She could hear the sweet melody traveling from the floor above her, could feel it caress her skin making the fine hairs stick up. This was one of her favourite pastimes, listening to her neighbour play guitar and sing her heart out.

It started one particular bad night, her Uncles were fighting and she needed to escape so she stepped out onto the balcony and that's when she heard her. The beautiful girl from the apartment above her. The girl, Holly as her Uncles told her, was a few years older than herself and way out of her league. Holly was gorgeous with long flowing chestnut hair, tanned skin as clear as any teen could hope for, a smile Gail had found herself lost in every time she spotted the brunette. On top of killer looks and grades, Holly also wrote songs. Soul hugging songs that had Gail captivated in a matter of seconds. Her voice washed over every inch of Gail, soothing her into a peace she couldn't find anywhere else.

Gail's Uncle Jake had invited Holly over for something -she couldn't remember because she had been concentrating too hard on breathing and keeping her cool-, probably picking up on her crush and pushing it along. After a few hours of not talking and being unbelievably awkward Gail and Holly hit it off. A friendship like none they'd ever had before blossomed. They started hanging out all the time, Holly helped Gail with her math and Gail taught Holly how to play video games. Holly was the first person she felt that got her, like actually understood her. The brunette would call her out on her shit and get her to talk, to vent, and in return she did the same. Holly was also the first person who didn't seem phased by her harsher approach to human contact, and instead found it amusing and charming.

Gail's feelings evolved alongside their friendship, started with admiration and molded into something indescribable. Holly's touch sang a shiver up and down every part of her being, the sound of her voice opened the gate to billions of fireflies in Gail's stomach -a fluttering fire-, and her smile was something she's vowed to make happen as much and as often as she possibly could. So when Holly came over with tear stricken cheeks and puffy eyes she wanted to violently murder whoever caused such a gentle soul to be sad.

"What's wrong?" Gail shot up from her lounge on her favourite seat in the living room.

Holly only shook her head and hurriedly took the last few steps into Gail's space.

She didn't hesitate to open her arms and crash their bodies together, holding Holly's waist tightly. Gail guided them into her room after the muffled confession of her break up.

Holly had curled up in her lap, her face flush against Gail's neck as she cried. Gail wasn't sure what to do, she'd never seen the brunette so distraught, and all her body was telling her to do was to find Holly's asshole of an ex and make him pay for each tear that now soaked her shirt. But that wouldn't comfort Holly so she stayed and held her well into the night, letting silence fall as the last of her sniffles faded. If she hadn't been sure before, she was sure then, she was in love with her best friend.

Gail spent many nights in pain listening to Holly singing sadly from the balcony above her, she'd contemplated going up there to stop the gut wrenching melodies but she could never bring herself to do it. Holly needed to get it out and Gail craved to hear her sing, so she'd curl up on the porch swing, close her eyes and picture the sweet crooked grin Holly dawned when she sang to Gail.

It was a magical sight, to watch the brunettes slender fingers glide up and down the neck of her beat up guitar, to be able to unabashedly stare at Holly as she passionately sang with her eyes closed. It brought a new rush to the activity, to be able to watch her so intently without it being questioned.

It became routine. Night after night. Her Uncle Jake would join her when he'd notice an especially pained grimace, he'd sit next to her, place a blanket over both of their shoulders and wait for her to lay her jean in his lap. Neither would say a word or share a look, none of that was needed, and she appreciated it. Gail wouldn't be able to except the gesture if it went beyond a silent act of company.

Her Uncle Jake and his husband, Charlie had taken her in after her parents threw her out of the house. When she came out they seemed fine, a little confused but excepting, then Jake and Charlie came over for the bi-monthly Peck dinner and all he'll let loose. Eline blamed them for Gail's sexuality and wouldn't listen to the three of them explain how utterly stupid that was, how if that was true then shouldn't Steve also be gay? The night ended in a stern 'I never want to see any of you again' and a door closed on Gail and her Uncles.

One night the set list changed, Holly didn't sing, only hummed. It was broken down, she'd play for a bit then suddenly stop and replay, stop for a minute and start again, repeat. Gail was intrigued, Holly had to have been writing a new song, but this was different from the other times she'd heard this process. Holly never hummed when writing a song.

Weeks passed before Gail finally heard the song, the soft and heart tugging song. It was accidental really, she'd gone out to grab her book when she heard the gentle pluck of Holly's guitar.

But I can't help falling in love with you.

Gail didn't have time to be crushed because it was the first time in weeks she'd been embraced by the familiar tingle of the brunettes music, the first time where she didn't feel her throat close and her heart in her gut. It was that beautifully sad romantic movie that kills you but you watch over and over because somehow it still makes warm inside. She was so consumed with the warm glow that she couldn't be bothered to be crushed by who it was for. Thinking about how Holly, the person Gail was sure she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, was in love with her ex could be properly felt later in the safety of her blankets.

