This is rewrite as I wasn't happy with my first chapter, no flames if possible.

Trainers don't start till they are 16 years old

I don't own Pokemon.

"Yes! Found it!"

Ash had found the Great ball that was the main focus of today's scavenger hunt, set up by Professor Oak at the lab. He quickly added it to his grand collection of a repel, 2 poke balls, a revive, a small amount of poke chow, a super potion and an old fishing rod. He had found the Great ball hidden in the branches of the great Oak in the forest, hidden earlier by the Professor's Alakazam.

Ash made his descent from the tree, swiping his mop of messy jet black hair to the side, he started to make his way home deciding to finish the scavenger hunt on a high.

In the distance he heard a crash in in the undergrowth, he rolled his eyes knowing that it was Gary and his two thugs John and Sam, they had been tailing him ever since the scavenger hunt started, as they couldn't be bothered to do it for themselves.

Knowing what was to come Ash quickly hid the poke balls, poke chow, super potion and revive choosing to sacrifice the Great ball, repel and fishing rod hopefully for less of a beating.

Yes, Ash was beaten up on a regular basis by that arrogant prick and his two brain dead lackeys, don't feel sorry for him though, as his dad Redorick Ketchum used to say:

'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'.

Redorick Ketchum or as everybody else knew him 'Red' was the Kanto champion for 5 years, before suddenly he just disappear off the face of the Earth leaving behind a distraught single mother and an dejected 8 year old child. That was 4 years ago now and although it had been a long process both of the pair had got over it up to a point. Nothing had been quite the same though Professor Oak had tried to accommodate them inviting Ash over to the lab multiple times a week to indulge him with the Pokemon from the coral, (particularly the Growlithe pups) however nothing could fill the void the 'Red' had left behind.

Any way, back to the fact that 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger', that had definitely been the case in this circumstance as Ash was probably fitter than the other 12 year olds in the village due to the fact he had to constantly run from the three thugs that had decided it was their job to torment him in his father's absence.

"Ashy boy" Ash heard, he groaned.

He had company as the three emerged from the undergrowth, Gary who had called had an arrogant smirk on his face that could put a Gengar to shame. Gary was taller than Ash with spiky up brown hair, he and Ash had once been best friends, however ever since they were eight they had hated each other, one day they had found a Pokeball, they couldn't decide who would keep it, he and Ash fought over it and broke it in two, each had kept the broken piece of the ball, though the other didn't know that.

The other two just had scowls on their faces as they entered the clearing, John was the taller of the two with a puggish face green hair down to his shoulder, whilst Sam a very short blonde hair and always seemed to be looking down on you if your name wasn't Gary, both were larger than Ash who was quite small for his age, they quickly grabbed him and forced him to his knees as Gary rummaged around in Ash's pack and found the items that Ash hadn't hidden.

"Very impressive Ashy boy, you even found the Great ball. I think he should be congratulated don't you think guys?" Gary exclaimed with the smirk still on his face.

The two boys grunted with glee as Sam took a swing at Ash and hit him in the stomach, whilst John kicked him hard in the groin. Ash grunted in pain, although not as much as he used to, he had gotten used to it by now, however this just seemed to encourage the bullies more as they beat him black and blue.

"Stop" Gary called after about 5 minutes of punching and kicking "we don't want his mum noticing, do we now Ashy?"

"No" Ash groaned. It was at this point when things went from bad to worse, the two girls of the group that made up the rest of the five adolescents of Pallet Town stumbled upon the clearing that they occupied.

This surprised Ash, the girls had never seen him being beaten before, it pained him to let them see him like this, even though he wasn't great friends with them anyway.

Leaf was the first to emerge, an athletic looking girl with shoulder length brown hair and green eyes with her signature hat on her head, she emerged grinning as though she had just watched a great Pokemon battle, this didn't surprise Ash, as Leaf never had liked Ash as Professor Oak preferred him to her ever since they were little, this had obviously been a little bit of revenge for her. She had sided with Gary when they became rivals, therefore detesting Ash came as part of the job description. She had been born in Pallet town and grew up across the road from Ash although they had never really spoken.

The second girl who emerged was what hit hardest out of the whole thing, harder than the punches even. Cynthia emerged from the undergrowth looking in different to the whole thing, Cynthia had shoulder length blonde hair and coal dark eyes which looked straight into your soul. Cynthia was actually from Sinnoh a far off region, however she had come to learn from Professor Oak, she had been top in her region for her results in the end of year Pokemon tests, however this was only level with Ash and Gary. She was a couple of years older than the rest of the group and would be starting her journey in Sinnoh in 6 years compared to Ash's 8. Therefore her parents had decided in their infinite wisdom to send her to Pallet Town to study with the world renowned Pokemon professor.

