Santana didn't think the weekend could have possibly come soon enough as she stumbled through Rachel's front door behind the diminutive diva. Quinn's mother had return from one of her many business trips so they had decided that Santana would go back to Rachel's and help set up the media room while Quinn brought Brittany over after she was done talking to her mother, and maybe grab some toys for after Brittany left and they were all alone.

Though considering the amount of pain they were in, she doubted if either she or her girlfriend would have the strength to move, let alone do anything sexual, for at least a month.

"I dunno how you do it, Hermosa." She groaned as they dropped their bags and walked into the media room to set up the massive reclining couch. Barely a second passed between the couch being set up and Santana collapsing on it with a groan.

"It's nothing impressive really," Rachel replied, shrugging shyly as she pulled down her pants and folded them before walking over and kneeling before the reclining Latina. "I'm just used to it. In a few weeks you and the rest of the team will be able to handle it just like me and Brittany."

"I sincerely doubt that," Santana grumbled as she pulled the smaller brunette onto the couch with her.

She shouldn't have been surprised how tough Rachel's new training regimen was, considering how in shape her dance troupe all seemed to be, but by the end of the week she found herself needing to be carried in by Quinn and Brittany while Rachel and the taller blonde girl would come in, a light bounce to their step, coated in a only a slight sheen of sweat.

That being said, many of the other Cheerios were in even worse condition. At least half of the freshman were passed out after each practice, and the upper years weren't faring much better.

The upside was that after some initial friction at the start of the week, the other cheerleaders were starting to really listen to Rachel, if not out of respect than out of fear of incurring the wrath of their coach, co-captains, and, by the end of the week, Rachel herself. The severity of the brunette's punishments rivaled most things Coach Sylvester was capable of thinking up on her worst day, and was enough to scare away any ideas of insubordination long before they became a problem. On top of that, while everyone was used to Quinn's ice-cold iron fist, or Santana's white hot rage, the small smile and seemingly cheery nonchalance with which Rachel dealt out retribution consistently threw people off balance, and after overhearing Brittany state that it was simply because Rachel wasn't actually mad and how she sometimes still sent letters to one of the boys in her troupe who was scared into moving towns after annoying her, even Santana and Quinn had to admit that they felt a small tinge of fear.

But more than that, they were proud that their diva was finally standing up for herself instead of letting everyone at the school push her around.

And come Monday everyone'll know not to mess with our girl. Santana thought to herself.

She was pulled from her thoughts when Rachel reached across her to tap one the laptop sitting on the table next to them and tapped a few buttons. A moment later, smooth jazz crooned out from the speakers in the room and Santana smiled when she realised that Rachel had started playing a playlist entitled MS and directly next to it was a second playlist labeled MQ.

"How'd you know I love jazz, pequeno?" Santana asked.

"You and Mistress Quinn argue over the radio on the car ride to school nearly every day, so I took the liberty to make a playlist full of music that we all would like. After that I made one for the each of you based off your different tastes along with some selections that I think you'll each enjoy separately as well as a few that may at least help make each other's tastes more tolerable." Rachel rambled, blushing slightly as she buried her head in the Latina's chest.

Santana's heart swelled with affection as she listened to the brunette speak. By the time Rachel finished speaking, she was smiling brightly as she placed a light kiss on the top of her diva's head.

"Remind me to thank youproperly when I'm able to move my body again." She husked, enjoying the shiver that ran down Rachel's body.

"If you're still sore," Rachel paused and looked up as she built up her courage. "I-I could maybe… give you a massage? If you want that is."

Santana nodded and rolled over, allowing Rachel to do her work. She began to moan as small hands worked slowly up each leg, tenderly yet firmly massaging every last dredge of tiredness out of each muscle. Santana began to moan under her ministrations and smiled as she felt Rachel pause before continuing, undoubtedly more flushed due to the sounds she was evoking from her mistress.

Normally, Quinn was the only one Santana allowed to touch her like this, and that itself was a rare occurrence, but the closer they got to Monday, the more stressed Rachel seemed to be. The only time she looked truly relaxed was when she got home and kneeling before one or both of them. Either way, they were both determined to make her as happy and relaxed as they could this weekend, which in Rachel's case meant a weekend of complete submission.

Rachel worked slowly, relishing the feel of her mistress's soft skin under her fingers. When she had finished with her back, she softly asked the raven-haired girl to roll over before continuing to stretch and massage her muscles. The wetness between her thighs that Santana's delicious moans had caused only increase when she noticed her arousal proudly standing up, creating a sizable tent in the Latina's sweat pants. Rachel smiled, proud of herself for the reaction she was causing in the other girl.

