James The Lesser Presents Vinny Lane

Vinny and Daria sit at a booth at the Pizza Prince sharing a slice or two.

"I must say," Vinny sets down his slice. "I'm honored you decided to spend your valuable time on a Saturday night with me. What happened to college applications?"

Daria, clearly annoyed, turns it on him. "What about your college applications?"

"Hey, I accomplished something today. Besides getting up. I applied to Lawndale State and State U."

"What about BFAC?"

Vinny grimaces. "Unlike the first two, Boston Fine Arts College requires talent. So they give you extra time to put together a killer art portfolio."

"And how's that going?"

"It's going so well that when you called to go out I only cried for ten minutes." Vinny smiles a little. "After thinking about turning the blowtorch on myself four or five times." Both laugh a little. "What about you? Still applying to," Vinny clears his throat and does a pompous ass accent. "Bromwell?"

"They don't actually talk like that, I hope." Daria takes a bite of her pizza. "I also applied at Raft. It's my safety school."

"Safety schools are supposed to be called that because it's a safe bet you'll get in."


"And Raft, may not be Bromwell, but it isn't Middleton or Lawndale State."

"I'd rather go cross country like Jack Kerouac than go to either of those schools."

Vinny picks up his soda. "If you get in to Raft and I get in to BFAC, we could meet up for pizza and complain about school."

"They say that college is all about broadening your experience."

"Speaking of experiences, change your mind about prom?" She raises an eye brow in response. "Ok, so, we went to a dance before."

"The one you decorated. Not prom."

"But I want to be there when Mack and Jodie get crowned Prom King and Queen."

"Right, that's what you care about."

He makes a goofy face. "You caught me. I want to show the school my funky dance moves." He dances a little in his booth seat.

"Right." The two continue talking while eating pizza.

After eating with Daria, Vinny goes back to hell. "I never hated art so much." He stares at some metal he had been welding.

Trent walks in and Vinny looks up, taking the welding mask off. "What's shaken, bacon?"

Trent sniffs the air "I don't smell anything. Hey, cool sculpture. It's like a comment on the underbelly of pain... or something."

"Actually, it's a comment on BFAC's incredibly high admission standards."

"Nah. Um, why do you want to go to art college? You're already an artist."

"I know. But I want to be a starving artist, so I need to ring up more debt."

"Well, I'd never go to music school. I wouldn't want any teachers trying to corrupt my vision."

"And that is their evil plan."

"Tell me about it. I mean, can you imagine what Spiral would sound like if we were, like, forced to practice, even when we don't want to?"

Vinny looks back at his sculpture. "Umm... oh, lookie, missed a spot." He puts the mask back over his face and continues working on the sculpture.

Daria looks at the envelope she had gotten. It was from Bromwell. "I can schedule an appointment and interview." She sees nothing from Raft. "I could stop at Raft after. It isn't that far away."

"Hmm?" Helen had walked in and heard Daria talking to herself.

Daria looks back down at the letter from Bromwell. "I, uh, got a response from Bromwell."

"Oh, I hope it is good news Daria."

"Kinda." She picks it up. "They want to schedule a meeting with me. For an interview."

"That's great! I'm sure your father can take time to go with you."

Oh god no. "I could go myself. I have a license."

"Daria, that would be a little farther than I'd feel comfortable with."

"I'll have to drive it eventually. And after I want to go to Boston to check out Raft."

"Oh, did you get a letter from them, too?"

"No. But I still want to check it out. Alone."

Helen gives her a look. "I see. You're so close to being independent you want a little headstart by going by yourself."

Actually... "Yes, that's why." I can't imagine dealing with dad in a confined space for that long. "If it's ok I'd like to set the appointment for this Saturday."

"I guess dear. Take the gold card for gas and food."

"Thanks." Daria goes up to her room to use her phone to call Bromwell.

The next day at school, Daria discusses her trip with Vinny during lunch. "I'll be gone all day."

"So I'll be alone, working on my art portfolio. Only thinking about turning the blowtorch on myself two or three times."

"It's gotten better then."

"No, worse. I went from four or five times a day to two or three times an hour."

Daria smirks. "Too bad you can't come with me. Maybe get the chance to check out BFAC firsthand."

Vinny speaks before he thinks. "Why not?" Daria gives him a look and he realizes what he said. "Ok, besides the whole your parent's would freak out thing."

You're so close to being independent. "Well, um, maybe. I mean, like I said, it would give you the chance to see BFAC. We're over eighteen, we're adults. We're about to graduate high school and go to college."

"And it would be just for the day. Like when we went, well, tried to go to Alternapalooza."

"With your brother and Jesse. Not alone." Daria's voice goes soft. "And we weren't, you know, dating then."

"It's a day trip. No biggie." I need the break from worrying about my art portfolio. "I'll help pay for gas."

"I got my mom's gold card."

Ooo. "So, shopping spree? Maybe get something for prom?" She glares and he pushes back from the table holding his hands up. "Ok, no prom."

Daria sits in silence as she thinks. She's thinking. Debating. It's what she does best.

"I guess you can tag along. But I'm not telling my parents."

Vinny feels the smile grow across his face. "I'll make sure not to tell my parents."

"Which are where?"

He shrugs his shoulders in response.

"You should tell someone."

He raises an eyebrow. "Who?"

"Maybe tell Trent."

"I guess." The two continue with their lunch.

Vinny was a little distracted with his thoughts. He knew Daria over thought things too much but he couldn't stop thinking either. It's just a day trip. Alone. With Daria. It will be cool.

He wakes up Saturday morning, takes a shower, and gets ready for Daria to pick him up.

He is surprised to see Trent also up and moving. "Just getting back from practice?"

Trent scratches his chin. "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"You're awake before noon."

"Huh, it is before noon still. What are you doing up?"

"I'm checking out BFAC in Boston while Daria checks out a couple of colleges."

"Oh, ok. I should get some breakfast." Trent walks to the kitchen as Vinny waits by the front door for Daria.

Vinny gets in the car and sees two cups of coffee. "One for me?"

She smacks his hand away from the one he reached for. "Get your own." She yawns to accentuate her point.

"Fine. But when your heart explodes don't blame me."

She sighs heavily. "Fine, I guess you can have one."

Vinny grabs one and takes a sip. All sugar and cream. Where's the coffee? She didn't make it for me so I guess I can't complain.

Helen checks the time and grabs the phone.

She knew prom was coming and was worried. She knew what a lot of kids did after prom. Drinking, partying, sex, and other things.

While she couldn't see Daria doing that, she also couldn't see Daria making friends or having a boyfriend until recently.

She dials the number for Casa Lane and a tired Trent answer. "Yo. Lane residence."

"Trent? Are either of your parents there?"

"No Mrs. M. You just missed Daria if you were looking for her."

"Daria? She stopped by?"

"Yeah, to pick up Vinny."


Trent flinches and almost drops the fork he had in the other hand as he sat over his microwaved eggs. "Was she not supposed to?"

"No! Daria said she was going alone. Why did she lie to me unless they have something planned!"

"Uh, last minute change? Vinny said he was applying to colleges. Maybe they're going to the same places."

"I like your brother but I doubt he has the grades for Bromwell or Raft."

"Hey, he gets, uh, grades." It was as much of a defense Trent could muster up in his tired stupor. "Like, maybe, schools in same place. Think he said Boston and I know they have like, other colleges there."

Helen bites her lip in worry. "She lied about going alone. We don't even know if they are going to check out colleges." Helen can't help but remember how she was when she was eighteen. Sure the 70's were a different time but...

"They're adults. Like, they don't need permission or whatever any more. Not that we've ever needed permission to do any thing. We just kinda did, whatever."

"Age and responsibility go hand in hand. If she wanted to take a trip with Vinny she should have asked for permission. The fact that she didn't ask makes me suspicious."

"Hmm," Trent thinks for a few seconds. "Would you have said yes?"

Helen doesn't respond.

"So, like, she knows you and knew you wouldn't. So she made her own choice to be free."

Helen's memories of being free back in her hippie days makes her worry even more. "I just hope they're safe."

"I'm sure your car is safer than the Tank."

"That's not, Trent, I have to go." Helen hangs up on him.

