Rurouni Kenshin Fanfic
Rurouni Kenshin & Samurai X Original Japanese Version ©N. Watsuki/Shueisha Fuji-TV SME Visual Works Inc. Sony Pictures Entertainment
All Fanfics created by Chiruken (me) were written for the sole purpose of shared entertainment and not intended for publication or sale.
The Madness of the Hitokiri
By: Chiruken
Part 10
Blood... The tangy scent was cloying, nauseating. Battousai moaned softly, slowly, reluctantly opening his eyes and wincing as his gaze was filled with stabbing shards of light. He lifted his hand to shield his eyes from the brightness of the setting sun and moved to a sitting position. The crackle of a fire drew his attention and he turned slowly, focusing on the men crouched across from him watching him warily. Blood and death heavy on the air... He blinked, a slight frown marring his features as disjointed images played out through his mind, confusing at first, their meaning unclear to his still foggy mind. A small arm, covered with blood, laying over a threshold... His hands closed into fists as he bowed his head, understanding slowly dawning as his mind cleared. Torn flesh and ripped clothing, a doll covered with blood... He squeezed his eyes shut tight in an effort to block out the sight, but it was was forever engraved into his memory. Akane-chan... Reluctantly his lifted his head again and turned his gaze back to the men watching him from the other side of the small fire.
"Good. You're awake." Saito Hajime, former leader of the third squad of the Shinsengumi stood and held out a bowl. When the younger man didn't take it, merely stared at it blankly, he scowled. "Eat."
Battousai slowly took the offered bowl and stared down at the rice it contained. "Itadakimasu." He muttered dully after accepting the chopsticks handed to him. He ate slowly, like an automaton, not really tasting anything. He felt sick from the memories competing for attention in his mind, the images of Terumi and her children slaughtered taking precedence over all else.
Saito scowled down at his former enemy's bowed head. He was becoming increasingly disturbed by the other man's subdued demeanour. He was becoming more certain that he much preferred the deranged killer he'd first encountered to what he was now observing, despite the obvious insanity he'd displayed. Reaching into his haori, he withdrew a cigarette and placed it at the corner of his mouth, golden gaze never leaving Battousai as he lit a match and touched it to the end. A thin tendril of smoke rose, momentarily stinging his eyes. He liked the scent of burning tobacco much more than that of blood, his reasoning behind taking up the habit of smoking. He studied him for several more tense minutes before abruptly turning away. He nodded to his waiting men. "Move out." He ordered shortly as they stood. They'd discussed their next move while the former hitokiri had been unconscious, determining that depending on his frame of mind when he awakened, they would move out and continue the search for the murderers. The other three men didn't like the though of leaving their leader alone with Battousai, but his orders were absolute.
Battousai, caught within his own morbid introspection of death and blood and the resulting feelings of guilt, didn't notice the men taking their leave. If this is what the new era will bring...why did we even fight the revolution? His thoughts were filled with deep sorrow tinged with a hint of anger.
Saito crouched beside the younger man and shook his head slowly. "Still drowning in self-pity, Battousai?" His harsh tone drew the other man's attention immediately, just as he'd intended. "Do you intend to sit there for the rest of your miserable life staring at a bowl of rice?"
"Maybe." He shrugged and turned his attention back to the rice, eyes alternating between sorrowful violet and angry amber.
"Ahou." Saito scowled and tossed his cigarette into the dying fire.
"No need to be insulting, Saito." He thrust the half-empty bowl into the older man's hands and stood abruptly. "You said it was the bandits you were tracking that did this." He lifted his face to the rapidly darkening sky, staring intently at the stars just beginning to show. Saito's only answer was a grunt of assent. "Are you certain of this?"
Standing slowly, he looked down at the younger man with a scowl. "Nothing in this world is certain, Battousai. Of course I'm not certain. It could have been someone else, some other band of murderous thieves. It could have been the work of one madman. With no witnesses, nothing can be determined as absolute."
"Terumi-dono's inn was used as an outpost for messengers by the Ishinshishi." He turned abruptly and glared up at the taller man. "Perhaps it was an act of revenge for their aid during the revolution."
"Perhaps." He agreed mildly, returning the angry gaze calmly. "Or it could have been a random act of violence." He folded his arms across his chest. "What do you intend to do about it?"
Battousai rested his hand on the familiar and worn leather of the hilt of his katana. "Tenchu." He growled before turning abruptly away and striding off into the growing shadows. "Don't get in my way, Saito."
"I wouldn't dream of it." He muttered under his breath, following the smaller man with a smirk. "Our goals, in this instance, coincide."
Author's Notes:
Meep! ««dodges bokkens and flying daikon»» Gomen, gomen! ««bows deeply in apology»» It's taken forever to update this, and for that I offer my sincerest apologies. --; My only excuse is that I had a severe case of Writer's Block followed closely by one of the worst cases of personal stress brought on by family crisis. I also apologize in advance if this chapter was kind of sucky and too short...I'm still not in the swing of things with my writing and am slowly trying to get back into it.
At any rate, please enjoy! Hopefully more will come...without such an ungodly wait to accompany it.
As always, all thoughts and comments are appreciated...and all Flames will be accepted, stored and used to heat my house during the loooooong and cold Saskatchewan winter.