Damn TFA for stealing my writing muse and replacing it with Kylo in boxer briefs… I'm now addicted to Kylo and Matt trash when I have other stories to write. BAH! Ah well enjoy a little shameless Kylo smut for you Valentine's weekend.
Just a fair warning this ain't a sweet and fluffy Kylo fic. It's pretty much PWP Smut, dubious consent with some future abuse, so if you're sensitive to that kind of content I'd move along. I may add to this between my usual content. Enjoy…
Three days. It had been three days since the scavengers trail had gone cold on him. Three days since the command shuttle's hyper drive decided to tank. The fit he threw after that one did nothing to help the situation. Kylo cringed and rubbed his brow. Now their long range communications were down as well. Probably for the best…I don't want to hear what Hux has to say about this. Here he was drifting at a snail's pace in some no name system in the middle of nowhere with a skeleton crew of half a dozen Stormtroopers. They had started with more but… it had been a rough week.
If the galaxy had boonies this was it. They had just managed to find a planet with enough technology to have a damn trading outpost and take credits only to learn that it would be nearly a week before anything would be by with the parts they needed for repairs, and that was after the threats and bribery. He didn't even bother to try to pronounce what the tall reptilian creature had said the planet was called. Green Foresty Hell… That was more of a name then it deserved.
The accommodations and supplies he'd manage to secure were dubious at best. Doesn't help that the natives are barely humanoid… can these rations even be considered food. Tastes like tree bark. You would think with how intimidating these bastards look they would at least be carnivorous. The native species were tall bipedal hook-beaked reptiles with long spikes and horns on their limbs and head. Something with an H. Hark…Hork-something… Whatever. He didn't really care at this point. He hadn't seen a single human at the small outpost the command shuttle had landed at, so this was likely the closest thing to food they were going to get. He'd ordered a few of his troopers to try the rations beforehand and so far no one had died. At least it's edible… though we are stretching the definition.
No… it had not been a good week for Kylo. Not a good month… let's go as far as year. His life had gone to shit the moment he ran into that skinny little desert cunt and her damn robot. The little force user had put him in a funk he couldn't quite shake and he didn't care how pretty she was, at this point he just wanted her head on a pike. Fuck that traitor to… He was tired, frustrated, and possibly worst of all bored. Seeing as his usual vent for frustration could possibly tack another few days worth of repairs to this disaster of a trip he was forced to find other outlets. Initially he'd been hesitant to leave the shuttle after the negotiations had been made, but after nearly a month trapped in the thing he was going stir crazy. With a pair of troopers trailing behind him he headed down the unpaved paths to what appeared to be a cantina.
Emma smiled softly at the bartender that pushed the steaming plate of food over to her and gave him a nod of thanks. Garuk had always been soft on the girl. The three eyed bulbous creature burbled a happy noise and pat her with one of its many tentacles before turning back to its customers. She took her plate and found her usual cozy dark corner in the back to eat. Emma tucked back a feathery lock of jet black hair behind her ear before she dug in. She didn't normally waste her credits on meals like this, but she had done well this week and felt a little spoiling was in order. She was a trapper and hunter by trade, forager and scavenger when the opportunity presented it. You could still make a few good credits from the rare spices and medicinal plants found throughout the forest. Any extra cash was welcome these days.
Emma had been on her own since she was barely ten. Her parents passed away leaving her the last human on this rugged planet. Before the conflict with the Empire this place had a bit of a boom, with rare spices selling for a fortune to anyone willing to work this far out in the galaxy. With the wars came instability and the trade ships felt it wasn't worth the risk trekking out as far. Most people left, but her parents had been stubborn holdouts.
Emma was all that remained now, though not out of choice. It was harder then you'd think trying to find reliable passage out of the system and Emma had been saving up for years. But she was determined. Someday… one way or another, I'll find a way off this rock. She didn't really have much in the way of plans after that though. Just finding a planet with other humans would be more than enough for me. Her parents had been the only humans she'd ever known or seen and after this many years she could barely remember what they even looked like. She trudged on day after day hoping for opportunity to knock.
