DISCLAIMER: I do not own Twilight in any way, shape, or form. Oh and the title is still on for debate, two females have each decided on a title and well…I think there is blood on the wall. Like actual blood. So in the mean time I will settle for my title, but when the victor is decided, I might change the title, or drive to the hospital. Maybe both.
I looked out of the car window and smiled softly at the dark green forest as we drove further into its depths. The gray clouds that hung overhead seemed to be holding the threat of rain but as of yet all they did was block out the sun. The overcast made the forest seem even dark as normal eyes couldn't pierce its depths, I could try if I wanted to but for now I decided to stay more human. It always upset my mother when I let my...other side out more. Not because she was afraid of me, but because she afraid for me. She was rambling. She always rambled now. I decided to focus on her and listen because it always upset her when I didn't listen.
"And Jasmine, honey, please remember to try and keep them away. I know you think this forest will keep you hidden and that your senses can help you, but please be careful." she pleaded.
My heart clenched at her look, "Of course Mama," I said softly, "don't worry, I know how to be safe."
As I looked out the window I noticed that the forest was giving away to the small town that we were moving to. Forks, Washington. Rains almost 360 days a year and is overcast the rest. But for me it was perfect. I love letting myself go in the midst of a storm. Not that I would tell my mother. She would have a heart attack if she knew that the reason that I chose this place for our next move is so I could be myself. She wanted me to hide. To stay human. To grow old.
"And here were are," I heard my mother say.
I pulled myself and looked up at the house that I would be living in for the next two years, hopefully. It was a small two story house snuggled into the woods around it. It was a off white color with a bright red door. It was hideous, run down, and it looked like several window frames were falling apart. But it was livable. And seeing as Mama would be severely upset if I made any friends. Looking over I saw the large moving van with several large men standing around waiting around it. Mama parked the car and slowly pulled herself out. I followed her out of the passenger door. Walking behind her we met up with the movers.
"Hello gentlemen," Mama said.
They mumbled their hellos and shuffled their feet. She asked if they were going to just take out the stuff or if they would also bring the stuff inside. They nodded and mumbled again to the latter. Their eyes shifted to me in confusion, as they had only met Mama so far. She realized what they looking at.
"Oh, she will be showing you where everything is going. This is my granddaughter, Jasmine."
That was our identities this time. I was Jasmine Skye (sigh, mom and her humor) and she was my grandmother. Mama had grown to old to be seen as my mother or aunt. She was around 80 years old. While I still looked 17 years old. And it seemed that I would never age again.
The movers were quick. They seemed to be worried that the skies would open so they moved the boxes rapidly. Thankfully, all they needed to bring for me was the box of books and a small dresser for my clothes. Mama wouldn't be staying long so she decided to use the old owner stuff as long as she stayed. I had no need for a bed so we simply kept the old owners one and beat out the dust and Mama would use it while she stayed. But it was a prop for me when she left. When one lacks the need for sleep, then one lacks the need for a bed. The movers carried in the small amount of my stuff and quickly escaped as the first drops seem to start raining down gently. Mama walked out with them and paid them for their work before they squeezed themselves into the car and peeled away.
Inside I decided to let my other side out a little and used its speed to put away as much as I could before my mom could walk back inside. I blurred around my room, putting jeans and pants in drawers and hanging up shirts and sweaters in the closet. I had just finished when I heard her open the front door. It had taken me under five seconds to unload all of my belongings. I frowned, must be getting slower. I forced my body into its more human state, letting muscles loosen up, eyesight dim and my heart returned to a normal pace.
"Jasmine," I heard her shout, "I know you have finished unpacking by now so get your butt down here and help me!"
I smirked, there is no fooling your mother.
After unpacking, which unfortunately I had to do slowly, Mama and I cooked dinner. I never liked eating much but it made my mother happy to see me eat so I tried to always gorge myself when she cooked. It would mean that I would have to stay in this form longer so my body can digest it, changing too soon meant that I would have to throw up the remains and that was disgust. But again, it made her happy.
I was sitting on the floor in my room meditating when I heard her. She was fumbling around her room, mumbling. I sighed to myself before blurring to her room. Her usual prim and proper look was left disheveled. Her hair and room a mess. She was looking at everything in confusion, unable to form coherent sentences. I walked over to her and put my hand on the side of her face.
"Hey Mama. Look at me," her eyes made contact and I felt my eyes shift from the human brown to the ice blue and white. Her arms drop to her sides as she stared, enraptured in the power of my eyes. I focus the energy in my body before pushing it through my hand and into her head. Her eyes seemed to glaze over before closing all together. I sighed as I felt her slowly drift off. She had entered the severe stage of alzheimer's last year and only with my gift was I able to keep her mind here. But it was working less and less. Before I would only have to help her every few weeks. Now it was almost daily. Which is why Mama was going to leave me and spend the rest of her life in a retirement home, where they may not be able to help her, but they might be able to make her comfortable. I felt Mama go limp against my hand so I lifted her up and placed her on the bed. I kissed her brow before leaving the room.
The next morning, Mama rousing from bed and going into the kitchen pulled me from my meditation. I went to the small bathroom attached to my room and looked in the mirror. I am about 5'6 with shoulder length light brunette hair that always seemed to fall into these deep curls. My human chocolate brown eyes roamed over my pale skin with a slight tan, taking in the slightly muscular build. I looked back up towards my face and notice the fragile features and the soft chin. I smiled at my image and walked back into my room.
I grabbed a new set of clothes, black jeans, a red shirt, and some black shoes. After changing I went down stairs to join her.
When I entered the kitchen I said good morning to her, but the tight smile I got in return told me all I would need to know on how today was going to go. She was going to try and convince me to let her go sooner. And I was going to let her.
"You don't have school until tomorrow, and don't worry about getting in I already registered you into the system."
I nodded, ugh High School, the only flaw in eternity.
