AN: Hey guys, I know this is a little late but I hope you like it all the same. I've sort of tried to set up some things in this chapter, events regarding Sirius and hints about what could happen later in the story. Anyway, please let me know what you think.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Merlin loved Dragoon.
As alter egos go, he considered the grumpy, bearded man to be the absolute best. Oh, the things he could get away with as Dragoon- the list was endless.
Like now, as he stomped his way into the ministry of magic and with every clunk of his staff against marble more people scurried out of his way- clearing a direct path to the fountain in the middle. The fountain itself was made of the same black marble but with large golden statues of a wizard, witch, centaur, goblin and a house elf. It sickened Merlin that the creatures looked to the wizard like he was superior in some way; every single one of them was still crafted by the same magic.
But that wasn't why Merlin had stopped at the fountain (something he did every time he visited the ministry), no he'd stopped because of the water swirling around and through the figures. A small plaque sat on the front of the marble, engraved with words he'd long since memorised.
The water in this fountain was gifted by the great Lady of the lake. Avalon's waters are a greatly powerful force and as such will grant a bearer's wish, but be careful the wish is pure of heart or the water's will claim your soul as penance. You have been warned seeker.
Amusement filled him and Merlin resisted the urge to laugh, Freya had not in fact gifted them anything and the fountain did not grant wishes of any sort. The only true thing was that the water had come from the lake of Avalon. Still, he dug around in his pocket to produce a small golden coin- the same used in Camelot- and dropped it into the water as an offering to Avalon. His eyes glowed their familiar gold a moment later and he knew his offering had been accepted as it disappeared.
''Did that just disappear?'' a voice asked in awe and Merlin turned to see a ginger haired wizard staring at the water in disbelief.
''Of course not'' he said in his best Dragoon voice, trying to figure out why this wizard looked so familiar. The man finally looked at him and Merlin realised why he seemed familiar- Arthur Weasley had apparently just witnessed him doing magic without a wand.
Well, he thought lips stretching in a dragon like smile in for a penny in for a pound.
''But I just saw it.''
''Are you blind?''
''N-no, I'm not'' Arthur stuttered and Merlin did honestly feel a little bad for flustering the man, noticing that a few people were beginning to stare at the exchange.
''Then surely you would see the coin still there.''
The red head looked back into the water to see a coin right where Merlin had dropped his ''but that's not possible.''
Merlin sighed as if put upon ''of course it is- you saw me drop a coin and the coin is still there'' he spluttered and the raven head decided to take pity on him ''I have a meeting with the minster so if you will excuse me.''
He left Arthur still staring at the fountain, making his way to the minister's office with more speed than a man Dragoon's age should really possess.
The minister's secretary was a young girl, pretty, with a too wide smile and brown eyes ''I'm sorry sir; minister Fudge is busy right now and won't be able to see you'' her faked attempt at sympathy made him bristle.
''Oh really'' Merlin frowned and then barged straight past her into Fudge's office to find him half dozing with his feet on the desk ''he doesn't look too busy- perhaps he has time now.''
''Drago'' Fudge greeted him in a strangled voice, hastily sitting upright ''I wasn't aware we had a meeting today.''
''We don't, but I thought since we are such good friends Cornelius that you might make an exception'' friends wasn't really how Merlin would usually describe them- it was more that the minister tolerated Drago because of his position in the Wizengamot (being alive when the ministry was first created had it's perks, as did being the oldest family seated on the council) and Merlin really loved riling him up every few years. Especially now since the minister neglected to tell him of Harry Potter's trial and thus he hadn't been present.
Fudge turned an ugly shade of reddish purple and waved away his secretary, a fake smile already put on his face. Oh, Merlin was going to enjoy this.
''What brings you here Drago?''
''I'm afraid I come with dire and upsetting news minister'' Merlin sighed, twirling his staff around minutely ''it seems one of my relatives, dear boy that he is, has been threatened by the woman you appointed in Hogwarts. What was her name, oh, Dolores Umbridge.''
''And uh'' Fudge shifted, perhaps sensing this conversation wasn't going to go his way ''how has this relative been threatened?''
''She threatened to have him fired for not teaching properly'' something in the minister's eyes changed, a glint of steel and Merlin realised he was going to have to pull up some good ammunition to get the minister to do what he wanted ''and he does so love his job.''
''I am sorry to hear of that Drago'' yeah right ''but I'm afraid there is nothing I can possibly do if Dolores has decided that he is not up to task- it is out of my hands.''