Daria pulls in to a lot near the main entrance of Bromwell.

Vinny looks up at the nearest building. "Wow. All of Lawndale High could fit in that one building."

Daria's eyes go a little wide as she reads the Latin name on the front. "It's the main library."

"Main? As in there are more than one?" Daria nods. "You're in a little bit in Heaven now, aren't you?"

Her voice is little more than a whisper. "A little."

Bromwell isn't that far from BFAC. We'd only be a few hours away from each other. If I make it in to BFAC. It would be better for me if she got in to Raft.

He follows her on to the campus and watches her reaction to their surroundings. She's loving this place already.

When they got to an office building, they found something there neither liked. "Tom?"

"Daria? Vinny? What are you two doing here?" He looks at Vinny and then Daria. "I'm guessing one of you is here for an interview."

Vinny doesn't like how Tom only says one of you. "Only one?"

Tom smiles nervously. "Well, I mean, I figured you'd go to an art school like the one up in Boston. Or out in Chicago."

We dated for a long time. He still knows me. "Actually, we're gonna head up there later."

"Oh, really? Good for you Vinny." Tom turns back to Daria. "Bromwell isn't that far from Boston so you two will still be close."

"We might be even closer if she decides to go to Raft."

"Raft? Why would she go there when she could go to Bromwell instead."

Finally Daria speaks up. "I, um, haven't been accepted yet."

"You're being interviewed like I am. If they let you get this far they want you. Your amazing grades will make them look good."

If I remember correctly... "Didn't your uncle donate a building? Short of murdering someone you're in."

Tom smiles and laughs. "And only if they're related to the Dean of Students."

This is awkward...

A woman comes out and calls for Tom and he goes in for his interview.

The two sit there for what seems like forever. "How many questions are they asking?"

Daria remains silent.

"Maybe they're negotiating a new building?"

He sees a slight smile on her face.

"Don't be nervous. You'll be fine."

After more waiting, Tom finally comes out. "And that's why the ice rink has a sign saying clothes required." The interviewer laughs. "At least, that's what my grandfather says."

Tom walks away from the interviewer, nods towards Vinny and Daria, and then leaves.

Vinny sees the look on Daria's face. "He might be full of Bromwell stories but you have the grades."

The interviewer calls Daria in after apologizing for taking so long. "I'm sure Tom is full of stories about Bromwell."

The interviewer cocks her head as she looks at Daria. "You know Tom Sloane?"

"Kind of. He dated my boyfriend before we started dating."

"Your, boyfriend?"

Vinny sees the look on the woman's face and isn't sure if she was surprised or disgusted. It won't matter, his uncle bought them a building.

Vinny plays with a pen while he waits. When Daria comes out in under twenty minutes he is a little worried.

When he sees her face he can't help but react. "Uh, not good?"

She mumbles under her breath as she walks by.

He follows after her out of the administration building. "Daria, it couldn't have been that bad."

She doesn't slow down as she responds. "I froze. I overthought the most basic of questions."

"So you didn't just burst out with whatever answer they wanted to hear. That has to be refreshing for them."

Daria stops and he almost collides with her. "I like your spin on it better than mine."

"Then spin it my way." She turns to face him. "See? Easy to spin."

A curl of the lips forms before she hugs him for a second and then pulls away. "Thanks. I'm glad I brought you with me."

"I am too. Especially since it means we get to check out Boston together."

They walk to the car and pile in to leave for Boston.

Tom, having taken more time than expected, meant they left Bromwell later than they wanted.

They catch rush hour traffic.

Vinny looks out the window at all the stopped cars.

"Hey," He feels Daria's hand on his thigh, turns, and sees her head move down as her hands unzip his...

"Whoa!" He jerks awake.

Daria gives him a strange look. "Are you ok over there?"

Vinny feels his face flush with color. "Uh, yeah, yes. I just fell asleep."

He looks around and sees a sign. "How long was I out?" The sign said Boston was twenty miles away.

"A while. You got up earlier than normal so I let you sleep."

"Uh, thanks." Don't think about it. It will be hard to walk around a campus with that going on in your head. He looks down at his lap. And that going on in your pants.

He sees Daria yawn. "Stop for food and another coffee first?" She nods in response. "Cool."

They stop at a small diner that offered every thing two teens could want. "Cheese fries and hotdogs with relish and mustard." Vinny rubs his hands together trying to decide what he wanted to eat first.

Daria sips at her coffee before picking a fry off the plate. "It will be dark soon. Eat fast so we can get to Raft and BFAC before the Sun goes down."

"I'm sure they have lights there." Vinny does hurry up as she asked and soon the two leave.

Choosing the closest of the two campuses, Vinny gets the chance to see BFAC up front and personal.

All over the campus were students working out in the open.

Canvases set up around those working with wood and stone.

There was a woman modeling for others using thin metal to shape around a base of steel.

Daria watches his face explode with emotion. "Is this how I looked when we got to Bromwell?"

Vinny is too lost watching an older man surrounded by younger men and women while he held a brush up. "There are no mistakes when it comes in to painting. Only happy accidents."

One of the younger women laughs and responds. "Tell that to my little sister!"

The others, including the older man, laugh.

There was a bench nearby and the two sit down. "Wow." Vinny is stunned looking around the campus and seeing various forms of art in every direction.

Daria places her hand on top of his. "Getting ideas?"

He nods. "I have to get in here. I wonder if I can donate, uh, paint for the parking lot? I can't pull a Sloane and donate a building."

"Your art portfolio will get you in."

"I hope." The two get off the bench and walk back to the parking lot.

As they pull in to Raft, the lights turn on as the Sun sets just past the horizon. "See? Told you they had lights."

Daria turns the car off and the two get out. "I was hoping to talk to some one in administration."

"There might be some one there still." The two look around and see a sign pointing them in the right direction.

When they enter, they find only a couple people standing around. "Uh, hey."

One of the people, an older woman, turns and sees the two teens. "Hello, freshman?"

Vinny rubs the back of his neck nervously. "Uh, she's hoping to be. Her interview at Bromwell ran a little long so we got here late."

The older woman raises an eye brow. "Bromwell? I see we're in stiff competition then."

Daria fights through her nervousness and speaks. "They're good but they seem too pretentious for me."

The older woman smiles. "Not to mention their libraries are disorganized. A school that makes that much money should be able to hire someone to make sure you can find a book when you need it."


The older woman nods. "My niece went there and had to deal with the hassle of hunting through row after row of misplaced books." The woman waves her hand toward a picture of the Raft Library. "We hire students to make sure you can find what you need. One of the best advantages we have is you can work on campus as opposed to off campus so you cut down on travel issues."

The other person, a younger man, laughs. "And helps cut down on scheduling. The school will work around your classes unlike some businesses."

Daria looks towards the younger man before looking back at the older woman. "I'll keep that in mind when making my application."

"Good! I know Bromwell is considered a top school but we're no State or Art School." She laughs but Vinny gives her a sour look as those were going to be his only options.

After a few more minutes of talking, the two leave and head back out for Daria's car.

They sit in the car for a few minutes with the engine off. "Daria, are you ok?"


Vinny reaches over and touches her hand lightly. "Why? Are you mad because I spent too much time at BFAC?"

"No." She sighs. "I want to go to Bromwell. I really do. But Raft is here in Boston, and if you get in to BFAC, and I into Raft, it would make things easier for us."

I'd love for her to get in to Raft too. "I'm not accepted to BFAC yet. Bromwell is closer to LU and SU back home."

"You wouldn't be upset if I chose Bromwell over Raft?"

"Of course not."

She keeps her gaze away from him. "Even though I'd be choosing to put a couple hundred miles between us?"

"You'd be choosing a top five school over a top ten school. I know you love me and I love you. I want what is best for you and Bromwell is better. Raft is great sure, but Bromwell is better."

She turns to him. "Thank you. I, if we had the chance to be in Boston together, it would, it would,"

Vinny smiles. "Lost for words?" He leans over and kisses her. "We should start heading back."

"We should." She leans back in her seat for a minute before starting the engine.

They near Lawndale, driving by the school, when Vinny decides to bring up a sensitive subject. "Daria, I know you don't want to go, but Prom is the last big get together before high school is over."

