Reviews for We're Yours
hergirl1015 chapter 14 . 5/16/2018
I've been reading fanfiction for years and I can safely say that no other story has had me so hooked and engrossed as this one! You are an amazing writer. PLEASE keep updating this, you owe it to your fans.
ClaireR89 chapter 14 . 11/4/2017
Update update update
Haley Earthstone chapter 14 . 4/6/2017
I wish I was in Rachel's position.
jess.laurencelle.7 chapter 14 . 7/22/2016
love the story hope to find out how the date gos
KDPkaromuwi chapter 14 . 5/3/2016
I've enjoyed every chapter so far, as well as the fluff that went with it. It's so cute how she's being treated, but I've got some question. Santana and Quinn seem to be sexually healthy. Rachel may be very mature, but she's still a teenager without parents to talk about the safe sex and birth controls. It seems quite obvious that the three are planning to be together for a long time but that brings up my question of whether will they be able to impregnate Rachel? Santana came inside two or more times in the previous chapter inside, and the use of condoms was never mentioned. Could it be that the two doms were told they are sterile or didn't actually went to test that due to fear of wanting a family in the future? It's also something I'd like to see. How the two would react if they somehow got Rachel pregnant and she miscarried. It'll be like they failed to protect and take care of her.

I loved the story and would like to read more upcoming chapters. :)
Guest chapter 7 . 4/17/2016
i have tried with this story really i did. I thought OK... they're drawing inspiration from Avenging angel and some of the other stuff I've read. Then i went back and reread some of them and you have pretty much just copy and pasted... added Quinn here and there plus the whole BDSM thing. Which is all well and good but it's very rushed especially after she was assaulted in the beginning but even that i could have dealt with but the plagiarism is too much for me. Sorry/not sorry
Guest chapter 14 . 3/23/2016
I really like it there cute together. Please update again soon
frr1102 chapter 4 . 3/20/2016
this chapter remind me of a different fanfic i read atm
but ill keep reading this because the gp thing
Guest chapter 14 . 3/12/2016
please continue…can you some puppy play and have one where Quinn breeds rachel like a bitch
Eric1968 chapter 1 . 1/29/2016
Wow loving this story so erotic and my favorite coupling all 3 and GP to top it off following and fav
sketchkidd chapter 1 . 1/26/2016
You really copied 3 stories. I saw a little of The Rise of Rachel Berry with the whole weights over the head thing and most of that chapter was from there. You just changed to Sarah and the original was Quinn. Actually the you just flipped it if Quinn said it in the original story then in this one Santana said and vise versa. Brittany in AA is nice and in IOY she is mean and knows what is going on. You kept Brittany personality but just added in fact she knows whats going on behind the scenes. Samething with Puck. Most of this story is word for word though. I see you tried changing Avenging Angel whole plot and tried to add some I Own You words with your little twist. You can tell by the time they actually do have sex (which btw you rushed) you try to put your own words to make it yours but doesn't work out fully. I mean the story I Own You was a bdsm sex story all about sexy times the writer went from start to climax and express it in each chapter. but you cut off right towards the end so if you're going to keep using these stories word for word. You might as well go into full length on the describing sexy times. But I'll keep reading.
Writer chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
There's a big difference between co/writing and plagiarism, and this is flat out plagiarism. It shows a complete lack of creativity on your part and a lack of scruples. All you're doing is cutting and pasting. I know boxcaracer seems to have abandoned her works, but that doesn't give you permission to just change a few words and call it your own, and I know that you originally started to do the same thing with Avenging Angel, until the author called you out on it. This is wrong. As writer's on this site we agree to use characters but develop our own story lines and you're not even doing that.
Fayerjiff chapter 7 . 1/20/2016
I like your story
Ps:Oh when Santana call Rachel "pequeño" maybe you want mean "pequeña"
Ps2: I like when que call bicho, sometimes my friends call me that jajaja
Forevergleek9615 chapter 9 . 1/20/2016
I know I've commented a lot today, but I don't see the need in the spanking the slavery. You basically made Rachel have sex when she clearly wasn't ready; that's practically rape. This story started out really loving and fluffy and I had great hopes, but the whole trying incorporate I Own You; in which it doesn't fit in the story at all has ruined it completely. You made Rachel a piece that Quinn and Santana can play around with and own her. Avenging Angel is about Rachel having been attacked and both Santana and Quinn are there for her. This started out like that and Rachel is still vulnerable, she doesn't need to be spanked and claimed. I hoped that Rachel's first time was going to be when they're proper together and for it to be loving
Forevergleek9615 chapter 7 . 1/20/2016
I'm struggling to read this as in the previous chapter Rachel was spanked and had "sex" for the first time, yet in this chapter she faced her attacker for the first time. I understand that you are combining two stories into one, but what it's looking like is 2 stories and not one. I don't think you need the spanking and all the names that Quinn and Santana were calling Rachel whilst claiming her:
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