"What is my grade? Junior year?" I asked.
She nodded back, returning to the eggs she had cooking on the stove. I heard her take a deep breath, here it comes.
"Jocelyn," aw crap, she used my real name, "I am thinking that it would be better for me to return tomorrow and go to the home. I am already set up there all I need to do is show up, sign in and everything is taken care of."
She already won, as soon as she used my real name she had me. As a rule, as soon as we leave the last town she was going to start calling me by my new name. People seemed to be okay with me calling my grandmother 'Mama' so that really didn't change much but I still spent the first few days remembering the name she would be using. However, Mama whenever she need to make sure that something went her way, she would call me by my real name.
I sighed, "It's ok Mom, I already guessed, and," deep breath, "if this is what you want, then you know I will support you."
She smiled down at the eggs, mumbled a soft thank you, and changed the subject. We spent the rest our time talking about the small town, where to get groceries and such, that I would need to remember to buy frequently to seem human. Small details that seemed to add up to the big picture. Blend in. As we were talking she handed me an omelet which I not so happily ate.
And now it was my turn to convince her. Internally I waged war on myself. One side was arguing that I should wait, the other was telling me to let it out now. The latter of the two was unfortunately the more logical side. I could feel the ripples on my back as it begged for release and I knew that it couldn't stay hidden much longer. It had been over two week since my last time, and that was way too long.
I took a deep breath, "Mama, I need to go out today."
She stopped cleaning. It was silent for a moment, well for her it was, for me the sound her heart rate picking up filled the room and seemed to bounce off the walls.
"Has it been too long since your last incident?" she asked. She always called it that, made it seem like something awful.
I nodded then realized her back was to me, "Yes Mama."
She nodded to herself, "Alright then, but make sure to let your ears and eyes go first and I want you to make sure there is no one around for miles. I only want you to come down once you are done, I know that you like to play around a bit, but please, Jocelyn, for now, stay out of everyone's sight." She finished
I nodded and she continue cleaning. I stood up, gave my mother a kiss on the cheek. After a thank you and a be right back I was out the back door and in the woods. I stayed human for a bit, merely hiking out. But slowly I changed. First I let my hearing go. The sounds of the forest filled my ears. Ahead and around me creatures scurried around, off to the left some miles away several deer, judging by their deep heart beats, were drinking at a creek. Behind me I could hear my mother mumbling to herself and the sounds of the small town getting ready to start the day. Then I let my eyesight strengthen. The greens of the forest became more pronounced. Leaves seem to pop out, and the morning dew painted the forest in a soft sheen that shined in the morning light, regardless of how little light there actually was.
I stretched unnecessarily before picking a direction and running. To humans I would be unnoticeable. Not even a blur would show me passing, the only tell would be the small breeze that followed in my wake. I ran deeper and deeper into the woods, further from civilization. Several miles later I came across a small clearing. Perfect. After using my senses to ensure that no one was even close to around me, I ran my hand through my soft brown curls and smiled. Then I let myself go.
I was sitting reading when I heard Alice gasp softly. Turn I notice her in the midst of a vision and quickly read her mind.
The wind was rippling around.
Looking down through the grey clouds.
The ground was so far below.
Looking back up to see a cloud in front.
The speed increases.
Straight through the wet cloud.
Dripping wet.
I am pulled out of the vision. The rest of the family has gathered and in their minds I see their confusion. Alice is pacing, mumbling to herself.
"Alice, what was that?" I ask.
I don't know she replies in her head.
"What does it mean?"
I don't know Edward.
The rest of the family is starting to look annoyed at our one sided conversation, so I turn to them and explain the flying vision as Alice continues to mumble both in her mind and out loud. Something she thinks though catches my attention.
"Wait this isn't the first time you have seen this?" I ask loudly.
Alice stops and turns to us.
"No, I had another vision like this a two weeks ago and a few times also in the past decade or so. But it's usually only bits and pieces. That was the most I had ever seen."
I listen in to my families thoughts. Carlisle is curious about Alice's vision and if her power is working alright. Esme is worried about if this is something bad for the family. Emmett is confused as to what is going on. Rosalie is completely disinterested. Jasper was focused on trying to control the emotions that were filling the room. And Alice. Alice's thoughts are flying faster than the vision she just had, all focused on what this vision is about. And something about blue eyes.
Goodbyes are hard. Every once in awhile I would make friends with the students at the high schools I attend. And saying goodbye to them hurt, like a little piece of my heart would break off. But saying goodbye to my Mama today was going to be like taking my slow beating heart and ripping it in two.
After letting myself go yesterday my mother and I spent the rest of the day going over our identities and stories to ensure we had everything down. It was mostly for her, with my near perfect memory it was pretty pointless for me.
Today would be my first day of school, and after I would say goodbye to my mother, it was quite depressing. But I knew that if I showed my sadness then it would make Mama feel even worse, so I feigned excitement for my first day. I got dressed, designer pants, a white t-shirt and a leather jacket. I grabbed several of my bracelets and pulled them over my wrist. After pulling on my black shoes I was all set.
Walking downstairs I notice Mama bustling around the kitchen. She was always the nervous one before my first days. I said my good mornings and we talked about nothings as I ate my cereal for breakfast. After cleaning up I noticed the time.
"Hey Mama, I need to get going."
She turned and noticed the clock as well. Silently she hobbled over to where I stood and placed a withered hand on my cheek and looked up at me. Age had taken from my mother. Time had stolen her youthful face, leaving her covered in wrinkles. It had taken her thick brown curls that looked like mine and left her with thin pure white hair. The deep brown eyes had been coated with a glaze that made her look like she was never focusing. She had become shorter and hunched, and the arthritis in her knees and hands made it impossible for her run or play. Time had taken from her, and it hurt knowing it would never take from me.
She smiled gently and patted my cheek, "Okay, love. Good luck today."