Over the course of the massage, Rachel found her world narrowing again until the only thing she was concerned about was the girl lying before her and how her every moan filled her with warmth before settling in her core. She didn't even notice the door open or anyone else enter the room until Quinn's voice lilted across the room just as Brittany bounced onto the recliner next to Rachel and wrapped the brunette up in a bone-crushing hug.

"Well, now I regret taking that hot shower and those pain meds." She joked as she strode across the room, placing a kiss on Rachel's head before leaning down and kissing her girlfriend tenderly on the lips.

Rachel smiled as she watched her mistresses become lost in each other. She loved when she got to see just how much they loved each other, and always hoped that she would be able to see more of it in the future.

She finally looked away when she felt Brittany tap her on the shoulder. She turned and smiled at the taller blonde.

"What do you want to watch first, Rach?" She asked.

"I dunno Britt, why don't you chose first and we'll go from there." Rachel suggested. She smiled when the blonde squealed and hugged her before clambering over them to reach the computer.

None of them were surprised when the first Harry Potter started playing (Brittany always chose Harry Potter), and Rachel sighed happily as she was pulled between her two mistresses as they settled down for what was inevitably going to be a marathon while Brittany pulled out a stuffed duck and settled in next to Santana.

She tried valiantly to relax and focus on the movie, but the fact that she was all worked up from before coupled with her Santana and Quinn's hands petting her slowly had her mewling softly in less than ten minutes.

"If you don't quiet down, we won't be able to focus on the movie," Santana mumbled quietly in her ear.

"I-I'm sorry, Mistress." Rachel whimpered as a finger wandered between her thighs, gathering some of her wetness along the way.

"Don't blame her, San." Brittany said, pulling her finger away. "Look how wet she is." She put her finger in her mouth and moaned slightly at the taste.

"She's got a point," Quinn said, addressing the others while she pulled down Rachel's panties. "B, do you mind if we let our slutty little pet warm our cocks while we watch? She's been really good all week, and probably just needs a treat."

"Sure thing." She said with a smile before turning to Santana, "San, can Rach and me cuddle while she keeps your cocks warm."

Rachel whimpered a little bit at the way they were talking about her and squealed happily when Santana pulled her into her lap. The Latina sat between her legs and slowly pushed her throbbing cock into Rachel's pussy, making her moan and shiver as her mistress bottomed out. Brittany moved to sit between them and Quinn and reached out to gently lower Rachel across her lap before Quinn guided her head to her long cock.

Once she was firmly impaled on both girls' dicks they all settled down to watch the movie. Like before, Rachel struggled slightly against the desperate horniness coursing through her body, but after a few minutes, her eyes closed and her arousal settled down from a voracious flame that coursed through her veins to a steady warmth that settled in her muscles and mixed with sense of peace that filled her very soul.

She lost track of time and a feeling of relaxation and safety filled her being as the three most important people in her world pet her gently. Her heartbeat seemed to fall into sync with the rhythmic pulses of the dicks inside her. She was barely aware of the first movie ending and its sequel starting as she relished in her mistresses' and best friend's gentle petting and occasional cooing. Every twitch of the dicks inside her filled her with elation at the knowledge of how happy she was making Santana and Quinn.

She was brought out of her reverie after they finished the second movie. Santana had ordered pizza and she, Quinn, and Brittany had decided that they would eat first before starting the next movie. She moaned in disappointment when she was forced to sit up and remove Quinn's cock from her mouth so Brittany could stand up and get the pizzas from the delivery guy as she was the only one relatively decent.

"Alright, Princesa, it's Q's turn to have your pussy." Santana said softly placing a light kiss on the brunette's temple before pulling out slowly. They both moaned at the loss as Quinn shuffled over next to her girlfriend. She slid the diva over to her own lap and sank her down on her throbbing cock just as Brittany walked in with the pizza. They split the pizza, talking lightly before leaning back on the massive recliner to relax and putting on the next movie.

Quinn sighed contentedly as she wrapped her arms around the small brunette in her lap and pulled her close. A quiet moan to her right told her Brittany was riding her girlfriend softly, the blonde girl's eyes never leaving the movie. It didn't take long for Santana to finish, considering how long she was inside Rachel, and once she was done, the Latina pulled out and turned to kiss both Quinn and Rachel sweetly before cuddling into the blonde's side while Brittany wrapped herself around Santana's back.