"So? I hate Lawndale High and so do you."

"Yes, but, like, have you ever heard that high school is the best years of your life? You're old enough to drive and do some stuff with out the crippling bills, responsibility, and other stuff you deal with as an adult?"


"Well, Prom is like, part of that. You go there, see classmates make fools of themselves, hang out with friends, go to parties, celebrate the end of not being an adult."

She waits until they stop at a stop sign to respond. "Parties? Friends?"

"Hey, we like Mack and Jodie. And ok you're not big on parties but still, you know what I mean."

"You want to go to a party?"

"Well, kind of. Part of the whole end of being a teen thing." He is nervous and wrings his hands together. "Going to BFAC, knowing I wanted to go to college, really go, brings it home for me. This is it. Like, once we graduate we'll be thrust out in to the real world. I want to cling on to any thing but that for a little bit more."

Daria's look makes him cower back as she responds. "And what do you want to do at the party?"

Why is she being so hostile? "I don't know. Just, go. Hang out with our classmates one last time before we all spread out across the country to whatever school will accept us."

"Right, hang out."

What bug crawled up... Oh! "Oh, uh, Daria, I, I mean, I know the cliché for uh, after Prom, but we don't, we aren't cliché. I mean, sure, we've done, um, not that, hell, Daria, I swear I wasn't thinking about that. I really do mean I want to hang out with our classmates. At least Mack and Jodie. Have a good time, enjoy being a kid for one last time. Seeing BFAC, wanting to go there, made me realize this is our last chance to not be an adult."

"I feel like I've not been a kid for years. I hate kids, even when I was younger."

"Then hate the kids one last time, with me, at Prom? In three weeks."

Daria is silent. I know she's thinking.

Daria sighs before speaking. "Fine. But I'm not going crazy on a dress."

"Great! I'll make sure I look good too!" He hugs and kisses her.

As the break their embrace, they realize they are still sitting at the stop sign. No one had pulled up behind them so no one had honked a horn. "I should drop you off."

Vinny smiles. "After spending the whole day with you it's going to be hard getting out of the car."

"I'm glad you feel that way."

"Of course I do Daria." He places a hand on hers and kisses her again before pulling away. "Off to Casa Lane."

Daria takes her foot off the break and drives away from the stop sign.

As they pull up to Casa Lane they see Helen's SUV in the parking lot behind Trent's car. "Ah, hell." Daria parks next to it. "She probably knows we were together now."

"Won't have to worry about Prom if you're grounded." I might still go though. I meant what I said about grasping at any thing not in the adult world. "Sorry."

"I made my choice to bring you with me."

The two get out of the car and walk towards Casa Lane.

Vinny braces himself for the storm that he was sure was about to hit.

He sees Helen and Trent sitting in the kitchen. "Uh, hi Helen."

"You're back, good, how was the trip?"

So far no yelling. Is that a good or bad sign?

Daria responds to her mother. "Good. The interview with Bromwell could have gone better."

"Did you make it to Raft?"

Daria nods. "It was a little late after we stopped at BFAC for Vinny but I talked to a couple people in their office and saw part of it."

She's as nervous as I am. Waiting for the hammer to drop.

"Good! Any issues on the way there or back?"

"We hit rush hour after leaving Bromwell but that was it."

What is Helen planning?

"That's good. You two must be tired after such a long trip."

Vinny yawns involuntarily. "Even with a nap in the car, yeah, I'm tired." She's calm, so far. "Uh, I know, um, Daria may not have said, that I was, um,"

Helen's smile unnerves him more than any angry reaction could have. "No, she didn't. She knew I would say no and then if she still took you would be defying me. As a lawyer, I see her actions as a smart move. As her mother, it makes me worry but realize she is an adult and can make her own choices."

"So, uh," Is she or isn't she in trouble?

"After a discussion with her I'll hopefully be able to teach her that growing up and being responsible go hand in hand. If I hadn't called here hoping to talk with you about Prom I never would have known. If there had been an accident or some other tragedy, well, let's just be glad there were none."

He looks at Daria hoping for an insight in to Helen's future actions.

Daria keeps her gaze on Helen. "Mom, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I knew you would say no, freak out, and I didn't want to go through that. Vinny wants to go to BFAC, I was going to Boston, it made sense to bring him with me."

"I bet the car didn't break down like the Tank would." Trent laughs, then coughs, at his own comment.

"Yes, well, this is something we'll discuss when we get home."

Daria finally breaks her gaze from Helen and looks over at Vinny. "What if I didn't want to go home tonight? I'm eighteen, graduating high school, and going off to college. I, I love you and dad, and sometimes Quinn, but I'm not a kid any more. What if I wanted to stay here?"

Daria, what are you doing?! Helen seemed to be letting us off with a stern talking to! Vinny starts to sweat as he waits for Helen's response to Daria's defiance.

"Technically, as an adult, you could. I'd have no legal authority to make you come home."

The silence screams as Vinny feels the seconds pass like hours.

Daria breaks the silence finally. "As my mom?"

"I'd be worried of course but I know you are a smart woman and I trust you to be safe."

Vinny's cheeks flush with color. "Daria, Helen, I, um, we haven't, I," he flinches when both Morgendorffer women look at him.

"I wasn't talking about, that, mom. I meant simply spending the night, like I did when the storm hit over Christmas Eve. And even if I did mean that I am an adult."

"Yes, but no matter how old you get you'll always be my daughter and I'll always worry." Helen's face softens as does Daria's.

Vinny looks back and forth between the two women. He waits for the game of chicken to end with a winner.

Daria breaks the silence again. "I won't worry you tonight."

Vinny breathes out noticeably.

"I do want to talk." Daria holds up the car keys. "I'll follow you home."

Helen stands up from the chair and walks over to Daria before turning back to Trent and Vinny. "You boys have a good evening." She looks directly at Vinny. "I'm glad you enjoyed your trip to Boston."

He nods in response, unable to speak, as the two women leave.

Vinny goes to the table and sits down in a chair. "Wow, that was, unexpected."

Trent motions towards the front door. "Daria's mom is pretty cool."

"Yes, yes she is." I just hope she doesn't ground Daria.

When Vinny hears the phone ring the next morning, he isn't sure who it would be. If Daria is grounded it might be Monique. Except she would know Trent wouldn't be awake yet. If she isn't grounded, hey, cool.

He picks up the phone. "Hello?"


"Daria!" He realizes he said it a little too loudly. "Uh, sorry."

"I'm guessing you expected some one else."

"Well, maybe. Are you grounded?"

"No." After a slight pause, Daria continues. "Kind of wish I was."


"It would have been better then the long, long, talk I had last night with my mom. And..."

"And what?"

Daria sighs before speaking. "She approves of me going to the Prom. So much so she's taking me dress shopping today."

"Oh, uh, well, it gives me time to finish my Art Portfolio for BFAC." I have so many ideas now and the motivation to complete it all. "I would say have fun but I know you won't."

"No, no I won't."

"It will be worth it when we go to Prom."


She still doesn't sound happy about it. "We don't have to go. Just, I feel like,"

She cuts him off. "I can't back out now that my mom has her ideas."


"Don't be. It will keep me from backing out."

"I'll see you tomorrow at school, right? I might not walk with you since I'll be dropping my stuff off at the post office as soon as it opens."

"You'll get up even earlier to send your stuff in? You must really love BFAC."

"I do. Um, speaking of, I should get started on it."

"Good luck."

"You too." The two hang up.

Vinny hurries to his room to start on his various projects to get them finished by the night.

While at the mall, Daria runs in to Tom."Uh, hey Tom."

"Daria, wow, running in to you twice in one week. What are you doing at the mall?"

Her response is soft. "Huh?"

She speaks louder. "My mom is taking me shopping for a Prom dress."

"Oh, going with Vinny?" She nods. "Cool. I'm sure you two will have fun."

Daria thinks about the last time she met Tom was at Bromwell. "Um, I know I have no right to ask, but," She looks down at her boots. "Is there any thing you can do, or your family, to help me get in to Bromwell?"

She waits nervously for Tom's reply.

He waits a few seconds before responding. "Sure. I'll ask them to write a letter. On the good parchment."

"Really? I, um, thanks."

