A Really Big Family

Prologue:Game Start!

Hi, my name is Terra, I'm a fair skinned girl around the age of fifteen with unusual purple hair and brown eyes.

You're probably wondering why I'm doing a self-intro, well right now I'm falling at insane speed towards the ground with no parachute,so yeah.

But let's talk a little about me before we can continue with the prologue, shall we?

I always been the strange type in my class, I mean, have you ever seen a human with NATURAL purple hair? I don't think so.

And I'm known to ALWAYS wear a hoodie (usually with the zip).

I've never met my real parents, I grow up half my life in a orphanage, until the director of that orphanage decided to adopt me, for some reason.

His name is Christopher Tizzoni, and his the caring and wise father, and treats me as the daughter he never had; and we leave in Italy so don't get surprised if the last name sounds strange.

My name, from what father says, was on a paper in the vimini chest a was in when he found me.

Why am I falling? Well it all started like this:

I was walking home after the last day of school before the Christmas holidays, it was snowing and road was covered in white snow.

I was wearing a green camouflage heavy coat with a pair of jeans; underneath the coat I was wearing a blue shirt with a white two printed on it and my classic black hoodie with a skull on the back.

People sometimes mistake me for a tomboy, but I can guarantee I'm not.

I usually take a shortcut trough a field, I'm type of girl that doesn't like slow things.

Anyway, I noticed a strange thing on the ground.

I got near it and grabbed it for examining it.

It looked like a data chip, but it didn't got ruined from the snow for some reason.

As I look around I found other eight of them, I wanted to look a the other ones but it was very cold, so I decided to go back home before I froze.

Got home, I found out that the eight pieces put together made a prism or something, but at first it didn't do much of a thing, so I left it on my bed.

I took off the coat and set down in front of my PC, I wanted to play some games, but after a while, about an hour and a half maybe, Steam stopped working without a reason.

At first I thought that was Windows trying to mess with me, but as soon is I turn around I sew the prism that I left on my bed glowed.

I slowly got near it and touched it, kinda of confused, and as soon as I made contact with it, it started flying around me, drawing every time a perfect circle; then it stopped in midair in front of my face.

I asked myself, did I just found a piece of technology from the military, like some kind of next-gen reckoning device?

it seemed cool, but I soon realized a colder truth.

From what I knew I could even be have been an high explosive charge, or a molotov.

But before I could do anything the prism glowed with a very bright light, stunning me and making my ears ring.

After a few minutes, I felt a gust of wind blowing in my face.

It was very strong, and some minutes after I regained the ability to see and hear, but I regretted it right after.

In fact, I'm soon to meet Mr. Death in one of the most painful ways to meet him, but looking around I see another thing falling from the sky, but I don't reckon what it's .

Curious, I focus and the falling object, we run at the same speed, and I see something moving, like a piece of clothing.

But it doesn't take too long to remember that I'm doomed to death, and as soon as I look down, a black object comes right towards me and I make contact with it.

And I feel a huge pain has I drift into the darkness.

Hi everyone, my name is HyperAle and this is my first fan fiction ever.

Hope you guys enjoyed it, and I'm really sorry if this prologue is short.

If you guys have suggestion for the plot of the story, or have tips to improve my writing, like if you notice some mistakes, feel free to leave a comment on the story .

And said so farewell!