Reviews for Matt the Radar Technician
Reviewer chapter 7 . 4/24
Love this! It's hilarious! Do continue.
Noelle Anna-Marie chapter 7 . 4/15
Please continue!
UniKatFox chapter 7 . 2/29
All hail the free snacks! Look forward to more! Thanks for updating!
Irossssssss chapter 7 . 2/20
I honestly love this. Cant wait for an update!
sabinifyed chapter 7 . 2/13
reylofan chapter 5 . 2/13
I nearly SPLIT MY SIDES laughing! Luke is HILARIOUS! I love the way you exaggerated the characters' worst characteristics! Funniest thing I've reaad in a long time!
JanusGreejatus chapter 6 . 2/5
This was the best!:

"Looking for people to play the following roles: Rey, Finn, Poe, Stormtrooper 1, Stormtrooper 2, Kylo Ren, and Palpatine? Why the heck is he in this?"

Rey gave Poe a bewildered look. "No clue," she replied with her arms in the air."

I'm really looking forward to the auditions- don't stop!
JanusGreejatus chapter 7 . 2/5
very clever!
JanusGreejatus chapter 5 . 2/5
GREAT STORY- lots of fun.
Hartmannclan chapter 7 . 1/31
Oh man! The endorphin rush off of belly laughing is good for soul. :))) Nothing is sacred in this story and I adore it.
Hartmannclan chapter 5 . 1/31
Luke using mind tricks to steal the last breadstick?! Oh my gosh. I lost my spleen that time...
Hartmannclan chapter 4 . 1/31
Respect the tech, Matt! Respect the tech! Bwahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahah :))))
Hartmannclan chapter 3 . 1/31
I don't think I've ever laughed that much over fan fic. Nin Tendo. I think I laughed up a fuzzball :))))
Hartmannclan chapter 2 . 1/31
Hysterical and amusing :)))
Hartmannclan chapter 1 . 1/31
Oh my gosh, this is like a perfect balance of serious and farce. I loved the SNL skit and the new one he just did. Lolololol.
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