He smiles at her as she continues looking down at her boots. "Hey, no problem. We were never friends but we both liked someone in common. He's a cool guy and I still feel bad about what happened. If I can help a friend of his then hey, I'll help."

"Thanks, again."

"I'll ask my parents when I get home."

Daria finally looks up at him. "What are you doing here?"

"Meeting a girl for a movie. Which," He checks the time on his watch. "I will be late for if I dilly dally any longer."

"You have fun." Daria turns towards the restroom entrance as her mother leaves. "I'm off to look at fabrics and styles."

"Sounds like a hideous time." Daria nods in response as he walks away.

Vinny ignores the time as he finishes the last of his photos. "They have to accept me." He takes a couple more of his finished sculpture and moves on to the last of the paintings he wanted to send in.

He hurries down the stairs and gets together the stationary he needed to send the pictures in the morning.

Trent walks in the front door and sees the light on in the kitchen.

He walks in and sees Vinny. "Yo, what are you doing up this late?"

Vinny sets a couple pictures down. "I'm getting my portfolio ready for BFAC."

"Oh, still going to college?"

"Trying." I can't go to LU or SU after seeing BFAC. "BFAC will hopefully take me in despite my less than stellar grades."

Tom seems offended and Vinny isn't sure why. "Like, grades aren't everything. Art is art for being art."

"Yes, but they require math and lit too. Thankfully Daria helped me in math and a couple other classes so I wasn't just doggy paddling in the water." I would have drowned with out her help. "Enough to get me in to BFAC."

"Art doesn't need grades or teachers. It just is. Music, paint, pottery, it grows from the person not from a text book."

"I'll meet new people, learn new styles, and if Daria gets in to Raft, be close to her."

He watches Trent's face for a reaction. Knowing his older brother he can see the slight shift of his eyes, the way his nose twitched. "Daria, huh? She's a cool chick."

"She is. She's only one of the reasons I want to go. If there was a school like BFAC for playing guitar, you'd be fighting to get in."

"Maybe." Trent laughs and coughs. "Like, need a ride to the post office?"

"They're not open at, uh," Vinny checks the time. "Whoa, almost two. I need to get this together, get to bed, and hope I wake up." Vinny scrambles as he tries to get every thing put together for the morning.

He slowly shambles towards Lawndale High after dropping off his envelope at the post office.

He slept miserably and nearly screamed when his alarm went off.

But he forced himself all the same to get up and move.

He doubted and checked the pictures a few times before leaving Casa Lane.

He walked past Daria's house knowing she wasn't awake yet. "I'll see her later." He forced back a yawn and continued to the post office.

Now, standing in front of Lawndale High, he sees her. "Hey, morning."

She gives him a look. "You aren't awake, are you?"

"What gave me away?"

"Your shoes."

He looks down and sees... "Two different shoes, totally in style."

She smiles slightly. "You look like you could use a nap."

"As long as the nap was eight to ten hours."

Daria shuffles her feet around. "You could skip class. Go home and sleep."

"I could but then what would you do?"

Daria looks up from her boots. "Skip class with you."

Whoa, skip class with me? What would we do... "I might not be good company. I'm tired and need a nap."

"I won't mind." She turns back to the school. "I doubt we'll miss much."

The two walk away as others walk in to the halls of Lawndale High.

They curl up on his bed, Vinny soon falling asleep, after reaching Casa Lane.

Daria feels his arm on her and snuggles closer. She even took her boots off so she'd be more comfortable.

An hour or so later, Vinny wakes up and hears Daria's slow breathing. I need to pee but she's on my arm. He slowly moves away, inch by inch, sliding his right arm out from under he so he can get off the bed.

When he comes back he sees Daria is on her other side, facing towards him, awake. "Sorry I woke you up."

She smiles a little. "You didn't." She shifts a little, using her arm to prop herself up. "Now what?"

Vinny stretches a little in the doorframe. "Watch television? Make fun of day time soap operas while I work on a painting?"

"It will be different from making fun of afternoon television." She moves and makes herself more comfortable on the bed as Vinny goes to his easel.

As he paints and she makes fun of the evil triplet in a coma, he hears the front door open and close.

He looks out the window and sees Trent walk down the sidewalk. Huh, didn't even know he was here. Where's his car?

Daria comments. "I didn't even know he was here. Where's his car?"

Ha, jinx. "Maybe it broke down at the bar?"

"Sounds like his car."

Vinny sets down his brush. "You know, um, we're alone." He looks around the canvas at Daria. "I mean, um, if you wanted, I could stop painting."

He knows his cheeks were turning red. Probably as red as Daria's. "Um, I could ignore Sebastian's evil triplet turning out to be the real Sebastian and the evil Sebastian being Sebastian."

No one to interrupt us. Hear us. We've done... He shakes his head and tries to calm down as he walks over to his bed, and Daria.

Daria laces up her boots as Vinny pulls his shirt back on. "Um," She looks at his clock. "I should be getting home."

"Yeah, probably." Wow. That was, wow. "Um, I hope, uh," Dude, just speak! "I mean, I, like,"

"I did too. I hope you aren't disappointed we didn't..."

She can't say much either. She was always better at thinking. "Of course not. When we're ready for that we will." She is so beautiful once she finally relaxes and lets her guard down. "Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No, I'm fine."

She needs to think. "Ok, um, have a good day, night, what ever."

"You too."

He walks her down to the door, kisses her gently on the lips, and watches her walk away. "This was the best day of school ever. Of course, skipping school made it better." He can't hide his smile as he closes the door.

When Trent gets back he goes up to Vinny's room. "Yo, Vinny, what's up?"

"Nothing." Vinny looks out the window and sees the car is still missing. "Where's your car?"

"Axl's. It won't start. Needs a new battery."

"Oh, that sucks. Are those expensive?" Trent shrugs his shoulders. "Hope the next gig you play pays enough for one."

"Yeah, hopefully." Trent laughs, and coughs, before continuing. "So, you and Daria have fun?"

That tone of voice... "We did. I painted, she made fun of the stupid plot on the soap we were watching."

"Uh huh. I gave you two privacy."

Not as oblivious as he acts. Or looks. "Um, thanks. We, I mean, I appreciate it."

"Hey, just don't pull a Summer."

"Whoa, we, we didn't, we haven't, just, and she's on the pill, and I bought, um, seriously, I won't be doing that to her or myself. I want to go to college."

Trent looks over Vinny's shoulder and sees the painting Vinny had been working on. It was of Vinny standing in the gates of BFAC with easel and paints in hand painting the gate of BFAC. "Very, meta."

Vinny nods. "What I was going for."

"Cool." Trent walks away to his room.

Daria is eating dinner with her family when Quinn looks over at her. "So, where were you today?"

Daria looks back. "School."

Quinn smirks. "No you weren't. You and Vinny skipped school."

Helen sets her fork down and turns to Daria. "Did you?"

Daria sets her fork down as well. "Yes. He was up late, and early, submitting his art portfolio to BFAC. He wanted to go home and take a nap and I went with him."

Daria watches her mother's face for a hint of her reaction. She sees the jaw muscles tighten, her brow furrow slightly.

"You skipped school, went to his house, alone."

Daria knows her mother was fighting to stay calm and had to try and be calm as well. "Trent was there. He was sleeping most of the time but he was there." Until he left and we... "We took a nap, made fun of soap operas, while he painted. It was just like any other time just while we should have been at school."

"Which you won't be doing while you're grounded."

"Fine, what ever, I guess I can't go to prom then."

Helen's mouth opens slightly, closes, and then opens again. "You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

"Did what?"

"You skipped class, knowing Quinn would tattle on you, hoping I would ground you and you'd have an excuse for getting out of going to prom."

Daria's silence is all the answer Helen needed. "You'll be grounded until the day before prom. You're going."

Daria is about to respond when Helen cuts her off. "If you think of doing some thing else to get grounded, I'll take your computer out of your room. I'll make sure you stay in your room, no television as well."

"Mom, you were worried about me going to prom and now you're making sure I'm going? Why?"

Helen takes a second to collect herself and remain calm. "I can't stop you two, obviously, as today shows. With you two sneaking out of school to do god knows what at his house, I can't delude myself in to thinking stopping you from going to prom will stop you two."