I knew if I stayed much longer I would breakdown so after a quick goodbye I grabbed my bag of props and escaped, snatching the car keys as I ran by.
Driving through the small town of Forks it was easy to locate the high school since it was right off the main road. The small scatter of gray buildings at the edge of the forest didn't seem intimidating, but being the new student in a small town could be terrifying.
I drove my mothers small Honda into the parking lot. Not surprisingly, the Honda was one of the nicer cars, the only car that was obviously newer was a silver Volvo. The parking lot was fairly empty seeing as that it was still early. After pulling in to an empty spot, I noticed that all eyes were focused on me. Had I been human I would have blushed at this, but thankfully my heart was beating slow enough that no blood rushed to my face. After turning I scanned the buildings and I noticed one labeled with dull letters as OFFICE. Smiling to myself I walked over and through the door.
Leaving the small office with all of my first day papers I took a quick look around to get my bearings. It was at this that a bright flash intercepted me. I looked over toward and the first this I saw was the camera lens. Fear filled me. But looking past the camera to the young Asian boy. I relaxed, he was safe.
"Hi, I'm Eric Yorkie, you must be Jasmine Skye," he said with a smile and too much enthusiasm.
"Yup that's me, what's with the camera?"
"Oh, I am the president of the news club, and you are the biggest news we have had in ages."
The fear returned but thankfully in a lesser degree.
"No, oh no. No way please don't make me a story," I pleaded.
He looked upset and looked like a kicked puppy for a moment before nodding.
"Sure, yeah that's cool. No story."
Eric took a moment to be depressed then bounced back with a giant smile. He seemed to be blessed with the power of never ending enthusiasm. He also was able to ask questions then answer them on his own. It made talking to him much easier as no talking was actually necessary. He walked me to my first class, and had to be kicked out by the teacher.
The classes passed by in a blur. Names, faces and random details blurred together. Before long I was following Jessica, a brunette gossip girl into the cafeteria. Whereas Eric was at least trying to have a conversation, Jessica seemed only interested in have someone listen. I smiled and nodded at whatever she was talking about at the time.
I joined her group at the table holding nothing but lemonade. I feigned a slight sickness to the group. To keep up the guise of being human I would have to eat in the future, but the cereal I ate this morning was already upsetting my stomach and rolling around too much.
It was sitting there, drinking my repulsive lemonade, listening to teenagers drabble on, when I noticed them. The four of them were sitting off to the far side of the cafeteria. Pushing their food on their trays.
Jessica must have noticed my curiosity, "Oh that's the Cullen's."
I looked at her, confusion covering my face.
"Their adoptive father, Dr. Cullen, adopted all of them. They all live together," her voice dropped a few levels, "But that big one Emmett, and the blonde girl Rosalie, are totally in a relationship, it is disgusting."
I turned back to the Cullen's and looked at them. There were five of them sitting in silence. Sitting next to each other, the blonde bombshell was easy to notice looking bored, the biggest one Emmett was leaning back with his thick arms crossed over his chest and grin plastered on his face that would have anyone running for a bomb shelter.
I overheard Jessica in the background describing the rest of the boys. Jasper was apparently the other blonde that looked like he swallowed something sour. And Edward was the super attractive guy with gravity defying red hair.
"Usually there is anoth-oh there she is."
I looked at Jessica and notice her eyes looking at the door and my eyes followed her.
The world stop spinning, my heart rate skyrocketed, my eyes opened widely and I am pretty sure my jaw hit the table. Walking in was the most adorable girl ever. My eyes roamed over her body, hungry to taken in every part of her. I took in her designer clothes style to perfection, her pale skin, her honey colored eyes, her pixie cut dark hair. She was beautiful, cute, and undoubtedly graceful as she crossed the cafeteria floor before joining her family. Her smooth movements would rival that of an accomplished ballet dancer.
Wait. What? What am I thinking?
I looked around thankful that no one seemed to notice my seemingly obsessive antics a moment ago.
I turned to Jessica and discreetly as I could I asked who the newest Cullen was, my voice only slightly higher than usual.
"Oh her? She is Alice," I immediately bristled at the hostility in her voice, "She, Edward and Jasper are the only single ones, but don't push your luck. Both Edward and Jasper think themselves to good to date anyone here," she finished with a sniff.
Inside I smiled, looks like someone got rejected. And I only smiled at that, not the fact that Alice may date someone here.
Looking back at the table I observed the family. Until I notice something, all of them had the exact same pale skin. I tried to shake this off, there is no sun here so they never tan. Then I saw the slight shadows under their eyes, okay maybe their father kept them all up late yesterday and now they are all sleep deprived. Then I noticed all of them had golden colored eyes. I sighed mentally. They were not human.
Looking at them from here I would have guessed vampire. However the honey color wasn't right. All the vampires I had seen before, their eyes had been a blood red color. The inhuman attractiveness, paleness, sunken eyes all matched the qualities of the vampires I had met in the past. I was curious as to what they were.
I focused my ears, letting my heartbeat slow. The sounds of the cafeteria amplified, voices, laughter, eating, and at the base of it all, heartbeats. I turned in my chair so that one of my ears was facing the table and listened. Nothing. I freaked out, did they leave when I wasn't paying attention? I gazed out of my peripheral vision and notice them all still seated. I focused some more, letting my heart slow. Still nothing. Okay so they didn't have a heartbeat. Then I heard them talking.
"Jessica is giving the new girl all the dirt on us," Edward said.
"Oh, is she at least making it any good?" Emmett asked.
Before he could respond Rosalie cut in, "Guy's what's wrong with her heart, she should be in a coma for how slow it's beating."
Off to the side I noticed they all turned to me confused.
Crap. Thankfully this wasn't the first time I had run into the supernatural. I let my gaze seem to glaze over and swayed slightly in my seat. Eric noticed my act.