Quinn's smiled grew when Rachel reached up to kiss both her and Santana on the cheek before burrowing her face into hazel-eyed girl's neck so that Quinn could rest her chin on top of her head. She felt the smaller girl clench her inner muscles around her already throbbing cock, forcing her to stifle a groan as she was reminded of the fact that she has sat through two movies in a constant state of arousal.

Santana noticed her girlfriend's discomfort and smirked as she nibbled the blonde's neck while stroking Rachel's back tenderly. A quick glance told them both that Brittany was out cold already –something that usually happened when the taller girl insisted watching Harry Potter.

Quinn smirked as she brought her lips down to Rachel's ear. "You've been so good this week, little one." She whispered. She and Santana smiled to each other when they noticed Rachel grin and tighten her grip around the blonde. The past week had shown them a new side of the submissive brunette; one that was completely different from the loud, little diva they had come to know. She had been more than an asset to the Cheerios since she took her place, and though it was clear how much of a toll her new position took, they both agreed that it was what Rachel needed to completely accept her role as a submissive.

Both girls were honoured that, while she was starting to stand up for herself more and more at school, she still trusted them enough to exchange power with them. In fact, it seemed to be when she was most relaxed. It was after seeing this that they once again discussed their mutual feelings for the girl and decided that this weekend they would take a step that both of them had only taken once before.

A small whimper of pleasure as Santana's hand was joined by both of Quinn's brought the blonde back to the present.

"In fact you've been so good, that Santana and I thought you deserved a treat." She whispered as she brought her hands down to squeeze the brunette's ass.

"But you've got to be quiet," Santana added. "Wouldn't want to wake Britt, now would we?"

"N-no, Mistress." Rachel whimpered as Quinn started thrusting slowly.

"We thought this weekend would be a good time for another first." Quinn murmured as her hands started roaming from Rachel's ass down to the wetness around where her cock was firmly nestled between the smaller girl's legs.

"Remember your safeword, pequeno?" Santana asked.

"G-green for g-g-good. Yel-yellow for un-uncomfortable. R-r-r-red f-for bad." Rachel stuttered out.

"Good girl." Santana kissed her, swallowing the pleasured groan that was torn from the diva's throat as Quinn spat in one of her hands while the other gathered more of her wetness before bringing them back together to spread her ass and softly push against the puckered entrance.

Rachel gasped as her mistress slowly applied more pressure until the tip of one of her fingers slipped in. The strange pressure she felt was completely alien to her, but as soon as Quinn resumed her slow steady thrusts the dual sensations had her burying her face in the blonde's chest kissing and nibbling any and all available skin in an effort to keep herself from moaning and waking the girl sleeping not four feet from her.

"How's that feel, Princess?" Quinn asked softly.

"I-It feels good, Ma'am." Rachel whimpered.

"That's good, because you're gonna need a bit of practice before taking me or Santana."

Rachel shuddered and gulped at the thought of her mistresses fucking her ass. It was the one place they hadn't claimed and the thought of the both of them fucking her, claiming her as theirs, was enough to send her into an orgasm unlike any other.

Quinn groaned quietly as she felt Rachel's walls clench impossibly tighter while her asshole fluttered around her digit. Her hips became jerky and before she knew it, she was furiously kissing Santana while pouring rope after rope of burning hot cum into the now unconscious brunette. Satisfied and spent, she and Santana shared one more kiss, wordlessly expressing worry and comforting each other about the possible outcome of the next day before joining the other girls in blissful sleep.


Saturday morning found Rachel and Santana cuddled on the couch, barely paying attention to whatever was playing on the TV while Quinn cleaned up the remains of breakfast.

Brittany had left not long ago, so once Quinn finished joined the other two, the three girls were alone in the house. She had just sat down when Santana spoke up.

"Hey, Rach."

"Yes Mistress?"

"We have something we wanted to ask you."

"And we need you to answer it as our friend, not our submissive, understand?" Quinn added.

Rachel paused for a moment and looked between the two of them pensively before nodding.

"Okay," Santana started before taking a deep breath. "We were wondering if… you wanted to… y'know…"

Quinn rolled her eyes at her girlfriend's shyness and decided to take the reins before Santana embarrassed herself further. She took a deep breath and grabbed the diva's hands, bringing her attention away from the stuttering Latina. She looked into those deep brown eyes, so filled with trust and hope, but also fear and trepidation and forced herself to spit out those eight tiny words:

"Will you go on a date with us?"