The thing about surrendering to the Honor Guard is that everyone involved gets arrested until further trial, and Ezra had been standing upright when they stormed the room.

Kanan realized this a second too late, distracted by Hera trying to throttle Chopper as the Honor Guard surrounded them. One grabbed Ezra's arm, jerking him to his feet with a harsh jerk and Kanan believed in picking certain battles but just the sight of it made the edges of his vision go blurry and red.

"Hey!" Kanan protested moving forward to intercept the two of them, heart constricting painfully when he realized that Ezra was being arrested; that he was going to go down with the rest of them.

Someone caught Kanan easily, holding him in place even as he strained forward. They had an excellent grip, and the only way he would be able to break free would be if he did something to make their situation worst.

"What're you doing?" Hera demanded, having realized that something wasn't right as green eyes flickered to Ezra and the figure holding him upright, "You can't arrest him. He's just a kid."

"He pledged himself to the Republic and Jedi Order. He's not a kid," the guard supplied as Ezra blinked owlish blue eyes at them before bending his head back to look at the figure holding him. The pieces seemed to be falling together slower than it should have.

That concerned Kanan as he strained forward just to be closer to his padawan, but he saw the exact moment it all clicked in Ezra's head as the kid blinked once more.

"You're arresting me," Ezra said obviously, "Just my luck."

"We're arresting all of you," the guard declared holding Ezra a little more tightly, "Let the council sort all of you out, and you better pray they don't find you guilty of all the laws you've broken."

Ezra's eyebrows furrowed together as he muttered slowly, "Broken laws?"

Expressive blue eyes flashed to Kanan as the kid's face melted into a frown. Kanan offered his best carefree smile as he shrugged, trying to emit a sort of confidence he didn't quite believe in. If they were arresting Ezra- who's literally done nothing- than him and Hera were doomed, and they'll probably sell Chopper for scraps.

The door opened before anything else could be said (thank goodness) and the familiar figure of Zeb walked in. His shoulders were squared and his face was an expressionless mask, but Kanan could feel his relief. Kanan knew he owed Zeb more then he'd ever be able to repay, if not for him then he'd never get this far and Ezra would eventually be lost to him.

"What're you doing?" was the first thing out of Zeb's mouth, green eyes locked on Ezra and the guard holding him upright.

The guard opened his mouth but Ezra was quicker, "They're arresting us for broken laws. You always did say that if I wasn't careful then I'd end up in more trouble than I could handle. Guess this makes you right."

Zeb's eyes hardened slightly, easy to miss if one wasn't studying his face as hard as Kanan.

Kanan was at the point where he no longer cared what happened to him, but he needed for Ezra to get out of this.

"No. You're not," Zeb snapped as he strolled over to them and practically ripped Ezra out from his grasp. The kid stumbled but managed to stay upright, confused expression seemingly permanently etched on his face.

"What are you doing?" the other guard demanded, angry that his authority was being questioned but Kanan knew Zeb was one of the more respected in the bunch, which was fortunate for the rest of them as it seemed he was the only one on their side.

"He's not a prisoner," Zeb replied, voice low and throaty as he tensed like he was waiting on a physical challenge; Ezra stood behind him, blocked by Zeb's large form.

"But I-" Ezra protested, reaching out to grab onto Zeb's arm as his eyes found Kanan's, "I don't want to be separated from Kanan."

The kid must be seriously confused if he was admitting that out loud, but he looked so young and breakable that Kanan yearned to be able to reach out and hold the kid. He supposed torture could do that to someone.

Zeb turned to open his mouth, hopefully to protest, when a louder voice spoke from the doorway, "Ezra Bridger."

Ezra jumped, spinning to see who had spoken his name. The hold on Kanan lessened as the guard holding him, as well as the rest in the room, went to bow in respect. Kanan caught Hera's eye who shrugged. She seemed as confused as he did, which offered no comfort.

Ezra just scrunched his face in a thoughtful expression as he asked, "Do I know you?"

Zeb backhanded the back of Ezra's head, earning a sharp noise along with an angry scowl. The figure in the doorway, dressed like he belonged in the Honor Guard except bigger in statue, just gave a soft chuckle as the corners of his mouth twitched upwards in what could be classified as a smile.

"No and for that I apologize," he claimed and his voice sounded like steel, "I believe I'm the one who declared you a lost cause after your initial capture. I didn't think you'd make it very long, having heard rumors of the torture techniques they used on their prisoners. I see now that I was wrong."

"Wrong about their torture?" Ezra asked slowly, eyes glossing over before he shook his head like he could force the memories out that way.

"No. Wrong about you," he explained, "You're not weak."

"Ah jeez, thanks and all but what's going to happen now?" Ezra demanded and his eyes flittered over to Kanan and he realized that the kid was worried about him.