"Hey, Jasmine, you ok?"
All eyes turned to me and I continued my play. I pretended to look startled for a moment and reached into my bag, pulling out a small bottle of pills.
"Sorry to freak you out guys, I just have mild Bradycardia," I noticed the scared faces, "It just means that my heart beat is slower so I get drowsy or dizzy, don't worry it's not contagious or anything."
The scared faces cleared up, plus out of the corner of my eye I noticed that the creatures in the corner also seemed to relax. I opened the bottle of pills, making sure no one else in the room was able to see the contents. They would assume that it is my medication, when in reality they were just some sugar pills. Grabbing one of the small clear pills, I popped it in my mouth and followed it with a swig of lemonade. Thankfully the creatures would assume that my heart rate would take some time to pick back up so I had some time for more eavesdropping.
"See Rosalie, she's just sick, not big deal. Humans get sick all the time," I heard Emmett say.
I smiled; calling everyone else humans pretty much proved they were human. Listening I heard Alice mumble something, to quiet for me to hear. The others heads snapped in her direction, shock evident on their faces.
Rosalie sneered at whatever she said and the rest of the siblings stared at her in confusion. Emmett cleared his throat and looked over to Edward.
"No Emmett, I haven't tried to read her mind yet."
I startled at this, my heartbeat skyrocketing, sounding much more like a human's. Mind reading. My secret could be out and I would have to run again. Fighting was not my style. The school bell ringing loudly in my ears signaled my escape. There had to be some sort of range on his reading and the further away I was from him the more likely it was he couldn't hear her thoughts.
I said a quick goodbye to the people at the table before rapidly leaving the cafeteria. If he could read minds then Mama would make us leave immediately, changing identities and stories. I kept moving, weaving through students and exiting the building. I looked around and noticed that no one was focused on me before fast walking to the forest. Leaning back against a large tree I took a deep breath and focused my thoughts.
Leaving now and running would leave to many questions. So I would have to finish today defiantly. It would be smart to avoid Edward and the rest of the Cullen's as much as possible. For some reason my heart clenched at the thought of avoiding Alice. I was confused as to why this was. I shook my head and focused on the problem on plate now, I could look at the reason for my confusion later. I would finish school and then tonight, Mama and I would decide what to do to deal with the mind reader problem. But it might not even be that big of a problem, quite a few of the vampires in the past, their gifts hadn't been able to work on her so maybe whatever these siblings were the mind reading wouldn't work either. Hopefully.
I took another deep breath and began walking back to the scatter of grey buildings. After a few moments I reached the door of my next class. Biology. After taking a moment I entered the room. Everyone looked up at me. Crap, late to the first day of school. I walked over the teacher and handed him the slip I got from the office. He gave me a disapproving look before pointing me towards the only empty seat in the classroom.
Right next to the mind reader, Edward Cullen.
I watched her as she entered the classroom, my eyes quickly scanning over her. She fit the dark jeans and leather jacket perfectly with her more slight muscles showing. The red shirt seemed to pop perfectly against her pale skin. The dark brown hair fell in perfect curls. Her brown eyes scanned the room before widening at me; from here I could hear her heartbeat accelerate. Internally I smirked. Our vampire beauty startled all of the humans. However after she began walking, quite gracefully in fact, toward the only empty seat I felt guilty, humans may be attracted to us but they still subconsciously knew to run from us. I cleared her side of the desk, making room for her stuff. She sat down and looking at her faced I noticed the strange emotion on her face. I focused on her head and listened to her thoughts.
I heard nothing.
I was shocked. Never in my hundred years as a vampire had I found a mortal who could block me. Startled I listened harder.
Voices filled my head. Jessica was thinking horrid things about everyone. Mike Newton had just noticed the new girl and was thinking vulgar things about her. The rest of the girls were jealous that she got to sit next to me while the boys were all thinking about her as a new shiny toy. But nothing came from her, just a soft white noise. I was beyond confused now. What did this mean? I took a breath to talk to her and that's when I smelled it. It wasn't like any other human's blood, which burned the throat, but rather felt like a cool drink. Her scent was a strange combination of mint and roses. It was light and barely noticeable but once I focused on it I could tell that in all my years I had never found anything that smelled this amazing. I didn't want to devour it but rather grab it and take it for myself.
Suddenly it made sense. She was meant to be my mate. She was my other half.
Immediately I felt sorry for her. She was bound to a monster. A man damned to spend eternity as a demon roaming the planet seeking the blood of others. And if I would ever die, then I would fall to the pits of hell.
However, as much as I wish I could keep her from the demon that was me, with her scent I knew that I couldn't refrain for long. I took in another breath of her enthralling scent and decided to strike up a conversation.
"Hello, I'm Edward Cullen, you must be Jasmine Skye," I added with my charming smile.
She nodded and gave me a tight smile before turning back toward the front, her heart rate normal.
I was startled; usually my smile could make even a married woman have a mild panic attack. Suddenly I was curious as to what she was thinking, and she became a puzzle I needed to solve.
"What made you decide to move to Forks?" I asked.
She seemed confused at this, "I-uh-my grandmother, she-uh-wanted me to live on my own, since she wont be around much longer. So she picked a small town and here I am," she starting sounding more confident near the end and her heart beat slowed down to a rate that seemed slightly slower than a regular humans. The Bradycardia I assumed.
"What about your parents," I asked.
Instantly I put together the most logical physical responses, if dead or abandoned then she would curl up in a slightly fetal position, if ran away then she would stiffen up in a defensive position. None of those happened.
"They passed away a few years back," she replied deadpanned.
Her body made no reaction to the words she spoke and I was even more curious.
"I'm sorry."
She looked confused, "Why?"
It was my turn to look confused, "I was just-um-offering my condolences."
"Don't," she replied sharply.