"Mom, we didn't do, that."

"I'm sure it was a pure and innocent time. I'm also sure Quinn thought she wouldn't be in trouble for buying those faux alligator shoes." Helen takes another breath. "I remember my prom, and I know it was a last chance for me to be with my fellow classmates. I know you keep seeing yourself as some anti social outcast but I know it isn't true. You'll enjoy prom, a party or two after, and if..." Helen stops as Jake backs his chair away a little. "Stop, Jake."

"I'm feeling really uncomfortable right now."

Jake wasn't the only one. "Mom, please, stop. We haven't, I, I have no plans, I'm not,"

Helen has the beginning of a smile appear. "You're not a kid any more. I know you and Vinny love each other. It is hard to admit it myself but I know what, happens. I just know you are a very smart woman who will be careful."

Daria pushes away from the table. "If I'm grounded, I guess I'll start now." She gets up from her chair and walks away.

Helen turns to Quinn. "You're grounded as well."

"What? Why? What did I do?"

"You were a tattletale. You're not six any more. It is only for the weekend as I'm glad you told me but there are other ways of doing it."

"Like what?"

Helen's smile grows as she knows this is a moment she can teach her daughter, at least one of them, a lesson. "Don't do it at the dinner table. Come to me before, say she skipped class, and then I'll ask her what happened. Not that I'm sure it would or wouldn't happen again this late in the year, but in any situation, come to me in private."

Quinn frowns and broods over being grounded for the weekend but doesn't leave the table.

Helen goes up to Daria's room and knocks on the door. "Daria?"

"It's open."

Helen walks in, closing the door behind her.

Daria is on her bed with a book. "Adding more to my punishment?"

"No, unless you consider discussing thing like mature adults as punishment."

Daria sets the book down. "It depends on what you want to talk about."

Helen sits down at the end of Daria's bed. "Well, Daria, you skipped class. You've never done that before, as far as I know."

"I hadn't ever done it before."

"Why today then?"

Daria curls up and hugs her legs. "I don't know. Vinny was tired from working hard on his art portfolio for BFAC."

Helen smiles. "I'm sure he's never taken a nap at school."

Daria smiles back. "Maybe."

"Are you worried about Bromwell? I know you sent your application in and did the interview."

Daria is silent as she thinks before responding. "What if he gets in to his dream school and I don't? What if both Bromwell and Raft say no? He's so worried about being stuck at LU or SU while I go off to my fancy college. What if it is the other way around? I'm the one going to Middleton and he goes off to Boston?"

Helen reaches over and rubs her foot. "I doubt that would happen."

"I know, but, I can't stop myself from thinking."

"Thinking is what you do best. Why you will get in to one or both of those schools."

Helen waits a minute before saying what she came in to say. "Daria, if you two, didn't do any thing, why skip class?"

Daria is a little shocked by her mother's question. "What?!"

Helen sighs before continuing. "I was your age before. It may have been awhile but I was eighteen once. You sneak off to be alone with your boyfriend and expect me to believe you just took a nap and watched television?"

Daria's reddening cheeks is the answer Helen was waiting for. "You're not a little girl any more. I know you're older, an adult, and it breaks my heart to think you won't need me any more."

"Mom, I wouldn't say that."

"I know you wouldn't. It will happen even if you don't realize it. I just hope, if you don't need me as your mother, you would still have me as a friend."

Daria speaks so softly Helen can barely hear it. "I will."

Helen leans over and hugs Daria for a second before pulling away. "I just hope you two were safe."

Daria almost leaps off the bed. "Mom! We didn't, do, that."

"Yet." Helen has to push away the thoughts of a protective mother and try and think as a friend. "Just make sure you're safe. The pill is effective but not perfect. I was able to make sure I graduated before starting a family. I hope you can do the same."

"Thanks mom."

Helen leaves, closing the door behind her, letting Daria go back to her book.

As Prom nears, Vinny worries about a suit.

Most people going would be wearing a tuxedo. He looked around and found places he could rent one but the fees... And having to get to a place to get fitted.

He checked to make sure Trent's car was in the driveway before going to Trent hoping for help. "Hey, uh, if I pay you for the gas money, can you get me to a boutique so I can get a tux?"

"Sure. The new battery works."

Vinny raises an eye brow. "How new?"

"New to the car."

"As long as it gets us there and back I'm good with a new battery."

The two head out to the car and head off in to the wilds to hunt down a tuxedo.

Even with Prom coming, there was also exams coming. Daria being grounded hurt Vinny's studying a little.

He uses a calculator to answer a question he tried doing on paper. "How am I getting the wrong answer? Screw this." He picks up the phone and dials the Morgendorffer home.


He recognizes Quinn's voice and decides to try and trick her. "No, this is Vincent Lane, Vinny's father. Is, Daria, there?"

"Yes, but she's grounded."

"I'm a grown up, I think your mother will understand."

"Um, ok."

Yes! He waits until he hears a new voice on the other side. "Hey Daria, uh, this is Vinny."

"I'm still grounded."

"I know, but I need help. Math homework, question nine. Using a calculator I get one answer, do it on paper I get another." He describes his written work. "What am I doing wrong?"

"You forgot to carry the negative."

Vinny scribbles down, carrying the negative, and gets the right answer. "Sonofa... Ok, that was super annoying."

"I'm glad I could help."

"I'm glad your sister believed me."

He hears noise through the phone before Daria responds. "No Mr. Lane, Vinny isn't here. I'm grounded so I can't have any one over."

"Sorry, I'll call around." Vinny hangs up on Daria before she has to think of any thing else to say to Mr. Lane.

The day of prom, Vinny tries to call Daria to set up when he'd be picking her up, or she'd pick him up, but there is no answer.

She's been avoiding me the closer we get to Prom. Is she that against going?

He hears the mail truck and looks out the window to see the mail person put what looked like a large envelope in the mail slot. "BFAC?"

He goes out to the mail box and pulls the envelope out. "BFAC!" He hurries inside ripping the letter open.

He reads it over twice, a third time, and then a fourth. "I did it. I'm in." He wasn't sure when he started to cry but he was.

Trent came in to the kitchen and saw Vinny crying. "Yo, what's bad?"

Vinny holds up the letter. "Nothing. I'm in. I did it. I'm going to BFAC."

"Oh, cool. So, like, get dinner?"

"Another night." Vinny sets the letter down. "I have Prom tonight."

"Oh, yeah. I think I went to mine."

Vinny couldn't imagine Trent in a tuxedo. "You, wearing a tux?"

Trent rubs his chin. "Hmm, maybe I just went to a party after."

Vinny wipes at his eyes. "I have to tell Daria." Maybe the phone lines are down. Maybe Jake was doing something Jake would do and knocked out their phone.

"Cool. I'm sure she'll be excited for you."

Vinny knew that Trent was showing about as much excitement as he could. He'd get a better reaction out of Daria.

He tried calling and got an answer. "Stacy? If you are still thinking about wearing the turquoise with the,"

Vinny cuts Quinn off. "Quinn, it's Vinny. Is Daria there?"

"Yeah, like, up in her room."

"Ok, can you get her for me?"

He hears Quinn sigh heavily. "I'm waiting for an important call from Sandi about coordinating for Prom."

Of course the Fashion Club was asked by seniors to the prom. "And I have a date with Daria that is more important that what scrunchy you are wearing."

He swears he could hear the eye roll through the phone. "You don't wear a scrunchy when you go to Prom. Every one knows that!"

"Put Daria on the phone!" Vinny realizes a second too late he shouldn't have yelled when Quinn hangs up the phone on him. "Damn it."

He looks at the clock. Prom started at eight. He figured he'd meet up with Daria around seven and eat first.

"I'll drive Trent's car over there if he remembers that he said I could use it." I better remind him before he drives off.

As seven draws closer, Vinny fixes the bow tie on his tuxedo. "I look smashing." His fake British accent was horrible.

Trent looks at him through the door. "I don't remember wearing a suit."

Vinny turns and sees him. "Huh?"

"I was trying to remember if I went to Prom. Don't think I did."

"I don't remember ever seeing you wearing some thing like this." I bet he wouldn't look half as good as I do. "Got the keys?"

