*Edited to include the change of relationship based on the canon "date/hang-out" thing in the New Prince of Tennis.

Sakuno looked as a group of girls crowded around Ryoma, asking for his second button. A Japanese tradition he was never aware of until that instant during their graduation day. He was wearing a surprised expression at the sudden wave of aggression his usually pleasant classmates were displaying.

"I really don't know what's happening." Ryoma told her later in an empty corridor and warily looked around in growing fright. To which Sakuno couldn't help but laugh at the silliness of his predicament. Then, the young man looked up at her with a sudden realization. "I know," He said, pulling out his second button. "I'll just throw it."

Sakuno's eyes widened.

"You shouldn't!" She cried in alarm, leaning closer with a reprimanding frown. "That's said to bring bad luck!"

Ryoma glared.

"You take it, then." He forced the button on her, making the brunette beside him flush a deep red.

"What?" She choked, adamantly refusing. "You should give that to the person you like." Then, continued, feeling she was about to cry. "But that's besides the point!" She threw her arms in desperation. "I need to tell you something, Ryoma-kun!"

"What is it?" He asked, finally turning to her, cheekily grinning at the redness of her face. Her silly expressions never failed to amuse him. While Ryoma wore a cool, stoic expression and waited for her to speak, standing before her, the his classmate, and fellow high school graduate, took a breath.

"All these years, there has been a a lot of girls who have confessed to you," She started fidgeting, looking down at her hands as she continued. The handsome young man in front of her watched her in growing anticipation. "And, well, before you leave, I just wanted to say," She turned to him. "And you don't have to feel bad or anything when you say you don't feel the same way," His brows slowly raise. This has happened to him far too many times for him not to know where she was headed, what she was trying to say. "I just wanted to tell you," Then she smiled. "I just wanted to tell you I, I don't know if it's the same as the others, but," She grinned now to herself as she shook her head, trying to get back on track. "I like you. I've liked you for a long time now." She didn't know why, but she started to tear up. Still, she wore her little smile. "I like you is all I wanted to say."

Ryoma was blindsided. He didn't know what to say. He didn't notice the slight raise of his brows, the expression of shock evident in his face.

She was Sakuno Ryuzaki, his good friend from when he first returned to Tokyo for Junior High around six years ago. Sometime ago, there was a moment when he thought there had been something more to their friendship, that maybe, the change of his mood for the better whenever she was near, the grin tucked into the corner of his mouth when they'd talk, her unfaltering support - there was a time back then, when he thought there was something more to their relationship. It had been merely a fleeting thought, one he never actually returned to after that time. And, granted the fact that their relationship didn't change, that he started dating and she did as well - that there was nothing more; that they were just really good friends.

He expected the world to confess to him. But she, he knew she never would, never wanted to; no matter how long the image haunted him, regardless of whether he hoped she would. He had been so sure. Which was why now that she had, he didn't know what to say.

"You don't have to say anything, Ryoma-kun." She laughed as she started to cry, slowly realizing that this was it. His silence was his rejection. She would be like the others now, she thought. She was now one of those people she feared being, someone Ryoma felt nothing for. "Let's head back?" She said, turning away.

The usually coy, snarky tennis prodigy only nodded. He followed behind her and stole a glance.

"I'm sorry." He said, suddenly reaching out to her, stopping her. "I don't know what to say."

"Don't think about it." She smiled sadly, then pulled away.

They parted ways after, just as Sakuno thought they would.

It was later on the same day, still dazed from what she decided was her own stupid confession, that Sakuno lifelessly walked downstairs to the kitchen with her towel draped over her shoulders and her long auburn hair still wet from her shower. Pushing the door to the kitchen aside, her brows raise in surprise. Her grandmother and Ryoma looked up at her. Both seemed to have been engrossed, conversing over some topic of importance.

"I'm sorry." Sakuno uttered, shutting the door. And, suddenly jolted with realization, she ran back to her room with her heart hammering in her chest. Ryoma was here. Her mind cried repeatedly in a wailing alarm. He was here. Then, her brows knotted, questioning why.

Soon enough, there was a knock on her door.

"Ryuzaki?" Her head shot up at the sound of Ryoma's muffled voice from the other side of the door.

"Did you need anything?" She forced herself to say as she opened the door, her eyes stinging with unshed tears.

"I need a word."

It took a second before the girl hesitantly nodded and stepped back so he could enter.

Inside her room, Sakuno pulled out a seat for Ryoma and stood rigid by her bed, unable to meet the eyes that were looking up to her. Her heart continued hammering painfully in her chest. She couldn't think straight - she couldn't even think nor wonder why the young man was in front of her.

Then, Ryoma spoke.