I sat back at the venom in her voice, startled. She was even more of a mystery, a mystery that I was immensely drawn to.
"I'm sorry, am I annoying you?" I asked quietly.
She sighed almost silently, "No, I am more annoyed with myself, my mother always said that I was like an open book and easy to read."
I smirked at this, the one human capable of block my mind reading called easy to read.
"On the contrary, I find you very difficult to read," I said with a smile.
At this it was like a rod was pulled from her back as she visibly relaxed. Another mystery, why didn't she want me to read her, what was she hiding? There were so many questions involved with this girl. I was about to try talking to her again when the teacher called us to attention again. I scowled at the teacher as he began his lecture, interrupting the conversation between my mate and me.
He couldn't hear my thoughts. Inwardly I felt my body screaming with joy and relaxing. I was so pleased that he couldn't hear inside my head. As the biology teacher continued his lecture I could feel Edward's eyes on me every few minutes, studying me.
Suddenly I had a thought; I could use my least favorite sense, smell. I smiled and laid my head on my arms on the table, adding a yawn for effect. I focused on my nose, breathing deeply. My heartbeat slowed slightly, around 45 bpm. He looked sharply at me, concerned. I took a deep breath through my nose. The strong sour scent of vampire filled my lungs. Huh, so I was right. The gold hues through me off, but in the end I was still able to determine what they were. I was curious as to what the cause of their eye color was but I was not stupid enough to ask. Volturi law decreed that they would have to kill me. Not that they could, they would have to catch me first.
The rest of class was spent on placing all of my attention away from the strange vampire who seemed incredibly interested in me. As soon as the bell rang I quickly grabbed my stuff and walked out the room, ignoring whatever question Edward had been about to ask me. I moved on to my next class, Government. The school had tried to tell me that I needed to take four years of gym, but with a doctors note informing the school of my "Bradycardia" I was able to replace the class with Government. I was smiling as I entered the classroom, my eyes taking in the large amount of empty seats. I was early. The large, balding man at the front of the classroom gestured me forward, swiped the note from my hand, signed it, shoved it back to me before pointing me to a seat in the back and turning back to the front board dismissing me. I decided not to get in his way and followed his sparse directions to my seat. As I sat down I noticed the students entering the classroom, curious at my presence. Avoiding conversation, I placed my head on the desk and entered a meditative state to relax. It worked perfectly for the next couple of minutes as no one bothered me.
Suddenly I felt someone touching my shoulder gentle, "excuse me, that's my seat you're sitting in," I heard them say in a soft angelic voice.
I looked up and I'm pretty sure I drooled. She was beautiful. Her short spikey hair was adorable. The way her brow was scrunched up in concern. Her golden eyes seemed to stare at my soul. My brow furrowed. Wait gold eyes. Vampire. This was Alice Cullen.
I stared down at her so disappointed I had to wake her up. She had looked so perfect sleeping there. Her hair had fallen around her head like a halo and a single small part had covered her mouth so adorably. When she was awake her eyes always seemed to be furrowed in concentration. But asleep her face relaxed and her true beauty seemed to shine.
After waking her up she seemed to look up at me in confusion before realization dawned followed by a look I could have sworn was embarrassment.
"Um-uh-what-uh," she looked around and seemed to notice that she was in the wrong seat. She mumbled an apology and quickly moved her stuff over to the seat next to mine, the only open one. I smiled brightly at how embarrassed she was and that only seemed to make her embarrassment worse. I sat down on my now empty seat and took a deep breath and prepared for the burn. However the cool mint flavor that filled my lungs wasn't making me thirsty but rather calming. Strange. Looking forward I noticed that Mr. Jefferson was still writing on the board and would still take several minutes till he would start his lecture. I smiled again and decided to strike up a conversation with the strange new girl.
"So, how are you enjoying Forks so far, Jasmine?" I asked.
She looked startled, "H-h-how do you know my name?"
I quickly realized my mistake but covered it up quickly, "Um, honey, I think that everyone knows your name by now."
Her heart jumped a little, "Oh, yes, I guess. Um well, I guess Forks is nice. The rain is peaceful and quiet. And the forest is quite beautiful. Plus I love the cloudy weather, I love the sun but I love the cool weath-"
Her voice faded off, as she seemed to realize she was rambling a bit. Looking embarrassed again I decided to help her out a bit.
"I agree, the sun always feels nice but sometimes I can be just too much. Plus one of my favorite things is to stand in the rain and let it fall against my skin. Plus the forest is so nice and calming."
She smiled softly at me, clearly liking my answer.
"So what do you do for fun?" I asked.
She looked thoughtful for a moment, then frowned, "Um, not much really. Read I guess."
I frowned in return, "Come on, there has to be something else you enjoying doing. Take me for example, I enjoying drawing, camping with my family, but most of all. I love SHOPPING," I squealed at this and bounced in my chair.
She smiled brightly at my antics, "I don't mind shopping, but I only go to look, I rarely buy."
I shook my head, feigning depressed, "Oh you poor thing, you don't understand. Shopping for me is a passion. My family hates shopping with me because they cannot keep up with me."
Her smile grew at this and she gave a soft laugh. It was so cute.
"Are you laughing at me?" I asked, feigning outrage.
She smiled again, "No actually, I'm imagining you dragging around Emmett in Victoria's Secret." She laughed again.
I smiled brightly at this. Her laugh did something to my chest, it almost felt like fluttering. I was about to respond when the teacher called us to attention. She seemed like she was going to say something then changed her mind and focused on the teacher. My unbeating heart seamed to clench at this for some reason.
What the hell was going on? For some reason my heart would jump every time she smiled. It became almost a mission for me to get another one from her. This had never happened before. Even before I had noticed that I was different no one had ever interested me like she did. Her voice was so soft and bubbly that it stirred something in my chest that I had never felt before.