Merlin sat back in his seat, intertwining his fingers over the head of his staff ''well that is a shame indeed, I had hoped that maybe it wouldn't come to this but alas I was wrong.''
''Come to what?''
There was a note of uncertainty in the ministers words and Merlin grasped onto it, flashing a sad smile ''I believe the time has come for the others to know of the words you said some time ago- for the sake of both my honour and yours, I cannot possibly carry around this burden any longer. You understand I hope.''
Fudge stared and Merlin waited, watching various colours pass over the man's face ''you cannot possibly be referring to the conversation you gave your word not to repeat.''
The conversation was in fact Fudge's drunken ramblings and opinions on every single person in the Wizengamot (after Merlin had plied him with enough alcohol to make him loose lipped), said words hadn't been pretty and considering most of them were about very prominent members then Fudge would surely lose all backing and support he'd garnered- not to mention they could also vote him out of office.
Merlin had been waiting years for the information to be of use, apparently the wait had been worth it.
''A man's word can be so easily broken nowadays. Don't you think minister?'' Merlin 1- Fudge 0.
He doesn't have words to describe the emotions that play out on the man's face until he finally settles on defeat, closing his eyes briefly before staring back at Merlin- betrayal swirling in their depths ''what would you have me do?''
The raven head took the contract Dumbledore had already signed and laid it on the desk with a quirk of his lips ''I ask that you sign this magically binding contract, which allows the headmaster to merely move my great nephew into another subject and not remove him from his post.''
Fudge didn't even read it, much to Merlin's astonishment, grabbing a quill and signing where he'd indicated before shoving the contract back at him with more force than necessary ''I hope you know our relationship may never recover.''
It was a warning, a challenge- a feeble one but one nevertheless ''I am aware Minister- but I'm afraid the times of sitting back and ignoring problems in hopes of them going away is over. To ignore a problem is to be in league with the perpetrator is it not?''
''What are you implying?'' he asked and Merlin got up; moving towards the door and opening it before facing him again.
''I think you know'' and then he walked out, past the secretary and back through the atrium until he reached the floo entrances. Merlin may have just turned most of the Ministry against him but it was worth it to make sure Harry was safe.
With that in mind he stepped into the floo and landed back in Dumbledore's office, a cloud of soot ballooning around him as he landed. Thankfully Dumbledore wasn't in his office and Merlin dropped the aging spell with a grimace- shaking out his limbs and removing his Dragoon robe.
Fawkes watched him from the corner and Merlin grinned at the birds warbling song, stepping forward to stroke his feathers before grabbing some parchment and a quill to write a note for Dumbledore. Two words in gleaming black ink Mission Accomplished.
Sirius had been many things in his admittedly short life. A disappointment, a brother, a friend, family, Gryffindor, secret keeper, prankster, marauder, Animagus, Godfather, mad man, convict, prisoner.
He was destined to be a prisoner for his whole life it seemed. He'd been shushed and locked up as a child in this house, then reached Hogwarts and found freedom for the first time in James and Lily and Remus. Sirius had discovered a fire in his bones that he hadn't known existed and merlin, he'd liked it- that feeling.
The one that had him flying higher above the clouds than a broom could ever handle.
Crashing had been the worst thing, that freedom, gone, like wisps of smoke from the candles in the Great Hall. Locked in a cell with the worst demons his mind could conjure- it was all his fault, his fault, his fault. They said he got out of Azkaban without losing his mind; he didn't have the heart to tell them that's because half of him was still there.
He could still feel the cold kiss of a dementor as it swept past, feel the rats that nibbled at his toes and the guilt that crushed his chest so he couldn't breathe. His fault, his fault.
''Please Professor- I can't stay in this house any longer'' Sirius wondered if Dumbledore could see straight through him to the shell of a man beneath- saw the ghosts swirling behind his eyes. If Dumbledore couldn't see through the façade he tried create, then who could?
The older wizard sighed- running a hand over his beard and Sirius knew the answer before the words left his mouth. Hadn't they had this exact conversation a million times? Hadn't he given the same answer a million times? ''It's too dangerous Sirius, they're on the hunt for you already.''
''They'll never find me.''
''We can't know that- I can't let you leave whilst there is any chance.''
He knew Dumbledore only wanted what he thought best, wanted to keep him safe. That didn't stop the anger that coursed through his veins. Anger was a good emotion, he didn't have to think, didn't have to feel every other thing fighting to the surface. Anger was familiar.
''I'm sorry Sirius, truly.''
A retort danced on his tongue, quick and sharp like he'd been taught. He didn't use it.
