Alright, Inspectre online and here we go. Short teaser for my next probably two parter. Somehow despite my efforts, I end up writing more than I plan to. I had The Only Thing I Know For Real (Metal Gear Rising) on repeat while doing this bit itself and music is always a muse kickstarter for me sooo. Yeah.

Also, guys and gals. I don't plan on making a habit of doing this but I am asking for reviews on this story. ..The Grapefruit and Icecream one, not this next piece, though if you wanna review that too that'd be cool. Only because it's my first work and I wanna make sure I'm doing a good job, and/or didn't leave any mistakes in my writing after proofreading. And to hear if people actually did like it. Anyway without further ado.. The Inspectre presents..! The Royal Test. It takes place after the finale of Volume 3, assuming everything hasn't been swallowed by darkness, Cinder hasn't set the world on fire, the Grimm haven't ran unchecked, and Dr. Eggman hasn't teleported the ARK in to blow up the rest of the moon 'cause y'know, apparently he does stuff like that.

P.S. Chapter 3 of the RWBY manga just revealed something EXTREMELY interesting to me. 'Possession-Type Grimm' eh?

Step. Thrust. Draw back. Retake stance. Step. Thrust. This time swipe then draw back. Retake stance.

Sweat dripped from the heiress' forehead as she repeated the process, standing alone in the currently empty dormitory room dressed in a pair of white shorts and a white tank top. Her hair was currently undone with a hairband holding it away from her eyes and Myrtenaster was polished and fully loaded for what its wielder felt may be their final battle. After all her opponent had already proven itself not only stronger and faster than her but.. Her partner as well. Stopping to catch her breath the girl sat down on her bed placing the Multi Action Dust Rapier beside her as she buried her face in her hands.

She had been confident they could handle it. Confident that the strange Creature of Grimm was simply a different brand of the same fodder that dwelled within the perimeter of the endless Forever Fall. That overconfidence had gotten her almost killed, not once but twice and put her leader into critical condition in Beacon's medical ward. To say that Weiss had freaked out once she regained consciousness would be an understatement upon finding out she was the only one to do so. Ruby's injuries had been so extensive she'd been afflicted with an uncommon condition called Grimmblight, a dangerous affliction that severely hampered the flow and generation of Aura. In almost every case it was fatal as the infection would persist until death so long as the Grimm that inflicted it were still alive.

It was only due to the intervention of another Team that had an objective in the forest as well that day that the two Huntresses escaped with their lives, and once she had recovered enough to be discharged the heiress had immediately set out to take the creature's head. She'd underestimated it once before and she assumed that was her downfall. Her hubris. Her supposed.. Perfection. As a teammate she knew she was still lacking but as a Huntress, well that was gone now.. The scar over her left eye originally had been a reminder of when she was still inexperienced and she thought she had surpassed that. Weiss remembered vividly the fighting and the shouting matches from soreness over the election of RWBY's leader, and then the feeling of betrayal after the discovery of Blake not only being a Faunus but also a (former) member of the White Fang.

From those days on she'd learned and vowed to be a better person and try to be less 'cold' towards her new friends and comrades. With people like them (and she admitted this with great reluctance, including Jaune) around the ice princess really did start to become more of a.. Okay snow 'angel' was a bit of a stretch but honest efforts were being made.

And now that effort was being questioned, her own value as well as she'd let her pride as a Schnee and confidence in her upbringing endanger her leader's life. How could a flawless person such as herself make such a grievous and amateurish error? When the Huntress had finally confronted the Grimm once more, victory was believed to be assured.

Needless to say it had ended in complete and utter disaster. The Mantis was an enemy that outclassed her in every aspect. Speed, cunning, strength.. The fight from before looked like an awkward dance compared to the furious battle that had taken place then, with Weiss hardly managing to injure the Creature of Grimm. It wasn't so much that she was unskilled that she had allowed herself to lose composure, attacking in a straightforward and predictable manner with both Rapier and Glyphs. Fighting with all her brawn but none of her brain.

But things would be different this time so she hoped for secretly Weiss had been training her Semblance first and foremost. Just as vividly, the image of the spectral arm and longsword that had extended from her Glyph when she went to save Velvet Scarletina had formed in her mind. Despite her best efforts however she couldn't reproduce it again, no matter how hard or how much she pushed herself. So be it. There was no more time to spare as Ruby's condition worsened. Perhaps the ice princess was walking to her death but she couldn't face Ruby or her teammates anymore. Each and every time she saw the former she was panged by guilt. The word failure echoed over and over in her mind. As for the latter she felt like she let them down. It was not just her job to look out for Ruby, but.. Something else. There was another reason Weiss couldn't comprehend that she wanted so desperately to protect the Huntress, and to save her from what she might as well have brought on herself.

There would be no disaster this time. It was all or nothing. Nobody would come to save her this time either. The Mantis had retreated a bit further into the wood and Weiss had no intention of telling anyone what she was doing or where she was going. As if they knew in the first place. Even professional Hunters had been unable to track the monster, but she had a way. If she couldn't kill this single Grimm then she wasn't fit to be a Huntress, and she wasn't fit to be her partner.

Quickly changing out of her old training clothes and into the specially made SnowPea outfit, Weiss Schnee grabbed Myrtenaster for one final inspection. Dust vials and crystals were packed, a few supplies, her Scroll not that she'd probably need it, and with one last look back the window was opened. After a deep breath to take in the cold chill of the night's air, the heiress would fall. A black Glyph appeared moments after just above the pavement to catch and slow the female, releasing her safely onto the Academy grounds.

"I promise Ruby.. I'll save you.."