I made the decision that as soon as the bell rang that I would leave as quickly as I could, avoiding her. If Mama made her leave then Alice would just be a complication, and I couldn't use any more. I looked through the curtain of my hair and stared at her. Her eyes were glazed over and unfocused. Suddenly she looked sharply at me, her face showing confusion. What just happened?
I was sitting thinking about our conversation when the vision hit.
The bell rang ending the class.
I turned to Jasmine.
She already grabbed all of her stuff and was standing up.
"Wait, Jasmine!"
She shook her head slowly.
Then she turned and walked quickly out the door.
I look over at her in confusion as she shielded herself behind her hair. She was planning on running. Why? What could be so bad that she had to run? I focus on her in the future, hoping to use my visions to figure her out, but I got nothing. So I decided to confront her before she left. Immediately I got hit with a vision.
The bell rang ending the class.
I stood up and walked quickly between Jasmine and the door.
I put my hands on my hips.
"Hey can I talk to you for a moment?"
I heard her heartbeat pick up and watched her put her hands in front of her chest.
I didn't need Jasper to know she was scared now.
I started running through plans. Each time, no matter how I tried to keep her around she either got scared or ran before I could talk to her. Until I found the one that would keep her around a little longer. I frowned a little, the plan was a little low. And why was I even focus so hard on making her stay?
I shook my head; regardless I wanted her to stay. I took out my phone, away from any eyes and quickly text Edward.
I looked up at the clock. The teacher was finishing up his lecture and there was only seconds left in the class. I placed my hands on my stuff ready to move instantly.
Right before I reach one I heard it. It was a soft groan, and it came from Alice. I heard the bell ring and just before I stood up I watch Alice's head slam onto the table with an audible thunk. If she hadn't been a vampire that would have seriously hurt. I looked around at the other students and noticed none had any interest. I questioned myself; I was supposed to be escaping right now. But the look of Alice's face laying on the table was so utterly depressing I decided that I couldn't leave her like this without at least asking.
"Alice," I said putting my hand on her back, "what's wrong."
Silently she lifted her phone and placed it on the table between us. I debated for a moment before reading the text on her phone.
Hey Alice, Emmett wasn't feeling well so Jasper and I took him home. And Rosalie decided that she wouldn't leave him alone so sorry but you are going to need to find a ride home.
Crap. Crap. Triple crap.
"Oh, um. That stinks, do you, um, have a ride home?"
She seemed to think this over, her head still planted on the desk, then she shrugged like she wasn't sure.
"Um, my family and I don't tend to make friends very well so I'm not really sure."
I was startled with this. How could she not make friends? I rarely make friends and she was friendly with me within moments.
"You have to be joking, this was my first day and I swear you are one of the few people I would consider actually being friends with."
She smiled into the desk before rolling her face to look at me in the eye. Those topaz eyes seemed to stare into my soul, her smile still on her face and still making my stomach flutter.
"Thank you Jasmine, I think you are the first person to be that nice to me outside of the family."
My heart jumped at this and started beating a little faster. Damn my heart as I realized what it wanted, and for some stupid reason my head thought it was a great idea because it meant more of those smiles.
"Um, hey Alice," I mumbled, embarrassed, "if you really need it I could give you a ride. I mean you don't have to if you don't want to. I mean we just met today and-" I was interrupted by Alice jumping up into my arms.
I wasn't sure my heart could handle much more of her holding me. Just her doing that made my heart rate fly and my knees go weak.
"Oh Jasmine, thank you so much, I was so worried how I would get home. You are my knight in shining armor."
For some reason the thought of being Alice's anything really seemed to appeal to me. She released me from that heavenly prison and took a step back to grab her stuff. After packing her bag she turned back to me.
"All set," she said with a charming smile that left my brain as mush.
"Um, yeah, right. Uh right. Lets go," I was finally able to get out.
We walked next to each other in a comfortable silence. Or I walked. Alice seemed to glide across the floor like a perfect runway model. With me watching her dumbly with saliva pooling in my mouth.
When we reached the parking lot she looked up to me expectantly. And I looked down at her confused. We sat like that for what felt like minutes before realization dawned. She had no idea which car was mine. My heart rate jumped and I'm fairly positive that if it was possible my cheeks would have been really blushing.
"Um, right. Uh, my car is the black Honda over there," I said pointing at my car in the back.
She nodded and skipped gracefully to the car. With me, again, staring after her as she moved, completely enthralled. She was about to reach the car and was turning around when I grabbed the keys from my back pocket and unlocked it for her. She smiled lightly at me before opening the passenger and hopping in. I smiled and shook my head at how adorable she was before opening the door and sitting down in the driver's seat.
In the car her scent was ten times stronger, yet still the smell didn't burn at all but rather made me want to sit and drink it in. I relaxed into her comfy seats, closing my eyes and just breathed for a few moments. Only when I heard her clearing her throat awkwardly did I open my eyes and realize that she was waiting for directions.
"Oh, right. I mean take a right."
She smiled at my embarrassed voice.
"What's your favorite color?"
The question was so quick and quiet that if I hadn't been a vampire I don't think I would of heard it.
"What?" I asked.
She sighed before repeating the question slower.
"I like purple and orange, but I love yellow," I replied smiling.
She smiled out of the front, focused on driving.
I was about to ask her hers when she fired off her next one, "What are your favorite flowers?"
"Pink roses," I was about to ask her when she went off again.
The rest of the ride was like this. Her asking questions and me trying to keep up. At the intersections I would have to point where to go. In no time we were driving along the last road before the turn onto our driveway. After pointing her down the well-hidden path I realized we were sitting in silence. Thinking I could get in some of my questions I turned to her. However her wide eyes and her hands white from clenching the steering wheel so tight made me pause, so did her next question.
"Um, you weren't planning on leading me into the forest to kill me and dump the body," she chuckled but it seemed a little forced.