Ash had, had a crush on her ever since she had moved in with the Oaks about a month ago. However it was the indifference in her eyes that hurt Ash the most as if she didn't care for his wellbeing what so ever even though she hardly knew him.

'What have I done wrong?' Ash thought to himself.

"What do you think babe?" Gary said as he sauntered over to Cynthia and wrapped his arm round her shoulder. Cynthia immediately shrugged it off. This action had become quite common place, Gary had managed to get it into his thick skull that he and Cynthia were meant for each other and that Cynthia was in love with him, it obviously wasn't the case.

"I am not your 'babe'" Cynthia firmly reminded Gary.

Ash snickered quietly to himself as Cynthia put Gary in his place. Unfortunately Gary heard and immediately stalked over to Ash and punched him hard in the face, this was a first as normally they left his face alone as they didn't want to face the legendary wrath of Delia Ketchum.

"Come on guys, let's leave the wimp here" Gary laughed as he walked away from Ash,

Ash spat blood on the ground the rest swiftly filed in behind none of them paying him any attention apart from Cynthia whose gaze lingered slightly longer than anybody else's as if she almost regretted leaving him, however the look was fleeting as she swiftly followed the other four kids.

Once they were out of sight Ash sluggishly went and grabbed his hidden supplies and replaced them in his pack, before going in the opposite direction to which Gary's group left. After wandering aimlessly for a while Ash couldn't go on as the injuries from his beating were much more severer ham the other beatings he had received, as well as the rather large black eye he had received no thanks to Gary.

Ash dropped down at the base of a small tree and retrieved an Oran berry from his pack which he quickly ate as he rested, whilst taking a look at his surroundings. Everywhere looked the same to him, this was the deepest as had ever been into the forest.

The Oran berry eased some of the pain although it still hurt to move. After about 10 minutes of resting Ash decided to take a look around his new surroundings, before once again struggling to his feet to try and find his way back to Pallet Town.

Ash continued to wander getting hopelessly lost whilst he was at it, he periodically stumbled past a few Rattata and Pidgey at first, however it had been a while since he had seen any other Pokemon, he really was hopeless with his sense of direction. In the distance he heard a small pattering as if it was raining lightly, this sound continued to get louder until it sounded like a full blown thunder clap. Ash turned to the direction which it was coming from, he quickly recognised with a sense of dread that it was the infamous Spearow flock.

The Spearow flock were infamous around Pallet Town since about 4 months ago, when 3 new trainers turned up in Viridian City pecked and scratched to pieces, they had to be transferred to Saffronby helicopter due to their injuries, this seemed to be a recurring theme as each time new trainers went out at least one would be attacked by this particularly viscous group of birds although not as badly as the first 3 trainers.

As soon as Ash saw the group of birds he took off in the opposite direction from which they were coming desperately trying to get away from the bloodthirsty Pokemon. Branches cut his arms and roots tried to trip him as he blundered blindly through the forest, still suffering from his beating earlier Ash was a lot slower than he would have hoped and the birds quickly caught up with him, still Ash pushed on determined to try and get away from the talons and beaks scratching and pecking him.

Suddenly the scratching and pecking stopped as if there was an invisible barrier between him and the Spearow, the birds refused to go any further in the direction in which Ash was travelling as if they were scared or weary of something that lurked in that direction. Ash continued to flee blindly thinking he was still being chased by those evil birds.

The forest was gradually getting darker the further Ash fled into it trying to get away from the Spearow flock, he soon came to a dip in the lay of the ground. When he looked over the edge he saw something that amazed him, for on the ground was a lucario that was ten ft tall sprawled out on the ground completely unconscious, he was a least twice the size of the lucario he had seen in the pokedex who was an average specimen at about four and a half ft.

"How are you so big?" Ash thought out loud as he approached the massive creature.

With a closer look Ash saw that the lucario was in a very bad way, with a large gash on his right calf and his right arm twisted at an odd angle, what was worse though was the fact that one of the spikes protruding from his hands had broken off entirely.

This was not good!

Ash quickly retrieved the revive and the super potion from his pack, before cautiously approaching the creature ignoring the pain inflicted by Gary and the spearow flock, he had learned from Oak that a startled Pokemon is a dangerous Pokemon especially one with this much potential considering it's size. Ash broke open the revive case and poured the powder into the blue beast's mouth before retreating 10 metres as a precautionary measure.

