Extra chapter because ❤

Tiny hands fumbled through the assorted crayons in a container, pouting when she couldn't find a certain one.

"What's wrong, Shiori?" Her mother asked with an amused tone.

"Mommy, there's no (h/c) crayon." Shiori whimpered, her eyes all teary. (Y/N) immediately put down the apple she was peeling on top of the counter and approached the girl.

"Oh, sweetie, why don't you use another color? Meanwhile, I'll go look if there's another box of new ones around the house."

"But I don't want to use another crayon. My hair is (h/c)."

(Y/N) giggled, peering over what her daughter was drawing. It was a portrait of herself and another person whom she thought was her husband like the other ones that Shiori had drawn.

Except the other figure's hair wasn't red.

"Who are you drawing there?"

"My classmate and I!"

"Oh? Tell me about this classmate of yours." (Y/N) pried with a curious tone although the hair color gave it away. This was new, Shiori never hung out with boys because she said they were loud and reckless. (Y/N) knew what this was all about.

The little girl swung her short legs, "He's noisy and not very smart...but he's nice!"

"I see...you like him?" She sat on the chair across her daughter, now fully interested.

'Wait till Sei hears about this. Oh, wait. He won't.' She thought.

"The other day he gave me a piece of candy and yesterday, he said my hair looks pretty." Shiori said shortly, continuing to color her work.

(Y/N) laughed, ruffling Shiori's head, "How sweet of him. You two are so cute."

"How sweet of who?" Came her husband's voice as he entered the room, going behind his daughter.

"Oh, nothing." (Y/N) immediately answered, giving him a reluctant smile, "Done using the phone?"

Akashi raised a brow, "Yes, and who were you girls talking about? Who is this him?" He questioned in a protective manner.

"Oh, daddy-!"

"We're just talking about Shiori's classmate." (Y/N) cut her off. Akashi's lips formed into a straight line, unconvinced.

"What about her classmate?"

"You know, how he's so nice and all. Do you want me to make you some tea, darling?"

"No, it is fine. I see Shiori has drawn something again, can I see it?" He smiled, leaning down the table and taking a good, long look at her work only for his lips to frown again.

"I do not recall my hair being a dark shade of blue." He stated dryly, throwing (Y/N) an offended eye.

"Because I'm not drawing daddy!" Shiori exclaimed, not caring for Akashi's gloomy aura.


"Sei, come on. Let's go prepare the snacks. Hime and Kotarō-san are coming over soon." She pulled his arm but he wouldn't budge.


(Y/N) sighed, "Don't make a big deal but it seems that your little princess has found a crush and it's not you."



"She is in kindergarten, (Y/N)."

"So? No harm in admiring someone."

Akashi scoffed, crossing his arm in pure distaste, "I refuse to believe that our daughter is in love with a monkey."

"Hey, that's rude. The boy is a sweetheart. Besides, it's just a simple crush. It'll pass."

"This is Aomine's son we are talking about. Aomine." He stressed before turning to Shiori who was still preoccupied with her activity.

"Princess, do you actually like that boy? Tell me you are joking."

"...Maybe. You're distracting me, daddy." She pushed her father's face away gently, "You can go play with my dollies if you like. I don't mind."

"So is that a yes then?"


His eyes flashed an impatient gleam, "I need an answer, Shiori. Do you like that boy or not?"

"I do like him fairly well, daddy."

(Y/N) coughed, "I'll be in the kitchen with my apples. Call me when you're done with your love problems. Like I said, don't make a big deal." Then walked off with a chortle.

Akashi squinted, "What is it that you find worthy about this boy? One thing for sure that he and his father are not the brightest around." He placed his hands on the girl's shoulder with a muddled expression.

"He said I was pretty and he doesn't mind playing with me." Shiori puffed her cheeks, "I have to find more crayons." She hopped off the seat and ran out of the door.

He just stood there, blinking at his daughter's words. Did she just show attitude towards him? Yes, he knew she had a bossy and rancorous personality sometimes which she clearly acquired from no other than himself.

But this was the first time she shunned him.

He did notice a few things for the past several days that she was being a little cold to him and when he asked, she only said that she was tired, causing him to worry and immediately calling the family doctor over, then finding out that there was nothing to worry about and that she was completely healthy.

Perhaps she was upset with him? He doesn't remember ever doing anything that she didn't like. For sure, he hadn't forgotten her birthday-he had showered her with luxuriant gifts such as toys, jewelry, lavish clothing, shoes, hair ornaments. Anything a girl could ever ask for.

He had this keen interest of looking up adorable things that would suit his one and only daughter-of course with the consent of his wife. He was sure Shiori would love it.

Now he wasn't so sure anymore.

Following (Y/N) into the kitchen, he hugged her from behind, burying his face into the crook of her neck.

"That finished pretty fastly. Didn't go well, huh?"

"(Y/N), I think she has something against me. She won't even look at me in the eyes." He mumbled dejectedly, "Did I do something to make her upset?"

"You know how Shiori can be. What do you think?" (Y/N) asked in an attempt to soothe his worries.

"I do not know. I did my best to get her what she would love and it does not seem to be working anymore. Now I hear that she has someone she fancies."

"Hmmm." (Y/N) took a bite of her fruit before offering him as well, the latter doing the same.

"...What should I do, (Y/N)? What if she hates me?"

"You're worrying over nothing, Sei. Knowing your daughter, she'll surely come back running to your arms sooner or later." She assured him, giving his lips a sweet kiss which Akashi willingly returned with fervor.