Trent holds up his car keys. "Got it."

"Thanks." Vinny walks over and takes them. "I'll be back, later."

Trent smiles a little. "You two have fun."

I hope. Daria still doesn't seem happy to go to Prom. "We'll try."

Vinny goes down the stairs, and with every step, feels more and more nervous. Daria's been distant and I swear... No, don't think like that. She's not going to break up with you.

He goes out to Trent's car and gets in.

He adjusts the seat, mirror, and takes a deep breath. "It will be fine."

He backs out of the driveway slowly.

He pulls up to the Morgendorffer residence and sees Quinn getting in a limo. "Must be nice to afford that." He parks Trent's car in the driveway but doesn't turn it off. It was always hit or miss on if it would start. Even with the newish battery.

Before he reaches the door, it opens and Daria steps out. What's wrong? She looks upset. Is she mad at me? Has she been thinking about... No, she's not breaking up with you. She loves you. Right?

He opens the car door for her and she gets in wordlessly.

He gets in the driver side and pulls out of the driveway. "Pizza Prince?" No response. "Cluck Burger?" Still nothing. "Chez Pierre?" Nothing.

He pulls over to the side of the road and parks the car. "Daria, what's wrong? If going to Prom upsets you this much we don't have to go."

They sit in silence for a minute before she tells him what was on her mind. "I got in to Bromwell."

Whoa, she got in! "Awesome! I knew you could."

Her face doesn't show excitement. If any thing she looked worse. "I'm not going there. I'm going to Raft instead."

Vinny is a little shocked. "What? But, Bromwell is a better school. Daria, we don't have to go to school in the same city."

Daria hugs herself. "You might not have to, but I do."

"What? Daria, if,"

She cuts him off. "We haven't spent more than a couple days apart since I moved here. Except for last summer when you went to that art commune, I don't think we've spent a month apart my entire time here."

Vinny thinks back on it and realizes she was right. Except for when he went off to the art commune, they might have gone a couple days with out at least talking on the phone.

"I can't imagine going a week or more at a time with out seeing you."

Vinny nods in agreement. "I don't want to sound selfish but I don't want to go that long with out seeing you."

"I'm the one who is selfish. I'd rather go to Raft than Bromwell because I can't be away from you."

How do I respond to that? I love her and want what is best for her. Bromwell is the better school. "Daria, I, um, I love you and I want what is best for you."

"Bromwell is better."

"I also want what makes you happy."

She reaches across the seat and takes his hand in hers. "Being with you makes me happy."

"Then congratulations on making it in to Raft." He leans over and kisses her.

She kisses him back.

They sit in the comfortable silence holding hands.

Vinny finally speaks up. "Want to skip Prom? Go, somewhere, and just be alone?"

"Alone sounds nice."

Vinny pulls out from where they were parked and drives off in to the sunset.

They drive for over an hour before he pulls off on a side road that goes up to a small pond.

Trent and the band had gone here before looking for inspiration and only found frogs.

The two get out of the car and go to the shore of the pond.

Daria tries sitting "This stupid dress isn't the best thing to wear." She continues to mess with the dress.

He jokes she could get more comfortable.

She does, by taking the dress off.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! She still had undergarments on, a tank top with her usual underwear, but this was the most skin she'd ever shown.

He knew his cheeks flushed with color, as his body had other physical reactions.

She gets closer to him and rests her head on his shoulder. "I love you."

He puts his arm around her. "I love you too."

They turn to each other and start to kiss.

They lie down on the grass, getting more comfortable, and the kissing starts to heat up...

The stars shine overhead as the Moon illuminates the pond. Its reflection of the water shimmers as the two teens hold each other.

He feels Daria shiver and holds her closer. "It's starting to get cool out. Should we get dressed?"

He looks down at her again. After their first time, and the second, they had been cuddling on the shore. He wanted to soak in every inch of her in to his memory.

She snuggles closer to him. "In a minute."

He puts his arm over her and holds her closer. "I'm not counting."

Eventually, the chill of the air, and the mosquito swarms, get to them and they get dressed before getting back in Trent's car.

Vinny turns the key and... "Dammit!" He kicks out and tries the key again. "Calm down. Trent said there was a trick to this."

He puts the car in neutral and tries the key again. Nothing.

He turns the blinker on and tries again and the car roars to life. "Stupid car."

"It works." Daria sighs with relief as Vinny is able to pull away from the pond. She didn't think she could handle hitch hiking in her Prom dress or explaining why the car was where it was to her parents...

They pull up to Daria's house and see all the lights are off.

Vinny looks up at the dark, quiet, house. "We should probably be at a party right now."

"I don't feel like going to a party." She leans over the center console to touch his arm.

He turns to her and smiles. "I don't either." They start kissing, and in the privacy and warmth of the car, continue for several minutes.

The next morning, Daria is eating breakfast when Quinn bounces down the stairs. "So, Daria, where did you go last night?"


Quinn shakes her head. "No you didn't. I was there and I never saw you. Or Vinny."

Daria sees Quinn's sly smile and counters. "And?"

"What would mom think of you two sneaking off together?"

Daria surprises Quinn with a smile of her own. "And what would mom think of you tattling again? Be grounded for the last couple weeks of school?"

Quinn narrows her eyes at Daria. "She'd probably be mad she paid for that dress and you didn't even show it off."

Daria tries to keep calm and not worry. If her mother asked, she'd tell the truth. Her and Vinny didn't feel like going to a dance or party after discussing her going to Raft over Bromwell. "Like I'd show off even if I went."

"You know what I mean!"

Daria leans back in her chair. "So I didn't show up. We figured since every one else was at the dance we could go any where with out waiting in line."

"Right, like mom is going to believe that."

"I'll tell mom the truth. You're not mom."

Quinn crosses her arms in defiance. "Every one, even the losers, were at Prom. What could you possibly do? See a movie?"

Daria shakes her head. "Not any of your business." Daria goes back to her cereal as Quinn tries to get to Daria.

Vinny looks at himself in the bathroom mirror after he wakes up. "Last night happened, right?" He splashes water on his face. "Daria chose me, Raft, over Bromwell. She could have gone to Bromwell, a top five, hell, a top three school in the country. She chose me instead."

He splashes more water on his face to hide the fact his eyes were starting to tear up.

He hears a knock on the door and wonders what the time was.

As he leaves the bathroom and goes down the stairs he takes a glimpse at the clock. "Past noon. Might be Daria."

He opens the door and... "Daria, hey."

"Hi." Her sheepish greeting surprises him a little.

"What's up?"

"Um, want to, uh, get some thing to eat? I had cereal for breakfast but I could do lunch."

Vinny smiles. "I haven't eaten yet so I'm down for food. Just give me a minute to change and grab my wallet."

He starts up the stairs and Daria follows. "I'm, uh, going to change clothes."

He sees her cheeks blush. "I know."

"Oh!" Really? Trent might be home. Crap, is my room... Wait, Daria doesn't care if my room is a mess.

"Not like, I mean, ok, um, I wasn't thinking that but, I, uh,"

Vinny tries to save the both of them. "I have boxers on. So uh, you won't be seeing that much."

Daria and Vinny go up the stairs in silence and go to his room so he can change.

Quinn stews as she thinks of a way to bust Daria. She didn't like Vinny after she got in trouble for, borrowing, his money. The months she was grounded and banned from being herself was the worst time of her life.

She knew she couldn't get Vinny in trouble with his parents so she had to try and get Daria in trouble.

She had thought of a few ways to get Vinny banned from the house but she knew no one would believe, well, she knew her other plans wouldn't work.

Quinn goes to her parent's room and hears her mom on the phone. "Eric, it is Sunday. I just, yes, yes I know, so make them call on Monday. I was out with my husband for a lovely brunch. No, yes, tomorrow Eric!"

Quinn waits until she is sure Helen is off the phone before knocking on the door. "Mom?"

"Quinn? What is it honey?"

"Um," Quinn opens the door and lets herself in. "I was worried about Daria."

Helen raises an eye brow. "Why?"

"Well, she never made it to Prom or any of the parties. At least, none of the ones I went to."

"Never made it to Prom? Are you sure you just didn't miss her? You two don't exactly travel in the same social circles."

