Author's note: I just finished my Halloween Sirius story today, so I'm going to complete this one next and thanks to Akatsuki'sBloodyNekoNinja, belieber twihard, JenniseiBlack (who writes lots of awesome sirmione so you should check her out), Fl0ra, guests, chemicalflashes, violetbuckbeak (thank you again), sparkyshe-demon, hillstar, sereniterose, Padfoot120, Hollowg1rl, guest, Hollowg1rl and anjaquickert9 for reviewing and bringing this story to my attention. This story's a bit of a mess though so I need to rewrite it and I will try to get a beta to help me. anyways... wish us all luck and happy ho ho ho ho-lidays, :D

If you spot any typos, let me know so I can fix them, thanks :D

Also this story originally was part of a prequel to my Bookworm and the Azkaban Escapee novel back in 2014 but it was a complete mess so it ended up splitting into three different sirmione stories...yup writing can be difficult sometimes!

Chapter 1: Christmas at Grimmauld Place


"God rest ye, merry hippogriffs" - Sirius Black


Sirius' first Christmas at Grimmauld Place after two decades was an occasion to remember. It was a bittersweet privilege that he could welcome the werewolf Remus, the muggleborn Hermione and the blood traitor Weasley clan to his ancestral home for the holidays. Sirius was in such a good mood lately that nothing that normally bothered him about Grimmauld Place could bring him down. The shrunken house-elf heads, that normally made him feel disgusted, were now cheerfully decorated with Father Christmas hats and beards. And instead of screaming back at his mother's portrait, he merely chuckled at her over-the-top supremacist hate speeches. It certainly made Remus laugh whenever he heard himself referred to as the "degenerate flea bag".

Although the Ministry attack on Arthur Weasley had been shocking and disturbing, Sirius could not help feeling secretly glad that because of it Harry and the entire Weasley clan were now staying at Grimmauld Place for the entire holidays. Somehow the idea of spending Christmas with just Buckbeak, and Remus, didn't compare to celebrating with the whole gang. In the days leading up to the 24th, Sirius could not help loudly singing carols as he went about decorating the house.

It was the first proper Christmas for either Sirius and Harry. Sirius remembered Christmas with his own family as a stately affair, an opportunity used to display wealth and status, without any real warmth to the celebrations. Regulus and he were expected to behave as perfect little purebloods, "examples of good breeding", in front of guests. And then for fourteen years, he had no Christmas at all while being a prisoner and then a fugitive.

Harry hadn't had much better luck with the Dursleys. That muggle family never wanted the wizard-born Harry and never made the least effort to pretend they wanted him. Their cold, shriveled up hearts could not bother to even pretend to care about Harry for a few hours on Christmas. For Harry to spend at least one Christmas with any type of a loving family member, even if Sirius was only a godfather, was a big deal to him. And Sirius did his best to make their Christmas at Grimmauld Place an unforgettable one. He even placed a stocking by the fireplace for Buckbeak and filled it with dead rats and snakes. Everyone was disgusted by it, especially Molly Weasley, but they didn't have the heart to take it down.

On Christmas Eve, they all sat around the dining table with silly, tinsel hats and overfull stomachs from a Christmas feast that could've knocked out an elephant. Even Ron, if that was possible, looked full. In the background, tiny flying Santa and reindeer ornaments whizzed through the air, while the whole house had been enchanted to fall with softly twirling snowflakes. Every time Sirius looked around the table, Nymphadora was making another funny face or otherwise changing her hair in some way. He had only just met the daughter of his cousin Andromeda Black, but the clumsy metamorphmagus was beginning to grate on his nerves. Not only was she clumsy but she was impolite. And she always hogged Remus when Sirius wanted to have a one-on-one conversation with him. Apparently, Miss Tonks didn't understand the meaning of "butting in" or interrupting a private conversation. Though Sirius had an excellent prank in store for her.

"Sirius what's in these things?"

"They're called Christmas crackers, Tonks, you just open them."

"I know that, but what's in them?"

Sirius looked over at Remus. "Did you tell her anything, Moony?"

Remus smiled sheepishly but Tonks answered for him before he could speak. Just like an old wife already, Sirius thought.

"No, he didn't, Padfoot!" she said Sirius' code name with a sarcastic emphasis.

"Then why is she suspicious?" he asked, addressing Remus again and ignoring her.

"Because I wasn't born yesterday, Sirius!"

"That's debatable, what are you fifteen?"

Tonks sent a tap-dancing hex at Sirius, "No, I'm twenty-"

He deflected the hex with minimal effort. He had already amused everyone twice by letting Tonks hex him into dancing like Micheal Flatley in Riverdance.

"Could have fooled me."

He sent a balding hex at her, hitting her square on. Immediately, her multi-coloured tresses fell to the floor like confetti. For a moment, Tonks looked shocked at the heap of her hair on the floor. For the first time, Sirius saw the confident metamorphmagus blush as she felt her bald head with her hands.

