Reviews for The Sakuragis' Secrets
riii chan chapter 6 . 5/22/2010
uhnn...please continue this fic...i reaaly like tht
mariesolsd chapter 6 . 6/1/2007
i love your fic, please update soon!
May Bernales chapter 2 . 11/12/2005
Hi,I love your story plz keep up the good work. Wrote many more cool and lovable story's or whatever you call it.
ayu chapter 6 . 6/27/2005
oh my god...why is it they're so afrad of ray jin...either way hopefully he won't take away da looks of it, it seems dat the whole kanegawa team might be helping hanamichi on this...anyway keep up the good work n hope u'll update dis fic soon...if u don't mind could u informed on when u're updating it...thanx..
Fiery Pheonix chapter 6 . 5/7/2005
I love it!... albeit the wrong grammars isn't really doing anything for the story... The plot is good...

Update! Update soon!
nil-blaze chapter 6 . 5/26/2004
I haven't read the continuation for this for a long time. Didn't think that you had updated a few chapters. Time went past and I've (really sorry) to say that I've forgotten about this fic.
Luckily I found the last 2 chapters of Sakuragi's Secret while I was reading Precious. Are you going to update this? It is very good, ya know? Mebbe you don't know that it is good? So.. (n_n); any pairings in here that I can look forward to?
I'm really hoping to read the sequels to this. I hope that I won't have to wait long. That reminds me, are you going to update Don't Read Me? I'm really curious to see where it's going. Wonder where Hana's going with the flower and whether he'll get Kaede.
If you do decide to update it or not, could you (I'm begging you) to send me a note? On your decision? I'd luv to know. Thanks. Me address is . Arigato.
ej-83 chapter 6 . 11/23/2003
hey...nice fic...a bit of suspense and drama...who ever expected that hana had a sister and finally that he can acutally be nice to both kaede and akira...well keep up the good work coz i'd love to read more on what happens next...keep me informed on the updates...gtg...bye..
Hikaru Itsuko chapter 6 . 9/3/2003
oh Hana kun is so ... how is he going to forget what date it was? well that's him already, well yes I love the fic, and now, why Hana and Xea suddenly hate Ray Jin
Padfut's-Moon chapter 6 . 9/3/2003
here's a review for you, my friend...

keep updating and FAST!

Sighcoe chapter 5 . 8/5/2003
good! why are you not updating anymore?
scaredy'cat chapter 5 . 7/26/2003
Ahahaha...Well hope you continue this soon...And wow an extra kind Hanamichi e? Wonder what chaos will happen...

Keep going...
Hirame chapter 5 . 7/26/2003
Sweet _ Though I still don't get it with that Ray Jin guy 0_0 Weird. Update soon! XD

shadowaureous chapter 5 . 7/23/2003
hmm... what happened on june 3? why's hana so apprehensive about that date... you mean the two guys actualy live near sakuragi? wow... and the actually looked after xea for hana? major wow! hope you continue soon...
ej-83 chapter 4 . 4/1/2003
hey...nice fic...a bit dramatic and suspense...just nice...anyway keep up the good work coz i'd love to read more of it...gtg...ja
Hirame chapter 4 . 3/26/2003
WAII! I love the storyline! Kawaii and unique! _~ Gosh! At first I was shock to see an OC character who looked like Ray Jin cuz I was supposed to do a fic with *that* exact OC description! SD nontheless but the stiryline is obviously different from mine. I won't create it now but it's ok. Greater rewards came when I read your fic, ne? _ Continue this soon! I'll be back for updates I promise. Ja ne!

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