"Oh!" Sakuno suddenly blurted, forcing a painful laugh. "Please, don't bother about I said earlier! It was nothing-"

"Earlier," Ryoma repeated, firmly and strongly continued. "I, when - Since when have you," He had to look away. Had Sakuno been looking at him, she would've noticed the red that flushed his ears. "-Felt that way? I - was it just something you recently-"

"I-" Sakuno's voice broke. And, no longer able to take it, fell, sitting on her bed as she covered her face. "I've been in love with you all this time, Ryoma-kun." She sobbed. It was as if her heart was convulsing in her chest. "I've always loved you." She continued to cry. "Always." Then, continued in an agitated, frustrated, hurt tone. "I really don't understand how you don't know." She stood up, about to get tissues. But Ryoma handed her the container before she could. "It's either you don't know or you knew and blew me off without my knowing."

She quieted after a while, oddly feeling better after crying.

Wiping her eyes, she tried to smile as she looked up to the typical expressionless tennis prodigy. Sakuno stood up and walked to the door, about to invite Ryoma to leave.

"How do you propose we make it work?" He suddenly asked the dazed, confused and heartbroken girl.

"I'm sorry?" She croaked. She couldn't even bare to be around him.

"How can people who like each other make a long distance relationship work?" He repeated, clearer now. And finally, smirking as he saw the words dawn on the eyes of the brunette standing in front of him.

Then, unable to help it, Sakuno cried again while the young man before her finally burst out laughing - a laugh he's been holding in since he first realized she had ridiculous expressions - and took her into his arms in a tender embrace. It was during that intimate moment she sobbed all the agony she kept hidden all these years into his warm, welcoming arms. She continued to sob then finally started laughing in relief, in thankfulness as she buried her wet face into his chest. It was then, with her mind foggy and deliriously happy that she decided Ryoma Echizen was an idiot of a man for playing with her heart, for stealing it from her. It was then that she decided he was the one person who she vowed to love immeasurably, irrevocably, regardless.

Later, when Ryoma said his farewells that night, Sakuno stood beside Sumire by the door and watched him walk away.

It was then that her guardian and grandmother smiled.

"He talked to me about it." Then, laughed good-naturely. "And asked for my blessing. That kid doesn't beat around the bush, does he?"

Sakuno couldn't help but smirk as she watched Ryoma disappear into the street, on his way home. Her heart finally full.


I'm kind of teary-eyed Sakuno wasn't able to make it work out with Ryoma. And, although I am the author, the characters chose what would happen, how they would react. I just wrote their story.

Anyway, if you guys think about it, this whole story is the story that comes after the end of a high school drama, when the two protagonists finally confess their love for each other. Thanks for reading this far. Thanks to those who reviewed. I'll always have a tender spot for you, for taking the time to leave me a note. Thank you so much!

ABOUT THE "Journal of the Unmoved"

Just wanted to note that if you read closely, you'll notice a couple of parallels. Also, other notes:

1. Suna and Sakuno are supposed to be foils of each other, because of their contrasting views on the main theme of the story, which is love.

2. The parallel in Chapter 17 and Chapter 32. It was in 17 that Sakuno told Suna, "When you've been in love as long as I've been, marriage is all you can really want." Forward nine years later (what we assume as the length of time Sakuno has been in love with Ryoma in 17), in 32, Suna, regardless of whether they dated or not, takes the leap and immediately asks Sakuno to marry him. This reflects what Sakuno had said, that again, she was right. In 32, though it's not mentioned, through his proposal, he unconsciously affirms Sakuno's statement, that if you've been in love long enough, marriage is all you really want. Marriage here equals spending eternity together as soon as possible.

3. Sunagawa is a cool and kind character, you'll know once you read Ore Monogatari. Pretty funny manga, though focused on Takeo and Yamato. I hope I was able to write a good story for his character.

4. There are other underlying themes and messages in the chapters. They're short so you know what scenes to dwell on, so you can try to feel what the character felt at that particular moment. Example, Chapter 21, which has only 45 words. In 21, I hope you understood that Suna is bitter. He thinks that Sakuno shouldn't have just gotten back with Ryoma, that she should be harder, tougher on him, especially after his act of disloyalty. He's bitter because Sakuno seems to be the weak one in the relationship and, he gets more annoyed because of this, since this just means that in the relationship, she is the one who loves more. So, he's pretty pissed, bitter, all the bad, angry jealous type person feels. Just, he's Suna and he's not used to feeling this irrational jealousy, he doesn't even know that he's angry because he's jealous, that he wasn't jealous simply because he's outraged as Sakuno's friend.

5. It's fun to remember what Sakuno said and what Suna says earlier on and how he eventually contradicts them.

6. I hope you understand that Suna and Sakuno's relationship will get off on a rocky start. Sakuno will be questioning whether she deserved Suna, whether she could give him all he wanted. Although she has finally moved on from Ryoma come Chapter 32, she doesn't know how to be in love with anyone else. As a child, falling in love with the snarky boy from school had been the easiest thing. It'll take a while before she really falls in love with Suna. And he knows this and still commits to her regardless. Also, they get married when they reach the age of 29 or 30, by that time they're residents in the same hospital. They only separate work when they take up their specialties.

Anyway, that's it. If you want me to explain anything, just leave me a message. Thanks again for reading!