I hope you find this story interesting. Hahah. Frankly speaking, I do have many ideas but they're practically flying around everywhere yet I don't have enough motivation to actually write it. ;~;

The sounds of children's laughter echoed throughout the breezy park as two people strolled along the way with their arms linked together.

"It's really a great day today, isn't it? It's almost summer already." The redhead spoke.

"Ah..yeah. Time passed by so quick." The girl replied.

"So is there something you'd like for us to do during summer vacation?"

"Actually, Seijūrō.."

"Yes? How about we go on a trip? I know a beautiful place that has a wonderful hotel and a beach resort." He suggested, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Well, I can't—"

"Oh, and you don't have to worry about many people. It is an exclusive place and privacy is strictly guaranteed." Akashi explained further.

"That..as much as how nice that sounds, I can't.." The (h/c) haired girl lowered her head.

He furrowed his brows, "Will you be busy by then? If so, I can make arrangements. Leave it to me."

(Y/N)'s expression devitalized, "It's not that. Seijūrō, I'm so sorry.." She let go of his arm.

He just stared at her, egging her to continue.

But what came out of her mouth was the three words that always dreaded him and the words that have never once crossed his mind,

"Let's break up."

His mind refused to fully grasp the situation happening right at the moment.

"..Come again?"

"Seijūrō, let's end our relationship." She worded again, looking anywhere but him.

"Please do not joke about this, (Y/N). It is not funny."

"I'm serious."

His face faltered as he then clenched his fist.

"Why?" He managed to croak out with a broken voice, "Why, (Y/N)? Did I perhaps do something you did not like? Have I overstepped my boundaries? Do you feel pressured by me? Just tell me and I promise, I will correct my ways..please...just don't do this."

"I..I'm in love with someone else."

A pair of red orbs cracked open, finding the person himself alone in his bedchamber.

'Do not fret. It was just a dream, it didn't happen.' He calmed himself down. He narrowed his eyes and noticed that one of his shaking hands had gripped his bedsheets tightly.

Ever since the duration of their relationship, the same dream—well, nightmare kept occuring lately. The couple had to deal with the public attention and recently his girlfriend had began opening up to other people. As much as he was happy that she's getting along with the students, at the same time it had sparked his own insecurities.

What if she likes spending time with other people more? What if he became the least of her top priorities? What if she finds new things that are far more interesting? What if she changed drastically? What if she grows bored of him?

What if she finds someone better?

"It didn't happen..I'll make sure it doesn't happen." He muttered lowly before he nestled back on the mattress.

"Thanks for teaching us, (L/N)!" A few of her classmates smiled as they waved, "We'll be going home now! See you tomorrow."

"Bye, and no problem." (Y/N) waved back at them, still sitting on her seat in the classroom.

As time passed by, the students gradually began to overlook and disregarded her former misdoings. Some people decided to befriend her, often asking for help when comes to studies after they found out that she was actually just a smart, considerate, and average girl who had a seemingly blunt personality with a sense of humor to boot. Soon, more began to approach her, eventually coming to enjoy her presence as some of the boys tease her sometimes or even flirt. Only if the redheaded demon wasn't around though.

The girl hummed and packed her things before arranging the seats properly and organized anything out of place. She exited the room and slid the door close.

"That went on longer than usual. Geez, those guys should listen more to discussions or ask the teacher if they don't understand something." Hime crossed her arms.

"It can't be helped. At least they're seriously trying. They need me." The (h/c) girl stated with a slightly smug expression.

Hime sighed at her, "You seem to be enjoying it somehow. Liking the feeling of being needed that much? Also..how do I say this..you've gotten a lot..cuter? I don't know."

"Hah, what are you talking about?"

"Hey, (L/N)-chan! Looking adorable as always, you sly little dollface!" A random guy across the scholl hallway yelled.

"Hmm." She gave him an indifferent look while playing with her hair, but nonetheless waved at him. Hime scowled at the person who immediately ran off playfully when he saw the blonde next to her.