"God, mom, Daria doesn't have any social circles."


Quinn gets back on track. "Like, I actually looked because it was such a pretty dress. She never showed up and neither did Vinny."

Helen is silent as she ponders what Quinn told her. "Thank you for telling me. And thank you for doing this in private and not at the table. You've learned, a little."

"Like, aren't you going to ground her? You bought her that dress and she didn't even go!"

Helen taps a finger on her arm. "I hoped she would go but if they didn't they didn't. Vinny seemed to really want to go. I wonder..." Helen looks towards the wall that was between her and Daria's room. "I'll have to talk with her."

"She already left to go to Vinny's."

"And how do you know that's where she went?"

"Duh, where else would she go?"

Helen is silent and Quinn eventually slinks away back to her room.

During lunch at Pizza Prince, they see Mack and Jodie and Vinny waves them over to sit with them. "So, how are the Prom King and Queen doing?"

Mack looks at Vinny, to Daria, and then back at Vinny. "How did you know we won? I don't remember seeing you guys there."

Vinny laughs a little. "You guys were Homecoming King and Queen every year since Sophomore year. Of course you won Prom King and Queen."

Jodie smiles a little. "Where did you two go? Please tell me you didn't just sit at home and watch television."

Daria is silent so Vinny continues talking for the both of them. "No. We went and drove around for a bit before going to a pond my brother and his band know about." He looks over to Daria and lightly touches her hand. "We had to talk about her going to Raft."

Mach congratulates her. "Raft? Wow Daria, that's a really good school!"

Jodie tilts her a head a little. "Bromwell rejected you? I figured your amazing grades would have gotten you in."

"I did."

Jodie and Mack lean in as Daria's response was so soft.

She repeats herself. "I did get accepted to Bromwell."

Jodie is confused. "But, then why go to Raft? I mean, like Mack said, it is a really good school but it is no Bromwell."

Vinny answers for her. "Raft is in Boston. Boston Fine Arts College is in Boston."

Both Mack and Jodie put it together.

Mack responds first. "Wow, uh, wow." He turns to Jodie.

Turner and Vance weren't exactly close. Crestmore was closer but it wasn't in the same city. Would she have made the same choice as Daria made?

Jodie looks at Mack and wonders. Could she make that same choice? She loved Mack but could she sacrifice going to the top school, arguably, in the country?

Daria is slightly embarrassed and focuses on her pizza slice.

Vinny can't help but feel the warmth of love in his chest. Or he ate a too large chunk of pizza and the cheese was burning his esophagus.

Daria gets home after eating with the others and sees her mother in the living room. Her first thought is to just go up to her room but her mother stops her.

"So Daria, how was Prom?"

Daria was about to answer with a casual ok but the way her mother looked at her... Damn, she knows. Quinn told her. "I didn't go."


Daria is unsure if her mother was mad or not. "We, Vinny and I, had to talk."


"Bromwell, Raft, college." She decides to keep her answers short and sweet to give as little away as possible.

"I see. Did you two go to a party then?"


Helen keeps her eyes locked on Daria. "What did you do then?"



"At a pond Vinny knew about from the band."

That seemed to throw Helen off. "A pond?"

"Yes, a small body of water." Daria smiles a little as she thought she had thrown her mother off.

"After I bought you that beautiful dress. And paid for the tickets Ms. Li overcharged every one for?"

Daria takes a step back and rethinks her strategy. "I never wanted to go. Vinny was the one who did. I thought it was more important to talk about my decision to go to Raft over Bromwell than watch people making fools of themselves."

Helen nods her head slightly. "I'm sure he approved of that choice."

Daria simply shrugs her shoulders in response. Please end this interrogation.

"Well, I'm a little upset you didn't go to your Prom. It is a major moment for one growing up. But," Helen pauses slightly. "I understand. I was hoping Vinny could convince you to go. What you had to talk about was more important."

"It was."

After a few more seconds of silence, Daria walks up the stairs to her room.

The days, and then weeks, passed quickly. I'm getting closer and closer to getting out of Lawndale. Vinny's worry starts to boil over and distract him.

He can't paint, or sculpt, or do any thing artistically to express his anxiety. What am I going to do?

He calls Daria but gets a busy signal. "Dammit Quinn, get off the phone."

Trent hears him as he walks down the stairs. "Yo, Vinny, what's up?"

Vinny sighs in frustration. "I'm stuck."

"Need a ride?"

"Not stuck like that. I can't think, can't paint, can't create."

"Oh." Trent rubs his chin a little. "Why?"

"Graduation is this weekend. Soon I'll be out of high school. I'll be eighteen, out of school, and all of summer to do..." Vinny shakes his head. "Nothing. I can't focus. I've never not been in school."

"You've had summer breaks before."

"Not as an adult and not without the dread of school coming."

Trent gives him a look. "Aren't you going to school still?"

"No, I'm going to BFAC. BFAC is something I chose. I choose to go there. It is an art school. Yes there are still regular classes but it isn't school. It is creativity that I've only found in one class, with one teacher, through most of my life." Vinny tries to think of a better way to explain it to Trent. "Every summer had a deadline before my time to create ended. Now, it doesn't. When I go to BFAC I can not only continue to paint and sculpt and mold out of class but I can do it in class. There isn't an entire eight hour block of my day taken away from creating."

"Huh, like, no boundaries are actually stifling you."

"Exactly! Before I had to try and paint or weld as much as possible because once school started I'd have limited time. Now, now I can keep at it even when in class. So I look at my canvas and feel no urgency to spread the brush across it. Without that thought in the back of my mind I can't see the next creation." His shoulders slump. "I have school tomorrow but it isn't the same. It is mostly filler, getting ready for graduating."

Vinny looks at Trent for an answer. Trent's response is a simple shoulder shrug. "What do you do when Spiral gets stuck?"

"Fight, smoke, drink, until we relax and it comes back to us."

I don't have any one to fight with and I'm not about to smoke or drink. Trent actually yelled at me when he caught me smoking his stuff before. I was only fifteen then. Well... "Have anything to smoke?"

"I'm tapped out. Jesse usually has it."

He didn't say no. "I'll, uh, buy burgers if you take me over?"


Perks of being an adult, I guess.

The last week of Lawndale High was almost a blur for Vinny. He signed a few yearbooks, got others to sign his, and was surprised by some of the people who asked.

The biggest surprise was Stacy. The last time they talked, he was on the track team. She always did seem the nicest out of the group. He did notice he had trouble signing hers as hers was packed with signatures.

Even more surprising... "Do you know where Daria is?"

"Uh, I think at her locker." Why does she want to know? Is she getting Daria to sign hers?

"Ok, thanks!" Stacy skipped off down the hallway.

"Wow, I think she is." It takes all kinds. If only she hadn't been so hung up on the popularity thing... He shakes his head of the idea of dating Stacy.

Before he and Daria he would have had no issue playing out the entire scenario in his head. Sketching or painting down certain parts for inspiration.

Now... It couldn't have sparked a flame if it were doused in gasoline next to a lit torch. He had all the fire he wanted from Daria.

He was surprised, but happy, that Trent made it for his graduation. At least one member of the Lane clan could make it.

He was even more surprised when Daria won an award and had to give a speech.

As she finishes her speech he can't help but smile. Pizza does make every thing better.

After graduation, he finds his brother with the Morgendorffer family. "Hey Trent," He turns to the others. "So, what did you think of Daria's speech?"

Helen smiled and said some pleasantries.

Jake's "It was great!" response was expected.

Quinn's silence was also expected.

Daria stood next to him and touched his hand lightly. He took her hand in his as a group of fellow graduates walked over.

Brittany was in the lead of Mack and Jodie. "Wow Daria! You got a real trophy and everything!"

"Yes, I did."

Jodie was next. "Congratulations Daria."

Two Alpha Women square off for the last time.

"At least I wasn't valedictorian."

Jodie and Daria share a smile.

Both are incredibly smart and strong in their own right. Maybe they realize that now.

Mach shakes Vinny's hand. "Now what are you going to do?"

Vinny smiles. "I'm not sure yet. I have all of summer to do what I want before going to BFAC."