"Do you think so, my dear?"

"I know so, darling."

"And then I threw back the crumpled paper back at his face!"

Hime cackled, hugging Shiori who was on her lap, tightly. She and her husband, Hayama came to visit the family. (Y/N) wanted to talk to her about some matters regarding the blonde's pregnancy and they all decided to sit in the living room.

"Atta girl! The next time a boy makes fun of you, grab them by the shoulder and flip them over to the ground. Pull up his undies too, if you want!"

Akashi's eye twitched, "Do not teach her such unladylike things and on top of that, inappropriate actions that will get her in trouble." He looked at his daughter, patting his own lap, "Why do you not sit here instead, princess?"

Shiori stared blankly at him for a moment then ignored him, crawling over to Hayama who laughed.

"It's not nice to ignore your own dad, Shiori-tan!'

Hime snickered, throwing Akashi a dirty glance along with a mocking smirk.

"Hey, Shiori. Want a new dad?"


The redhead slightly glared at her, (Y/N) holding his hand. Even when they were now adults, Hime still has her fair fun of picking on the man. Someone as serious and extreme like himself, his reactions never ceased to amuse the hell out of her.

"She is perfectly fine with me being her only father or are you that eager to get your own child out that you start wanting mine?" Akashi forced a smile, causing Hayama to sweat uneasily.

"Did you just call me a child stealer?!" Hime rose up from the sofa as her husband tried to calm her down.

"Now, now, Hime-tan! Akashi's just-"


Hayama shrunk down and stayed glued to his seat, "N-Nothing, cupcake."

"Calm your nerves, Hime. This guy is just sulking because Shiori is being cold to him." (Y/N) waved her palm in the air before holding up the teapot, "Tea, anyone?"

"I am not sulking, love."

"Of course you're not. Shiori, sweetie, don't you have anything to say to daddy?" (Y/N) raised a brow at her knowingly.

"No, mommy." The girl answered, looking away.

Akashi finally had enough as he stood up and knelt in front of her and spoke, "Shiori, please just tell daddy what is your problem. If you are unhappy with something, then I will do my best to change it. Daddy does not like it when you avoid him."

Silence engulfed the atmosphere before the sound of a quiet sob followed.

"I-It's daddy's fault! You ignored me first!"

Akashi's eyes widened.

"What...? I did no such thing. Why would I do that to you?"

Now it was Hime's turn to glare at him. "Aren't you the greatest dad?"

(Y/N) clapped her hands, "I saw this coming." Then faced her husband who was still confused, "Sorry, Sei. I wanted her to tell you herself."

"Tell me what? I do not understand." Akashi scrutinized.

"You kept buying me toys!" Shiori wailed, running to her mother.

He was drowning in utter confusion.

"Is that not what you wanted? Do you want more-"

"Stupid daddy!" She bawled in (Y/N)'s bosom as the mother patted her small back.

"Oh, boy..."

"Ahh, I get it!" Hayama exclaimed with an index finger pointing upwards, "She doesn't like the toys!"

"Just shut up, Kotarō!"

"Hey, I could be right!"

"Shiori...is that it? Do you not like it that I keep buying you toys?" Akashi slowly walked over to the crying girl, caressing her hair.

"B-Because...there's no point of having toys..." She sobbed.

"What do you mean, baby girl-"

"...if daddy's not there to play with me!" Shiori finished with a loud cry, tightening her arms around (Y/N) who chuckled sympathetically.

"You neglect your own kid?" Hime scoffed in a scornful manner.

"That is not it, I just thought that she would love the things that I get for her...I did not know she had been feeling like this..." Akashi had on a remorseful face, taking Shiori in his arms who tried to struggle.

"You always go home late and when I try to wait for you to arrive, I end up sleeping! When I wake up in the morning, mommy says you already left!"

"I am deeply sorry for making you feel lonely." He hugged her tiny form, "I promise to make it up to you. You have my word."

"A-And a few days ago, I called daddy's office and a mean guy over the phone said you didn't want to talk to me!" She sniffled.

Akashi furrowed his brows.


"You have a phone call, sir." Kazuki stated upon entering the room.

Thinking it was one of the annoying business compatriots from a rivaling company who kept pestering him to make a deal with them, Akashi closed his eyes and stated blandly,

"Tell them I do not want to talk to them."


(End of Flashback)

"That was you who called? I assumed it was someone else." Akashi appraised, pushing back the fringes that were covering her eyes and kissing her on the forehead, "Of course you are more than welcome to call me. Just say who you are. How would you like to go on a trip? Just the three of us with your mother. I will take a week off from work starting tomorrow."

His red eyes met with the same pair, "O-OK...Promise you'll play with me?"

"I promise. Once again, I apologize for not paying attention to my needy little princess." He smiled, nuzzling his nose with her small ones.

"Pinky swear?" She held up her tiny pinky as he reciprocated the gesture.

"Pinky swear."

"I love you, daddy~" Shiori hugged his neck and rubbed his cheek with hers.

"I love you more, but I still need to know. What do you think about that Aomine boy?"

"He's my friend!"

"Do you like him? If so, then I suppose we should invite him and his family over next time."

"But I like daddy more~"

Akashi met the unamused gaze of his wife who stuck out her tongue as he smiled smugly.

"Really, Sei."

Hime clutched her bulging belly, "I'll prepare the divorce papers, just in case. I don't want an incompetent husband."

Hayama flinched, "What did I do?!"

I'll probably write another one if I have time Idk really