Gail wanted to cancel her plans with Holly that evening, the song earlier that afternoon had really done her in and she wasn't up to stare into Holly's eyes and face the fact that there wasn't anything that would ever happen because she was in love with someone else. But it was Holly's turn to pick the movie and she promised to make Gail her favourite dinner. So she dragged her feet up to the next floor and begrudgingly started their movie night.

Holly knew something was up, the blonde had been acting weird and mopier than usual, Gail didn't even fight when she took the good seat on the couch. Gail didn't laugh at the parts in the movie she always did, she didn't make fun of the idiots, she didn't eat dessert and she only made eye contact once the entire night.

"Gail, what's up?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired. Maybe I should get going." Gail said shortly and stood.

Holly grabbed her wrist as she went to pass her. "You're not tired, I know tired Gail and this isn't it. Please tell me what's wrong."

Gail looked deeply into the brown eyes that she'd come to know better than the alphabet, they were filled with concern and worry.

She let out a reluctant breath.

"I really am tired, Hol, and I'd like to just go to bed." She managed to reply through the lump growing in her throat. Gail was close to just telling her, to let it out because she'd been bottling it up for so long she was ready to explode. She needed to get out before she fucked up the best thing that's ever happened to her.

"Can I show you something first?" Holly asked hopefully, her voice timid.

Gail sighed, she couldn't say no. "Yeah."

Holly loosened her grip on Gail's wrist and slid her hand down to entwine their fingers. It sent a shiver down Gail's spine, like it always did, which then brought on a ripple of pain. It was getting harder and harder for her to be around Holly and keep her cool.

Holly sat her on her bed and gave her a 'stay' look before turning around and swinging her guitar over her shoulder.

Gail's eyes widened, Holly was private about her music and had only done this a handful of times, heck the brunette blushed and diverted her eyes at the mere mention of her hobby. So the fact that she'd dragged Gail into sitting and listening to one meant it was a big deal, the song mattered and Gail had a feeling she knew what it was. It was going to be so she could give the all go to Holly and the brunette could then be confident when she sang it to her ex.

"I wrote a new song, as you've probably guessed, and I want you to hear it." Holly barely looked at her as she adjusted herself across from Gail. "It's called, Can't Help Falling In Love."

She was nervous, Gail could tell that from a mile away, and it was endearing. She wanted to bolt, to run away from this situation as fast as possible but those incredible brown eyes held her in place. Then Holly closed her eyes and started plucking the strings softly, taking Gail to her happy place and she was instead held by anticipation. Anticipation for the embrace of Holly's music, anticipation for a face to face performance.

Wise man say.

The hairs on the back of her neck raised as goose bumps covered her body.

Only fools rush in.

Gail wanted to close her eyes, needed to, she knew what was coming up. But Holly held her captive. She couldn't take her eyes off of this moment, this rare occasion that she got to witness her peace face to face, no matter how much it hurt.

But I can't help falling in love with you.

Gail's stomach flipped. She'd been expecting for the song, that line, to feel differently. Gail was expecting it to be the thing that buried her in her grave, but it didn't feel that way. She wasn't sure what it was about this time that was different, what changed in the way Holly sang this time, but it was nothing like she'd heard earlier.

Shall I stay.

It was raw, like Holly was putting everything she had into it. It was getting her high on something she didn't know existed. Gail couldn't even decipher between the feelings anymore, they all morphed into a warm glow in her chest.

Would it be a sin.

Holly suddenly opened her eyes and met her gaze. She'd never seen Holly truly sing with her eyes open and now that she has she never wanted it to stop. Holly's eyes filled with as much emotion as her voice gave, as much as Gail was drowning in. It wasn't like anything Gail had seen. There was adoration and awe, there was fear and worry, hope and yearning.

If I can't help falling in love with you.

Love. There was love too. It undeniable and all consuming, it stopped the rush of traffic just outside the open window, it stopped the hum of the building, it rang in her ears. The song was for her. Holly was singing about falling in love, and it was for her. Holly Stewart, the girl she'd been lusting after for a year was singing a song about falling in love with her, Gail Peck.

"You haven't blinked in seventy five seconds and it's starting to freak me out, so please just say something or do something." Holly panicked.

Gail blinked, she hadn't noticed the burning in her eyes or when Holly finished the song. The world around sped back up, bringing her back to the room.

"I don't know what to say." She admitted quietly, still she'll shocked at the turn of events.

"You can tell me what you're thinking, I can see your mind working a mile a minute." Holly suggested with attempted humour.

"I'm freaking out"

Holly looked to her lap, letting her hair cascade around herself to hide the hurt that shot through her. She knew just singing the song to Gail was a bad idea, knew it was too much, too risky. But something took over her, she got a rush of confidence at the same time she felt like exploding, because all she wanted to do was hold the blonde and have her know exactly how she felt. Gail had been distant and sad, and she wanted to make it better by showering her in love. But Holly couldn't do that because Gail didn't know about her feelings.