She certainly wouldn't have expected that opportunity to be so foreboding and dark. The large double door to the cantina opened for a black cloaked man and two armed guards in pristine white armor. Emma quirked her head in an attempt to get a look at them, but the helmets they wore concealed everything. The cloaked man stopped towards the middle of the bar and the place began to go quiet as the patrons took notice of them. Emma was struck by the sudden tension that filled the air.
A pair of male Twi'lek traders at that table next to her murmured softly and their hands signed to one another quickly. "Stormtroopers… First Order." Emma's eyes widened and she turned to watch the group curiously. She'd heard the bits of news that filtered in about the Order. Most said they were nothing more than a cheap imitation of the Empire. They don't look too cheap to me… what are they doing way out here? There was hardly anything to conquer this far out. Emma sunk back in the dark corner of her seat in an effort to fade into the backdrop.
The cloaked man marched up to bar and the patrons there moved quickly out of his way. She couldn't hear what was being said but poor Garuk was quivering. The pair of Twi'leks quietly got up and made their leave, and the Troopers stared them down as they went. The cloaked man slammed his fist down onto the bar violently and Emma jump a little in surprise. He hissed something at the shaking barkeep who bobbed his eyes stalks feverishly in agreement. Garuk gurgled something nervously and shuffled off to the back. More patrons hurried out till the place was barren aside from the three First Order members. The dark man turned and regarded the now silent room before taking a seat in dark circular inset along the wall. The Troopers stood obediently at each side standing guard. Not that he looks like he needs guards… Emma mused to herself.
Emma shivered slightly at the eerie deadness about the room. Not even the jukebox's merry little tune could lift the dark cloud that seemed to have fallen over the place. I should go... Normally she would have already, but… she was curious. Emma nibbled at her meal and stared at them. The concealing cloak and helmet the man wore hid his true nature, but he and his men looked very humanoid. She stuck around on the off chance one of them took of their helmets. Isn't the Order mainly humans? A jittery sort of excitement buzzed at the back of her mind. I wonder what ship they came in on maybe I could… hitch a ride? She watched one of the Troopers adjust the large blaster rifle in his arms. Or maybe not.
A chill ran down Emma's spine as the dark helmet of the cloaked man turned slightly towards her. She could feel his eyes on her and she quickly focused on what was left on her plate. The creeping feel of eyes on her never wavered and soon the tight grasp of fear clenched at her throat. She quietly set aside her plate, any appetite gone. Fidgeting with the strap of her bag, she rose to leave. She made it to about the middle of the room when a low electronically altered voice called to her from the corner.
"Girl… Come here."
Emma froze and her entire body went ridged. She glanced his way hesitantly. The dark figure sat forward and raised his hand gesturing for her to approach. Stiffly Emma walked to stand between the two guards; they didn't bother to even acknowledge her and stared off into the room. She struggled for a moment to remember her Basic; she rarely used anything other than the native tongue on the planet anymore.
"Y-yes?" She bit her lip at how shaky and uncertain her voice sounded. She was never any good at keeping cool in stressful situations.
The cloaked man leaned back in the large crescent shaped chair and she could feel his eyes wander over her in a manner she wasn't sure she was comfortable with. Emma, try as she might, couldn't make anything out from under the viewing plate of his mask. For all she knew he could be some kind of machine. He let her simmer in uncertainty for several moments before tilting his head slightly to the side.
"How much for your services?"
Emma stared at him blankly, not understanding his question in the least. She shifted nervously, frightened of angering him. "My…W-what?"
He raised and flexed his hand in her direction before pulling it sharply towards himself. Emma gasped as something invisible grabbed her by the collar of her tunic and flung her forwards to her hands and knees. He looked down at her wide frightened eyes and spread his legs a little.
"Your services…" The metallic voice held an amused note to it.
Emma glanced at the now rather noticeable bulge beneath his black trousers. Her eyes widened in sudden comprehension and color rushed to her pale cheeks. D-does he want to mate with me?! She had seen some of the humanoid species that would occasionally stop at the trade station. Some of the females that frequented the place would wander off with traders and pirates that came around and she wasn't so naive not to know what was going on.
"I-ah… I-I'm not ah…" Emma stammered trying desperately to find the right words through a muddle of fear.