I laughed to reassure her, "No, my mother Esme, she is an interior decorator and designer so she wanted to start from scratch. The clearing up ahead was apparently perfect for her idea so yeah."
When I finished I noticed her visibly relax and take a deep breath. Now my curiosity was really peaked. Was she scared of me? Why was she so nervous? And why wouldn't she seem to let me ask her any questions?
Suddenly trees in front of us cleared up and we made our way into the clearing. I turned to her to see her reaction. I watched her mouth open slightly as she gasped. Her eyes spreading a little as she took in the beautiful white and glass walled mansion. I smiled at how cute she was as she tried to make her eyes take in every aspect of the house. Jasmine parked her car, her mouth still open. I smiled and opened the door but stayed seated. I could hear several of my family members in the entryway mumbling their concern for me. I smiled at how concerned they were. I focused and looked at Jasmine. Who had finally stopped looking at the house and was staring at me. It was then I realized how close are faces were.
"Well, um here we are I guess," I heard her say.
"Mmhmm, yup here we are," I repeated, "thank you so much for the ride Jasmine."
I was about to turn and leave when I decided something. I looked back at her and noticed she hadn't moved. I quickly lunged forward and kissed her on the cheek before quickly turning and jumping out the door and running up towards the house and under the porch.
I turned back to the car and noticed she hadn't moved. I waved to her, which seemed to tear her from her daze. She gave a small wave back and then quickly drove her car away. I stood on the porch until I couldn't see her car, then I waited till I couldn't hear it anymore. Only hearing Esme come out the door behind me forced me to not follow it with my visions,
"Alice, honey, are you ok?" she asked.
I turned around and gave her my biggest grin, "Oh mom, I'm wonderful."
With that I gave her a quick hug and skipped inside. When I entered I noticed everyone except Edward was in the living room and after listening for a moment I could tell that he wasn't even in the house. Probably out hunting. Whatever, this would be easier without the mind reader. I blurred over to the couch and flopped down, the grin still plastered on my face.
"Alice, where were you today? What happened?" Carlisle asked gently.
It was at this point I became nervous. How would they take me having a girl as a mate? Because I was positive that she was mine. Everything that Carlisle told us about mates indicated that she was my mate. But how would my family react to me being a lesbian.
I felt a wave of came and looked over to where my brother Jasper was standing. He gave me a nod. I smiled back and turned to Carlisle, here goes nothing.
"I think I met my mate today."
Everyone all gasped quietly. Then Esme blurred over to me to hold me tightly.
"Oh my baby girl, I am so happy for you!"
Carlisle placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it an affectionate squeeze. I heard statement from everyone except Rosalie who didn't seem to care. But I made eye contact and I knew that she was happy for me. Suddenly Esme pulled away from her embrace.
"Who is it?" she asked, a strange expression on her face.
The looks of shock that filled the room worried me. But when they started giving each other glances I got really nervous. Jasper turned to me and sent me another wave of calm, I couldn't even manage a smile I was so scared.
Esme noticed something was up, "Alice, baby what's wrong?"
"Um, it's new girl from the school."
The rest of the family suddenly gave each other concerned looks, each seemingly more intense than the last. I decided to ask the question I was worried about.
"Um, are you guys all ok with me being with a girl and all that?"
Esme suddenly pulled me back and kissed my head, "Oh honey we love you regardless of who you love."
I heard Emmett give a short loud laugh, "Plus girl on girl is hot so I have no problems with it."
I sighed, "Rosalie, would you please."
I heard a loud thwack and looked over to see Emmett rubbing his head looking slightly put off.
Rosalie looked over at me, "I will support my family no matter what so don't worry about me."
I smiled at her thankfully before looking at my brother and best friend Jasper.
"Darlin' you know I will support you in everything. You will always be my best friend."
I smiled back at him before looking back at Carlisle. I knew with his religious background he might be a little against it. I expected either looks of disgust or maybe, hopefully, ones of love. What I didn't expect was for him to look really sheepish.
"Carlisle?" I asked.
"Um, well. I-uh-well-I guess-well," He took a deep breath, "I kind of already knew you preferred females."
The family and I all stared at him slack-jawed. He shuffled his feet and looked around.
"Alice I have six majors in psychology. I think I can figure out which gender my daughter prefers."
I looked up at him, "And-and you're okay with this?"
Carlisle bristled at this, "Of course I am. You are my daughter, I will support you in whoever you choose to love."
If possible I think I would have cried at this, I jumped up and hugged my father.
Then all of a sudden my mother stiffened, "Alice, who did you say your mate was?"
I missed her tone, "The new girl, Jasmine Skye," I turned to Carlisle, "It just like you said. Everything I seem to want now is to make her happy and safe. Her smile makes me feel butterflies in my stomach. When she laughs all I want to do is stare. The first time I really saw her I thought my heart would actually start beating because it clenched so hard."
There was a quiet lull.
Behind me I heard my mother in a serious tone, "Carlisle, we need to talk to her about this."
Carlisle sighed and I turned and looked at the two of them in confusion.
Esme looked at me, "It's Edward, he, well he, he thinks he found his mate as well."
I smiled brightly at the thought of my brother finding his mate, until I noticed the serious faces all around my family.
Carlisle sighed, "Unfortunately I do not believe them to be mates. That's why he is not here anymore. He is upset with us and our views. The way he explained his feelings for her was simply lust and curiosity. I explained to him that he wasn't feeling the mate bond at all. Even Jasper could only feel his desire for her, no love."
I frowned at this, "Wait, who is the person that he thinks he mated to?"
I look at their guilty looking expressions, even Rosalie looked upset. Then it clicked. A snarl poured out of my mouth at the thought of Edward trying to touch her. I would rip of his limbs if he tried. No one would hurt her.
My family backed up slightly at my frightening expression. Then I received a vision.
Edward blurs into the house.
He looks at all of our grim faces with confusion.
