I just have to write this! I really have to. It's been in my mind for a long time now and I will really go crazy if I don't write it. Anyway, this is the time when Shohoku had the match with Ryonan and Hanamichi was devastated because of Fukuda. I'll start with the second half and continue onwards with a different story.

I would like to apologize for any wrong grammars, spelling and especially the names. I'm not that keen to Slam Dunk's less than major character. By the way, this is definitely Yaio. Can't stand to think the characters being paired with other woman not in the Slam Dunk. Partners? Have no idea. I'll just develop it as it goes. Review if you please.

The Sakuragi's Secrets

Secret one: Sakuragi Xea

Author: Lenin

" Sugei! Rukawa is really burning," Noma exclaimed as he watch the battle between Sendoh and Rukuwa. " It's Sendoh no wonder. But what is Hanamichi waiting for," Mito asked out loud. All four heads turned to look at Hanamichi.

Hanamichi was sweating a lot and his eyes looked alert. It's quite obvious, to the four at least, that he is very much bothered. His body is all tensed up and he kept on looking behind him as if something would burst right through.

" Matte! It can't be…" Mito suddenly said alarmed. He stood up and the other three followed suit. All four turned to look around, frantically searching something. They didn't sit down until finally, all the audience behind them started shouting.

" BAKERU! We're watching a game and your blocking it! Sit down!"

" Get down you morons!"

And a lot more. They complied and sat down surprisingly to the two of Haruko's friends. As for Haruko's, she was too far at Rukawa's la la land. Noma, Mito, Takamiya and Yuji looked very much bothered. " It must be him. Hanamichi has never been this troubled before unless it's about him."

" Do you think that the bastard came back for a challenge?" Takamiya asked. " I don't know. But I'm pretty sure that something happened that we don't know," Mito answered.

The game is tied between the two teams. They still have six minutes left to play, making it more stressful for both teams. Miyagi had the ball, Uekusa (is the spelling right?) match up to him. Miyagi looked around for anyone free and spotted Hanamichi who is being guarded by Koshino. Making eye contact, he signal to Hanamichi that he'll passed the ball to him.

Hanamichi vigorously shook his head, indicating no. Miyagi was so surprised with Hanamichi's answer that Uekusa was able to slap the ball away and dribbled it fast running to the opposite direction. He quickly passed the ball to Sendoh and in turn, Sendoh did a lay-up, making the score 62-60, Ryonan. Rukawa who was guarding Sendoh was surprise as well as Miyagi seeing the hard-pressed no of Hanamichi.

Mito's eyes grew wide as a ball. " Wakattayo. Wakatta," he whispered slowly. He stood up and places both his hands on each side of the corner of his mouth. " Hanamichi! Hang it there! I swear I'll kill you if you lose to him!"

" Mito's right! And we'll help him in doing his threat as well!" Noma shouted after Mito.

Hanamichi whirled around surprised written all over his face. Then, he smiled he's usual "tensai" smile and nodded. Turning back to face Koshino, he's face is set in determination. The troubled one is completely gone. " Mito's right. I can't lose. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever!" Hanamichi thought.

As for the rest, they were all just looking at Hanamichi, then at his Gundan then back to Hanamichi.

" Weirdo's…" Akagi, Miyagi, Mitsui and Rukawa said at the same time, their eyes dotted.

" Yosh! There is still five minutes to play. We can win this!" Akagi almost roared out. " OH!" the rest answered back. Miyagi has the ball. He quickly cut through Uekusa, looking at his left; Hanamichi was running a few inches away from him. Not far back was Koshino, trying to catch up with Hanamichi.

With quick reflexes, he threw the ball to Hanamichi. Catching it, he run faster, leaving Koshino behind. Nearing the ring, Uozumi blocked him saying, " You are going to need a lot more than to get past me!" Hanamichi, instead of saying his usual 'nani', he did a fake, effectively, then passed through Uozumi with ease and did a lay-up.

The crowd went wild cheering for Hanamichi. Hanamichi seems to have not take any notice of the crowd or he would be laughing his head off. Passing through Miyagi, who lift his hand for a high five, he slaps it with less enthusiasm.

" Nice fake Hanamichi," Miyagi complemented him expecting Hanamichi's usual " MWA, HA, HA, HA! Watashiwa tensai!" instead, none came. Miyagi has a pretty good collection of question marks flying up in his head. The game resumes. Right now, Sendoh has the ball. " Don't mind, don't mind. We still have time left."

After Sendoh said that, Hanamichi played like nobody has ever seen before. Koshino from time and time, failed to block and stop him. He's movements are quick and alert, covering for his lack of defense. Although Koshino was able to shake Hanamichi off a few times, all his shots were being stop by Akagi.

Ten seconds is now left for Shohoku to shot before the time is over. Uekusa and Koshino traded places, Uekusa guarding Hanamichi and Koshino guarding Mitsui. Hanamichi frantically looked around for an opening, but he can't see none. " Hanamichi! Rukawa is open!" Takamiya shouted from the sideline. Quickly, he passed the ball to Rukawa, who at first didn't move from shock, but recovered. Jumping up, he did a smooth three-point shot.