He was still struggling to paint and sculpt as he no longer had that pressure of school on him. He knew when he went to BFAC he could continue creating as much as he wanted.

"Congrats dude, that's a big fancy art school, right?"

Vinny nods. "Vance, right?"

Mack nods in response. "Great economics program and so so football program."

Vinny looks around. "Speaking of football, where's the QB?"

Mack and Jodie share a look before Mack speaks. "He uh, gets to play for the Lawndale Lions an extra year."

Daria and Vinny's eyes go wide as they realize what that meant.

Vinny is able to speak first. "Ms. Li shenanigans or did he earn it himself?"

Mack shrugs his shoulders.

Daria continues Vinny's train of thought. "Wouldn't be surprising that Ms. Li would keep her star QB for another year."

Mack nods in response. "No, it wouldn't, but I think he earned his bad grades on his own."

The four take a moment of silence for their fellow student who wasn't graduating with them.

Helen invites Trent and Vinny to join them for dinner. "Cool, thanks Mrs. M."

Vinny takes a look at Trent before responding. "Yeah, thanks Helen."

She takes them out to a steak house a few miles out of town. "Order any thing you want, it is on me."

Vinny is a little uncomfortable with it but... Man, the steak looks good. It all looks good. Helen said order any thing...

Vinny is a little embarrassed as Trent eats a little sloppy but no one seemed to mind.

Jake was all smiles as he finishes his mashed potato. "This is great! Nice to have men at the table with me. Hope we get to do this again soon."

Helen reaches over and places a hand over his. "Yes Jake, this is nice. I too," She looks at Daria and then Vinny. "Hope we can do this again."

Why did she look at me like that? I'm always up for free food.

"Maybe with Mr. and Mrs. Lane next time."

Vinny swallows an Eep! Damn, she wants me to invite my parents to dinner with every one.

"Uh," He pulls at his collar nervously. "So, yeah, next time they're in town, I'll ask."

"That would be wonderful."

I could just hope neither of them come home over the summer. That actually isn't so weird.

As Helen drives everyone back to town, Daria leans her head on Vinny's shoulder as they hold hands. This feels good. It feels right.

He leans against her, when she whispers. "What if I staid at your house tonight?"

He jerks away a little.

Helen notices in the rearview mirror. "Are you two alright back there?"

"Uh, yes." Am I?

Vinny leans close to Daria to whisper back. "Are you nuts? Your mom will never let you."

Daria responds after biting her lower lip. "I'm an adult. I, I want to spend the night with you."

Oh hell, oh hell, oh hell! Helen will freak. Does she know? Did Daria tell her about Prom night? If she doesn't, she will if Daria spends the night. Not that we have to. We haven't since. Oh hell, why is Daria doing this to me?

"I wouldn't mind either but she'll never let you with out freaking out and you still live at home."

"Then spend the night at my house. In my room."

We don't have to do any thing. Just cuddling would be nice. "We'll have to keep the door open."

"I know. I just," Daria takes his hand in hers. "I want to spend the night with you."

Vinny kisses her on the cheek before responding. "Ok, at your house. If your mom lets us."

Vinny holds her hand, sweating a little from nervousness, but remains calm as they pull up to the school where Trent's car was parked.

Trent gets out, thanks Helen for dinner, and turns to Vinny. "You coming?"

"Um," He looks at Daria.

Daria turns to her mother. "Mom, um, would it be ok if Vinny spent the night, um, with me." Before Helen can respond Daria spits out a quick. "Door open."

Helen's face shows the concern of a mother, the worry of letting her daughter have her boyfriend spend the night. It changes as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Fine, door open."

"Thank you mom."

Vinny is too nervous to say any thing.

Trent surprises Vinny when he speaks. "I'll bring, like, clothes, toothbrush, over from the house."

I didn't even think of that.

"Thanks Trent."

"No problem Vinny." Trent messes with Vinny's hair before walking over to his car.

Helen locks eyes with Vinny as soon as Vinny looks at her. "Vinny, you know I like you and trust you. Daria loves you very much."

He sees Daria about to speak back and knows it was probably something that would get the invitation rescinded. "I know and I hope to prove that we are two mature adults who can spend the night together under your roof without making you worry." He glances sideways at Daria hoping it was the right thing to say.

Daria's mouth was open, her words caught on the tip of her tongue, when she closes her mouth.


The Sun sets, the Morgendorffer's ready for bed.

Vinny stares at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. "This is going to be fine. We're just sleeping in the same bed together." Nothing can happen with Helen and Jake and Quinn in the same house.


Vinny jumps when Quinn pounds on the door. "What?"

"Some of us need to use the facilities!"

Why is she always so hostile towards me? I've done nothing to her. "Sorry, finishing brushing my teeth."

He runs the water for a minute before leaving the bathroom and walking to Daria's room.

He is nervous as he sits on Daria's bed.

Daria seems nervous too. "Um, Daria," He reaches over and covers her hand with his. "Thank you for inviting me over."

She squirms a little. "Um, you're welcome. I, um," She moves a little closer to him.

Helen clears her throat as she knocks on the open door. "You two need anything?"

Vinny is speechless as he tries to look anywhere that wasn't where Helen or Daria were.

Daria gets out a short response. "We're fine."

"Ok, you two have a good night. If you're up in time I'll be making pancakes."

Ooo, pancakes! Vinny shakes his head a little. "Um, I'll try. Lane's aren't known for waking up early."

Helen nods in response, places a hand on the doorknob, and closes the door until it is just barely open.

Vinny sees the light coming from the hallway. It was a sliver barely illuminating until Helen turned the hallway light off. She closed the door. Not all the way but enough to give us privacy.

He feels Daria next to him shifting.

He turns on to his side and looks at her face. It is so rare to see her without her glasses on. "Goodnight Daria." He leans forward and kisses her.

She kisses him back before saying goodnight herself and cuddling up closer to him.

He can't fall asleep as he feels her next to him.

He thinks back on the first day he saw Daria.

She made a snarky comment to Mr. DeMartino. Who knew noticing she had a brain would lead to this?

Thinking of when they went to Brittany's party and how it was just two people hanging out. It wasn't a date.

Thinking of when that stupid jock oaf punched him. Helen finding out about how little his parents were there. How Daria reacted..."We're just friends! Why can't you get that through your head? I don't date, and even if I did, I sure as hell wouldn't date Vinny. We, are, just, friends. I would never date him."

How wrong she was.

Going to the wedding with Daria. Seeing her in the dress Helen picked out.

All the times they talked around it. Danced around the topic of dating.

In the mountains, freezing in a blizzard, wondering if they'd make it. How close the two had come to confessing their feelings.

And yet... It took Daria kissing Tom to bring everything to the front.

A couple of months away at the art colony.


Vinny clenches his eyes shut tightly trying to shut his brain down so he could sleep.

Instead all he could do was think of Daria. How much his life had changed.

How he was going to college in Boston. How she was because that's where he was going.

Would he have felt the need to go to college if it weren't for Daria? He wouldn't have gone up to Boston and checked out BFAC. He wouldn't have felt the need to go.

Would he have even graduated? He struggled to keep his grades at a C before her. He might have been in the same boat as Kevin.

He holds her closer to him taking comfort in how his life was now.

How much he owed to taking a chance in Self Esteem class to talk with her.

To hanging out with her.

Being friends with her.

How much the life of Vinny Lane changed because of one act leading to another.

If the Morgendorffer family hadn't moved to Lawndale...

If Daria hadn't been in the Self Esteem class...

If he didn't take the chance to talk with her...

If she hadn't given him a chance to be friends with her...

He wouldn't be Vinny Lane.

A/N And so... Vinny Lane is over! Between work, friends and... HTC Vive! I've been distracted. The Vive, if you don't know, is a virtual reality headset. It is AMAZING.

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this series and if you have the chance, check out Finn Morgendorffer by a different author.

It ends mid series, and sadly, no updates on it or any other series by the author since 2010. It is a little weird that they seemed to write a TON and then suddenly just stopped. I hope nothing happened but the sudden way they stopped writing everything... Car accident? Heart Attack? Or, if American, mass shooting victim? I hope not, but tried contacting the author hoping for a response. If not... RIP, and check out the series.