't have made it." Lloyd said as Stross helped him up.

"I couldn't let you have all the fun now, could I?" He laughed as he helped the last of them to their feet.

"So, who were those guys who just kicked our butts?" Ayana asked, rubbing her bruised arm.

"They're the reason I'm here so soon. I was going to visit my cousin and then a friend ran into some problems. We better get back to the operations station, I'm pretty sure he can explain everything better when we arrive." He informed the other six as they departed for their base.


Ophyoc was being held by the throat by stinger as the Queen was angry with his incapability to destroy the rangers. The six controlled Mythos rangers standing at attention, awaiting a command.

"You promised me that you could destroy the rangers! All I got was ten less Drones and six slightly maimed Steam rangers! Now you better get to finishing them off otherwise you'll not live to see my vision." She informed him in outrage.

"But Queen Nyllia, my minions, they almost had them! If it wasn't for a surprise ranger, laying down a hail of suppressive fire, they would be gone by now!" Ophyoc complained about Stross.

Stinger lowered him to the floor as Nyllia spoke up. "Then I suggest you be prepared for him next time." She told him and dismissed the fungal Terrasoid and the controlled rangers.

|Steam Versus Myth|

That is the first part of Steam Versus Myth. It took longer than expected but it's done. So, the Steam rangers got beat badly by the controlled Mythos rangers, who acted out of the ordinary from what they usually do, luckily they're no match for the great and powerful Welkin Stross! (Completely joking there!) So here's a preview of the next part.

Part 2: Ranger V.S. Ranger - After their defeat at the hands of the evil Mythos rangers, the Steam rangers regroup at their base to devise a plan to free the rangers from Ophyoc's control and defeat the fungal ancient Terrasoid in the process. Can they do it or will they fall just as the Mythos rangers have? Will Welkin always be so awesome? (Indeed he will) Find out in the second part of Steam Versus Myth!