After that, even akagi started to wonder what is wrong with Hanamichi. Once again, Sendoh has the ball. He didn't say any encouragement. Eyeing Rukawa, he eluded him to the surprise of everyone and charge fast and swift to the other ring. " Shimatta!" Rukawa said and run after him. Hanamichi abandon Koshino and ran after Sendoh.

" He's fast," Sendoh though, more sweats rolling down on his forehead. Suddenly, Hanamichi slaps the ball away from his hand, took possession of it and run back to the other side, shouting, " FAST BREAK!"

Koshino positioned himself to block him, who was passes easily. Next was Uekusa, giving Hanamichi trouble passing. Turning his back, he passes the ball hard to Koshino. Shock, Koshino didn't move or took the opportunity to go to score. Hanamichi took advantage of this and hit the ball upwards caught it. He turned back, got into the position to shot, then let the ball go.

It went in the ring with a whoosh. Silence… then everyone went crazy. The buzzer sounded off. " Ryonan! Time out."

Coach Taoka quickly called a time out.

By now, everyone of the basketball team ranging from Kainan, Shoyo, Shohoku and Ryonan notices the odd attitude of Hanamichi.

" What's wrong with red monkey? It's like he swallowed a drug or something. He hasn't made a goof-up since second half," Kiyota said, shock beyond words

. Maki nodded his head. " I have notice it to. He's skills grew tremendously. Enough to cover his weakness in shooting and defense. Especially that last play he did. I have never seen anybody used that kind of tactic."

" Not only that. He hasn't been shouting his Tensai nonsense," Kiyota once again stated.

" Excuse me. Let me through please," a childish voice said. That voice belongs to a little girl about nine or ten. She has long red hair, reaching her waistline, tied in a braid. Her clothes looks like it came out from a French barbe doll (think Arise from Sakura Wars). To put it plainly, she looks like a manikin, pretty and extremely cute. In her arm, she holds a medium size white teddy bear (really think Arise, from Sakura Wars, with John Paul).

As she cut her way through the people at Maki's row, she fell down because of Jin's bag. But before she connected with the floor, strong arms caught her. Lifting her up with ease, Maki let her sit on his lap. " Daijobu, little one?" Jin kindly asks. The little girl turn to look at them and smiled brightly, although worry can still be found in her forest green eyes.

" Hai. Arigato Gozimas. Umm… are you all basketball palyers."

" Yes. We're from Kainan," Kiyota answered.

"Ano… then you must know where Shohoku's bench? I'm very worried about my onii-chan. I heard somebody said that onii-chan got hurt."

Maki looked at her intently. " Matte. Your brother can't be… Sakuragi Hanamichi? Can it?" " Ha… you know onii-chan. Yes, he is my brother. I'm Sakuragi Xea, domo."

" NANI!" half of the Kainan players yelled out, drawing everyone's attention towards them. Hanamichi's eyes grew and he drops his water bottle. Recovering, he stomps off towards the side where the Kainan was sitting. " Sakuragi Xea! Didn't I told you to never talk to stranger?!" Hanamichi exclaimed out loud, sounding like a very strict father.

Xea sank a little lower and drew closer to Maki. " Demo, onii-chan, stranger-onii-san, knows you. I was worried because someone said you were injured."

Hanamichi's eyes soften a little, but his lips are set in a frown. People around them were whispering. The Shohoku members' jaws almost hit the floor and the Ryonan can't seem to believe their eyes or even ears.

" Come down here. I want you to sit where I can see you."

" Are you still mad?" Xea softly asks. " (sighing) No, just worried. Now come down from there. Time out is almost over." Hanamichi's muscles visibly tighten after saying the last sentence. Xea nodded her head and got down from Maki's lap. Jumping over the rails, she let herself fall. Everyone gasp seeing her action, thinking that she must have gone nuts.

You know, the distance between her and Hanamichi is pretty far. At least, umm… let's say, eight feet.

Hanamichi caught her easily as if she weighs nothing. Putting her down on her own two feet, the two walks towards the Shohoku's bench, which is still filled with jaw-dropping members of Shohoku team.

" Ayako-san, you won't mind if Xe-chan sits here for now do you?" Hanamichi politely asks. Ayako seems to still be shock from the news she heard. " NANI?! What are all of you looking at Xe-chan for?!" Hanamichi exclaimed. Xea hid behind Hanamichi, her head peeking from the side.

" I think that they can't believe that you can have such an adorable sister and have you as her brother. Just like the situation with Haruko's-chan with Gori," Yuji said smiling widely. That snaps Akagi from his shock. " Nandayo?!" Akagi growled out loud. Kogure immediately hold him down. The bell rang, signaling that time over is finished.

The starters walked back to the court. " You stay here and don't go anywhere without telling Mito or Ayako-san. Understand?" Hanamichi told Xea sternly. " Hai," Xea answered smiling at him. Hanamichi nodded in satisfaction and went to join his team.

The game resumes with Shohoku leading 70-67. Sendoh has the ball. He went left then right, Rukawa hot on his trail. The time was two minutes and thirty seconds. Looking back and forth, Sendoh spotted their captain who just passed Akagi and shouting, " Pass, pass."

Sendoh did as he was told. Passing the ball, he quickly run after Uozumi Rukawa a little far back. " Oh no you don't," Hanamichi whispered. Leaving Koshino, he ran after Uozumi.