She had gone over the consequences many times over the past few nights, thought of every possibility and all ways she could take it. Holly prepared as best she could for this moment, a moment she'd been dreaming of for months, but the way it hurt and the intensity was something she couldn't have imagined. She told herself of the probabilities, Gail feeling the same way was a long shot and she had whispered it time after time, stomping on herself to grow some sort of resilience for when/ if that was the case. But this, this knife digging and twisting in her gut, the bullet wound gaping in her chest, this ice in her lungs was like nothing she hoped to survive.

"No no." A hand was on her hand for a split second to reassure before it thought better of it's action. "Not like that, not a bad freak out."

Holly's gaze whipped up to meet tender blue eyes. "I'm freaking out because my head is trying to wrap around the idea of you liking me back. I've never even played with that idea, you're Holly Stewart, how could you possibly look at me as anything but unworthy. I'm freaking out because for some godforsaken reason I've been lucky enough to have you feel the same way I feel about you. Having the coolest chick ever sing a song about falling in love with you is a lot to process, Nerd."

Her lips quivered, unsure of what she'd just heard but from what she thought it was better than she could have hoped. "You like me?"

Gail gave her an adoring and slightly amused grin. "Yes, Holly, I like you."

Her heart raced and she broke out into a smile that had her cheeks hurting within seconds. She liked Gail and Gail liked her.

"So, are you going to kiss me or just sit there smiling like an idiot?"

"Why do I have to do all the work, why don't you kiss me?" Holly questioned happily, placing her guitar beside her bed in preparation.

"Because you're the one who confessed their love like we were in some cheesy film." Gail shifted onto her knees, inching closer with each word. "And I've had to endure plenty of said movies to know that the one who confesses like you have, is the one to initiate the kiss. Besides you know how I feel about work."

"You say that like I'm the one to pick out those movies." Holly was fighting to keep her breathing under control, to keep as cool as Gail seemed to be. But it was getting harder and harder as the blondes eyes grew dark and she could feel her breath begin to mix with her own.

"Can you please just kiss me already" Gail was growing impatient and it showed in the whine in her voice. Holly smirked, oh she was really going to enjoy this power she seemed to have over the blonde, she placed a hand on either cheek and stared into the cobalt eyes that bore into hers. She revealed in the smooth pale skin under her palms, in the growing heat. Holly closed her eyes and pulled Gail in closer, bringing her to just a brush of their lips.

"Only because you asked so nicely." Holly barely whispered.

She waited another beat, letting the blonde stew for one more second, then brought their lips together in a gentle dance. Her lungs stopped working and her head spun, Holly melted completely. Gail found her waist and wrapped her arms around her, pulling Holly up to her knees so they were level. She ran the tips of her fingers along Gail's jaw, feeling how easily it moved in sync with hers. Gail then traced her tongue across Holly's bottom lip, asking for permission to explore further, and how could Holly not say yes? She hummed when their tongues met, the taste of cherry coke and something uniquely Gail filled her taste buds with delight.

A throat cleared near by, startling both teens into jumping apart. Which made Holly yelp in pain as Gail's ring got caught in her hair -when did her hands move from Holly's waist to her hair?- and tugged when they pulled apart.

"Sorry, sorry." Gail apologized as she carefully untangled her fingers from Holly's soft curls.

"Sorry to interrupt but Uncle Charlie was wondering if you were going home or staying the night. I'm assuming you're staying?" Holly's younger brother asked, way too amused and smug for Gail's liking.

Gail looked to Holly to see if that was alright before turning back to Jeremy and nodding.

"I'm not going to say anything to mom tonight, take it as the gift it is, I expect no hanky panky as I am in the next room and that's discussing." Jeremy pointed to both individually and made a move to close the door behind him. "Also you both owe me and thank you for the twenty you just made me. Goodnight ladies."

Holly blinked at the closed door. What just happened?

"I love and hate that little twerp so much." Gail grumbled then turned to the brunette.

"What just happened?"

"You and I were making out, Germy walked in, ruined the moment and promised not to tell your mom for tonight."

Gail grew hesitant at the lack of a response from Holly. "I can go if you want, we can regroup tomorrow or whatever. Tonight's been crazy."

She slid off the bed and started for the door when Holly grabbed her wrist for the second time that night.

"Don't go."

"Look it's fine, Hol. A fuck ton happened and it's cool to have some time to process, I get it, really." Gail reassured, no matter how much she wished to stay.

Holly pulled her closer, happy to have the small height difference, entwined their fingers and gave her a soft kiss. One to show how much she wanted her to stay, to show that she wasn't regretting a thing.

"But I want to keep doing this." She kissed Gail again. "And then I want to finally fall asleep cuddled into you. Okay?"

"Fine, but only because your lips are super soft and taste like twizzlers." Gail mocked giving in.

A/N: Hope it wasn't as shit as I think it is