That seemed wrong.

"I believe that you're friends are going to have to face trial. I wouldn't worry so much about that, though, they were acting out on what they believed was for the greater good."

Ezra scowled even as something shoved at Kanan's backside, and he was forced forward. He didn't miss the end of the conversation before the door hissed closed behind them though.

"Was it, for the greater good?"

"We'll see."


Kanan was pacing, has been since they tossed the three of them in the makeshift cell and it was starting to irk Hera. It probably didn't help that she was still ticked that Chopper sold the three of them out for their own good.

She recalled the tremors from where the Honor Guard had attacked the Inquisitors' base, of how it seemed to startle the rest of them into defensive mood and she knew that might be the only reason they were able to survive. That and Kanan's obnoxious habit of needing to rescue everyone and make sure they were okay.

"Can you stop pacing?" she demanded from the spot in the corner she settled in, stuck watching the Jedi trace his steps back and forth. Back and forth.

It was making her dizzy.

Kanan stopped, hand resting under his chin instead as he murmured, "Sorry. I just- I never considered what would happened after we rescued Ezra."

"Yeah. Well. Thanks to Chopper we were captured," she replied tersely, turning a narrowed glare at the droid in question.

He didn't seem concerned. He didn't even seem fazed, and Hera wondered if Chopper knew something she didn't.

Kanan dropped his hand to his side as he gazed towards the door they'd entered through and apologized, "I'm sorry for dragging you down with me. Through all of it I never once considered that this could very well be an outcome. I guess I was just convinced that once I got Ezra back everything would be okay."

"Don't apologize for your emotions love," Hera said, leaning back against the wall.

What's felt like forever ago they were in a similar position in Jabba's palace. This time felt different, though, it almost felt right.

Hera tried not to think about that too much.

Kanan chuckled darkly from where he stood as he replied in a low tone, "I guess you're right. I am sorry, though. I was just so desperate to save Ezra that I didn't stop to consider that I was dragging you down with me."

Hera shifted slightly, trying to work the hard cramp in between her shoulder blades, before she responded in a berating tone, "Don't give yourself so much credit. I'm pretty sure I was at the very bottom before you swooped in and drug me along this insane rescue mission of yours."

Kanan chuckled again but didn't reply.

The silence that settled between them was tense and made Hera want to fidget. It was a startling feeling- having been captured enough times and not even bothered batting an eye- and she realized that everything's changed. Kanan's changed everything.

"I guess since we're probably going to be locked away for a very long time now would be the perfect opportunity to get any regrets off your chest," Hera spoke up, hating the silence and the implications it provided.

"You still trying to find out about my past?" Kanan somewhat joked but he turned to her and his eyes didn't seem as hard as they had the other times she broached the subject.

Hera shrugged, going for nonchalant, as she replied, "We all have pasts love. I'd hate for you to go down thinking you were the only Jedi that ever had one."

"The only flaw in that is that you're not a Jedi," Kanan pointed out and it didn't come out like he was trying to be condescending- to him it was the truth.

Hera just shrugged again as she supplied, "Would you believe me if I told you that I never wanted to be a bounty hunter?"

Kanan blinked at the shift before he asked curiously, "What changed?"

"Nothing. Everything. My home was pretty much destroyed, and a lady has to survive somehow. When I was little, though, I dreamt of being a pilot," Hera explained as the skeletons of a smile touched her lips.

Kanan gave her a gentle smile as he replied, "You're a good pilot. One of the best I've seen in a long time."

"Yeah. Well. Running from the law trains you to be the best because if you're not then you get caught and it's all over," Hera brushed off before she added with a hard expression, "and from everything I've seen, everything you've put me through, I'd say that you're one of the best men I've ever seen."

Kanan released a soft airy breath as he asked with a raised eyebrow, "Just a man? Not a Jedi?"

Hera pursed her lips as she explained tensely, "The thing about that is that I'm not the biggest fan of the Jedi or their stupid little Republic. I do, however, care about you and I have no idea why or how it had happened."

"Thanks," Kanan said, "That means more to me than I ever thought it would."

"No problem," Hera hummed before she flashed him another smile, "and I know the feeling is mutual. After all, you did risk everything to come back for me and I appreciate that. I just wished it could've ended differently for us."

Kanan crossed his arms over his chest as he settled against the wall across from Hera and replied, "You'd be surprised. For the first time in a long time I've got a good feeling about this."

Hera just frowned at him, and neither one of them spoke again until the ship had stopped moving and the door to their prison slid open as two of the Honor Guard walked in.

"We're here," one of them announced ominously, and Hera and Kanan shared one last glance before they were escorted out of the room.


