By: FunahoMisaki
(A/N:I own nothing. Okay due to popular demand here we go! One chap per rule! OOC AU Femslash and Bashing)
Rule 1. If it's cute, it can kick your ass in humiliating ways
A. This goes double for any students that are deemed 'cute'
Team CRDL made the mistake of bullying Velvet in front of Ruby Rose thinking she couldn't do anything because in their words 'she's too cute to be dangerous'…they're expected to wake up some time next week and Ruby said she let them off lightly. When they attacked Ruby in retaliation, Velvet hospitalized them for a month using nothing but some pie and fishing line.
Ozpin watched as Cardin and his team were bullying Velvet again just inside of the cafeteria. The poor cute Bunny Girls team wasn't there yet and most people seemed to merely turn a blind eye to the bullying. He normally would have stopped them by now but he noticed something that made his eyebrows rise slightly.
Beacon's youngest and, as he and everyone else would secretly agree on, the most adorable student Ruby Rose just entered the cafeteria and saw the bullying. What made Ozpin stare though was the fact that Ruby looked unusually angry.
"Oi! Leave her alone you big bullies!" Ruby yelled storming over to Team CRDL and making the whole cafeteria stop, no one yelled at or tried to stop them before.
"What's it to you? She's just an animal!" Russel said glaring at Ruby who glared back at him twice as hard.
"She's my friend! Now you either leave her alone now or I make you!" Ruby growled out the words angrily, causing the all boy team to laugh at her mockingly.
"You do something to us? Yeah right you're too cute to do anything." Cardin said taunting the girl who glared harder before she smiled sickeningly sweetly, making Ozpin's skin crawl at the sight of it.
"Tell me…have you ever been hit or kicked at super speeds?" Ruby asked sweetly, causing Cardin and his team to look confused while a few people's eyes widened.
"What's that got to do with anything?" Dove wondered aloud confused, causing Ruby's smile to turn devious as she dashed forward. In blurs of petals and flashes of red the four boys were all knocked onto the ground groaning and bruised, their aura taking most of it but still leaving them with a good bit of damage.
"Are you okay Velvet?" Ruby asked worriedly as she looked at the wide eyed rabbit who numbly nodded her head.
"Good! Come on let's get some lunch!" Ruby said cheerfully helping her friend up and almost dragging her over to the line full of shocked students. Ruby spent the rest of the day with Velvet, who was quite happy to spend time with one of her only defenders in the school.
"Never underestimate a cute person. They can kick your ass." Ozpin muttered to himself, perhaps he should make a rule about that? Warn the other students at least?
It was a week later when Team CRDL woke up and remembered what happened. Ozpin was about to intervene as Team CRDL tried to attack Ruby in retaliation for her interference the week before when someone else quite literally beat him to the punch.
"I don't bloody think so." Velvet's accented voice nearly purred as her eyes gleamed maliciously when she caught Team CRDL mid jump with some nearly invisible wires that she had attached to her fingers. Everyone stared wide eyed, none more so than Team CRDL, as Velvet manipulated the wires that Ozpin realized was fishing line slightly clumsily but easily enough and moved Team CRDL over the top of several large pies.
In one swift motion with her wrist Velvet severed the wires and watched smugly as the four bigots went crash landing into the pies, much to everyone's amusement and shock.
"Wow Ruby that back up idea of a weapon for me you had was perfect! They aren't even that hard to control. We need to make them sharper for against the Grimm but it looks like the accidental test run is a complete success!" Velvet said happily as she looked at Ruby who was taking notes on what happened.
"Yeah it worked really well! We can make the variant for killing Grimm out of nylon, or perhaps a thin string of metal…but for humans we aren't trying to hurt badly fishing wire works really well." Ruby said writing down the final notes before looking up and grinning as she flipped her notebook closed and grinned at Velvet. Ruby hugged the rabbit, earning said rabbit a few glares from the not as shocked students, and they rapidly began chatting about different ways to use the wires, mainly in payback pranks against the bigots and bullies.
Ozpin listened with one ear to some of the more humiliating pranks as he pulled out a notebook and began writing on it, setting his cup of coffee to the side so that he didn't spill anything on the paper. His thoughts last week had just been confirmed, everyone needed to be warned about the dangers of attacking anyone deemed cute, especially the students that had access to dangerous and often times high tech weaponry.
"What's that sir?" Goodwitch asked looking at her boss with an eyebrow raised and hoping it wasn't another one of his hair-brained plots again. Those things may be humorous and often times work out for the best but they were dangerous as heck for everyone involved and nearby!
"Nothing bad. Just making a list of rules for the school." Ozpin said calmly as he finished writing the first one and the slight amendment to it.
"It's about time. It's not good to have hundreds of hormone filled teens on an isolated cliff with only twenty or so adults and no rules." Goodwitch said smiling slightly while Ozpin smiled behind his cup as he raised it to take a sip.
Someone he just knew this was a bad idea waiting to happen but there was something more important going on!
"Hmm I'm out of coffee."