"If it helps, I think it makes you look older..." Sirius said but did not have time to finish as a bald Tonks started charging towards him with her wand outstretched. The crazed auror was halted midflight, however, as Ron ignorantly opened one of Sirius' Christmas crackers. In an instance, fireworks as loud as cannons were shooting through the dining room. It was like trying to avoid colourful missiles at close range.

Over the loud noise, someone managed to shout, "Ron, you idiot! I told you not to open it!" He thought it sounded like Hermione. Hermione was usually reprimanding Ron for something stupid he had done. Which was pretty often.

While everyone else scrambled from the room, Sirius ducked underneath the dining table for shelter. It was a long, ancient table made from solid wood as thick as a slab of stone. If there was an earthquake, it would probably be the safest place to seek shelter. Hermione was there at the other end of the table. Apparently, she was the only one smart enough to immediately duck under the table rather than risk being hit by a rocket while fleeing.

Sirius observed her messy locks and disgruntled expression. She did not look happy. He tried to look as innocent as possible as they waited for the fireworks to subside. They both held their ears, hoping they wouldn't go deaf. When the fireworks finally ended after what seemed an eternity, Sirius gave her an apologetic half-smile. Hermione merely raised her eyebrows at him, looking more disapproving than ever. Of him and his pranks.

Sirius felt strangely infuriated.

After the fireworks, the rest of the evening passed by relatively quietly with most of the Order Members flooing back to their houses and Molly taking Arthur back to St. Mungo's. Which left just Sirius, Lupin and Tonks to deal with the gaggle of kids. Unfortunately, Lupin was the only one with an ounce of maturity so it was more like the former professor was babysitting all of them. Including Tonks who had seemed to have forgotten she was an auror who was supposed to protect Harry, not careen around Remus like a giggling schoolgirl.

When Sirius started a broomstick drag race within the house, Remus decided he had enough for a night. He yanked Sirius aside and tried to talk sense to him.

"Sirius, can you stop drinking firewhiskey in front of the kids and act your age! What kind of example are you setting?" Remus whispered furiously.

"Take it easy, Moony, it's Christmas." Sirius said ignoring Remus and looking back at the race as Harry closely followed by the twins and Ron zoomed by on their broomsticks."Look how happy Harry is to show off on a broomstick! He's just like James."

"Need I remind you these are Order headquarters, not a playhouse! What if Dumbledore comes back.."

"I don't give a damn what Dumblesnore thinks, this is still my house-"

"Fine. Have it your way but I'm leaving," Remus said, going towards the fireplace.

"Now, Moony, don't be like that!" Sirius pleaded after him, genuinely upset that his only best friend was leaving him, "What about Tonks, you can't leave me with just her and all these kids. You know how clumsy she is, something bad could happen."

"Sorry Sirius."

Remus disappeared into the flames, leaving him standing by the fireplace.

"Sirius get out of the way!" Harry's voice bellowed from around the corner. Sirius barely ducked in time to get out of the race track as the boys passed by again on their broomsticks.

Damn it, that would've hurt quite a bit if a broomstick had got him in the side.

"Sirius! Are you alright?" Tonks said as she hurried to his side and tried to pull him up by his arm.

"I will be, if you just let me get up on my own," Sirius said as he waved her off him. He didn't want the clumsy witch helping him, she'd probably pull off one of his arms by accident.

"Where's Remus?" Tonks said, spooling a candy-cane coloured lock around her finger.

My wasn't she obvious. The girl was probably already planning her wedding to Remus.

"I don't know," Sirius lied. "I can't imagine why he would take off without you."

Sirius winked at her. He felt like slapping himself for being such a dog but he couldn't help it. He had drunk at least 3 firewhiskeys, which wasn't much but it was enough to rid him of self-respect. Nymphadora was the only viable female in his house, probably the only one that would ever walk in this house...unless Mad-Eye suddenly sprouted a pair of breasts.

"Did you just wink at me?" Tonks asked incredulously.

"What's it to you, wish it were Remus winking at you instead?"

He really deserved a double slap right now. Too bad, Remus wasn't here to stop him. Grumpy old werewolf.

"No, I just assumed COUSIN Sirius," she practically screamed out the word 'cousin'. "That you hated me!"

Nonetheless, her fingers went back to play with her hair which now looked like melted caramel. He did in fact sort of hate her, mostly because she was clumsy and tactless. But could he truly hate the only shaggable chick that would ever walk in his house?

"We're second cousins, once removed," he said soberly.

"What does 'once removed' mean?" Tonks asked intently, as if she were actually seriously considering his offer. "Are you referring to how you were once removed from the family tree?"

"No, but we're practically strangers by pureblood standards, you know Lucius Malfoy married his first cousin, none removed."

"Eww," Tonks said but then she started giggling.

But Remus would hate him for it. Damn cock-blocking bastard.

"You know what, can you just forget I said anything? I'm going crazy here," he said, lifting up the firewhiskey bottle from his jacket pocket.