Ezra had been cleared almost instantly, no one willing to stand up and claim that the kid had done something wrong. Kanan got the eerie feeling that some of them did but were wise enough to understand that claiming existing was a crime.

Kanan was relieved, of course, but the downside was that Kanan's yet to see him since arriving and he hadn't been able to spend enough time with him to shake the sick feeling that's settled since the kid's initial disappearance.

"He'll be fine. He's a strong kid," Hera reassured him from where she stood at his side- tall and proud and everything Kanan once thought she wasn't.

"I know," Kanan responded almost instantly, eyes going glassy and vacant as he thought of the bright eyed boy that's changed so much inside of him before he added softly, "Torture is still torture, though, regardless of how strong you are."

Hera pursed her lips but didn't respond as the room slowly filled with the members of the council. As they passed they would squint their eyes at him, like he had betrayed them all when he ran off to save his padawan. He knew, in many ways, he had but he didn't regret doing it.

"Kanan Jarrus," Mace Windu announced as he straightened his spin and squinted at him impassively before his eyes shifted over and he continued, "Hera Syndulla. You two are currently under trial for breaking a dangerous fugitive free, blowing up a very angry Hutt's ship on Tatoonie and threatening our treaty with him, and destroying an entire cantina. Did I leave anything out?"

"I think you forgot rescuing a missing padawan," Hera piped in, earning a hard scowl she easily matched evenly.

"Despite orders otherwise," Windu added, glaring back at Kanan like he had been the one challenging him; Kanan didn't mind that much, knowing he deserved it.

"I think we should also keep in mind that he did succeed and rescued Ezra Bridger, who is but a child," Ahsoka piped in heedless of the sour glances passed her way.

No one ever really bothered her in things like this though and he couldn't help but feel like that had something to do with her relations with Obi Wan. The same with Anakin, who'd put everything on the line when he fell in love. It was moments like this that Kanan missed his master the most.

"A child that may not be worth the new trouble these two have caused," Windu added and it wasn't spoken with any hint of bitterness. He was just stating facts.

"Every child is worth it," Ahsoka snapped, emotion clouding her tone and Kanan wanted to tell her to stop helping before she made a bigger fool of herself then she already had so far.

"Miss Tano please. There's no room for emotion in this. Kanan Jarrus broke the law when he freed this woman from her prison," Windu reminded harshly, eyes swerving around to narrow on the strong headed Jedi.

Ahsoka looked like she was about to protest before she thinned her lips against her face and nodded several jerky nods. Her head bowed back into submission as Windu returned his attention back to Kanan and Hera.

"What if I told the council that I had tricked Kanan into freeing me?" Hera asked and Kanan turned to gawk at her.

Her face was set in a steely expression, completely ready to take the fall for both of them. Kanan didn't want that to happen. He didn't want to bury her in his own mistakes.

"We know that's not what really happened," Windu shot down almost instantly with a shake of his head and heavy sigh, "Everything Kanan had done he'd done on his own free will."

"So I guess we're back at the beginning," Hera huffed, shoulders drooping.

"I suppose so," Windu agreed with a nod before he added almost as an afterthought, "and there is the matter of Ezra Bridger we need to discuss. Why did those people want him? He's safe now, resting in the MedBay, but we should consider rather or not they were able to turn him. It wouldn't be the first time."

"If you're going to trial us for treason then do it," Kanan snapped, the mention of Ezra pushing something he tried so hard to keep buried, "and you don't need to worry. Ezra Bridger isn't going to turn."

Windu leaned backwards, legs folded over each other as he said thoughtfully, "Treason, huh? That's a serious offense. Do you feel like that's what you've committed?"

Kanan scowled, recognizing the fact the council was trying to bury them with Kanan's own words. It was a dirty tactic and not one they ever seemed to favor before.

"Treason committed you did not," Yoda spoke up and it was like the whole room froze, eyes shifting over to where the older Master sat crossed legged and thoughtful.

Kanan actually felt the urge to bow. He swallowed, suppressing the feeling.

"Master Yoda-" Windu started but Yoda silenced him with a single look before continuing.

"The disappearance of Ezra Bridger meant to start a war it did not," Yoda explained, "Kanan and Hera rescued him, they did."

"I think what the master is trying to say," Anakin filled in as he focused on Kanan, "That they hadn't done it in an act of war. They did it because somehow they knew before the rest of us that Ezra is special. Ezra is really special."

"How so Skywalker?" Windu demanded and it was no secret that Windu held no love for the younger male but he seemed to respect him well enough.

Anakin's eyes shifted over everyone in the room before he swallowed and shook his head, "We don't know. We do know, however, that Kanan was just protecting his own. Any one of us would've done the same thing."