The invisible hand returned to clench around her throat and she gave a slightly wheezed gasp. It wasn't so terribly tight that she couldn't breathe, but the warning effectively silenced her. She took in strained breaths and shivered as strange warmth spread through her in response to the pressure around her neck.
The man chuckled darkly, "Good… then I won't have to pay you will I?"
He pulled her forward again till she was left kneeling between his casually spread legs with her hands braced against his thighs. The hold on her throat released and she gave a grateful gasp of air. The sudden rush of blood returning to its normal flow sent dizzying warmth through her that rushed to pool at her core. Emma watched him with trepidation and a surreal sort of excitement as he shifted to a more comfortable position. With casual ease he unclasped his belt and adjusted himself before staring down at her expectantly.
Emma blushed furiously and tried to look anywhere but the bulge in front of her. He noted her hesitation and reached out to probe at her mind. She struggled at little at the strange sensation but was unable to pull away. The man gave a low intrigued hum.
Virgin... she gasped softly at the sound of a far less mechanical voice resonating in her head. The voice chuckled softly. You don't even know what a man looks like… let alone what to do with one do you? But you're curious…Emma cringed as he dug further into her mind and poked around at her memories. It felt weird and a little painful. You really are alone... With that offhand observation he pulled out of her mind leaving her even more confused and anxious.
A black leather gloved hand lifted Emma's chin. She rose slightly from where she had collapsed into the man's lap from the strain of the probing. The soft leather on the pad of his thumb gently traced her bottom lip. The digit pushed past them and he cradled her face in his hand as he slowly moved the black clad thumb in and out of her mouth, slowly sliding it against her tongue. She gave a soft whimper but did nothing to resist him. He took her hand in his other and pressed it firmly against the bulge in his pants. Emma gasped around the thumb in her mouth at the feel of it. She didn't expect it to feel so warm… and hard. He released her chin and watched in delight as she traced the members shape through the fabric with her fingertips, tentatively exploring him. He fought the urge to squirm at the feather light caress. It wasn't long before it became more then he could bare.
He reached down to loosen his pants and release the straining member. It was strikingly pale against the pitch black of his clothes. He leaned back to observe her gentle exploration of the newly exposed flesh. It doesn't look very threatening, She mused silently. She looked up at him with surprise when he took her hand into his and guided it to wrap around the pale flesh firmly. Slowly he guided her hand up and down the ridged member with his own. Emma watched captivated as her hand moved over the silky soft skin marveling at the intense heat that radiated from it…and the content sound of pleasure that came from the man in front of her. He leaned back releasing her hand from his and ran his own gloved fingers through the soft black curls that surrounded the members' base and traveled a ways up underneath his dark shirt. He gave another soft moan at her ministrations before relaxing back against his seat.
"Very good… now use your mouth," He said huskily, the helmet making his voice even more low and gravely.
Emma stared up at him wide eyed like he'd just grown a second head… or third rather. At her hesitation he gave an irritated growl and gripped her by the hair. He pulled her forwards till her lips brushed the pale flesh. Emma gave a pained cry at the harsh pull on her scalp, but she could feel his glare through the thick helmet just daring her to defy him. Her tongue flicked out uncertainly past her lips to brush against its shaft and his grip on her hair loosened just slightly. He gave a soft airy moan as her tongue gently swept over the head of his cock.
Emma considered the action thoughtfully as she ran her soft pink tongue up the ridged shaft. The taste wasn't offensive to her, a little salty, and his scent was slightly musky but not unpleasantly so. Not unpleasant at all. The combination of his taste and scent and those quiet little moans sent a warm heat spreading through her. It was thrilling to know that she was the cause of such lovely sounds, and she throbbed with an intense pleasure each time he did so. His breathing had become heavier and more ragged as she slowly licked and stroked him. Her own was deepening to match as she began to enjoy the act herself.
Growing courageous Emma let her lips slip over the pink tip and ran her tongue over the head of his cock, collecting the clear droplets that had begun to weep from it. He let out a surprised hiss and his hand reached out to run his fingers through her dark silky hair in reassurance, she had gone still at the sound. She relaxed at the touch and continued her slow assault.
