I do not own any part of Young Wizards. Unless you count the fact that I own a copy of each of the books. Not that I don't wish that I owned more. . .

Ok, I'm sure it's been done before . . . or at least thought about.


Kit practically had to crawl up the beach. He was drained: physically, emotionally, and magically. He gave out a soft wail, not so much from the physical pain as the emotional, as his body gave out on him and he collapsed to the sand.

Nita . . . Nita had gone through with it. She had given her life for billions of others and sealed the Lone Power once again. She . . . She died. Nita. Dead.

Nita had gone just as Ed had told her. Two bites. The only thing that no on suspected was that she would revert back to human after the first. The first bight hadn't done much other than to bloody Nita's whale body up. But then, just before Ed crunched down a second time, she was reverted back to human. Kit had just enough time to catch sight of her bloody, writhing body before she was crushed by Ed's teeth.

"She turned human, didn't she?" Ed had asked, later.

"Yes." Was all he could get out, not even looking at the master shark.

"I have never been sure of feeling the emotion of sorrow before. Now, for the first time, I am truly sorry. For you and Nita both." Ed told him before swimming away.

He curled himself into a ball and just shook. He was still in the same position when the Callahan's found him twenty minutes later. He barely heard it when Mr. Callahan asked if he was all right.

"Not particularly," was his soft response.

"Where is Nita?" Dairine asked.

"T-t-time, Timeheart." He sputtered, still not wanting to admit it to himself.

Timeheart? Dairine had read about that in Nita's manual. It was . . .

"No! No, it's impossible! Tell me where she really is!" Dairine practically screamed.

"Dairine, what's the matter? Where is Timeheart? Why is it impossible?" Mr. Callahan asked his youngest daughter.

"I read Nita's manual. At least the English parts at the beginning. If Nita is there, then she . . . she," Dairine couldn't finish the sentence.

"She's what?" Mrs. Callahan asked.

Mr. And Mrs. Callahan barely heard the still balled up boy answer.

"She's dead."


Well, what do you think? Review, please. Tell me I'm the next Tolken. Tell me that your four year old iguana is a better author than I am, but please tell me something. Should I leave it there? Or should I continue this?