The lucario stirred from it's sleep slowly waking up groaning in pain as it did. It quickly noticed Ash at the edge of the clearing. Ash felt like his head had been hit by a locomotive as all of his memories from his life flashed before his eyes, as if on tape. It stopped as suddenly as it begun.

"Thank you for your help chosen one" he heard the deep voice in his mind, he looked at the lucario who just nodded. Ash wondered what he meant by chosen one.

"Do you want this?" Ash had held out the super potion which he had. "It will help you with your wounds" he said as an afterthought trying to reassure the Pokemon.

"Yes if that is okay with you Chosen one" the Pokemon answered, Ash then approached the Pokemon and sprayed the potion on the lucario's gashes and cuts and stepped back as they started to knit together recovering.

"Sorry I can't do anything for your arm" Ash muttered under his breath as he stepped back.

"That is no worry, you have done more than enough" he heard the ancient voice in his head again "and as for your earlier question, you have been chosen by Arceus to hold the original aura and protect the world from the coming threat in his absence, the last person to have that privilege was the Sir Aaron that you have heard of in legend".

"WHAT?" Ash yelled. Everybody had heard the legends of Arceus the supposed God Pokemon that brought this world into existence, as well as the creation trio Palkia, Dialga and Giratina, although few actually believed the tales.

"You are of pure heart, as you have just shown by healing me, for which I thank you Chosen one" the lucario bowed to him "as a show of thanks I have three gifts, one of which you would have received anyway just at a later date. The gift of understanding and being able to speak to Pokemon is one which no other human has ever had even Sir Aaron himself couldn't manipulate his aura to understand all Pokemon, I am able to unlock some of your aura abilities now", Ash nodded in response giving the lucario permission to do so.

Ash gasped as he felt like there was a warmth through out his body as if he had just been in the bath, a few seconds later it subsided.

"Thank you, I always seemed to be much better around Pokemon than humans anyway" Ash said bitterly recalling his earlier encounter with Gary and his thugs.

"Do not worry chosen one you have a great destiny, greater than any of those humans" the lucario continued "the other two gifts are of great importance for they are the last of their kind that I know of other than I. They possess the king's nature that gives them a much greater size and power than the rest of their species" the lucario stepped to the side leaving two eggs that were as big as Ash "as I am sure you could tell I have great power, even in this state I am on a par on what you describe as a Champion's Pokemon, these Pokemon will be on the same level as me if not greater, able to challenge even the legendaries" lucario said to Ash through the aura link they had.

Ash's eyes increased to the size of Pokeballs at this point at the great power these two Pokemon could possess, as he approached the eggs one of which the bigger of the two one was a dark blue colour with a brown colour around its base, whilst the other slightly smaller being about the height of Ash was green with a ruby red patch on the front. He could feel a pull towards the two eggs almost as if the two Pokemon inside were calling to him.

"Our kind has been hunted to the brink of extinction by poachers, who incidentally are the cause of my injuries right now, however I managed to teleport just before they captured me" Ash let the breath go that he was holding, imagining the power of this lucario in the wrong hands was a scary prospect indeed

"When you touch them they will hatch" the great Pokemon called "they have been waiting for the right trainer or their mother for the past millennia" lucario explained

"What happened to their parents?" Ash questioned surprised that they hadn't been hatched by their mother's.

"They died before they were ready to hatch in the Great War between Arceus and his brother Omegus the omega Pokemon the opposite to Arceus, both were royalty of their species a killed many thousands of enemies before succumbing to Omegus himself" Lucario frowned and his eyes glazed over as if reliving a vile memory.

"Were you there?" Ash asked curious about the Great pokemon's past, he looked very old and withered although still maintaining an aura of great power.

"Yes, although I was just an Riolu at the time" he recalled, before looking back to Ash "when you touch the eggs they will hatch, so be careful, the Pokemon inside them will imprint upon you as if you were their mother, be prepared, because you will have to look after them".

'I know someone who would love to help me with that particularly if they are as rare as the lucario suggests and I have no reason to doubt him' Ash thought as he speculated over whether Professor Oak and his Mother would help him in raising the Pokemon. He decided yes and walked over to touch the eggs.

As he put his hand on each of the eggs they started to glow, getting brighter until Ash couldn't look anymore forcing himself to turn away as his eyes began to burn. When he looked back after the glow had finished he saw two Pokemon which he had never seen before, one was green with a red stomach and a horn on its head, whilst the other was a very short blue shark with stubby legs and a massive mouth.

Thanks for reading, any reviews and constructive criticism will be well received

Oslec44 signing out