It wasn't their fault, not really, none of them knew that being in this house had every single memory he'd ever tried to forget jumping to the surface. They didn't know the chip on the fireplace was where his head had connected at 12 years old because he wouldn't take down the Gryffindor banners. They didn't know the dark patch on the stairs was from where he'd nearly bled out at 16 before dragging himself out of the house and collapsing on James' doorstep.
Being in this house made him feel like he was a little boy again, flinching away from the hits Kreacher gave him as his mother's laugh echoed in his ears. He was alone, huddled under the covers and listening to Orion's shoes hit each stair with a type of fear he could never replicate.
Sometimes he wondered if any of them cared enough to know.
''Why did you call this meeting professor?'' Remus asked and Sirius unclenched his fists to focus on Dumbledore's face. Meeting wasn't really the word he would use- the only people here were Dumbledore, himself, Remus, Arthur and Molly.
The lack of people only bolstered the feeling of unease he got when he glanced at the headmaster- whatever it was he'd brought people here for, he had already decided the outcome without them.
''I have found a new member for the order'' he smiled, beard twitching and Sirius stared- no question, no discussion. Just Dumbledore's way; like always. ''the new DADA professor.''
He didn't know if that made it worse or better. Clearly whoever it was had made an impression on the headmaster for good or worse. Still, they were a teacher in a school the ministry had already infiltrated; how were they to know this new professor wasn't on Fudge's side?
''But what if he is a spy Albus?'' Molly questioned and Sirius let out a half breath, he and Molly didn't agree on most things but at least he had an ally in the red headed woman if only for a moment.
''I can assure you he is to be trusted- in fact he has already denounced Umbridge and her schemes and worked to help the students'' Dumbledore's eyes sparkled in such a way that he wondered what exactly the teacher had done.
Not that the older man would tell them- he did so like his secrets. Something Sirius either hadn't noticed or ignored when they first joined the order all those years ago.
Back then it had all been about proving something, of making a difference in a world that wasn't quite ready to listen. Maybe he'd been too naïve to see what it would cost him then- they were invincible. Until they weren't.
Until he stood in the burning wreckage of his best friends home with ash and dust painting his lips. Until his chest felt ready to cave in and he wanted to scream and cry and collapse in the stairwell because James stared up at him with lifeless eyes even as his form was licked by the orange glow of fire. Until, he staggered into Harry's room and his cries became a permanent fixture in his nightmares- and Lily's too green eyes haunted him.
None of them were invincible- no matter how much he wished it.
''What do you think Sirius?'' Arthur asked and he blinked, the image falling away from his eyes until he saw the oak wood table once more. His relatives glared at him from inside their frames.
''What does it matter?'' nobody ever cares what I say ''most of the order aren't here anyway.''
''I will inform the rest of the order once you have all met him.'' Mad eye was going to go nuts- of that Sirius was certain.
''When would we meet him professor'' Remus questioned and the scar on his face rippled with worry.
''Later tonight.''
That was… great, really- super. Another person who could come and go as they pleased whilst he was still stuck staring out of the same windows. Repeating the same words and living the same nightmares.
Sirius sighed ''whatever; come and get me when he's here.''
''Padfoot'' Remus stood and Sirius flinched- walking out of the room before his friend could follow. He loved Remus but he really didn't want to listen to whatever speech he'd been writing in his head and he certainly didn't want to pretend his whole being didn't hurt when the werewolf said Padfoot.
Like they were the best of friends still and Remus hadn't spent over a decade hating Sirius with every fibre of his being. As if Remus wasn't going to abandon him as soon as the meeting was over and go back to his house in the woods, because he could leave. He had free will.
A knock interrupted his thoughts and he looked over to the window in confusion. Hedwig sat on the window, wings curled around herself and piercing golden eyes boring into him. Sirius smiled for the first time that day, breath leaving him.
Maybe his day was about to get a whole lot better.
''You're less like your father than I thought. The risk would've been what made it fun for James'' his voice was cold and Sirius regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. Harry's face had crumpled and all he wanted to do was reach through the fire and hug his godson, apparently his mind had other ideas.
''Well, I'd better get going. I can hear Kreacher coming down the stairs. I'll write to tell you a time I can make it back into the fire, then, shall I? If you can stand to risk it?'' and then Harry's face disappeared from sight, coldness creeping into his bones that had nothing to do with the empty hearth.
He sat frozen in front of the fire, every word replaying on repeat. Sirius couldn't explain why he'd felt so, so, angry. What Harry said made sense- he needed to be careful so that he didn't get caught.