"You're…Mmm… a quick leaner," He said with a husky chuckle. She looked up at him with her green eyes darkening with lust… and smiled. The quirk of her lips around his cock was hard to catch but definitely there. He couldn't help the shiver that shot through him.
Kylo was struggling to keep controlled and quiet, impossible when she kept doing that with her tongue. Her gentle exploration and eagerness delighted him in a twisted sort of way. The dark within him took a perverse joy in corrupting an innocent like this. She was falling into his darkness beautifully and with little resistance. Beneath the dark helmet he licked his lips and gave a heady moan. Nice as it was he wanted more.
The hand that traced through her chin length black hair slid to the back of her head and gently pressed her further down his length. She gave no protest and only moaned softly as her lips slipped further down his shaft. The soft vibrations sent a tremor down his spine and he couldn't hold back a low moan. The moist heat was exquisite. He continued to ease her down his cock till it hit the back of her throat and she gave a little noise of alarm. He eased up on the pressure, "Now suck… mind your teeth." She gave a little hum that sent more vibrations through him and obeyed. Kylo watched transfixed as he disappeared past those little pink lips again and again, her lips tight around his shaft as she bobbed her head.
Emma moaned around him, firmly squeezing the base of his shaft with her hand as she sucked and he rewarded her with one of his own. Through her delicate lips she could feel the steady pulse that fed blood through his cock. Her eyes were glazed and half lidded as her own need throbbed in time with his. More. She wanted more. She wanted all of him.
Kylo gasped sharply and his hips bucked as she pushed past the tight barrier of her throat, taking him in deeper. He gave an unrestrained moan and she took him deeper still, burrowing her nose into the soft black hair against his pelvis. She struggled to moan around the substantial obstruction and her nails dug into the cloth covering his thighs. She rose up just enough to take quick breaths before plunging back down. Kylos head fell back and he grasped the back of her head to hold her against him, rocking his hips in time with her. By the Force she doesn't gag… He shuddered violently each time the head of his cock would push past the tight ring of muscles that tried to swallow him down. It was quickly becoming too much for him to take.
"I-I… ha AH… I'm going to…cum," He warned between frantic moans.
Whether she didn't hear or didn't care he didn't know, because she never even slowed. His hips arched up from the seat and he held himself buried to the hilt down her throat as he came. His fingers fisted in her hair as he let out a long shuddering moan. She squirmed a little in his grasp when he held her against him a bit too long. She fell back onto her rump when he finally let go. Much to his pleasure a thin pearly white strand of his seed trailed down her chin. She gazed half lidded and panting at his feet. He'd never seen a more beautiful sight. She licked her lips and crawled forward on hands and knees to return to her place between his legs. Her eyes were glazed and her breath was deep and rapid. She leaned in to eagerly take the slowly shrinking member back into her mouth.
Kylo gave a surprised hiss and pulled her away by the hair. She gave a soft whimper and he loosened his grip a little. He stared down into her hooded eyes. She's gone… As if to agree she moaned softly and ran her hands up his thighs.
"More?" Her voice was thick with need… and Kylo decided then and there. He was going to keep her.
"Later," He reassured her with amusement in his voice. She mewled softly in disappointment.
Kylo tucked himself away and pulled her up to sit in his lap. She nuzzled at the crook of his neck and wiggled her way under his thick cloak. It struck him how small she was compared to him. She probably would just make it to his shoulders. She ran her hands over the armor on his chest and squirmed about in his lap. He chuckled softly and ran a gloved hand up her thigh. She arched into the touch, still to consumed by her own need.
"Please?" She begged and tried to grind down against him. He frowned under his mask at her persistence and placed his fingertips to her forehead.
"Sleep," The command had some Force behind it. She struggled against it for few seconds longer then he'd expected before her eyes slowly closed and she slumped against his chest. He watched her slowly calm in sleep and he was hit with a sudden realization, he never bothered to get her name. He pet her lightly flushed cheeks and gave an unconcerned shrug. He'd have plenty of time to find out.
"Mmm… I don't care what Hux has to say, I'm keeping you."