"What are you-"

"Perhaps not the exact same," Obi Wan interrupted, one of the few who could interrupt Windu without any serious consequences, "but he does have a point. Ezra is one of our own. We should've kept him safe when we had the chance and none of this would've happened in the first place."

"Fair point Master Kenobi," Windu sighed turning dark eyes to Kanan, waving his hand as he announced, "You may go. We will discuss the matter further another time, but for the moment go to your padawan. Hera Syndulla, stay behind."

Kanan swallowed, turning to glance at Hera. She smiled and nodded, urging him to leave and though it went against every instinct he had he did.

The door shut closed behind him, emitting an ominous tone in the nearly empty walls.


"Any word on the trial yet?" Sabine demanded almost instantly, wringing her hands tightly as bright expressive eyes peered up at him.

Zeb sighed, shaking his head as he offered, "All I know is that they let Kanan go. I think since this is his first strike they'll just place him under watch and hope he doesn't screw it all up."

"That's good though, right?" Sabine asked conflicted between relief and confusion, "Or are we siding with bounty hunters as well?"

"That's what has me concerned. Kanan seems to care for her, and she has yet to leave the council. And if I had to harbor a guess then I'd say they'd let her go if she stuck close by and acted as an informant," Zeb explained and Sabine snorted across from him.

"A snitch?" she demanded incredulously, "Do you think she will?"

"I'm not sure," Zeb admitted slowly, "but for some reason I hope she does."

Sabine stared at him for a long moment, saying nothing, before she flashed a mischievous grin and nodded. Anyone who helped fight to get Ezra back couldn't be as bad as their reputation proceeded them to be.


News travelled fast, which was funny considering most of the details would often get blurred with its swiftness. By the time Hera found her way to Chopper she was certain everyone in the temple knew the council had freed her from all charges- even the ones that had nothing to do with her journey with Kanan.

Everyone, that is, except Chopper.

In his defense, he had been distracted.

As soon as he saw her he started whirring quickly and it took her a second before she realized he was trying to tell her something. Something urgent. She blinked in surprise, before narrowing her expression in thought.

"Whoa. Slow down Chops. Start over. Back from the beginning."


Hera found him by one of the overlooks where he had settled, gazing out at the ocean of semi-familiar faces and he's never once thought before that he'd be so thankful to watch them bustle around with an air of self-importance.

They had a galaxy to protect, after all.

Not to mention they could all sense a new war starting. It was like a bitter taste behind their teeth, starting an urgency that had been absent before.

"Hey," he greeted whenever Hera suddenly appeared at his side, crossing her arms over the banister Kanan was peering over.

Her entire appearance seemed to vibrate with a sort of uneasy, in a way that made her seem like she didn't know the whole reason on why just yet. Only that she needed someone to confront it all in and since she hadn't made a habit of making friends of those who resided inside these halls then she was stuck with him.

"The council let you go?" Kanan asked instead, watching her frown slightly.

"Under certain conditions," Hera explained carefully, "like informing them of the whereabouts of most of my employers."

"What'd you tell them?"

"That I don't know where most of them are, but I think I found something. Or, rather, Chopper did," Hera spoke and Kanan figured that if Chopper found it then it was important and relevant.

"And you haven't told them yet because?" Kanan asked with a tilt of his head as he watched her expression sour as she frowned sharply.

"Because I don't know the whole implication of it just yet," Hera said, "It's the Phantom Dealer. He's issued another bounty."

A chill crept down Kanan's spine as he felt the sudden urge to rush and make sure his padawan was okay. The fact that Hera still seemed confused informed him that this time it wasn't about Ezra so he forced himself to relax. Forced himself to calm down so they can run down the situation together.

"Was something different about this one?" Kanan prodded logically.

Hera nodded, lips thin, as she explained, "It's a hit. For some reason he wants them dead."

"Oh kay," Kanan murmured before asking, "Did you recognize the name? Was it someone important?"

Hera's frown deepened as she shook her head and responded, "I only sort of recognized the name. It's not the person I thought it was and I'm not sure there's even a connection between them and Ezra."

Something about the way she answered unsettled Kanan's gut as he turned to her and demanded, "Who was it?"

Hera shrugged once more before answering, "Skywalker. Luke Skywalker."


Yes, my dear readers, this marks the ending of the first story and if I'm completely honest I'm not sure when the second one will come though I can say from what I've gathered so far that it'll involve much more of our favorite characters from the original trilogy which is pretty fantastic as I love the Rebels but I LOVE the idea of them interacting with the original heroes.

Some thoughts, thanks to all those who've liked or reviewed this story. None of this would've been possible without you and each of you are very dear to me. This story would perhaps never have ended without your kind words and great feedback and I want you all to know that you each hold a very dear place in my heart.

Until next time, may the force be with you. Always.