This is my first fic of the upcoming movie "Zootopia."

My great inspiration for make this is two songs "Desperate Measures by Marianas Trench and Emotion by Carly Rae Jepsen for the dancers.

Pairings: Chief Bogo/Benjamin Clawhauser, Nick Wilde/Gary (Slash)

Description: Before I do my next update, I wanted to get this out of the way first, but I wanted to point out that this is ONLY what I know so far so you won't see another chapter until I gathered enough information on it and see the film to prevent spoilers.

Date: October 25, 2015

Rated: T

Dawn Bellwether has been arrested for her crimes, Nick has become a ZPD officer, and relative peace has been restored to Zootopia. Gary Mcwolf was walking the halls of the police station lobby. The twenty-eight-year-old Timberwolf was a well-known face; ever since the 'Nighthowler cases, as the missing mammal cases had been dubbed, the white furred wolf had been volunteering at the ZPD.

He was dressed in his usual ensemble - black shirt, black pants, and a black trench coat, a pack of cigarettes poking out of his shirts left breast pocket, the dark clothing hid most of Gary's fur causing his electric blue eyes to appear to glow.

"Good morning, can you sign me in?" Gary greeted Clawhauser, who had sprinkles on his whiskers.

Clawhauser gave a gentle smile and a caring wave before going back to his computer where he was typing a long message to Gazelle inquiring as to why she was taking a year off from touring and concerts. This had been announced after her performance the previous night. Soon a message from Gazelle arrived explaining that her four dancers are complaining that they haven't been given enough time off lately, and a video message down below with Gazelle picture was seen, he pressed the play button.

"Glad you opened my video, now we can get down to business. I assumed you read my message that my dancers are very exhausted, so I'm holding a special contest to those who attended my show. It seems that two of my tigers has gone missing so the rules are simple to win you must find them and bring them to Sahara Square to be united with their brothers; then and only then will you have them as your boss."

The video ends and the cheetah clicked the minimize button at the top then returned to his favorite donuts that were on the table next to his computer "Okay, back to you my pretties" He said wickedly while rubbing his paws together, he picked one up and placed it into his mouth.

He chewed it up like there was no tomorrow but he was more excited about the contest, his heart fluttered with joy as the cheetah took another bite of another donut.

Chief Bogo was leaning on the door leading up to the conference room sighing "I don't know if I can do this" The Cape buffalo explained his feeling to be unsure of himself while looking at.

"Don't worry, you're a good-looking guy and he's a handsome guy so go for it," Samuel said elbowing Bogo. Samuel went to the bathroom to powder his nose while the Buffalo sucked in his gut and walked smoothly towards the desk then he thought.

"What if he rejects me or wants to just stay friends" He had total fear about his possible boyfriend.

Clawhauser was listening to Gazelle's hit song "Try Everything" when he was tapped on the shoulder by Bogo so he turned the music on his IPhone off and turned around in his chair.

"You need something Chief?" Clawhauser. Clawhauser asked, as the Buffalo dropped to one knee and took hold of Clawhauser's left paw.

"We've been friends since we joined the police force, and as time passed be, I seemed to develop these romantic feels for you," Bogo explained pouring his heart and soul into what he was saying.

"What are you trying to say? The cheetah asked confused, while slowly chewing a chocolate donut.

"Will you go out with me?" Bogo asked Clawhauser went speechless because Firstly he didn't see himself as being very attractive and secondly, he wasn't sure he was ready for a date, but he decided to give it a try anyways.

"Sure," Clawhauser said smiling and got down on his knees

"Thanks, buddy," Bogo said scooting over to hug him, Clawhauser hugged him back then they parted.

"How does Jumbeaux's Café sound?" The Cape buffalo asked after getting up.

"Will they have donuts?" Clawhauser requested in a squeaky voice hoping.

"They might," Bogo said putting a hoof on the cheetah's shoulder then the cheetah got up. Bogo was about to leave and go to his office but had a quick question to ask.

"Clawhauser, you know about that particular contest?" Bogo asked facing him.

"Yes, I just got the email" Clawhauser replied showing him on his computer.

"Funny because I got the same thing," Bogo said showing the phone he retrieved from his pocket. Both playfully laughed

"Looks like I've got to go then," Bogo said with a smirk on his face.

"What makes you say that?" Clawhauser said.

"Don't we have tigers on the police force? Clawhauser asked, thoughtfully.

"Indeed, we do, his name is Samuel," Bogo replied.

"I'll go ask him," Clawhauser said getting up from his chair but asked where he went

"He said something about powdering his nose," The Buffalo said, and the cheetah went off.

"He is so cute," Bogo thought while crossing his arms and smiled then went to his office.

Gary was sitting outside on the steps smoking a cigarette "I sure wish that I could find the absolute perfect boyfriend, preferably with a good heart and warm smile" He spoke quietly to himself as he blew rings of smoke into the air.

Gary sighed while he walked down the steps to put his burned out cigarette in the ashtray "Well, this day couldn't get any better" He said putting the cigarette out in the tray and turned around. Gary leaned against the stone trashcan and looked towards the precinct headquarters; Gary saw Nick leaving the precinct building, probably off for the day, if he remembered correctly Nick had been pulling graveyard shifts for the past week. Nick was on his phone probably texting Judy.

Gary pushed off the trash can and fell, right on top of the red fox, his trenchcoat had got caught under the garbage can which had caused him to trip.

Gary apologized profusely as he scrambled to get up and off the Fox; once he was up Tyler offered a paw to the downed Fox, who accepted it gratefully.

"Thanks" Nick replied, dusting himself off before examining the wolf in front of him, he wasn't bad looking per say Nick had licked his lips before he acted on a hunch and advanced towards the white furred wolf.

"Nick?" Gary asked trying to get Nick's attention, the glazed look on Nick's face was agitating the wolf ever so slightly.

Nick grabbed Gary by the waist and brought him into a dip "Nick?" Gary queried again nervously. With one paw around the wolf's waist and the other stroking his catches ears Nick slowly, gently, brought his lips to Gary's. was Gary shocked, to say the least; never had he thought that Nicholas Wilde would be kissing him. While he enjoyed the kiss, Tyler idly wondered whether this was a dream. Unfortunately, the kiss ended all too soon, Nick pulling away to accept Gary's numerous apologies. Soon after Nick found himself in another lip-lock with the wolf beneath*(position?) him.

Gary soon discovered that he was, in fact, not dreaming as his brother, Larry - a brown pelted wolf who wore much the same ensemble sans trench coat approached "well done, little brother, you made quite the catch." The brown timber wolf chuckled when the pair in front of him lumped apart twin looks of terror on their faces.