He focuses on Esme.
He snarls and glares at me.
"She's MINE!" he shouts.
He lunges at me.
As soon as I exit the vision we hear Edward running up toward the house. I begin reciting the Russian alphabet, then the Dutch. I kept switching up languages as the scene played out. He looked at us, me in particular, confused as to why I was blocking him. He focused on Esme like I saw.
He snarled at me, "She's mine!"
He lunged at me. Some part of me, the more monster part, screamed at the thought of him trying to lay claim on her. I reached into this part and pulled out the monster. I snarled back, and still reciting the alphabets, grabbed one of his outstretched arms and twirled, ripping his arm off and throwing him back out the door in the process.
The family all blurred in between us, Emmett grabbing Edward as he stood up. Rosalie placed her hand on my shoulder and pushed down, restraining me. The rest stood between us.
Jasper sent out an extremely strong wave of calm that sent Edward to his knees. But the rage was much stronger and I stood my ground and glared down at him from the porch.
Carlisle tried talking us down, "Alice, please calm down and," he paused, "could you please give Edward his arm back?"
I dropped his arm to the side and kicked it away.
Esme blurred over to it and picked it up, I rolled my eyes at this. Even if he was awful she stilled loved him.
"Now we are going to go back inside, and we are going to discuss this like civilized people."
"Absolutely not Carlisle, not until you tell her that she can't even think about trying to take my mate," Edward snarled.
My body stiffened at this.
Rosalie sighed dramatically, "Edward, shut up. We all know she isn't your mate."
Edward snarled again and made to move forward but Emmett held him.
"Shut up Rosalie, no one asked you," Rosalie snarled at Edward's comment.
Carlisle sighed and Jasper sent out another wave of calm, at this I relaxed a little unwillingly.
"Let us take this back inside, please," Esme pleaded.
I turned stiffly and walked back inside.
Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. What was that? My cheek was still cold where her lips pressed into me. That simple feeling of her cool marble lips set my heart aflutter. Thank god she jumped out of the car else she would have heard my heart beating rapidly and my face actually flushing slightly.
I was sitting in my car hyperventilating over my realization that I had driving home. It wasn't that I really liked the feeling of her lips on my cheek. It was my disappointment that made me hyperventilate. It was the disappointment that I felt when she kissed my cheek, not my lips.
I dropped my face on the top steering wheel coming to grips of this sudden life changing moment.
"Okay Jocelyn, I guess you're a lesbian."
Then I thought about it. It wasn't like I was a lesbian; it was that made me interested Alice. No other females ever appealed to me like this, then again no males really did either. It was Alice that made me feel like this. Her smile, her eyes, her laugh, her gracefulness, her beauty.
I shook my head and focused. Thinking only of Alice would stall me figuring out what to do. It was obvious that I had the making of a crush on her. But that wasn't the problem. I had been planning on telling Mama that there were vampires at this school. But she would immediately make us move. And the thought of leaving Alice made my heart squeeze in ways that I couldn't even understand. So I knew that I would hide this from her. A
I looked down at the dashboard clock. It was almost 430. And Mama had to be at the airport by 630. It was now or never.
I hopped out of the car and pulled out my bag. I let my hearing spread out to make sure no one was around that could have heard my mild panic attack, specifically Alice or any of the other Cullen's. Positive that no one was around I returned all of my senses to the human level and frowned at how dull the world became. Sounds faded, colors dimmed, everything seemed…lacking. I walked up the short path to the house and let myself in.
"Mama? I'm home," I shouted.
"Upstairs dear," I heard from the back of the house.
Throwing my bag on the table in the entryway, I walked in the direction of the sound of her voice. I made my way up the stairs and through her door. She was finishing packing. And while I knew she was leaving it still was startling to see her putting all of her stuff in her suitcase. However I knew that if I didn't seem okay with it we would both breakdown and cry.
"Hi Mama, how are you."
She smiled, "I'm wonderful honey, I called the retirement home and they will have a car at the airport to pick me. All of the payments for the next two years have been dealt with, thankfully. All that's left," she choked up a little, "is to say goodbye."
I nodded, but I wasn't ready to say it yet, and I don't think she was either.
We spent the next half hour talking about school and random tidbits, both of us avoiding the pink elephant in the room. We also threw her few possessions she was taking with her to the homes. I tried to convince her to take more but she always managed to somehow trick me into keeping it.
Around 5 we piled into the car with me driving and her seated next to me. We sat in a comfortable silence holding each other's hands for comfort over the shifter. Too quickly we had reached the airport in Port Angeles.
We stood together before security. It was then that the nerves really hit me.
"Don't worry Mama, I'll be smart and safe. If anyone finds out about me I will disappear. Plus I have been learning to take care of myself for the past twenty years, plus everything l learned before the swim. If anything goes on I'll send a coded letter and if I move I will send you-"
Her placing a warm wrinkled hand on my face interrupted my nervous rant. She looked up into my eyes and smiled softly at whatever she saw in them.
"Goodbye my Jocelyn, you can handle whatever the world throws at you. Spread your wings my child, for the world is waiting."
With that she gave me another smile, then turned and disappeared through the doors and my life. My eyes watered, but I wouldn't let the tears fall. Not yet. I took a deep breath and steeled myself. I turned back to Forks. Back to high school. Back to the vampires. Back to Alice.
Sooooo home skillets, what do you think, what did you like, what didn't you like you know the usual. That's if you were planning on writing a review. If not then just think your response after mentally reciting the Russian alphabet along with the numbers of light bulbs in the room you are sitting in, I'll get your review. Or just type it in the box, that works too.
Oh and for those whole really like this and are thinking about following it, I am sorry to say that most likely I will not be keeping these chapters this long. I was camping and sick, so all I did was sit inside and type. It kinda just turned into 10,000 words on its own, idk, psycho story. So, until next time,