"You know, you won't get a boyfriend if you keep scaring guys away every time."

"Don't want one, don't need one."

Hime opened the door to the gym as eyes immediately went to her.

"Yo! Sorry to disturb you guys."

"No worries. We just finished practice." A random third year answered.

(Y/N) scanned her eyes all over the place, "May I ask where's your captain?"

"Ah, I think he's in the shower room, (L/N)-san."

"Thank you, senpai."

"Oi, (Y/N)! I'll go home first. My parents are coming home tonight so I better head there early or they'll have my head. I'll call you later."

"Oh, sure. Take care on your way." Hime hugged her bestfriend before running out.

(Y/N) skipped over to the showers and looked around, "Sei? Are you here?

She heard nothing as she circled over the area before spotting a bare back and a head covered in towel. She smiled and sprinted towards the figure to envelope him in a bear hug from behind.



The girl instantly retracted her limbs, "Ah I-I'm sorry, I thought—" She heard a chuckle and a pair of toned arms wrapping itself around her.

"Relax, I was kidding. It's me, (Y/N)." Akashi turned to her.

"Really now?"

"Yes." He nuzzled against her neck, "But really, what if it wasn't me? You should be careful. If it was some guy, who knows what could've happened."

"I understand. I'll be cautious from now on." She replied nervously.

"I'm not angry. Just a little worried." He mumbled, pulling away to look at her in the eyes.

She gazed at his facial features, lifting a hand to his cheek, "Seijūrō, you've been rather pale lately and there are bags under your eyes. Have you been not resting? Are the student council and school work stressing you? I told you, you can always ask me for help." She stared hardly at him with a concerned look. He seemed to be in a trance seeing as he wasn't responding.

"Seijūrō!" She called out a little loudly. He finally blinked,


"Were you listening to me? Are you overworking yourself?" She repeated.

"I'm not, my dear." He patted her head, "What makes you say that?" He replied coolly.

"Well, you've been a little pale lately and look," She ran her fingers under his eyes, "you have dark circles."

"I don't have any problems regarding school, I promise." He smiled genuinely, soothing her form as she dried his hair with the towel.

"Then why do you look so tired these days?" She frowned.

"Oh, actually..It's just that I've been having trouble sleeping. That's all. I apologize for alarming you." He pulled on his pants and threw on his shirt, dressing himself.

"Why? That's strange..you weren't insomniac before."

"It's nothing to worry about. It will be normal again soon..hopefully." He whispered the last part, "(Y/N)?"

"Yes?" She looked up at him, his crimson eyes glistening with..slight desperation?

"You still love me, right?"

She was blown off by his random inquiry, giggling reluctantly, "What kind of question is that—"

"Do you?"

Her gaze on him hardened before she harshly pulled down his shirt collar and slammed her lips on his passionately, pushing her tongue inside his mouth as she trailed her hands along his chest and neck. Seconds flew by as he instantly returned her kiss equally as passionate with a hint of despondence. He groaned as he let her shove him against the lockers, his fingers running down her curvaceous figure.

After who knows how long, they finally broke off their heated session, "Does..that..answer your..question?" (Y/N) panted.

"Hmm..." He answered, still overwhelmed by her aggressive advances.

"Why..did you ask..all of the sudden?" She snaked her arms around his neck.

"No..reason." He uttered calmy though his face was still flushed.

"I'm worried about you, you know. I hope you're not hiding anything from me." Her words instantly calmed his tense nerves. He fixed his clothes and picked up his sports bag,

"I find the fact that you tend to get worked up about me extremely sweet. Thank you, darling." He said over his shoulder while holding out an arm, "Would you accompany me for dinner tonight?"

She smiled as she immediately clung to him, "I'd love to."

'Why am I even doubting her in the first place? As her boyfriend, it's my job not to.' He mentally told off himself.