But merlin, a part of him thought maybe his godson would welcome the danger- revel in the knowledge they could get caught any second and still go through with the idea anyway. Isn't that what James had done back in Hogwarts? Even when a plan seemed stupid and reckless he did it anyway.
Harry isn't James his mind whispered, and he closed his eyes. Harry wasn't James, Harry had no idea what James was even really like except for what people had told him. The similarities were striking though- despite everything.
''Harry isn't James'' a voice said and Sirius whipped around to see a man hardly older than Harry, with swirling blue eyes and floppy black hair. He looked more like a wind would blow him over and his cheekbones could rival even his own. For some reason the coldness receded a fraction.
''And you are?''
''Myrddin- the new DADA teacher.'' Of fucking course it was.
It would be the new order member that witnessed him being horrible to Harry. Not for example Dumbledore or Molly- at least he knew them, at least he could argue with them. He knew nothing about this guy.
''And what are you doing up here?'' in fact why had nobody come to get him.
''They told me you were up here and I volunteered to come up.'' Right, ok. The confusion must have shown on his face because Myrddin quirked a smile and stepped further into the room ''I knew you were Harry's Godfather and thought I would make an effort.''
Sirius had no idea why being Harry's Godfather would mean he had to make an effort but oh well. He also didn't understand why warmth had settled over him when only seconds ago he was cold, nor why it felt like he could tell this guy everything and yet nothing at all. What in merlin's name?
''Why?'' he coughed.
''Why not?'' the stranger countered, sitting cross legged in front of him ''Dumbledore told me you aren't allowed to leave headquarters because you're still wanted and I wanted to get a read on you before you put your mask up.''
''So you were spying on me?'' Sirius expected the guy to flinch or show some sign of shock at how much venom he put on the words- he didn't, only smiled like Sirius had done exactly what he wanted.
''No- I just overheard part of your conversation.''
''Right'' what the hell was he supposed to say to that? He wasn't supposed to outright admit it.
Myrddin's smile turned sad the more he watched Sirius and he couldn't stop the growing unease the longer he just stared ''what?''
''Harry isn't James y'know.''
''I know'' that bloody warmth enveloped him still- the same one he got when he did a spell. A muted fire that licked his veins and flooded his body with adrenaline.
''Do you?''
He was done with the questions. Done with whatever game this guy was playing ''yes'' he hissed- standing to stride towards the window. He couldn't breathe, his lungs shuddered and he took a gasping breath.
''I can't help you if you don't accept it.'' He was deadly serious, that much was obvious but he could only frown; what did he think he could help with?
''You don't know what it's like'' wait, what was he saying? ''to be trapped in this house with no way out and watch every person leave you with barely a backwards glance.''
Sirius had no idea why he was telling a stranger this. Except, maybe that was why. A complete stranger had seemed to show more interest in him than Remus or Dumbledore or Arthur or Tonks or Molly. The warmth curled around him almost protectively, tell him it seemed to whisper let go.
He wanted that, by merlin, did he want that. To let go of the tension that made his muscles ache and his head pound- to have someone care for the first time in a long while about what he had to say. Someone that wasn't warped by decisions or opinions they'd already made for him.
So he did.
''This house brings back so many memories, bad memories, and it's like they suffocate me one by one. I wake up screaming nearly every night because I can't get them out of my head. I'm trapped here, it should be better than Azkaban but somehow it's worse. It's not the dementors keeping me in check, making sure I can't escape'' his chest heaved and Myrddin's eyes hadn't left his face, watching, studying- Sirius for once didn't care ''it's people who are supposed to be friends, family. The people I love.''
Sirius hesitated, not quite sure why but Myrddin's eyes had gone bright, determined ''I spent years locked up as a criminal and it's like I never even escaped.''
''Then we get you out.''
His breathing stopped, and he waited- maybe for the guy to laugh or make fun but he didn't. He stared at Sirius like he wasn't an animal in a cage, or a prisoner in a home that held too many memories. He stared like he could already see Sirius as a free man and despite himself Sirius relaxed.
This man in front of him was a stranger and should undoubtedly not be trusted but he wanted to. Trust hadn't been a constant in his life since James died but for whatever reason he trusted this man, this boy that looked barely older than Harry.
Maybe he was more damaged than he thought ''why would you do that?''
Myrddin stepped forward, a grin playing about his lips even when his eyes swam with how serious this situation was. Sirius wanted to collapse under the weight of it.
''I've never been very good at following orders.''
He laughed.
AN: So guys what did you think? I'm sort of happy with this chapter but let me know what you think. Please read and review.