"Yes!" Tonks said in relief. "I mean, it's not you, but it would have made things incredibly awkward at Order meetings."

She didn't have to explain. The Order meetings were already awkward with Tonks constantly looking at Remus with Remus avoiding looking at her at all costs, while Sirius tried to jinx him with jelly legs under the table. Plus, Sirius was nearly certain now that McGonagall looked over at him once too many times than was necessary.

Sirius and Tonks went back to the living room where the kids had joined together.

"Oi! What are all these presents?" Tonks asked hopefully.

"Last minute presents, courtesy of us" Fred and George said with a flourish. "We felt bad we didn't get anything for anybody, especially after you lot all gave us a good pile."

"Well, I didn't actually get you boys anything," Tonks said. "Course I feel bad about it now!"

"Don't worry, Nymphadora, we got you something anyways!"

"Thanks, but DON'T call me Nymphadora."

The twins handed over a small package to Tonks and a large package to Sirius. Sirius noticed that Ron, Ginny, Harry and Hermione also had beautifully wrapped packages in their hands. Which they were looking at suspiciously after reading the attached cards. Hermione especially was frowning as she read her card and then whispered something to Ron. Ron nodded glumly and then said something to Harry.

Sirius read his card which was attached to a package suspiciously like the size and shape of a life-sized doll: "Dear Sirius, We know a handsome guy like you must be frustrated that you can't go out. So here's something to help you enjoy your time in. P.S. Everyone knows you have the hots for our mom but don't try anything or we'll kill you. Merry Christmas, George and Fred."

Sirius didn't know whether to laugh or feel insulted. He just knew there was no way he was opening this least not in front of the kids.

"Thanks George, that was a nice card you wrote me. It was quite thoughtful," Ginny said.

"Thoughtful?!" Ron said in disgust. "My card says, 'Hey little Ron, you can be a right turd sometimes, Merry Christmas, George and Fred. P.S. Don't open this package inside or it might explode.' "

Several people, including Harry and Sirius, stifled a laugh.

"Did you hear that George? We got him a present and he's complaining!"

"I don't remember him getting us presents!" Fred said.

"Like hell I'm going to believe this actually contains a broomstick," Ron protested, though the longing look on his face betrayed that he was still contemplating opening the package which looked temptingly like the shape of a broomstick.

"I believe the correct words are 'thank you' when someone gives you a present Ron," Fred lectured his younger brother.

"Oh shove it!" Ron growled.

"Ungrateful git."

"Don't expect anything next year."

"My card is addressed from Frorge and Gred..." said Tonks, toying dangerously with the bow, "but I agree with Ginny, the card was thoughtful."

Sirius rolled his eyes. He could only imagine what the twins must've wrote.

"...No, it is!" Tonks persisted. "They wrote that they appreciate the role I played in helping save their father's life."

"I appreciate it too," said Ginny emotionally. "We won't ever forget it, Tonks...You're like family now."

Tonks's eyes were beginning to water as were Ginny's.

"Yak, yak, yak, will you girls open your presents already?"

"Yeah, we don't want you crying all over your nice new gifts," Fred quipped, before winking at his twin. "Save the waterworks for New Years."

Tonks and Ginny were about the open their presents when Hermione yelled at them to stop as if they were about to open a bomb.

"Hey, what's your deal?" said George and Fred in mock offended tones. "You have a gift too."

"These are obviously NOT gifts, they're pranks," Hermione said, referring to her package which looked innocently like a wrapped up book.

"Ouch! Where's your yultide spirit?" George said.

"Yeah? Me and George spent time picking out presents for you ungrateful lot."

"The card you wrote me was shamefully insulting and I plan on throwing it out unopened!" Hermione stammered, her cheeks blushing.

"That's a shame, you could really use what's in there," said Fred innocently.

"I DO NOT NEED WHAT YOU SAID I NEED IN THAT CARD!" Hermione screamed before throwing the package in the fire and running from the room.

"What's her deal?" said Fred

"Yeah? Ginny and Tonks said our cards were thoughtful!" George said.

"What exactly did you say in the card?" asked Harry in concern.

Harry's question was never answered as Tonk's opened her present. For a split second, they all breathed a sigh of relief because it appeared to be a musical box. Until she winded it up and it exploded in a loud bang of red and green slime that began to sing Christmas carols in elvish. The slime was sticky and hard to get rid of but everyone couldn't help laughing. Everyone except Hermione who had long left.

Sirius found himself annoyed once more by the Gryffindor bookworm. Hermione had good sense but did she have to be so uptight and condescending? Of course, a present from Fred and George was bound to be a joke or jinxed. But would it kill anyone? No. Would it make them laugh? Yes. Would it make for a memorable Christmas? Again, yes. But some people couldn't take a joke could they?



a/n - oh dear, that doesn't like a good idea sirius! Happy ho-ho-ho holidays XD

Also if you liked this story, I also wrote a short little ficlet "A Ronks Christmas"

thank you