So, I don't like that I'm doing this, but I'm putting Avatar: the Legend of Remnant on hiatus. This is something that I think I've felt like I should do for quite some time, but I've only realized it needs to happen very recently, as I was working on Chapter Fifty.

As some of you might know, AtLoR is not the only story I'm currently writing. In fact, it's not the only story I've been writing for the past… three, four years? I have a series of stories that I call the RWBY Superhero Universe (kind of a bad name, but it's too late to change it now!), and I've been alternating between the two from pretty much the start of Book Two.

I'm really happy with both stories. But it can really suck to finish something, to get something out to the world that you're really proud of… and have to rip yourself away from it to work on this "other thing".

That's really the problem. I love writing Legend of Remnant, and I love that so many of you guys love reading it, but I don't ever want it to be the "other thing". I don't want it to be the obstacle in the way of doing what I'm inspired to do. Except, in a way, it's already become that. And that's really upsetting.

I don't want to finish another RSU story and think "Now I have to write Legend of Remnant". I don't want to finish another Legend of Remnant chapter and think "Now I can get back to the RSU". I don't want to keep chasing have to's and can's until I run myself into the ground.

I could force myself to keep going, but not only would that be a disservice to Legend of Remnant, it would just be plain unhealthy for me. I only have so much creative energy. And that energy, sad as that may be, is not lending itself to this story. There are no tricks, no compromises, that will ever change that.

I know this sucks to read. I'm well aware that many fanfics that go into hiatus never return from it. And I won't promise that this isn't going to happen here – I really hope it won't – but I don't want to disappoint anyone. I plan to return once the RSU is finished, but that will take years, and I don't know what might change until then.

I'm really sorry about this. I hope you guys will understand my decision.

- Zeroan