Hey everyone! So here's the story. I was drinking some eggnog on Christmas with a cat in my lap and I was trying to come up with the next chapter for my Naruto story. But alas, a plot bunny had been born when my eye traveled over to my bookshelf and saw my Hellsing collection.

So just to get this out of my head, here is a little something I call 'Sisters Bond'. (I'll probably change the title if people want me to continue. I just came up with it.)


It was impossible.

Integra Hellsing stared at the slip of paper with disbelief and a tinged of rage. An old ratty letter laid out on her desk, a slightly faded photograph and an official slip of paper sitting next to it. In the photograph was a disheveled comely brunette with brown eyes. Her red lips were parted into a slight smile as she gazed at the camera. But it was the baby in her arms that Integra stared at. Wispy pale blonde hair barely covered the large head of the newborn wrapped in pink. The little girl slept peacefully in her mother's arms, tiny hands clenched up against her chest.

"It's not possible. He would never-" She snarled, the grip she had on her cigar tightening to the point of breaking it.

"The letter and birth certificate seem to disagree, my lady," Walter said calmly from her side. He watched his mistress carefully, noting the glare she was giving the lovely woman in the photo. "It appears your father did have… well, indulged himself while his time in the States several years ago. I doubt the lady knew who he really was and the child was most likely the results of a brief affair."

"Nonsense," Integra snapped at him. "My father wasn't foolish enough to let such lowly desires get to him. He could never betray my mother's memory in such a way."

Walter frowned at her but continued. "According to the birth certificate, Mirabelle Anders was born to Stephanie Anders on March 16, 1982. Although hospital records say she was born prematurely, she was deemed a clean bill of health. Fast-forward 16 years, Stephanie Anders fell ill and passed a year later. Mirabelle was sent to a foster home and attends a local school. However, Ms. Stephanie's lawyer found this letter she had written to your father but never sent. This lead to checking the birth certificate, and the lawyer felt it was right to inform any surviving relatives about Miss Mirabelle and her current status."

"And I am the only one," Integra muttered, lifting her cigar to her mouth and taking a deep inhale. Blowing out the smoke, she turned to Walter. "Do they expect me to take custody?"

"As they have not informed Miss Mirabelle of having a half sister, if you have no desire to adopt her, then she will remain with her foster family without knowing of your existence."

Entwining her fingers together and pressing lips against the glove, Integra leaned heavily on her elbows as she stared at the photo. The woman looked rather happy as she held her child, Mirabelle. Integra hadn't gotten the chance to meet her mother, the woman dying shortly after childbirth. One could say she was almost jealous of her newly discovered half sister. She had the chance of having a mother, no pressure of being head of an organization and ever having to deal with an ancient vampire at the tender age of 13.

Integra chewed her lip, her eyes not leaving the photo. A sister. Technically a half sister, but a sister all the same.

"Well, well, well. It seems the great Arthur Hellsing falls prey to the lustful desires of man," a deep voice purred from the shadows. Both the master and butler turned to see a long booted leg step out from the darkness, a tall lanky body following. Dressed in a charcoal suit and leather-riding boots, the vampire's thick red frock over coat swirled around him, red cravat fluttering around his neck. His wide floppy fedora was missing, as well his goggles. Vibrant red eyes glowed as his lips pulled back into a wicked grin.

"Little mistress, hm? Born out of wedlock no less," Alucard smirked, striding towards Integra and Walter. Reaching out, he picked the picture. "What to do, what to do? An illegitimate child created from a father who comes from a line of vampire hunters. My, what scorn she would receive if she were to come here. The love child of the Hellsing family."

The Head of the organization rolled her eyes. "I do not need your input about the situation, Alucard,"she told her servant, taking another inhale of her cigar. "Where is the Police Girl?" She asked, turning the topic of the conversation around.

At the mention of his own servant, the master vampire rolled his red orbs. "In her room. The Police Girl has been refusing blood and is becoming weak. It is rather a waste of my time waiting for her to accept what she has become."


"Sir Integra," Walter interrupted. "I know you are rather displeased with the news of Miss Anders but you must decide on whether or not you will become her guardian."

The 22 year-old woman turned her attention back to the photo, her lips pursed as she stared intently. The result of her father's falling into temptation.

Mirabelle Anders….

"You have a sister?"

"Wow. Always wanted a sister."

"A sister. In England. Think she knows Tom Hiddleston?"

"How would her sister know Tom Hiddleston?"

"Well, technically she has a half sister, Kay."

"Hush Annie. Belle?"

The seventeen-year-old blonde looked from the piano to 5 girls that stared at her expectantly. She shifted her weight uncomfortably. "Well, that's what Mom's lawyer says."

Mirabelle, fondly known as Belle, was a pretty girl. Lightly tanned skin, silky pale blonde wavy hair brushed mid back, blue eyes framed by long dark lashes, a pert nose, and soft pink lips. Every since she was little, she had been told that she favored her father in looks by her mother.

She hated it.

Her 'father' was a businessman from England who had a night of fun with her mother and then left, leaving only his name and a new life growing inside in unsuspecting Stephanie. She never saw him again.

Her five friends crowded around the expectantly, waiting for a response. All six girls were gathered in the music room for practice, the rest of the club away for the break. Chloe Martin, Jessica Wilson, Hope Masterson, Annie Smith, and Kayla May were her best friends and loved singing and dancing, just as much as her.

"You don't sound too sure about that, Belle," Hope said gently, curling a brunette curl around her index finger. Warm hazel eyes watched the blonde with concern.

Belle looked down at her hands, running the tips of her fingers along the ivory keys. "She wants me to come live in England," she said quietly. "So I'd be leaving all of this behind. You guys, the club…. everything."

Chloe walked around the piano and sat down with her, wrapping her arm around Belle's shoulder. "Well, we could always visit."

"If we can convince our parents to go visit another country," Kayla added, pushing her black curls out of her face.

"I'm sure we can think of something to get them let us go," Annie chimed in. "And if they don't we can always make a break for it."

Belle gave the red hair an exasperated look. "You are not running to England to visit me," She scolded.

Jessica reached over and took one of Belle's hands. "Don't you worry, Belle. We'll figure something out."

That was two days ago. A day since she had said goodbye to her friends.

Belle stared out the window of the plane sadly.

A private plane.

Apparently her half-sister is rich enough to have her own plane. Great. Shifting her weight in the white leather seat, Belle clasped her hands together nervously.

"Excuse me miss," a flight attendant approached her seat. "We'll be landing in a few minutes."

"Oh thank you," Belle said, giving her a weak smile before looking out the window again. A sister. What did she look like? Did she hate her? Would she accept her with welcoming arms? What if her father was there? What if he had been married when he met Belle's mother? Good lord what if he was still married? What would the wife think? Belle slouched deeper into her seat at every thought, butterflies darting around her stomach. She ached for her mom, wanting to see her at the piano and hear her singing. She wanted to walk into their old apartment and smell Mom's delicious chocolate chip cookies with milk that she had dyed blue with food coloring.

She wanted Mom back.

A sudden ding brought her out of her thoughts as the flight attendant's voice come over the PA, announcing to put on her seatbelt as they prepared to land.

Belle let out a shakey exhale, trying to gather her wits about her the plane began to land in England. Her eyes flew open in horror.

She forgot to mention that she had brought her pet chinchilla Kiwi with her.

Tell me what you all think! Hate it? Love it? Want me to forget this story and get on with my Naruto one? Review!