I do not own Star wars nor Saturday Night Live

After the destruction of Starkiller Base the First Order was, let's say just say, "not in good shape". It was immensely weakened and struggling to hold itself together now that it lacked its base of operations. Stormtrooper numbers were so low that Hux's brainwashing camp worked overtime to create replacement soldiers. Despite its best efforts, it still failed to fulfill its given quota in such a short amount of time. If the Resistance decided to strike again, there was a slim chance the First Order would be able to survive a second attack. That's why its leaders decided to hold a meeting aboard the Finalizer in order to determine what their next steps would be.

"I say we send our remaining stormtroopers and ships to attack the Resistance base before they make their next move!" one officer suggested. "We can utilize the element of surprise in order to overwhelm their forces."

"That's outrageous," another officer countered. "We can't send out all of our forces at once! What if the element of surprise isn't enough to ensure victory? We cannot underestimate the Resistance after what they did to our base."

"Please! They got lucky, that's all."

"Lucky? I suppose anyone's lucky enough to blow up an entire planet on their first try?"

As the argument continued, Hux sat at the head of the table with his forehead resting in his palm. They had been at this for hours, and so far the greatest idea anyone had come up with was sending General Organa a bomb disguised as a present.

The only upside to this meeting was that Kylo Ren hadn't shown up yet. He was supposed to have returned from his training with the Supreme Leader by now, but clearly the Makers had blessed Hux and delayed his walking headache. The General couldn't stand the entitled brat that roamed around his ship and caused trouble. Ren constantly terrorized his troops, destroyed expensive equipment, and somehow managed to pack sass into every line he ever spoke to him. Snoke's little protégé was only useful to the General when he left his ship to fight enemies he couldn't be bothered to throw his stormtroopers at.

"I'm telling you! We have to strike first! If we don't, we're sitting womp rats!" the officer from before argued.

The second officer stood up and slammed her palms on the conference table. "Says a womp rat-"

"Enough!" Hux yelled. He needed to end this madness. Now.

"You both make valid points. We can't just wait around for the Resistance to act, nor allow them to grow stronger. However, we currently don't have the resources to launch a full scale attack," the general explained. "With that in mind, does anyone have any other suggestions?"

Hux looked around at the blank faces that stared back at him and sighed. "Come on, anything?" he asked.

After a few moments of silence, one younger officer nervously raised his hand.

"What is it? Spit it out, this isn't a classroom," Hux said when he noticed the officer.

"Well…um…what about…um"

"Speak up, we haven't got all day," Hux urged. Sometimes he really wondered how some of these men and woman managed to become officers of the First Order.

The officer swallowed. "…infiltration…?" he finally muttered.

"Infiltration?" Hux repeated.

"Yes…? You know…when some poses as some else and-"

"Yes of course, I know what infiltration entails. However, I'm not entirely sure the fate of the First Order should rest upon one person's shoulders," Hux stated.

"Officer Rick might be onto something Sir," The female officer from before spoke up. "It wouldn't involve a large amount of resources, and we would have access to our enemies' plans. A spy could alert us when the Resistance decides to attack, making it easier to evade them until we have regained our power."

Hux stroked his chin in thought. The plan did have it perks. It would only involve one person, however this mole had the power to make or break their entire operation. Whoever they chose had to be smart, efficient, and objective. They had to be level-headed and could maintain their composure under pressure. The spy must be experienced in the arts of espionage and trickery, quick both mentally and physically. Someone like-

"I shall fulfill this duty," a deep, robotic voice suddenly stated.

Oh no, anyone but-

"Kylo Ren. I see you've finally decided to join us," Hux sneered as he faced the dark knight.

"Sorry General, I was delayed because the Supreme Leader had much to discuss with me concerning the importance of my role in the First Order," he replied.

"Of course," Hux clipped.

"Now as I was saying, I would be more than willing to be the spy. You are already aware of my experience working undercover," Ren said.

Hux rolled his eyes. "You mean that time you decided to investigate whether we had any traitors working for us and you dressed up like, what was it again? A sewage inspector?"

"Radar technician," he angrily defended.

"Regardless of what it was, I recall everyone recognizing you despite your disguise. If you can't fool your own employees, how are you going to fool the Resistance?" the General questioned.

Kylo Ren clenched his fists and moved towards Hux. "I can assure you General, that the Supreme Leader's training has completely prepared me for such a task. I will not fail this time," he firmly said, stopping a mere foot in front of the red head.

Hux crossed his arms and did not take a step back. "I'm not so sure I believe you," he simply responded. "Shall I go over all of your mistakes?"

"You would doubt the skills the Supreme Leader has bestowed me with? To have doubt in me, would mean having doubt in our leader, General," he hissed.

After Ren said this the room erupted in hushed conversations as the officers discussed his words.

"Ren has a point"

"Maybe Hux isn't as loyal as we thought."

"The general might even be working for the Resistance."

"I knew he was a rotten guy. I bet he was the one who stole my Space Weekly yesterday."

It wasn't long before the entire room was shooting dirty glares at Hux.

Damn that Kylo Ren! The General angrily thought.

"Quiet!" Hux yelled in order to silence the room.

He hated his words before he even uttered them. The General knew he was going to regret this decision for the rest of his life. The brat was going to destroy the regime he had worked so hard to build. However, the Supreme Leader trusted him so that meant he was obligated to as well. Well, at least openly. On the inside he wouldn't trust Kylo Ren with jack. The guy didn't have enough self-restraint to be a spy. Just a month ago he sliced Starkiller Base's soda machine in half with his lightsaber when it gave him orange soda instead of strawberry.

Hux deeply sighed. Yup, he hated himself right now.

"Fine. You'll go undercover as a radar technician on the Resistance base."

A/N: Alright so I told myself I wouldn't write this story while working on another fan fiction, but it's too late. I loved that snl undercover boss skit far too much so I decided to whip up this little tale on the side. Let me know if you guys think I should continue or not. I love reading your feedback!